I I Ik T J it z> BANDON, OREGON, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1912 VOLUME XXVIII HOME RULE CITY 1 Street Ordinances and Bills Allowed at Last ---- rvt- ing of Theodore Roosevelt, and published in practically .ill the papers of the land, said that the man w ho shot the ex-president was supposed to be a socialist, but later it has been learned that the man was simply a crank and had no real political af­ filiations. He was simply crazed with the idea that Roosevelt should be shot, and took the job upon him­ self. Neither the Socialists nor any other political party are in any way responsible. Commercial Club Ball Post­ poned. The third annual ball which was to have been given by the Bandon Commercial club last Saturday night at the Wigwam, was postponed on occount of the bad weather but will probably be given in the near future. City Park Deal is Closed. ] ohn T. Merchant of. Marshfield one of the company who formerly own“d the land known as the city park, is in Bin Ion today looking after the transfer of the money from the city of Bunion for the purchase of the park. The people of Bindon at the city election in June voted to purchise the park and now the money has been raised and the deal closed up so that Bandon is now in possess'on of the park. > —- Snap in Real Estate. One 5 room house, lot 66x132, Si250; one 4 room house and large lot on 6th street, in Azalea Park, $850; also two oil.er lots cheap. In Many people have become inter­ quire of J. A. Engleman, box 311, ested in the monument which is not Bandon. 83 tS yet completed by the G. A. R. mid W. R. C. and have given substan The report in the last Friday's tial evidence of same by liberal do­ R ecorder of the dinner served by nations. Mr. Sherrard has donated the Pythian Improvement club I ast the use of the Oriental Hall, and the Tuesday, we stated that the dinner G. A. R. will give their annual was not well patronized,but this was masque ball and supper, December in error, as the ladies served up 24, 1912. Al least four prizes will everything and were compelled to be given the masquers and a good time guaranteed to all Kausrud's turn away alxo.it 20 people. The R ecorder gladly makes this cor­ orchestra will furnish the music. rection as we misiindersto id our —Committee. informant on our previous notice Mrs. Adella Cope, wife of J. A The club desires through the R e ­ Cope died on Fourmile today. Tin corder to thank the people ol fumr.il will beheld tomorrow at 11 too aim at the K of P. cemetry Bandon for their liberal patronage in charge cf Rev. R. C. Hartranft. W. C. Hoffman of Myrtle Point VX e will publish a full obituary in was down to Bandon on business Friday's Recorder Minday. t I J . W anted —Boy ¡6 or 17 year.- Along the Waterfront old. Apply at Bandon Power Co 88tf C. E. Short in 1 wife of Goh The Brooklyn arrived Saturday Beach were Bandon visitors Weil with 30 tons ot freight and nine nesday. passengerstE, J. Brown, L. A. Coos Geo. Goodrum ol Mat Walling, L. Clyninger, All Hall, T. V. Budges, I). W. Gray, Frank County agent for the ■ o d and Avnes, E. P. Dicktoyd, D. L. Cadillac automobiles was in Ba idon today looking over the local field Ellingson. and will establish an agency here. The Brooklyn sailed yesterday He has not yet decided who w.ii be with 253,000 feet of lumber and a his local agent but will kn ow with number of passengers as follows :H. in a week or two. Mr. Goodrum Barnes, A. Levy. J. D. Morrison, is a very pleasant gentleman and will certainly make good in Ins busi­ MearlLarkey, I.. V. Larkey. George ness. Korteriots, J. W. 1 yson. < W. L ost —In Bandon rm Satuiday Sweyer, Mrs. E. J. Margerie, Alice near the laundry, grip containing Margerie, Lenora Margerie, and clothing. Name printed on the side J. H. Palmer. The Brooklyn will Finder please leave at Rosa's store lay over a trip this time and will go an 1 receive reward. 