* VISIT OUR STORE Sa nW« ft M m I NfWk« »nd O»c»ry' - y«« 1*1 *ulMi A* *■• t* M» • A* «(• • I J«wf A* y* ll*< « » vpy Work 4 *«•* aaww «* •»♦ •* I < < h »>** ii I «M»«t m *«0 m « hr » «r« I * ■'. I H Company. Nulwa ■ ffinvbv Jpv*«' T-trtNM ite SitrLiin •5« Rnund I« l-»e RrxtM to llambm. < sww ( mmw. and swnaKt to HU- i I • mint4 4 ffi* < *1 4 I ( hngim. d»*ma * Hr.Rr ( ¡a*»« that I *vwrv ■ * bmg 1 pn»»H« m Í tha north ho* 4 * m«u»d skoal il ile Ihr Woolen at the ro«| i vlltl AffihtNMl In Bandon, < hvpnn. B« h I 8 luc •Mhlavil pnsann ihr 4 nr lh» by who* iVdA/«? I wa» ma.tr staling wbm and wbwv tbr rapy ••• State of Oregon for the I itrhvrwd, County of Coo«. ! and eapeine 4 tbr affidavit * whom ihr copy was ma,led slstiag by whan an I lb« pou i k -hop 15c Should r 12 IK Rox»t of any tend 12 i-2c M utton . Mutton chop 15c Shoulder mutton 12 t J<: . I,r?g mutton 15c Mutton slew 10c V eal . Veal cutlets 18c Shoulder i6c Steak 15c Stew 12 t-2C Groceries of all kinds and right prices, fl >ur and feed. ---- -------------- ; ment to be known as dulrnt Local Improve- A. M. Hitchcock, and Emma Hitchcock, hu-baad and wife; Hedwig Peterson an Oscar Peterson, wile and husband, Ude i Anderton and Signa Anderson, x>a, hit*- band and wife. Plaintifs maat Dama Nu, I, <4 t.. Juasbia Avena«" ! which e from the date of the tint publication ot this »utr - Oregon, deem* it expedient and necessary to SI 095.36: sell, exchange or lent. D ippi . e & gave them Chambeilain’s Cough I mon>, to-wit: improve that portion of Curry Street lying fe- Any objections to the said improvement mus Remedy . nd the first dose eased 1 'It is a pleasure to tell you that P kessev . 8«i3 Within six weeks from the 22od day of Oc- ween bill street and 8th street in the Woodland them, and three bottles cured tl.e n, Cliantberlain’s Cough Remedy is be filed in writien form with the City Recorder lober, 1912, and if you fail to appear and .Addition to the City ot Ban ion, Coos C< unty, F or S alk —25 tons lame grass says .Mrs R A. Donaldson, ol Lex die best cough medicine 1 have ever by the owners of Two-Thirds in the area of the answei on or before the 3rd day of December Oregon, commencing at the South line of 6th hay delivered anywhere in rjuunti- ington, Mi-is. For sale by J C, Y a j used,” writes Mis. Hugh Cempbell, p.opcity within the above described assessment 1912, that date bein' the last day of the time street running thence South to the Noitli line of diJ’.et nn or b -fore D. cember 7th, 1912. prescribed in the order of publication, the th street at the cost and expense of the owners ties t,<$euit at less than local n-t sdeis Ix> ve. of Lavonia. Ga. “I have used 11 lit. n «.ce is giv.ni in aecordan. e with resolu- plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief of the lots, parts thereof and tracts of land in­ ten head of prices Also The Imv’s appetite is often the with all my chiMriti ai d the results uoti,, t npr -ve-nent of Columbia Avenue lie. asked for in the complaint filed in this cause, a cluded in the improvement district, to be known ¡ cows and young dairy stock, passed LylhA I f you woubl have been highly saiisfacti ry.” For twer.i t;.c a >ove descritved points simree uf mi izeiueiit isuccinct ststalement of which is: as “Local Improvement District No. I of Curry ( o-.a.nonG.uncil of the ( ily ofc Bandon, Bandon. Oregon, Oregon ’ have great bargains in < > sale by C. Y. Lowe. have s'ch an app.tile take Cham­ An order appointing a referee to prove the Street" which district embraces all of the prop­ on the tali day of November, 1912. Steck hogsand young pigs—M. A\ berlain's Tablets. They not only title of the respective parties hereto, and an erty on either side of said street and abutting on Liirer.d reward lor a silver mesh E. B. KAUSRUD, order appointing referees to examine and report the same between the South line of 6th street S impson , Prosper, Ore. create a healthy appetite, but bag that was lost. Finder please Recorder City of Bandea. 