Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, October 11, 1912, Image 2

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    I «hod Every riiw'ry and Friday by the
x?U Oliati 1
CNE CAY IN PARIS Oh. How I Itched 1
Bandon Druggist Deserves
What long nerve-racking days of con­
stant torture—what sleepless nights u£
terrible agony—itch—itch—itch, con­
stant itch, until it seemed that I must
tear off my very skin—then—
Instant relief—my skin cooled, soothed
and healed!
The very first drops of D.D.D. Pre­
scription for Eczema stopped that awful
Itch instantly: yes, the very moment;
D.D.D. touched the burning skin the tor-»
ture ceased. A 25c bottle proves it.
D.D.D. has been known for years a^
the only absolutely reliable eczema
remedy, for it washes away the disease
germs and leaves the skin as clear and
healthy els that of a child.
All other druggisjs have D.D.D. Pre^
scription—go to them it you can’t come}
to us—but don’t accept some big profi|
But if you come to our store, we arq
so certain of what D.D.D. will do for you
that we offer you a full size bottle onj
this guarantee:—If you do not find that
it takes away the itch AT ONCE, M
costs you not a cent,
C Y I. ueorserMspraLe trulli
Bandon pc .»pie !<><• introducing lieu
the simple buckthorn bark anti
glycer ne mixture, known as Adler-
i-ka. This simple German remedy
first became fiinous by «uiing ap
pendieilis and it has it.iw been dis­
covered that single dose rdicves
so-jr -1«.i i i■.< i.. gas on im- sloni.u.'h
and c in.« iputio.i iiiata.nly.
An Experience During the Riotous
Times of the Commune.
An Unarmed Procession Bearing Ban­
ners of Peace and Good Will Was
Mowed Down by Cannon Planted In
the Sv-eets—A .'/Oman’s Ad venturo.
ii’*; ».•iriuidii
%i«‘ Rvivinl.v
<ii of the Grciit Nortiivi*ii
L«ve some sduslble advice a
n*ase of crop yields and improve
•nt of land. TI m * latest instructiou
?red is from a teacher of Eiiglisli
•auguage mid literature. On its face
'hut does not sound promising, but
i 'fare indications are not always
U ’ .-«tworthy. In fills instance the
•her of English demonstrated his
if ory by several years’ practice
! erefore he is worthy to be beard.
He is a man of some fame. Professor
•ert S.'Cook of Yule. Ills specially
i ihe farming line is raising liay.
nonstration is that he got alwint
.?n times as much hay from an nere
ground In the end ns in the b«»gin
r His method, put in tin* hriefes»
sible Mpare, was as follows: About
rears ago he bought four and <uc
‘ acres in tile grazing sori inn of
V« i mold. The yield in Imy then was
r > tons for the entire plot, mid as tile
♦ aind was wet mid mucky I lie ha.\
v n. full of coarse ami sedg.v grass mid
was not of goo 1 quality His lirsl step to drain the lowest part of flic
1.1 Tin» soil was then 'plowed nini
Die stones tai < n out of it. Next it W I-
ii'l.•••aiediy luirrosved until it was mu.
: i asli heap
I’or fertilizer Professor Cook, having
fio manure on the place, used a mix
ti:i> of nitrate of soda, muriate of p< t
nsh and acid phosphate (or ground
ei. Six to eight hundred pounds of
tlds mixture were lined to the nere,
some of It being applied when the
grass was sown In the full anil more
after it had come up in the spring
’! ' proportions of the different Itigrc
d its be determined tiy the character
( r he soil, the nitrate of soda being
nnplied sparingly after the grass was
up Tbe seed used was the very best
timothy and redtop. fourteen quarts to
the acre, sown first lonfftlnvlue mill
1’ien crosswise, llirlitly burrowed In
and then rolloil The yield from the
four nml n luilf neres hns been nearly
f«anteen. tons, although the average
j hd I of the township Is only one ton
to the acre From all of which it is
plain that It pays to take pains.
Rnfforer» from liny fever should re­
member not to sneeze nt the golden
rod, ; ih it Is the nntlonnl flower
Place your orders now for next year's
fruit nnd vegetables to I m » delivered by
parcel* post.
! ¡.ci
i h ... ' o!; ! ri: mt ¡on to Im* ill.-«
, Ill-U
rece; • ;y in Paris what ‘the■ A.iieii.
st.vh •s for the n ex t * season would
..¡1C lepfjed. Tin» leftovers itrit i’u:
shop keepers ami milliners could i
''(»Ì1 la. ; season.”
it must be admitted at tile out!
that similar movements linve Ini
atarbil io tins eonntry iæfoic and tb
tbey came t<» llttle or uothlug. '1
présent cru.ade ma.v hâve tin* sai
unhappy fate. l-'or :i!l finit il is wor
nuiking. Soi «p film» the \nmrii .
wom«,ri are goiug i<> throw olï the s!a
ery oi i’aris lashkHM, ami this ma.v
tho f' i imite h ur.