8613. on dry dock for annual inspection. Mask Ball Decomber 24. » f BILL 15 LOST debtedness. Meeting. Big a novelty in moving pictures and will prove an entertaining feature “The City of Washington" is scenic film of unusual excellence show ing all important points in out national capital. An excellent pro gram, tomorrow night No advance in prices. ioc and Show Passage of 5c. Bring your friends. —000----- Measure Limiting Bond In­ The Tillamook arriived Satuiday from Portland with 225 tons ot freight. The Tillamook sailed again yestesday with 27,500 shingles and 15 tons of miscellaneous freight. Th Elizabeth left San Francisco last night and will probably arrive here tomorrow and sail again Thurs­ Returns Passed day. Riverton Locals. NUI BER 89 ■ — Aiinouncerr. Will Give Prizes. I. The Anderson Room The Bandon Commercial Club wfll give first prize of three dollars now open over the II i and second prize of two dollars for & Shoe Store. Taos the best design for a cut to lie used on st ition try N ow you artists On every bed in ih and det igners get busy. Rooming House, th« up I ' r nine feet long This I For Sale or Trade. allows 24 inches to In- too« over all covers, and all > Ten acres of the finest kind of tion that particulai p--r ■ land with water to irrigate. Located ciate. W. J. Tanner and « n the famous Goose Lake valley at Lakeview. field wrre Bandon ci.it« Cleve Summerlin of • 1 Coming. was a Bondon business v ■ day.________ ______ Big Vilagraph feature “The In the Circuit Co . oí the Money Kings.' (hand Theatre. State of Oregon t r the ---- COti—- The tryout tor the Coos County County of C >«. high school debitc will be held at the high school tomorrow. This A. M, Hitchcock, and l:.na’« i year there will be two debaters from Hitchcock, husband aad wife. Hedwig Pete> «on an : each school on the affirmative an ! (»scar Peteraon, wife and two on tile negative instead of three hu.itand; Ude Andri and Signa Andenos. l«‘.i- . MMÜNS as has been the case here to fore band and wife, Plaintiff, ' l»?uhon ’utt Those who are to make the try » Equity, vi. tomorrow are George Moia nd, Mae Pearce-Burk ansi T. V» Burk, lie« l.usbaii'l and 1 Ernest Watkins, Jack Kronenberg, lien and judgement cr< dm ... Pearl Craine, Alta Soule and Ka te Defendant*. Chatburn, I out out of the six will To Mae-Peaice-Burk. anc. I be selected. hn&l>and, lheir lien and |ud c W A Zimmerman and family have ...__ __ ....__ moved into the Ed . Price CARRIED IN OREGON. house. Woman’s Suffrage. J. Watson and family have moved Amendment (307 307) permitting into the A. I’rqh.u t house. tax classification. Repeal ot county tax option. Miss Rose Terry has moved to Amendment doubling liability of the tiotel and is now catering to Hit bank stockholders. public with her culinery arts. State-wide public utilities act. Wm. Rohm has purchased two Eight hour law affecting public lots from Jno. Terry, Jr. works. A. E. Martin purchased lot 2, Act permitting employment ol block one, from Carl Skelton, owner convicts on roads. of the mill property, and Mr. Janie Act permitting employment of city son is to be owner of tin two act. and county prisoners on roads. adjoining mill property on the north Limitation on state road bond in­ At last election W111. Rohm >■ as debtedness. elected justice of the p-. ce to su« Limitation on county road bond ceed O. A. Kelly, who Ta i. Id indebtedness, that office for the pa..t 20 a: Tax emption on household effects, George Huther was elected con­ Railroad rate bill. stable. IN DOUBT. above named detcnifi.no August Wirostek bought B. F Grange road measure. In the name of the Slate M O Apparently the Home Rule good Smith’s homistrad and will move Sheriff W. W. Gage has been You and each of you are h loads bill has not passed in the state. his family there. ■ down from Coquille a couple of days. appear and answer the co opta . This is the measure which was de­ Mrs. Cornealia ' Yesterday he sold the fixtures and ou in the above entitled suit, v . sired by the Coos County Good called to Coquille Iiom the dale of the first puhb... Roads associition and which would Holland who is verv low with com -t ick of the Oregon Bai which made mmu, to-wil: an assignment some time ag >, and Within six weeks from the have allowed the bonding of the ?.»y of Oc- plicated sickness. . he is looking after other business in ober, 1912, and if you fail i •»pear and county for $2,000,000 for the pur Any person wishing to invest in a I connection with his office while here. answer on or before the 3rd d,, > December pose of making a permanent high­ good paying business will apply to way. George Gardiner one of the Bui 1912, that date freing the last ' if the time The voters have passed the bill O A. Ki lly, who will aceotnmodai basket ball team fell the other day prescrilred in the ordci ol j . .