s I * 2 Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, January 14, 1913 SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON RECORDER Notice of Readvertisement for Bids for the Improve­ ment of Eddy Street. From Wolves to Automobile«. Just why u big crop should be called a "bumper" crop nobody seems to 1 know, but anyway we have It. All the Published Every Tue »jay and Frilay by tne Recorder Publishing Company newspapers say eo. The department Eiilnre > at the liaw Ion Pu.tetHen at Heuend.Clast Matter. of agriculture estimates that the grain yield this year is the largest In the na- C. E. KOPF, Managing Editor. tlon's history. Although we have not adopted scientific farming to the ex­ Nnbr.criptiuB, 11 Sfl par Year in AU »ance. Advertising Rates Made Kuown tent we should, we are making prog­ an Application. Jub Printing a .Specialty ress. The crop reporting board has this to say of the outlook: OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF BANDON -I"" commits suicide goes wrong twice and the last wrong is etttire.y too permanent. Lower Taxes. given: Notice is hereby Council of the City of That the Common Coos County Bandon, bids receive sealed will Oregon, until 7:30 o clock p. tn. of the I Sth day of January 1913, for the improvement of Eddy street in the Fisher addition to Bandon, Oregon, from the south north the •f Fourth street, to The showing made by the corn crop la particularly favorable. Its condition on Sept. 1 wee 8X1 as compared with 80 0 on Aug. 1 and 70.1 on Sept. 1 of last year. The indicated yield of corn Is 209.000,000 bushels larger than that shown tn the figures of a year ago and 08,000.000 bushels above the record crop of 1906. The Indicated yield of both spring and Winter wheat la 69,000.000 bushels larger than the actual harvest ot last season. The Indicated yield of oats—viz, 1,290,- 100,000 bushels—Is 867,000,000 bushels larger than the 1911 crop. This year Is also expected to produce bumper crops ot white potatoes, barley, rye and buckwheat. The potato yield, estimated at 398.000.000 bushels, exceeds tlie bumper crop ot 1909 by 9.000.000 bush­ els and last year's short crop by ltS.'XMl- 300 bushels. The yield of rye promises to be about 3.000 bushels larger than the rec­ ord crop ot 1910. that of buckwheat about kll.OvO bushels greater than the 1910 record and of flax almost up to the record made In 1901 line I ne Eighth of street, according to the plans and specifications I as prepared by the city . improvement for said engineer, of the City of Bandon and which are ' now on file in the office of the city recorder • of , said city, and open to the inspection of all per- | method of making synthetic rubber had been discovered and that the ar­ Foolish people often mistake br« it, ihe ;igit«- and labor necessary (or the efficient and ¡»roper able nt almost any price The S|M*aker was Dr. Curl I>ulsls'rg. tiou agaiust »peu* I privilege i> most grading ot street, the coiistiuciioQ of wooden an eminent chemist and president of a onbs, and the construction of Jx foot wide rediculoiis. large color works at Elberfeld. Ger wiMnlen sidewalks on each side of street, and ih ninny Of th»’ future of synthetic rub A popular xe tin«de man is al* hs construction ot crosswalks. ker he snld: geurious enough to give the Bids will be received iu accordance w.th the “You may have received the Impres­ above specificalio.is as refei red to for the stree credit t» bis wile. sion that the problem of preparing this I complete as follows: rubber—understand that It Is renl rub­ Did you ever bear ot a president Bn.e |*i ,ul.K’ »aid ol cariti ei< arabo». I ber and not a sulistltiite for rublier— ot 1 lie Uuiled States or a Governor 2. Prie« par lineal loot ol curbing. had be»'U solvvd Yet If you ask me whose wile was not beautiful and 1, Pi’«.