♦ AW JE fail within that time to hie in thia often due Frank W. Dygert ol Myrtle There will be k,een competion be- Said sale being made subject to redemption in you that you have aerved a copy the manner provided by the Chatter ol the City proof Point has been in Bandon a feu tween dairymen exhibiting stock at of your anawer on the said conteatant of Bandon. days on business. the Pacific International Dairy Show eithrr in pnsaa or by resist:reJ marl. It th Dated this 30th day of October. 1912. service is made by *the delivery of a copy of C. Y. UD E, W anted —Good farms or Dairy to capture the two handsome silver your an-.wet to the contestant in person, prdo cups, offered try the Northern Pa ­ Treasurer of the City of Bandon. tanihes to exchange for city prop- and inspect the lar^e variety of such service must be either the said contorts Nov. I. 8. 15. 22, 29. cific and the O. W. R. Mrs J. E Walstrom returned on Dale of second publication November 5, 1912 Witter Waler for your liver, kid­ number of the O. A. C. students lien and judgement creditors, F ale of third publication November 12, 1912 the Elizabeth from a trip to San J neys and rheumatism. C. M. Sper.- will also compete in the apple judg­ Defendants. Date of Fourth publication November 19,1912 Francisco. To Mae-Pearce-Burk, and F. W Burk, her cer. ing contest. husband, their lien and judgment creditors, the E. M. Gallter returned on the Fi- Is your husband cross? An ir Japan and China want Oregon above named defendants. Notice of Street Work. field from San Francisco where he W anted — ! ooo emptysteks at ritable fault fir-ding dispi .»¡lion is dairy stock for their farming dis­ In the name of the State of Oregon: Central Warehouse. 2-tf had been for a short time often due to a disordered stomach. tricts. Jap mese dairymen are now You and each of you are hereby required to “There could be no better med A :nan with good digestion is nearly negotiating with Portland breeders appear and answer the complaint filed against ! Notice is hereby given that the Common W enteu —Houses ; in the above entitled suit, within »lx weeks Council of the Ciry of Bandon, Coos County A great to secure stock here and recently a you icine than Chamberlain’s Cough ¡always good natured, se i, ex hange or tent. from the date of the first publication of this sum­ Oregon, deems it expedient and necessary to Remedy. My children were all sick I many have been permanently cured h grt official of the Chinese Depart­ mons, to-wit: P ressey . improve that portion of Cuny Street lying he­ with whooping cough. One of them j of stomach trouble by taking Cham ment of Agriculture left commissions Within six weeks from the 22nd day of Oc­ wer n 6th street and Sth street in the Woodland F or S ale —25 tons tame grass was in bed, had a high fever, and ! berlain’s Tablets, For sale by C. in Portland for the purchase of I tober, 1912, and if you fail to appear and 1 Addition to the City of Bandon, Coos County, dairy cattle to be shipped to that answer on or before the 3rd day of December ' Oregon, commencing at the South line of 6th hay delivered anywhere ni quinti- was coughing up blood. Our doctoi Y. Lowe. 1912, that date being the last day of the time 1 street running thence South io the North line of country during the winter ties to suit ai le« thin loud retailers ga‘1 o' Ire * »□ fmits ot Myrtle Point’s “smart’ lot on 6th street, in Aztlea Park, work expect the beginning that has running thence West If»5 feet, thence South Oregon, by resolution duly passed at a regular trick,” where they put one over on ! Inti who now resides al Kalem Bay $850; also two other lots cheap. In been made to result in a definite 132 feet, thence East 165 feet, thence North meeting held upon the 18th day of Sept. ¡91?. Bandon and the lower river II is I Wash., arrived in Bandon last night quire of J. A. Engletnan, box 311, highw ty policy tint will mean per­ 132 feet to place of beginning containing therein ! Dated this 29th day of Oct. 1912. not Mr. Stemmier’s fault that h I to visit his daughter Mrs. Fd Wyant. 