« u il it is
grownup clri.; mid oii.’ir io i-
to do -'ome for O;P. .f'fS
llticnlly mu' indii-«:rhi!l\ v.e 1)0
shown (he ability to wall: nl<>.
some years. In <*er tabi ¡ine v,»
even la»« n:ie tin* p:,, «■;:laker for
nations It '‘ems th it til t ; ■«'I'rcd .
etpmgh lndep( ndcncc .i.mong Ai:u! *'\ ’
women and enough iu:. •.» hi il v niuuu:
.American nd’liners to fix . r,
fashions I’Hi <’.« :-iy.i our ov.-* L’.'l
Some of the Paris fashions an» pft
enough, but <»theMs arc immsti’nsuh
Frenchwomen are not Ameri -...» ' ■
en, and Pae gowns that might Le II I
ting for the one are noi app.< prim«
for th«» other Following the In»' i h
skirt craze and some of the fearful an
wonderful hats with whi h our woe
enkind have inflicted themselves, it
would seem about time for Am<»ri<‘mi
common sense to assert Itself and L
adopt a declaration of independence
against Paris fashions.
A Denver woman ninety nine year
old lias sued for her share of au estat
that she may ‘spend her derllnfn
days in comfort and ease.” if wi»ul’
seem about time that she retired iru .
active life.
The American military g<»verimr o
Mindanao claims that the Moros I i . im
many virtues If this is true conceal
moot must tie one of their Mrou
Philadelphia mau gave his dnughte
a 300 pound rake for a weddiug pus
ent. IIow almut providing the eats'
that precede the de • e;t'.-
Vs Pie D ooiiipi I*
rtcniiH Greatest Telephone Farrs
that «siting pie is out <»!
Vrfordlng to.statistics recently given
on by the American Telephone and style. The demand has been waning
for years, and non the rvallx high
Toll' .raph ixnnpnnv. the United States
priced diners scanei.v touch it. ’fini«>
h.i-. more telephones unit miles of tele-
was when A nieri«ans had pic for
piu. i(<* wires than all the remainder of
breakfast, pie for dinner, pie for sup
the world put together,
In fact, it
per. That was ¡»iM'orc tin* mid«l i> nn-ai
II-.: t wo-tliirds of the telephones of the
had beconn» a “hiiiehpon” and liefor •
bl. Los Angeles lias the Inrgest
dinner was mo\«»<1 onward from 12 t«>
er of phones to Its population
7 o'clock In tbe good «»id days tlicr«*
• liy elty on earth, and most Anierl
were fifty seven varieties nf pic. and
■ Illes linve more Insti-nmeiit« on
they were all g< »«! I'or p« i>ple in the
' .erage than European cities, with
pie belt wli<» could affor«l the «lelieac.v
ngle exeeptlon of Ntoekholin,
no men I was complete w it bout nt lenst
■ telephone, like the public school
one of these varieties
the newspaper. Is a sign of Intelll
In vain did the doctors rail Ugni list
mid progress, nml America loads
the pastry habit, saying that It tens
three, ns she does also In rein-
1*1 :
the foundation of Ainei i. an lndlg»‘stion
railroad mileage. Free govern
and the cause of many national Ills
'.« Itenrlng Its fruit«.
Apple pie and cheese, “pnukin ' I de.
time for our |»,ople to stand up
mince raisin, custard and pen« li pie.
eir own country
Apparently a
ldmon meringue, cherry, plum.
plum, I»rrry
< t
i element of the Now York
an<1 cream pie, these
t hese and c<»i
nml public tldnk more of the
more that make file month wat«»r even
nlrjng approval of Europe than
to name, pie with crusts so die t they
W own land
The example of
ca 1« rovoliitlonlzlng the world melted on the tongue, all held their
Itle«. In education. Ir. Invention ¡»opnlaritv in spite of doefbrs ami <|\s
♦ lie
Industry Ry standing together |M»ptics. So gseat. a favorite
dc?i rea l
people we can hasten this de-
• work It Is for us to raise the ti<»nal pastime tDit of «»dkvlioldi
•an «tnndanl. not vatngloi'lously. came to N» known as pie blt<
Ala», a II thh I» chnn^i:
'teilly and effectively Since tile
\’ev York rcNtniirntcm. ■ :l V*
h itlott of this government a new
pie has gotte «»ut of fn.‘
H CSOl'O tO the world, and Amer
knows m lit why but the “I»
Its lender Th!« inórense« our re
’dllty and makes it nil the more and *‘ayl iM’t” have c«'.is«*il ordering I
ary that we keep olirseli e» Other re< tHiirniit nml Imtvl I. ccih »»**- •
caterers confirm him That M*tfie*
I < nd worthy.
