f Weâltly R«iU»n* metallic nature W a mineral dejvait eitets in vein or lode formation - that ia to May--if it be In place in the general mass of the mountain—it ta whether the mineral it beat a be me­ tallic or non-metallic, subject to the provisions of the lode mining laws. Phosphate rock, between well de­ fined boundaries, constitutes a lode or vein of mineral Irearing rock in place within the general mass of the mountain, and hence is subject to disposition under the provisions of the lode mining laws. Where rights asserted under an alleged mining location! all the nec essary steps, aside from the making and recoiding of the location certi tied, where such is required, must, when contested, be established by proof outside of the recitals of such certificate. Without such proof, the certificate possesses no probative force or effect. Total 46.76 9 oR 7 14 » 79 5*7 1 66 2.71 0.17 1.22 4 3’ ’•75 10.69 6.60 55-05 » Frightful Polar Winds. Still Opposite the Post Office PHONE 514 The Job of Barn $100 Per Plate. was paid at n banque t to Henry Clay, in New Orleans in 1842. Mighty costly for those with stomach trouble or indigestion. To day people evert where use Dr. Kings New Life Pills for these troubles as well as liver, kidney and bowel dis­ orders. Easy, safe, sure Only 25 cts at all druggists. Bandon Hardware Co Repair Shop. Save $35.00 to $65.00 by Buying Regular $105.00 Repair work, tinning and plumb­ Typewriters Slightly Used ing done’with dispatch and satis­ faction guaranteed. Anyone having work in these lines, leave orders at Sam Barrows’ bicycle shop. K»o-t2 People Should Guard Against Appendicitis, ♦ _______ __ Bandon people who have stomach and bowel trouble should guard against appendicitis by takii g simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-i-ka, the German appendicitis remedy. A single dose relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation, instantly because this simple mixture antisepticizes the digestive organs and draws ofi the impurities. C. Y. Lowe. Painting is one yon don’t w ant to do any oftener than yon can help. Use our famous Barn and Elevator Paint and you will have a color that will de­ fy wind and weather longer than any other paint made. \ on don't have to believe it Ask us for the names of those w ho can prove it. Harnessing the For Hydro-Electric Power. '^1 Lore J Boyle’s Jewelry Store MU Jan Feb Mar Apri' May June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov Dec. blow with terrific force at the far north and play havoc with the skin, causing red, rough or sore chapped hands and lips, that need Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to heal them. It makes the skin «•.oft and smooth. Unrivaled for cold-sores, also burns, boils, sores, ulcers, cuts, bruises ami Mississippi piles. Only 25 cents at all druggists. Olympic Games, in three reels. Much hat, been written about the 1 Giaml theatre, Saturday, Jan. 25. harnessing of the Mississippi at Keo­ [ Mis. A. W. Stuart arrived on the kuk for the hydro electric generation i Breakwater from Seattle. Wash., to for 200,000 hp., but it has been Olympic Games in three reels. join her husband, Mr. Stuart, fore­ difficult to impress the fact upon man in the R ecorder office. Thev people that some of the things done Grand theatre, Saturday, Jan 25. in this undertaking are bigger than W anted —Position by long ex­ have taken housekeeping rooms at the same kind ot things at Panama. perienced nurse. Address R. B the Western Home. The February Popular Mechanics Guild, Bandon, The Unique is now open as a first Magazine states that the dam that The interior of C. Y. Lowe's class restaurant, bakery and dele- now harnesses the Mississippi is drug store is being treated to new catessen store. All kinds of home the biggest of its kind in the world, paper and paint, E. B. Fish is do- cooking at reasonable prices. Op­ the power house is the biggest ever ing the work. site Rosa’s store.—F. D. Mever,- built, and the lock which the gov­ qi-tf 16th, betwe< n Proprietor. L ost —January ernment required the engineers Mast’s store and Twomile, a straw F E. Allen of Marshfield is in to build around the dam is bigger valise Finder please leave same Bandon today calling on his eus- than those of the Panama Canal, anti at Bob Hunt's and leceive reward. tomers. the drydock alongside is large 6t2 enough to accomadate practically all When you want a reliable medi­ E. H. Cheever was up from Lang the steamboats that were navigating cine for a cough or cold take Cham­ the upper Mississippi last fall, lois on business Thursday. berlain's C >'tgh Renedy. It can The Gatlin lock at Panama is II your children are subject to always be depended upon and is attacks of croup, watch for the first pleasant and safe to lake. For sale considered an exceptionally big en­ gineering achievement of its kind, symptom hoarseness. Give Cham­ by C. Y, Lowe. yet the Keokuk lock is just as wide berlain’s Cough Remedy as soon as ( no ft ) and has a lift 40 ft, where E. G Cassidy, G. R. McNair and and the the child becomes hoaise as the lift at Panama is 28 ft 4 in. Donald MacKintosh were all Co ­ attack