-. |*r lineal fool ol Six foot wide to answer you honestly and truly accomplished? sidewalk. when synthetic rubber will bring the millions which prophets see In Its ex­ 4. Pm« prrl itesi fool »I ciouwalli». Riel» men keep idling us tbat i( Blanks ior biJcici. will I m fiirsuhed by the ploitation I must reply Hint I do not is hard to stand prosperity, City Engineer upou applicati«»» «rd no bid» know. but we contend llui it is harder to "The stone Is rolling, mid we will will be considered that are not made out on suud poverty. see to It that It reaches Its destination aaiJ blanks. Bids must be accompanied with a certified The end In view Is this. Hint nrtlflcinl Tbe ¿'»ordered braiu ol fuller or rubber may soon play ns Important n check payable Io the City of Bandon, for a sum mother keeps the household in a role In the markets of the world as • ¡ual to S per cent of the t«Ual bid as a guai great 1 oiVusion, aud the y their friend» yet we think there «ra a taw excaptioa» to the rule The girl who goea wrong and any and all bads, cil, made upon the 2nd day January 191 3. I Dated al Bandon, Oregon, this bah day of Jaawa y. I9|3. PublicalMM authorirod ami ami directed by Ov'kaaswe No. 22 3, aa ordinance providing to» the impt overaent ol Cuary stteet. Common Council December passed 4, by the The itIMnnc* from the enrth bn the moon hn« been compiiteli h « ÎMllill mile«, Molimi» like n m-hmlliov'« Iden of the ilietem-e awnj of the ueït »» cation. ¡912. E. B KAUSRUD, Recorder City of Bandon. Jen. M0.14. Tues. ”-3t B I* \URSUD. The New York police nre wsklna np The other dny one of them M<’tn»'ly made an arreet In a «hooting case tfa pinched the uiau who was «hot at Now is the time to Save Money by taking advantage of our Clean-up Sale « Big Reduction in Ladies’ Bags. 25 to 50 per cent Discount on all Dishes and Porcelain Ware, Big Re- duction on all Holiday Goods. at the Bandon Drug Co W. E. Steinhoff The Harness Man es The Finest Line in Coos County Prices right Bandon Power Co Recorder City of Bandon. Lamps, Batteries, Fixtures, Bells Notice for Publication. Department of the U. S. Land Office at Interior. R<»uel»urg, Oregon, General Electrical Supplies November I Sth, 1912. Notice is hereby given that James A. Cope, of wh.v w i ,icn .is a tirsi class restaurant, b.ikirv and dele- Cai"ssen stoic, z\ll kunis <>f lioini cooking at reasonable prices. 1 >p site Rosa's store.—F. I). Meyer,- l’ropi ieior. FRANK GREGORY I he Home Builder FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS and they will lead you to the place where the finest feed can bv had. We have spec­ ial feeds for all kinds of stock from chickens to horses and all the best to be had. This is the store w hose rule is “Ex­ tra quality without extra cost.’’ Central Feed Co Equipped with Wireless S. S. BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME Sails from Portland Wednesdays. Sails from Coos Bay Saturdays. and suit. Confirm Sailings T hrough M. F SHOEMAKER, Agent Band Phone 142 Phone 413 Ask for Frank Oregon 1 31«X)KLYN HE AL 8T WITH or to let the contract to the , lowest respoasible badder. BANDON The said improvement will consist of furnishing i Twenty acres of good level land More Syuthetic Rubber. with creek on, for sale. Apply io A few wee«« ago one of our consuls J N Hosking. stationed In England reported that n Recorder Homemade Philosophy to put a litile money aw ay eve­ ry pay day. Don’t keep it about you and be tempted to spend it. Deposit it in the Bank of Bandon. Then it w ill he safe from temptation to spend and at the same time be earning interest for you. You work for your money. Make your money work for you. sons Interested therein. Here is a reform that is a reior n. all materials, tools, machinery and labor neces' The individual whois disappointed The slat* t«x commission has fixed because things do not turn out as sary for the efficient and proper grading of street the construction of an elevated roadway, the the levy for this year at ¡2 milis. bad as expected is a little too pes- planking of certain parts of roadway, the build­ This is the lowest tax tn the history s'mistic. ing cf bulkheads, the construction of six and ten r>t the state excepting one year, 1859 foot wide sidewalks and the construction of We admire heroes but in c »es it Now let us not overlook the state cross-walks. Bids will be received in accordance with ot the state tax commissi»« in be­ becomes necessary to die in order above specifications as referred to for the street ; stowing praise for wot k well done. to become a beio we perier tc be ex­ complete as follow: Wilson and Bryan and Roosevelt cused; in fact we don't see any sense I. Price per cubic yard of earth excavation . in it. and Deb« a»d Prince whatahisnaine 2. Price per lineal foot of Six loot wide side | ot England are all great met» and Millionaire W. H. Coieo.in en­ Surely we are on tbe up grade, The walks. 3. Price per lineal foot of 1 en foot wide will no doubt save thia old earth for gaged Mis» Anna Dale to -ing to prosperity of the farmer means good us and some of the stars, But the him. Miss Dale sang “Cuddle Up.” times all along the line. The Chicago sidewalk. 