1-2 acres, excluding each, every and all interest E. B. KAUSRUD, manent improvement. Bandon. 83 t8 or claim of defendants to any part, parcel or 85-t2T Recorder City of Bandon. could not oveict tne this handicap, Mr Perry is well known by all the Dr. Endicort will exam tine vour portion of the remainder of said estate, whether for which Myrtle Point is wholly to old settlers here and his many friends teeth .in 1 make you an estimate oil land or tenements, hereditaments and appurten­ I are glad to see him again. blame. Will Give Prizes, Notice for Publication. your work free. 9otf ances and for such other relief as to the court Dr. S. C Endicott, Dentist. Ras- seems proper and just. New orders of bicycle repairs of i G o. W. Moore returned on the 'nttssen Bldg. Phone 71. 85-tf 1 his summons is published by order of the all kinds constantly arriving. Will I lonorable J. S. Coke, Judge of lhe Circuit Fifield from bis home at Berk'Jey, Department of the Interior. bolt R ent — Furnished house I The Bandon Commercial Club U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Calif., having gone down before keeping rooms, I lari y Hunt, East wfll give first prize of three dollars take orders for bicycles of any kind. Court of the State of Oregon for the 2nd judi­ 9otf S. D. B arrows cial district in said State, dated October 14th, October 24. 1912. election sc as to be al home to vote Bandon and second prize of two dollars for 82-t8x Notice is hereby given that Alvah D. McKay, 1912. . -V - —1 1 —' ■— the best design for a cut to be used o! Bullards, Oregon, who on March 22, 1907, C. R. WADE, Plaintiffs’ attorney C McC Johnson s new house on in s« tti 111*,’ N ow you artists Oct. 22nd-Dec. 3T. made Homestead Entry No. 14370, Serial No ind deeigners get httsy. Spruce street is no a inclosed anti a 04146 for Nl-2 SWI-4 of Sec. 4, Township ----------------— I a large | art of the inside tinishiiij is 28 S, Ranje 14 W, an I on November 18, Notice of Publication. ThirJ Annual Thanksgiv. ¡also done. This will be a modern 1907, made Homestead Entry No. 14670, that wa can recom- Since the old-faRhlonad theory of cur­ (roubles but Seial No. 04349, for th- SEI 4 NWI-4 of home in every pariictd tr ail one ing eczema through the blood has been iitfiul ns highly hs this for we know that ing Bill, given b f Ladies of Department of the Interior, Sec. 4, Township 28 S, Range 14 West, Wil­ We cun given up by ecieiitlBts. many different 1 c I ». I ». stops the itch nt once. I the bet tn th it see linn ot ,!><• citv fm I vch have been tried for akin diseases. give you it trial size hottie for 25 cents Li S. LanJ Office at Roseburg, Oregon, VISIT OUR STORE SABRO BROS.,Manufacturing Jewelers Why Salves Cani Cure Eczema But it has been found that these Halves only clog the pores an«l cannot ponetrute to the inner skin b* low the epidermis where the eczema germs are lodged. This—the quality of penetrating— probably explains tlio 11 < mentions huc - evas of the Well known liquid eczema remedy, oil of Wintergreen, thymol gly­ cerin«, etc, uh compounded in D.l» l). Prescript Ion. We bav« «old other remedies for skin th.it will be enough to prove It. Of course »ill other druggists have D.I’I». IT oscrlption - -go to them it you < m't come to 11 but