may be warded ofi. For sale quille I usiness visitors Tuesday the steel gates at the lower end by C. Y. Lowe. of the dock weigh 1,000,000 lb aflernoon and Wednesday, W. E Catterlin is up Iront the each, and are so thick tnat two Star Ranch today on business. Mrs. R. A. Tabor, ofCrider, Mo. wagons could pass each other on the had been troubled with sick head­ F or S ale —Cheap, nearly newl lop edge. A number of interesting 3‘i inch wagon. Apply at Catterlin ache for about five years, when she views accompany the article. began taking Chamberlain’s Tablets. & Le Gore’s store. io2tf Mrs. O. A. Kelley, of Riverton She has taken two bottles ot them Notice and they have cured her, Sick was a Bandon visitor Wednesday. headache is caused by a disordered W anted —To buy fresh milk cow, stomach for which these tablets are I wish to lease a dairy ranch in Jersey preferred, address Box 612 especially intended. Trv them, get Bandon, Ore. 4H well and stay well. Sold by C. Y. creamery district, everything com plete except team. Would like from Lowe. Olympic Games, hi three reels 15 to 30 cows, rent to be paid by The Tillamook was in the first of division of income from dairy. Can Grand theatre, Saturday, Jan. 25. the week. She brought in 164 tons furnish good reference. Address F. Don’t miss seeing the Olympic of freight and went out with a cargo S, Williams, Bandon, Ore. 3tSx Games in three reels Saturday, consisting of 300 cases of cheese, 82 January 25th. bundles of splints, and three tons of P. Langdale and wile are ep from miscellaneous. Notice. Port Orford today looking alter S. R. Steele is representing the State of Oregon, ) business afiairs. Curtis Publishing Co., The Ladies : ss An extremely exclusive gentleman Home Journal, Saturday Evening County of Coos, ) who refuses to permit the average Post, alul Country Gentleman. Each I. Chris Richert and Charles citizen to pollute the sacred pre publication $1.50 a year. He Ricnert, being first duly sworn de­ cincts of his fashionable home is en­ would be glad to send in your sub titled to at least one consideration; scription or renewal. Phone 313. 92 pose and say, and each for himself says, and we collectively and join ly he should be furnished with an abun­ Next Thursday night the Bandon do hereby pledge ourselves if at the dance of cold water out of the fire­ lodge of Moose will take a big class Road Meeting to he held in Road man’s hose. of candidates, a large portion ol district Number 19, Coos County, New orders of bicycle repairs o which will come from Coquille. The Oregon, on the 31st. day of January. all kinds constantly arriving. Will Bandon Moose are very active and 1913, the voters at such meeting take orders for bicycles of any kind. their Io Ige is growing in strength shall vote to open the Bandon Lang­ 9Otf S. D. B arrows . all the time. lois Township Line County Road J F. Lowery and wife were pp and vote eight (8) mills for the from Gold Beach Wednesday. The Horticultural Fire Reliefo opening and improving the same, Oregon will save you money on that we will put in a bid to grub Taxes due Feb. 1, 1913; 3 per cent rebate to March 16: penalty you: insurance. Investigate before and clear said road from the point and interest after April 7, 1913 insuring.— Roy Morgan, agent, Col of beginning four (4) miles South 97- tf Send list of property on which you quille, Ore to a width of sixty (60) feet and will desire to pay taxes to W. W. Gage. E. G. Cassidy was a business giade said road from the point of Sheriff. 5-18 F visitor to Marshfield the latter part of lieginning to a point four (4) miles South, to a width of thirty (30) Before buying an automobile call last week. feet, and put in all culverts neces­ on, or write L. Strong <& Son Persons troubled with partial sary to drain the road (pioviding Myrtlp Point, Ore. for information paralysis are often very much bene­ and price of the celebrated Mitchell fited by massaging the affected parts the County furnish lhe Inumber) 1913 err. Nothing like it, the best thoroughly when applying Chamber and put in a ditch on both sides for on wheels, in fact a road locomotive Iain's Liniment. I’his liniment also drainage for the sum of four thou­ sand )$4,ooo.oo)Idollars. in place of a horseless carriage. relieves rheumatic pains. For sate C has . R ichert W anted —Position as night by C. Y. Lowe. C hris . R icher ! watch. Apply at this office. 2tf H. F. Morrison left on the Eliza­ Subscribed and sworn to before W anted —Draught horse, one beth for Lovelock, Nevada where me this 24th day of January* 1913. weighing ¡600 of 1700 pounds. he will visit his brother, Dr. Morri­ G eo . P. T opping , Must be over eight years old. Gsof son and will look into some mining Notary Public for Oregon. W. M oore Lumber Co. 964 propositions. 7-tax £ Local lf has filed in the County Court of Coos and State of Oregon, her final account in The Bandon Bakery lhe mailer of Geo. W. Rea, deceased and lhal the honorable John F. Hall has appointed Monday March 3. 1913 al the court house in Coquille City as the lime and place for hearing ob|f theestate of Geo. W Rea, deceased. Jan. 21-Feb. 18». • > • - • 1