9l-t2-T on the partitioning oil and segregating of the and the North line of 8th street from the mar­ 8814 tretK’thens the stomach and eu t’.ile leave purse at the R ecorder office nterests of the respective parties hereto, in cer­ ginal line of said Curry street back to the center it to do its work naturally. For ! and receive reward. tain real projierty, formerly known a» the W. S. of the blocks abutting thereon. If you can’t find what you want in I sale by C. Y. Lowe. Pearce'estate, described by and contained with­ The said improvement is to consist sub real estate, see us and we will help Notice of Street Work- Witter .Water for your liver, kid in metes and bound.« as follows: Beginning at a stantially of the grading filling and grubbing of Mrs Ellen Panter of Myrtle Point, I you. It costs you nothing. Our neys ami rheum.itisin. C. M Spen­ point 990 feet West of the North East corner aid street and the building of board sidewalks who has been visiting at the Will cer. office is always O| en, you are wel. of Sec. 36. Twp, 28 So. R. 15 West .4 the in each side of said street, all of said improve - Marshall home for some lime left for Willamrtle Meridian ill Coos County, Oregon, ments to be built U|>on the established gtade of ci me. — Dtl’fi E X I’jusst v 8813 Is your husband cross? An ir­ her Lome Friday. Notice u hereby given: That the Common running llicnce West 330 feet, thence South 264 Curry street as established by Ordinance and ritable fault tn ding dtspi sition is ( ouncil of the City of Bandon, Coos County. feet, thence East 330 feet, thence North 264 according to, the plans and spex ifia ations thereof The Burdin W IG C met in II C Allen will imild a new ..lien due to a disordered stomach. Oregon, deems it expedient and nece-sary Io im­ feet to the place of lieg.nning. containing 2 acres, prepared by the City Engine-er and hied in the raits th-rent and confined Io the North West quartet thereof de- to tbe regular routine of business. Recorder by the owners of two-thirde in the G. Thrill mi Atwater stieet. at btilam’s Tablets, bor sale by C. A tracts of L.i I include i m the improvement «^strict lifted by the folic wing nietes and bounds, area of the properly within the above described Remember the thanksgiving bal| tbe end of Homer street and will Y. Lowe. to I, known a - "Lncal liaprov.-m.-nt Di.lriit No to-wit Beginning I 155 feet West of the N. E. assessment district on or before the 14th day of I, of Riverton Avenue" which uislricl c.nbiu.«5 corner of Sec. 36. Twp. 28, So. R. 15 West November 1912. This notice is given by order at Bank Hall I htnsd.ry evening to probably erect a modetn fire proof all the projierty on either side ofuaid Riverton ol Willamette M> ridian in Coos County, Oregon, of the Common Council of the City of Bindon I c given by die ladie- of I be Eastern building on the sat . «listant futiirr. Big Surprise to Many in Avenue an-l abutting on the same fotiveen the running thence West 165 feet, thence South Oregon, by resolution duly passed at a regular Star. I west line of Spruce street and the east line of 132 feet, thence East 165 feet, thence North meeting held upon the I8tli day of Sept 1912. Dr. Endicort w ill '•X on um- your Bandon. Aberdeen street, from the marginal (jue of said 132 feel to place of beginning containing therein Dated this 2‘hli day of Ost. 1912. teeth and make you an citiiniteoi Riverton Avenue back to the center of the block» 1-2 acres, excluding each, every and all interest E. B. KAUSRUD. ! abutting thereon. your woik free. 901Í or claim of defendants to any part, parcel or Ô3-I2T Recorder City of Pandon. I he said improvement is to consist substantially (Mirtion of the remainder ol said estate, whether Local people are surprised at the New tf S. D, B arrows . rtturnel to his home at Myrtle Department of the Interior. appendicitis remedy, C. V. Lowe of Riverton Avenue, and according to the plans Honorable J. S. Coke, Judge of the Circuit W ani 'E!) Watches to r< | air— U. S. I.and Ofiice at Roseburg, Oregon. Point Saturday. states that this simple remedy anti and specifications thereof prepared by the City En­ Court of the Stale of Oregon for the 2nd judi­ I Salno Bros. October 24. 