4. Price per lineal loot of piling ¡n Place, state tax commission has »aved us Coleman married her and now Anna Tribune recently calk’d attention to 5. Price per IU arid they have saved it right now. If the truth were known it would ago that paper sent Into western Ne­ road in place. Jhe R acg KDKK calls attention to the braska a special writer to report the be discovered lh.it a saucy chikl lias 7. Price pnr 1000 feet fact that the public oltigial who low­ a harrassing parent and, with rare famine. He found everything desert walks in place. ed. "Barns and lofts were empty." er» laxea is a lelnraier. Remem­ 8. Price per 1000 feet of lumber in bulk exceptions the child is not to be the Tribune’s editorial says, "anil the heads in place. ber 11 is the stale tax which is lower­ blamed much ior its impudence. X, remains of farm machinery stood for- Blanks for bidders will be furnished by the ed. We are «i t i» favor of a nig- lorn In the wind swept fields. In one City Engineer upon appl cation an J no bids will Matrimony, like murder, cariies geredly policy of taxation for local farmyard a lone, disconsolate gray be considered that are not made out on said and home development, where the with it the life penalty, our notion wolf slunk shivering away.” blanks. amount is determined by ourselves ef rank inconsistency is to oppose That certainly Is n picture of desola­ Bids must be accompanied with a certified and spent for the education of out divorce and at the same time approve tion. .lust why n wolf so perfectly check payable to the City of Bandon, for a sum children and for good roads and the the pardoning power of the Gover­ symbolizes starvation, famine, want, equal to 5 per cent of the total bid as a guar­ woe and other disagreeable things we antee that the bidder receiving the contract will like. But when the state commi­ nor. do not know, but so It is. and the men within 5 days from the date said contract is ssion loseis taxes throughout the It always makes a rich man sick tlon of the wolf completes the picture awarded by the Council execute a contract in entire slate of Oregon, and fixes a to be called as a witness in a govern­ Now for the other side of the shield. writing to perform the woik according to i lower rate lhau any year since 1*59, ment investigation case and lie has Today there are 30.000 automobiles specifications and upon failure to enter into such we wish to e.x I end our congratula­ no double in getting a certificate owned In Nebraska, one to each forty­ contract by bidder said certified check shall be tions. It seems that the state tax from a prominent physician to that eight Inhabitants "In somp districts." forfeited and considered as liqu.dated damages. Bidder receiving the contract will be required says the editorial, "every, farm Is commission is serving the people «licet. to furnish a bond to the satisfauiiou of the Com­ equipped with one " and we should not forget to give As the wolf Is the syuiliol of desti mon Council. The English suffragette apparent­ credit where credit belongs. Tbe All bids must be filed with the City Recorder ly thinks that the only effective way tiition. so the automobile Is the sljrn total amount raised bv a tax of <.2 of plenty. These two make the cut J of the City of Bandon, Oregon. to attract the attention of their digni­ Common Council reserve« the right to rejec trust complete. mills is $t, 132,214.00 Coos County's fied law makers to the demand of any and all bids, or to let the contract to the share will be $24.811 00 There are the women lor the right to vole, is The police of Purls re;»ort that 34/100 lowest responsible bidder. 30 counties which will not equal Goo» Dated at Bandon, Oregon, this 6th day of to crack them on the head with a ilOlhrelhl« have liven lost ill tlrnt city in the amount raised under this lax. this year. It must have been a rainy January, 1913, by order of the Common Coun brick. Reason in Paris when umbrella« were in Hucb demand. MAKE IT A FIXED RULE Newly Remodeled Modern Equipment Throughout Carries rassengers“and Freight THt: ONLY CENUJNE Arnica Salve* KEF PS FLESH IK TONE FROM S.ht per Ton, $3.00 Makes Regular Eight Day Trips between San ITanrisco and Bandon. SUDDEN X CHRISTENSEN. Owners and Operator» San Francisco, Calif. J. E, WAI.STROM. Agent, Bandon. Ore.