“»lion, the plaintiffs will apply to the rmr • tSr relief limiting the indebtedness to which him cither l>v sale or rent and hurt his arm bit' it nkej for in the complaint filr caiir. a the county can bond for good touds. <3 A. Kelley will leave next week better at present anil lie uccincl strlatemenl of which i Il the Home Rule passed it is said for a three weeks visit in California ably lie in the game igain An <»rder appointing a ref-re ■ by some good local legal authorities title of the res|>ecbve parti, Two miners were hint in the coil days that it would probably repeal the jrder appointing referees Io earn mines last week, but not seriously The filter da n at the re servoir on lhe partitioning olf and other limiting measures, but accord­ of the Bui lon Water Co went out ilercsls of the respective p irti ing to returns so far it see ns that iiie Good Roads bill is lost and that Big Program of Pictures al. ast week which was responsible for tain real pro|M*rty, formerly kn >w 1 lhe bills limiting the bonding have the muddy condition ot the water pearceVklate, described by and > in mt'lc and bounds as follow « the Grand, Thursday passed. lor a few days, however the mains point 9'X) feel W.-a of the N<* 1 The Portland Telegram says: I have now been tr.msferrc 1 to the if Sec 36. Tw[>, 28 So R Í Nov. 14. Governor West today announced old resevoir temporarily and the Vi I la tri nr Meridian in Coos C 1 hat election returns so f.ir indicate [dun will be fixed it on ■ ■ and we .unmng thence West 3(0 led. it. 1 hat four out of the six harmony bills Four thousand feet of pictures. i will have cleir water -i-eiin. The eel, thence fiast 330 fed, if,,.. Sorth 264 may carry and also one of the Grange eet Io th« place of l>cg.nning. c . bt-st lilms of thè week will l> • show bids. They are. The bill provid­ together with tenements, hen. b ing for working of convicts on An entertainment lasting >n ho nip.my of about $600.00. pu it nances Plaintiffs will recn tn county roads; the bill providing for and 30 minutes for thè s 11 ili 1 1 ir enants have .ill m< .veil out tefetees anti lhe court that th* working county and city prisoner sìon ot toc. Cali you affor l tomi second story of the Oakes tendanl* la sa«d premises 'w p on on county roads; the constitution­ tli s show' Reinember thè Gi.u ami ,t is now being re- con it'd to lhe North Weal r-t al amendment limiting th< state in l«ir ho ph al purposes The scri'se 1 by lhe foliowin. met- ■ lebtedness for road construction to is eqilipp <1 with steim hot mi lev ho oit d will be moved lo-wi l*e ini i nt 1133 le I V\ 2 per cent of the taxable property in alwayscozy Tli< minio ni l i and we understand that a corn r ol Sec. 31, Twp. ¿8, ,. Die state; the constitutional amend coinment, its thè la-si in < trvgon. o' W.llamen M-auhau tn C- ■■ 4 ment limiting county indebtedness r rnmng thence West 163 fr- to 2 per cent of the taxable property; 132 feet, thence East tbs It the bill authorizing counties to issue I 32 fret to place ol Leginnin, For Sale. bonds for construction of permanent '-2 acres, excluding each, ever roads.—Coos Bay Innes. n claim of dr-fendants Io an" portion ol the remainder of sat ' Mattress and Upholsterin Pierce’s plurality, 5. this bank is giv 11 ■ Coming “Tin Money Kinds’ The contest was the closest of the torv sen ie<- to it i three reel Vil igr.ipli, the best yet. election in this part ot the state. the unprei ib i t I lie figures given are according to E. G. Cassidy, proprietor of ilo of new 1 licnts > • re­ die official count in both counties Bandon Hou , went i t M uslifit I. —C ojs Bay limes. icntly opeirei! nt on business tod ty. here. James <) Toole of tin- M ■ few day - last week L. A. Phillips a recommend.iti< ; Next week, ‘ Til'' M m< : Ki , ; , ¡from MirshfivM i patrons who Big tw« reeler at tin Grand VV■ ert." Hi's picture Is your husband cross? giving. Third Annual Thanksgiv has been produced i.y the Kalem ritable fault finding 1. pt sition i VVc have ; t Stock Co in Egypt. Nltnv of tile often due to a disordered torna c ing Ball, given by Ladies of tions for mam . scenes in this Photo Play were taken A man with good digestion is near our oHict rs w ill on the Sahara Desert. The entire always good nitured, A great] Eastern Star, Thursday even­ s ory carries a true Oriental atmos- many have been permanently cuied ' ing, Nov. 28, 1912. Bank to interview tin sire efficient 10- Ph -re, and agréai many of the per­ of stomach trouble >v t iking 1 formed are genuine Ardis and Béd­ lierlain's Tablets, Tor s tie by C. Hall. All invited. Music by ouins. This Photo Play is certainly Y. Lowe. I I- Kausru l’s Orch stra. IIRST NA IT j