don’t accept some big profit substitute. But if you come to our store, we are so certain of what P.O. I’ will do for you that we offer you a full size bottle on this guarantee If you »io not find that it takes away the Itch AT ONCE, it costs you not u cvuL BANDON DRUG COMPANY Eastern Star, Thursday even i Geo. P. Topping is Inveì» iti» ing, Nov. 28, 1912. Bank house raised all I will put t . in. ti ; Hall. Al' invite I. Music by | found tion under it, bexide» a nun e o pther i nprovem ut» w licit Kausrud’s Orcii* stra. | >il .ni l much to iii • co iveiti ci e a id comfort of Ibis couiui idiu» Following are a Few of Our Imme. Many Bargains. I lamette Meridi .n, has tied not.ee of inti nt on lo October 24, 1912, Notice is widow i.erehy given that Anna Wilcox, of i I tiry dun. Oregon, G. Wilcox, deceased. Ban who on July 9, I . )3, made Homestead Entry Seiial No. 004, Lois 5 12 <4 Sec. 3 au f Lots 8, and and 9 of t ownship 30 S. Range No. 14 W. \X illamelte M.-ridian, has filed notice of intention to make final aboz I described, before C. R. C »m Sale of Real Property for j miss loner, at his office at U. S. Proof befor • C. to the R. Wade, ( missioner, at his olfi:c at Bandon, land above U. S. Com- Oregon, Clamant Johns ,n, namaa Antone as witnesses: Stephen F. J rmes Sacchi, Moir son. Charles G. Fahy, ail ol Bull.irdi, Orejen. B. Oct 29-De 3 F. JONES, Register. Bandon, Oregon on the 6th day of December 1912. I S I \ I I < »I QRFGON, Ol- HI SIM SS RI.SOI RUES. Loani and D ìmcouihs »169,422 12 Overdr.ifts, securcd and uhm rcurrd r i 4M •«, 1 SX 99 Bendi and Warrant» Stock.» ami othrr SrcuriiH - - - Banking llou.se 4,066 91 11,241 Furuituir and Fixtuie.s 71 4,211 XI Due troni approied rexeivc bank Exchange* tor Cleari Il »uie • Ca«h on lumi Total ^X,tH9 81 741 34 29,675 40 * - • »J.’l.lll 61 Il Aliti.1 III« Capitai sto« k patd in 50,000 00 Surplus fumi - Pndii ided profits, les* expense« and tax« » paid 795 7» 227,29» 9? 7.21U 32 Individual deposits subject h*> chcvk Demand certificates of deposit Certified Checks - t 241 50 Cashier checks ont «tan ling rime certificates of dt p ut Letters of Ci edit - r Total Il,mm no 10,till (Hi Postal savings lunk deposits ♦mi Ou - •- - 12.9hl 03 l.(FK) oil »121,111 63 STAI! ill OKkt ION. I vi vn ot ( ois I, w J Swert, A»»t.< a hie» oí thr alxivr named bank, do »ol «mal y »wear tlut thr above »tate meat i> true to thr l>e»t oí my knowlrdge »nd belief. W. J. Sweet. AaaL Cannar C. Y. Lowe, R H. R» m £ J. !.. Kronenhcrg,, Director, 40 acres, mostly bottom, all Claimant names as witnesses: R. P. Hunt, Unpaid Street Assess clear? I and fenced. New 6 room George DeOs, Will Snyder, H: B Tucker, all ment. of Bandon Oregon. house. New barn, silo gas engine 11. F JONES. 9 cows, team, all farm implements Oct 29-Dec 3 Register. and tools, ch ckens, hogs, all per- her*«» on the 12th day ol May 191!, there s.mal property except furnitiu <■ Has entered in the docket of City I Jena of the I o M it li i J. Ball, of B in.Im, O.'egni, Con This is as tine as there is—$6< kx >. City of flandon, Coos County, Oregon, d< fin­ I lestee: 4 room cottage. New. Fine queut assessment as assessed By Ordinance No. You are hereby notified that Pearl R. Walker large lot. Easy walking distance 175 of the Ordinances of the City of BanJon who gives Bandon, Oregon as hei post office for the improvement of Second street, in the address, did on September 21st. 1912. file in price, $850.00 oolen Mill Addition, in said City of Bandon this office her duly corroborated application to 6 room house, 2 large lots, s’reel m front of lots No. 28, 29 and 30, in Bio» k No. contest an. I «ecure the cancellation of your improvements