M i ! >»•<««.I «HP* ,«4, VISIT OUR STORE I st 'iW4 s* *<«« H. «I« L«H N « 1, t* Mnrk VMiHm I» Ban.hin. «nil Im inert the large variety of f i-nd fill jewelry, conritfing of necklace*, sun bur ata, lockets rings and watches« Some of our exclusive designs will par­ ticularly please people wh » count quality of first import­ ance. No ('nw* W -wMnml I. ( i««sMv, gon, *ri isshrsg l«s t*e plat «hareof and rarnnl in rhe rsAre >4 the < f«r* >>♦ «assi Cm«« <*** Sanitary Meat & Grocery on klr > ( »««nsv | C omo **, public audio", to the bidder offering the least am»lit of p.-ir'ty ail iidre.t at 0 right, title interest and e.tate wnich the , 1 I Mae Walker and all persons claimink , ■ ♦ «.-.» I A h— rt IV h !n the st.' 1 lien □aid auesmcrU ha« never been paid nor the 1 use barged, S. R Steele is representing the County, Oregon, delinquent assessments a Curtis Publishing Co., The Ladies assessed by Ordinance No 13k of the Ordi­ nances of the citv of Bandon for the irn- Home Journal, Saturday Evening | provemeiit of . Al . twater .. . ’ water Street in said City in f ost, and Country Gentleman Each : front (,f i.„t No 5, in block No. k, Wood- publication $< 50 a tear. He land Addition to the City of Bandon, in the would b glad to sen I in4 your sub um of >93.35 and assessed to Mae Walker scription or renewal. Phon - 313 > 2t Said a-.-r tnent has never been paid nor tie “There could l>e no better mid Ordi­ nance No. 138 of the Ordinance« of the City of oí Septembe. the Seplembei of gon. delinquent assessments as aweMed by f* W anted — iooo empty s icks a Whereas 01 the -7th par 1909, there was entere i in Central Warehouse. c-t the 27th day I AW, there su entered in the docket of City Liens of the Cay of Bandon. Coo« County, Ore- I 9 City Liens of the on Where«« I Unpaid Street Assessment 1 Now therefore noUce is hereby given that virtue and by of Section 122 of the io pursuance -harter of the City of Bandon, Coo« County, Jregoo, direc Ung me to collect the unpaid «aid to satisfy issessmcnt by «ale of the said projierty .aid lien of $213,20 with interest thereon at the ’ate of 6 per cent per annum from the 27th lay of September, 1909 and penalty togethe with costs of advertising and sale thereof. I wilj >a the 31st day ci December, A. D. 1912, a, | he hour of 2 o'clock p, m , of said day at the root door of the City Hall in the City of Ban- Ion, Coos County, Oregon, sell at public auc­ tion to the bidder offering the least amount ol penalty and interest all of right, title interest and •state which the said Esther Yaeger Mann and all persona claiming under or through may hive in the «aid described property her, mentioned, Lot No. 10. in block No. 3, Woodland Ad­ dition record said Coos n the ofl.ee of the County Clerk of C runly, Oregon. Said sale being made subject to redemption in the n.atter provided by the Charter of the City of Bandon. i Dated this 29th day of November, 1912. Here Y ou Bandonian Y. LOWE, Dr. Smith J. Mann, health of­ I E. M. Sandrlin has an answer t > ficer, leports that he has ex «mined l the Twoiniitf road article in last Eri the sanitary diinking oumains >t davs’s R ecorder . which was sgne 1 the school house and fonrnl them bv a number of citizens onTwoinile. in bad condition. He is making but owing to lack of time and sp i e energetic efforts to see that tins we are unable to publish it today ondition is sp tedily corrected. ut will J > s i next in esdav. Notice For Publication. TRY FOR THAT Department of the Interior, November 18, 1912 Notice is hereby given that John D. of Bandon, Oregon, who on Msrch 12, Section Range 15 west Willamette 9, 1908, ribed, before C. ommissioner, al R. filea Meridian, has yea: final three the land above Wade, Bandon, 30.S. Township make to intention Proof, to establish claim to Pays the Highest Market Price For Cream 36c far Eutter Fat WE PAY ON 1st ANDI 5 th Butler, made Homestead Entry Serial. No. 04443, for amice of Bandon Creamery Company United de- Slates Oiegon, on the 10 lay of January, 1913. Claimant itaakiewiscz, names J R, as witaes.es: Stillwell, R. R. Joseph Davis, '«me* Alumbaugh, all of Bandon, Oregon. B. F. Jones, 4<>v. 22. Jan 3 Register. Academic Method. Peifeet Tone Guaranteed Repairing Box 444 Bandon li «ve you any eye meet Dr. Hermann ! Dec 3rd am! 4th GEO. VV. MOORE LUMBER CO. Phone 171. Orders taken for delivery Department of the Interior. i U. S. Land Office at Ro«eburg, r October 24. 1912. Notice is hereby given that Alvah D. McKay, Dr. Hermann will give you the Madame Mysterouski theOiiental benefit < f his several years practise Fortune teller at the Old School and a high education in the filling I louse Thanksgiving night. of glasses. All work gtt «ranted. At the Hotel Gallier De;. 3rd and 4th. 04146 for NI-2 SWI-4 of Sec. 28 me half acres cleared, balance easy to clear. $1000. Terms. 60 acres of fine bench land, good large house, barn and out buildings. 