1912. cepticizes the digestive st stem and gineer for the improvement of Riverton Avenue, cial district in said State, dated October 14th, I filed in the office of the City Recorder and t here 1912. Notice is hereby given that Alvah D. McKay, draws off the impurities so thorough- open to the inspection of all persons interested of Bullard», Oregon, who on March 22, 1907, C. R. WADE, Plaintiffs’ attorney '• that a Single Dose relieves sour therein. made Homestead Entry No. 14370, Serial No Oct. 22nd Dec. 3T. .oHiach, gas on the stomach and 0414(1 for NI-2 SWI-4 of Sec. 4. Township Any objections to the said improvement mu» 28 S, Range 14 W, and on November 18, be filed in written form with the City Recorder by constipation instantly. Notice of Publication. 1907, made Homestead Entry No. 14670. the owners of I wo-i'liird in the area of the prop­ N. Ted, Serial No. 04349, for the SEI-4 NW 1-4 of erly within the above des< nbed assessment district asked to The R ecorder last week reievid Department of the Interior, a copy <>f .« I'.toi l.uii.iti. hi bom ‘ > iv eruor West, selling ,t|> ri Hints Lay. Industrial . ’a», in which as Ho ti»" he EUgg 'its ate ill I< i ver to irrig itio I « 11 it s de o the th it Hi k rig it l> • made lie tnr'trasr.l tfioit I-« |> tt'»--'/" I o IV itldustti e ,m-------- Why Salves Can’t Cure Eczema Many Bargains. Sale of Real Propri ty for Sec. 4, Township 28 S. Range 14 Wert, U S. Land Office at Notice given Oregon, Roseburg, October 24, 1912. is hereby of I lenry widow don, Oregon, that Anna Wilcox, Wilcox, deceased, Ban­ G. on July 9, who made Homestr . k J Entry Serial No. 01 M. l>ots 5 12 of Sec. 3 and Loti 8, and 9 30 S. Range No. 14 W. Willamette has filed notice of intention to and I ownship <4 Meridian, final make five- year Proof, to establish <. Liim to the land •bov described, before O R. C >m U. S. Wade, \X il- lamette Meridian, ha» filed notice of intention to make final five-yea' deacrilrcd, to Proof before C. R, missioncr, at Ins o A kc al the Wade, Bandon, land afone U. S. Com. Oregon, the 6th day of December 1912. (Jamant Johnson, names Antone as witnesses: Sacchi, James Charles G. Fahy, all of Bullards, Oregon. . 0.1 29-De. 3 , B. F. JONES. R-gitter. missioner, at his office at B.tadon, Oregon on tir 6th day ol December 1912. Since tbe olil-fnMilonud theory of cur­ ecxeriui through tins blood li.is Ireen gtien up by HcleiitlntH. many iliff.r.-nt •gives have be«-n tried for Hl in din.-.i.seu. Hut it 11.1S been found thut then.- nilve.r only clog tile pore i and cannot pein tnitc to the inner wl.ln b< low the ej.iih rniln where tlio ei-renin ip-rms are lodu. d. Thia—the <|iiiility of prmtiatlm:— probuldy explain* I ho trenumlous huc - cess of the well known liquid eczema remedy, oil of Wintergreen, thymol, gly­ cerine, etc., ua compounded tn D.D.D. prescription. We have «old utlicr rvtuediea for akin ing trouble* hut ire hat wo «an recom­ mend us tn ,hlv ,.s tula for we know that D.D.D. Htop.s tt'e iti li at once. We can plvo yon .1 trial nice bottle for 25 cents that will be etiouy.il to prove It. or i-ourae all other druggistu have D.D.D Prescription ko I o them it you can't come to uh —but don't accept eotne Ide proi t s ihHtltiite lint if you conic to our store, wo aro ro cel tain or what D.D.I> w ill do for yon that we offer you a full size bottle on this guarantee If yon do not And that It takes nwnv the Itch AT ONCE, it costs you Dot U CWDt. bottom, Unpaid a’ ment I uf B.-.-wl’i«i, ( o-».i ( auntv, Oregon, d/i a* < t:y i •".tit lot. outage. I'-. i - j irlt.iv. F lin­ walking ilisfaitct* omni .» «ex«,.i. nt .»s nss'ajed l.y Orduunce 175 of th«* Ordinance« of the the i lor iiii|Hov-m.