t Wheat Bring« $1000 Bushel. ■4 •♦»»»♦ The Golden Rule Store Christmas Suggestions For practical Christmas Presents, ones that will be useful as well as attrac­ tive and cause the recipient not only to appreciate the good will of the giver but the care shown in its selection. The Golden Rule Store is always in the lead. Here are a few suggestions for Christmas shoppers: Minneapolis Minn., Dec. 11— Joseph P. Nash and Charles Bridg­ man of Clyde Park, Montana, were awarded the $5000 first prise today for the best five bushels of wheat ex­ hibited a^the Northwestern Products Exposition held here in November. The grain was the turkey red va­ nties and was grown in the Shield River Valley, 70 miles north of Yellowstone Park. It went over 60 pounds to the bushel measure and in grading re­ ceived a score of 91 % In the laboratory tests, however, which consisted of milling and bak­ ing, the grain received a score of 4-S.4O-M.T-rrr J Lodge and Professional ■ 1 Directory - ■■ ■ ♦- Lodge, nre requested to nobly th» office on election of officer, and on change of meet.ng night. Card, undts tin. head aie 75c per inch per month. Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. EETS Firrt end Thud Tuuday, ol each M month at 8th run ai the Bandon Wig­ wam. Sojourning Chief, in good .tanding are cordially invited to attend. A. J. Hartman, J. C. Sheiid., C. of R. Sachem. Rebekah CEAN REBEKAH LODGE. No. 126 O I. O. O. F., meet. Tunday night, at I O. O. F. Hall. Transient member, cordially invited. Ada Sfjll. N. G. L. 1. Wheeler, SecreAty. «04 7- w. o. w. Myrtle Point Locals. Keep the log. rolling boy. I SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meet. Frrat and Third Thoraday«. Viaiting Miss Myrtle Berchards and Miss Neighbor. we lo aWtd. Zell« Johnson attended a basket C. M. Gage, G C. H. E. Bonk. Secretary social at Bridge, Saturday night and M haou I c , report a very enjoyable time. andon lodge . N o . bo a . f . & a B orn —Monday December 2nd, M. Stated communication* first Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laird, a after the full moon of each month. Special communication* second Saturday thereafter. son. All Master Mason* cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Garroutte of W. E. Cveine. W. M Bandon, were visiting with friends I*hil Pearson, SeccfltMW in this city last week. Eaatara Star Mrs. J. L. Laird and children re­ CCIDENTAL CHAPTER. No. 45. O. turned home Sunday from a week's E. 3.. meeta Satualay evenmg beiwe and visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. •ha .fated conununicatioa of Muonic Lodge Viaiting rnanber. cordially invited to attend. Ed. Weekley at Bridge. Louiae M. Boyle, W. M Mr, and Mrs. W. F- Cooley re­ Marta Mehl, Secretary. turned home on Monday morning’s 1. o. o. r stage from a three week’s visit in andon lodge N o . 133.1. o. 9. f . rarer, every Wednesday evening. Viaiting eastern Oregon. brother. in good alanduig cordially invited. Contractors Small and Morrisey A. Knopp, N. G. Harry Armatenog, Sac. will suspend work on their street contracts here until after the rainy Kaluhta o< FyWmne season. elphi lodge . no . m . Kuighu of Pythiaa. Mrrti every Monday evening There are several crews ol men at Knight. hall. Vuating knight. invited to working on the railroad now a-days, attend- D.H. Jacluon, C. C. B Ladies’ Neckwear, Auto Scarfs, O Handkerchiefs, Fancy Aprons, Scarfs and Centerpieces, Jewel B Boxes, Table Linen Sets, Men’s D B. N. Harrington K. erience and that it is pleasant and safe to Absolute satisfaction guaranteed Prises reasonable. take. For sale by C. Y. Lowe. V.R. WILSON,Oph. Dr