—1* All Orders Promptly Filled for all kinds of Fresh,New Crop Grass Seed. CENTRAL FEED CO. S. S. BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON riME * Sails from Coo® Bay Sept. 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, at ser­ vice of tide. Sails from Portland Sept. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 2< at S a. m. • Confirm Sailing. Through M. F. SHOEMAKER, Agent Bandon •a Phone 142 ------- -—_. -,...... Where You Get the Hardware i I r . If you arc looking for anything in light and heavy hardware, this is the place to get it. We also do plumbing and guarantee satisfaction. Our chief aim is to please. A. McNAIR, The Hardware Man bSi* .5 - ‘-'L ... .11*. EITHER HUSBAND OR WIFE will find it an easy task to brighten up the old furniture, stain the floor or brighten up the bath tub or sink by the use of our paints,' polishes, varnishes, stains, enamels, etc. No trained skill is re­ quired'to apply them. Just follow the directions and good results are assured. BANDON HARDWARE CO Large Two Berth Outside State Roomi with Running Water Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco First Class Passenger Fare, - $7.50 Freight Rates, - $3 on Up Freight J. E. WALSTROM, Agent. Bandon, Oregon. Fuhrman'. Pharmacy, Coquille: Perkins’ Pharmacy, Myrtle r—-4- Bandon Meat Market > RESKEY & FORD,?*«op i,tors I (Successori» to £. Lewin) Í -4 Headquarters for the BEST of Everything in the Meat th salt and fresh V * * e— 1 J rookeyn Newly Remodeled, Modern Equipment Throughout Carries Passengers and Freight SUDDEN X CHRISTENSEN. Owners and Operators San Francisco, Calif. J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon, Ore. Try G. W. M. O. G. Battens for Rainy Weather. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO I Phone 171. Order» taken for delivery is a friend indeed. You have it in your power to have such a friend. Create him your­ self Iw saving something n<>w while you are earning. Open an account w ith this bank to­ day and add to it as often as you can. Then when wor­ ries and troubles come they won’t be of that most bitter kind, lack of money. BANK Ob’ BANDON 1 S teamer I7 IF1ELD Means Speed, Safety and Comfort c. Twin Screws, Wireless Equipment, Hot and Cold Water. When you Travel Have the Best. It costs you no more. A Log on the Track Up Freight $3.00 per Ton. See us for Rates on Down Freight. BANDON WAREHOUSE CO. Freight ami Passenger Agents Neb , had been sick over three years □ right Boy. but six bottles of Electric Bitters “Can you stami on your head?” nsk- put him right on his feet again. ed a visitor of little Dudley. “No." lie replied. "It’s too high up.” 1 hey have helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nerves, I! you have young children you good digestion. (>nlv 50 cts at all have perhaps noticed that disorders tli uggists. of the stomach are their most com­ Ha Laid. mon ailment. To correct this you “Don't waste your time In clipping will find Chamberlain’s Sjomach and off the bfiiiielies.” said the woodman to I iver Tablets excellent. They are Ills sou, "lmt lay your ax nt the root of easy and pleasant to take, and mild tiie tree.” And the young man went and gentle in effect. For sale by out and laid Ills ax at tin* f>M»t of the C. Y. Lowe. tree, like n gs world to the west nml planted the flag Her«.* is a woman who speaks fici of Portugal In every corner of tin* globe. But in Africa alone has Portu­ personal kn »wiedge and long e.x gal maintained its bold of colonies of peiience, viz., Mrs 1*. H. Hr. g.m. any magnitude. In India are little of Wilson. Pa., who says, "I know bits of Portuguese territory. Nova Gnu, southeast of Bombay. living the capital from experience that Chamberlain’s of all I’ortugal's colonies east of Cape Cough Remedy is far superior to of ing that excells it. yearn ago, still owns the sovereignty of Y. Lowe. (he government at l.ist, >11.- Argonaut Who-« Chafterton Died. Brooke street bears the name of that Lord Brooke who was murdered by an >f the fast expiess means serious ungrateful depemlent It is connected rouble ahead il not removed, so with a still more pathetic tragedy. On loes loss of appetite. It meanslack Aug 24. 1770. til,* I k . v [loet. Chatterton, poisoned himself at (lie house of Mrs •f vit.ilitv, loss of strength and Angell In tills street After tearing up .itrve weakness. Ii appetite fails, all his iiMiiii '. rlpts Tiie house in ike Electric Bitters quickly to over- •which Clir.t'.ertMr «lieil was the second come the cause by toning up the from ILilliorn on the west side. It was .tomacli and curing the indigestion. i pulled down about twenty years ago, having previously been altered almost Michael Hessheimer. of Lincoln beyond recognition.- London Spectator. E. a E. T. Kru«e, owner, an, ataragnr, 24 Celiforn a St., San Tram two. Reservation,: Point. S am S ays When you have .1 I m -1 cold you want the best hk did.te obtainable so » ise woman She’s a | ls to cure it with as little delay as just ulut Io knows I possil te. Here is a druggist's opin- ' when her husband's life ' “’d * I have sold (Th.imbeiIain’s danger, but Mrs. J. R Flint, : Cough Remedy for fifteen years,” tree, Vt., is of that kind. "She in­ says Enos l.ollar of Saratoga, Ind., sisted on my using Dr. King’s Ne* ■ iiu ! consider it the best 011 the i Disccverv,'' writes Mr. F.. ‘‘fora market.” For sale bv C. V. Lowe dreadful cough, when I was so weak Dog Pepys Saw. my friends all thought 1 had only a On Sept. A 11. HW1, Mr. I’epys made short time to live, and it completely ¡ this entry: “To I>r. Williams, who did cured me.’’ A quick cure for colds' carry me i»to his garden, where he and coughs, it is the most safe and hath abundance of grape«, and he did show me a dog that lie hath to kill all reliable medicine for many throat th«* cats that come thither to kill tiis .¡nd lung tr«u’ les—grip, bronchitis, pigeons, and do afterwards bury them croup, whooping cough, quinsy, and do It with so much cart* that they shall be quite covered; that if the tip tonsilitis, hemorrhages. A trial will of the tall hangs out he will take up convince you. 50 cts. ami $I.OO. tile cat again and dig the iiole deeper Which ts very strange, and lie tells < iua rail teed by all druggists. Equipped with Wireless i Wr**g« w n •«• rhe eve 1 amt he •«• l« V >.|«* a od bri«w* I n l«r/T WaMiot m WM»« •!»•• patm «41 • III mall« • p»ir*niv««n to the <*nln named after tbe an- iielk' fig'irr «tnmiwl upon It. «n't 'wtl <,f afignla” •e.-iiw to have been quite a nioiuon >»ke in Knglaud An<>tl«er writer hne a refrreti'e to "anointing" an ec''le«l:u