-iit C tv No I’cnJmi ... of Second -.tr ct, in the oolrn M il Addition, in «aid City of B..ndon in front of lots No. 28, 29 and 10, in BI< m k No. 9, o> -i Mill Addition, City <4 Bandon, in , the sum of $22.48 and assessed to C. A. An­ Said ha« never Ix-en pax! auerameirt 1 Blmk <>I 40 I'ts in l’iirllan-1 nor the lien discharged nor ratislwHf. Addition, 'SIIWMI Now therefore notice ¡» hereby given that Iq 5 aerr s within a mile <4 Post office virtue and jvursuance of Section 122 of the with fine 6 morn house, chit ken shed, , Charter of the City of Bandon, Coo» County, and gm'I garden. About one and I Oregon, directing me to collect the «aid unjiaid a«««tm< nt by «ale of the »aid property Io satis­ one half acres cleared, balance easy fy said li--n of $22.48 with interest lhereon al to clear. Jfooo. Terms. the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 12th 60 artrs of tine bench lan-l, good ay .4 Miy I >11, anJ p-nalty tog-’her with cost« large house, barn and out buildings. of advertiang and «ale thereof, I w.ll on M in. th p> Iv ad of stock, goorl young team, 2n«l day of December 1912, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said «lay at the front door o t good -»addle or driving horse, 24 the City I lall in the City of Bancion, Coo« hogs, implements aod tools >6ooo County, Oregon, sellai jmblic autlion to the Notice of Contest. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO » bidder ottering the least amount of j-enalty and all Regt-1er. Department of the 'i ou are hereby notified that P< arl R. Walk r who B j . i L hi , On g » u giv< address, did tiiu office her duly and contcit as her post offi< c Sq>l e nb -r on 2I»>, 1912, file in corroborated I lomextead Entry Number 08003, applu »lion to cancellation of »»-cure the Numlwr Seria May mad" Range W.llamrttc 14 ,\V Bill Section | 1912. for F.I-2 SWI-4 and Lot 14 of 2. and Lot I of Section II, Township 30 S, j Meridian, and a» ground» fot her conli-rt »he alkg««« Martha that J, Bull initiat«-d «aid entry with the intent (ran hng the government, mg retidence home, on after of ertalilidi- ( and living « mi tame ai a ' »aid for the jiurpotr of »peculating m the but of relinquiihment and Mme; that »he »tain] before filing tFmt »he intended to «ell her re- I linquishment ot right« for rar ugh to reimburse her for the money exprad-d by her late husband in con'e-.tin.: th- former entry for Mid land, filing th*t both befor«- and after she to sell h-r right to Mid land: You are therefore, further noiifii-d that the entry will lie canceled thereunder without further nghl to b- heard either mentioned, property Coo» Cooa which is No. 28. 29 and 30. ia Block No. 9 County. County, Oregon, of Bandon Con* County, Oregon, been confessed by by this office a. you. and your Mid therein, your before this office or on a|>pe»l, if you fail to file in office within twenty days after the Fourth accordine according to thè the platt I lication thereof on F'r «nd of record in thè office of thè and attempted I said as follows lo-wit.- of de and that »he did not make uid entry with the miration having desenbed your 089'D. < 'aiming under or through him, mav have in the i County Clerk of Mid ft estate 3» i J >.i, O.-’pn, Con Mid ai!«*g»l>ons will be taken oolen Mil! Addition to the City Interior. Io Mirth i J. 13 ill, <) tcstec: which the said C. A. Z'nderson and all persons 1.01« U. S. Land Otáce, at and interest all of the right title interest I described Centre 336? • I tun: of Ba lb • was en'r: J l<< D onald M ackintosh , Agen Bindon, Oregon a P. Tucker, 0.1 ¿9-Dec > derson Phone 171. Order* taken for delivery R. h 6 imim lioitse, j large 1« ts, > n il improvements made, sidewalk d-iw i Price $looo.- JOIN THE BANDON COMMER Cl AL CLUB AND STAY WITH IT Claimant names as witnesses: George DeOs, Will Snyder, I I. B B. F. JONES. pt ICC, i's.yO • «> |f You Want to Make I his City Worth While A ssí - ss - .1 ing« 5 am S ays Street •V 6 ror n «n»wer, of this under retpend ng to notice, oath, theie •» thi< pub­ shown below, your specifically meeting and eilegatiotu of coqggg, or .Jewelry Manufacturing and Repairing on Short Notice at Boyle’s Jewelry Store. Agate Brooches, Rings, Scarf Pins made to order in 12 to 21 hours. YOU DON’T HAVE TO WAIT HERE. You have often heard it said that skillful mending or re­ pairing of jewelry is a lost art. Those who bring their Jewelry here to be repaired will find “ ‘ unusual facilities and unsurpassed skill*« nor is that all. When the work is finished it is carefully inspected to make sure it is right. Our prices are as low as our work is geod. OPPOSITE P. (). on