40 br ad of slock, good young team. 1 good saddle or driving horse, 24 hog», implements and tools $6000 D onald M ai K in T osh ’ Agent, Bandon, Oregon. Attention. Manufacturers of Oregon formed a state wide organization 'luring;« convention in Portland the past week that will, undotibllv, be productive of much good It will stimulate the demand for Oregon made goods. To this end the association will con­ duct a state wide campaign. Crook county won honors at the Minnea) <>lis Land Show, taking the Northern Pacific cap for the Ires' display of forage plants. As thi- was in direct competition with seven northwestern states, it is something to cr«»w over. Oregon farmers giv41 ; good account of t'lemselvesnt any show where they enter exhibits Phone 71. Notice of Publication. at Roseburg Oregon. October 24. 1912, 93t! 14 and on November 18, W, Homestead -iczial No. 04349, lor No Township Entiy the No. SEI-4 14670, NWI-4ul Sec. 4, I'ownihiji 28 S, Range 14 We*t, Wil­ lamette M< riilian, has filed notice of intention to make final five-year Proof fv-fore C. tn R. musioncr, at his office at the Wade, Bandon, land above U. S. Com. Oregon, widow is hereby of Henry d >n, Oregon, given G. that Anna Wile or. Wilcox, deceased. Ban- mad’ l‘*08, who on July 9, an<: I lom.-slead Entry Serial No. 0134, Lots 5 12 «1 Sec. 3 aad Lots 8, and 9 of 0 S. Range No. 14 W. Willamette has filed notice of intent.on to make Townrh'p Meridian five- final year Pro .f. to eidslslish claim to th- land a’oov J •scribed, b-ior Cim C. f* W,!’, U. S. rmsaooer, at his office at Bandon. Oregon on th- Clamant Johnson, names Antone as witnesses. Sacchi, Stephen F. James Morrison, Charles G. Fahy, all of Bullards, Qregan. B. Oct 29-D« 3 F. JONES, Register. I ¡Jewelry Manufacturing and Repairing on Short Notice i at Claimant name* as witnesses: R. George DeOs, Will Snyder, If; B P is carefully inspected to make sure it is right. Our prices are as low as i Bandon Oregon. B. F. JONES, Oct 29-Dec 3 You have often heard it said that skillful mending or re­ pairing of jewelry is a lost art. Those who bring their Jewelry here to be repaired will find unusual facilities and unsurpassed skill— nor is that all. vVhen the work is finished it OPPOSITE P. O. investinen Local people are surprised at th. i hat is absolutely safe I have on< ;<;ick results received from simple that will net you 13 per cent p.r ickthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as aftmn for 18 months. axed in Adler i-ka the German Address Box 147 Coquille, Oieg m I «ppendicitis remedy. C. Y. Lowe 93"- «tes that this simple remedy anti- Born to Mr. ahd Mrs. F. H. \ r- ■ pticizes the digestive si stem and tue o’ Foiirmile. an eg'it |K>u««d dr.««soft the inqpurities so thorough- b y Su «day Novemlier t'tli. / t at a Single Dose relieves sour oma h, gas on the stomach and Dr. S C. Endicot. Dentist. Ras con tipati n instantly. S, 1907, described, acres, mostly bottom, al 40 clearer! and fenced. New 6 room house. New barn, silo gas engine, 9 cows, team, all farm iinpl« ments and tools, chickens, hogs. all per- furniture. sonal property except I bis is as tine as there is—$5ooo. 4 room cottage. New. Fine large lot. Easy walking distance price. $850.00 6 room house, 2 large lots, s'reel improvements made, sidewalk dow 1. The Unique is now open as a first Price >1000. class restaurant, bakery and dele- i BL« k of 40 1< ts in Portland .«lessen store. All kinds ol home Addition, $1000 I ooktng at reasonable prices. Op 5 acres within a mile of Post othc«’ posite Rosa's store.—F. D. Meyer, w ith fine 6 r<»oni house, chicken shed, i Proprietor. 91-If «nd good garden. About one and Surprise to Many in Bandon. 1907, made I foniest<-ad Entry No. 14370, Serial Mrs R. E. Buck gave a whist partv Tuesday afternoon which was one of the most enjoyable social dlairv of the season. The house vas very’ prettily’ decorated for the tccasion and those present enjoy cd the afternoon to the fullest extent. File first prize, a h «nd painted not »owl was won by Mrs. C. Timmons while the consolation prize went to Irs. Williams. Dainty refresh- nents were served alter the card ■laying. Mg Oregon. of Bullards, Oregon, who on March 22, Department of the Interior, JOIN THE BANDON COMMER CIAL CLUB AND STAY WITH IT Notice for Publication. Miss Applegate, one of the school teachers of Coquille attended the Thanksgiving ball here last night. JOEL OSTLIND Piano Tuner Many Bargains. Is your husband cross? A11 ir ritable fault finding disposition is tten due to a disordered stomach, t :nan with good diges.ion is nearh ways good nature«!. A great nany have br’en perttianeiitly cuieo • f stomach trouble by taking Chain 0. ¡lam's Tablets, For sale by €. V. Lowe. [f You Want to Make This City Worth While One of the feitures of the Thanks* giving ball last evening was the beinfiiul gowns worn by the ladies present. It was one of the most elaborate social functions n this re­ spect ever livid i.i Btadon. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. SEf-4 SEI-4, K’.?5aaaL;¿3EMra Groceries, Flour and Feed of all Kinds F. L. Christie, Manager Coos County, Oregon, ac­ Bandon. to cording to the plat thereof on file and of Treasurer of the City of Bandon. The Bandon Commercial Club is going to give a cash prize of five dollars for the best idea for a letter head design. You are not without ideas so take a sheet of paper and work out a rough design of the best idea you have for a letter head. • which is described as follows to-wit: C. Five Dollar BANDON. OREGON Treasurer <»i the City of Ban ion Witter Water ior your ii er, kid n ys «nd rheum «terni. C. M. Speu cer. ./ *• — I