made, sidewalk «low > ¡9, oj L.1 Mill Addition, City ol Bandon, in i I loinestead Entry Number OÔ9O3, Scria Price $1000. • he sum of $22.48 and ass ss cl to C. A. An ! Number 06003, made May 13th 1 1 Block ol 40 li ts in Portland det son. Sad assessment his never been paid 1912. for EI-2 SWI-4 and Lot 14 of Section I nor the hen discharged nor satisfied. : 2, an«I Lot I of Section II, Township 30 S. Addition, $1000 Now therefore notice is hereby given that by 1 i Range 14 ,\V Willamette Meridian, and a. ¡ 5 acres within a mile of Post office , virtue and pursuance oi Section 122 oi thr , grounds for her content she alleges that Martha ¡ with tine 6 room house, chicken shed, C harter of the City of Bandon, Coos Coun.v, 1 J, Bull in flated said entry with the intent oí de ¡ Agate Brooches. Rings. Scarf Pins made to order in 12 to and good garden. About one and Oregon, directing me to coll t the said unpaid frauding the government, anti that she did not 2i hours. YOU DON’T one half acres cleared, balance easy assortment by sale of the said property to sat« make sakl entry with (hr intention of establish- j (y said lien «4 $22.48 with interest thereon al ing residence on said and living on same as a HAVE TO WAIT HERE. to clear. $1000/ Terms. | the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 12th home, but for the purpose of speculating in the I 60 acres of tine bench land good lay of May Nil. an I penally to^e her with cos« rehmjuishment of same; that she slated before 1 You have often heard it said that skillful mending or re­ large hotfe, barn and out buildings. ,,t ,«d | w !| M ,n th ami after filing that she intended to sell her re­ 4° bead of Stock, g«\xi young team. 2nd day of Drcrmbes 19(2, Al thr hour of 2 pairing of jewelry is a lost linquishment or rights for me ugh to reimburse 1 art. Those who bring their 1 good saddle or driving horse, 24 • clock P. M. of mm J day at the front door o her for the money expended by her late husband Jewelry here to be repaired hogs, implements and tools $6000 the Cuy Hall in the City <4 Bandon, Coo« in contesting the former entry for said land, and | County, Oregon, tell al public auction to I be that both before and after filing she attempted I will find unusual facilities D onald .M ackintosh . Agent, bidder oflmng the IraU amount <4 penalty and to sell her right to said land: and unsurn ssed skill— Bandon, Oregon intrreM ail of the right title mtemt and estate You are therefore, further nUified that the nor is that all. whah the Mid C. A. Anderson and all person* saxf allegations will be taken by this office aS claiming undet or through him. mav have in the having been confessed by you, and your said Wheh the work is finished it Notice of Contest. ■•»I dcnbrd proper ;y menbonnl, whivh n entry will be cameled thereunder without your is carefully inspected to de* ..bed *» follow» to-wit: further right Io be heard therein, either before maTe sure it is right. Our Lot» No. 28. 29 aad 30, m Block No. 9 th.s office or on appeal, if you tail to tele m thi* i prices are as low as our oolm Mill Addition to the Citv of Randen office within twenty days after the Fourth pub­ Coo» County. Or^oa. Ktordiae to th* plait lication of this aotice, as shown below, your work is good. ihervoi on M* and ot rreord in th* o4e* of th* . answer, under oath, specifically meeting and OPPOSIT E P. O. Jewelry Manufacturing and Repairing on Short Notice BANK OF BANDON at Boyle's Jewelry Store. QwyCWdud Coo. County, Ore«»« respond -ng to these allegations of contest, or H on j the 6rh day of December 1912. five- I year Proof, to establish cltlim to tha land Wade, make final five-year desciibed, 4