rbe ■tina t •«ct nml would tu'
lui vc «K« »tued t»lo. Yet XI»
Í *<i ria newspaper lu gathering «
the ■ ver lire man thiit tin
■ «Ium of answers to the question,
nine mil t lb»!l<4 (if I1 f > u 11
women understood ?” It require«
riitht on
unposltim to answer that que«
Re ctinti
Two letters are enough
•f ni* tr
> are a mystery, even their ngw»
mt "e
mid ivnt
A* h <
A r hip ninety three year« old 1« to gl»
«mm id tire Horn and take part In the
I mia ma exposition It can act a« a
nort i if marine granddaddy, aa If were,
or like tbe oldest Inhabitant at the
county fair.
It I« • I
voir 1» I
forcer« - a proof tl «il UH-
their pen« arc !*•<• imlM >
OOH the««* dava; Hl o that
no longer firmer»
in Harper's J ie lie llegeriuann
Undenerone tell >i' het experiences iu
Paris «luring the «o mm une. One day's
adventures are t ¡ leal. Ou March 20
1X71. she writes.
■ Today there w is a great demonstra­
tion in the streets
\ young fell 'W named Henri de
Pene thought if In* could collect enough
people to follow him be would lead
them t«> the barricades in the* Place
Vendome in order to beg the com­
munards in the
me of le penpie to
restore order and uiet In tin* city. Hi?
sent word beforehand that they would
come there unarmed.
“I happened to go at 1 o'clock to
Wiorth's. in the Rue de la Paix. and.
finding the street l barred, 1 left toy
coupe in tin io Rue ■ des Petit Champs,
telling Louis <my coachman) to wait
for me in the Ri s st. Arnaud (Just
belli nd the Rue < de l:t I’alxb ami 1
.’Hiked to Xo 7.
“I wondered whv there were so few
4 i . in Hie stt
The l'iace Ven
■ •.ne was baiTi<:)ded with paving
s I' hiie .
and (-aiHMiis wore pointing
low n the Rue tie l:< Palx. I walked
i\ .¡long to 'Aorta's, mu! hardly
ii.i'l I rem hod his salon than we heard
distant. confus( (l sounds, and then the
'hooting in the street below made us
li rush to the windows.
hat a sight met our eyes.’
■ I'tii: hand -onie young fellow
‘ci : . his hat in id oiitstretclied hand,
oli • . • d Iw a ci(»wd of men. women
• nd < liildi-eu io< lx. d tile picture of life,
h» . ith and enthiisiasim
■ I he crowd bore banners on wliicli
v.oe wrlttpji Les \nds du Peuple.’
’Amis de I’Ordre ’Pour In I’aix' and
oim with ‘Nous ne sommes pas armes.’
“One can’t imagine the horror we
felt when we heard tbe roar of a can­
non and looking down saw the street
filled with smoke and frightened
screams and terrified groans reached
our ears. Some one dragged me in­
side the window and shut It down to
drown the horrible noise outside. De
Pone was the first who was killed,
3'he street was filled with dead ami
“I felt terribl.v agitated and.
• »ver. deathly sick *¿1.'’ onp thought
was to reach my ca:- *ige and got home
as quickly ns possible
But how was
! to accomplish it? The Rue de la
was. of course, impossible.
Worth had a courtyard, but no outlet
into tbe Rue St Arnaud. He suggest­
ed that I should o through his ate­
liers. which lie had at the top of the
house, and reach an adjoining apart
ment. from which I might descend to
the Rue St A run nd. where I would
Hud my carriage
He told one of bis
worn n to load the way. and I follow
We toll«*d up many Hights of
wenrisome steps until we arrived at
’;e above meudoin d at.dicrs. These
•<»mniiini«*nted wi h another apart
ment. «»f which \\ ortti’s woman bad
la* key. <)n her opening tbe door we
‘oniid ourselves in a small bedroom
■ n it in the tidiest ••»ndltioii), seeming
o ha\Ae just been « <-cupied
We pass
••I through ti iw ronin and came out to
staircase, where th«» demoiselle
aid. You have only t<» go down here.’
“When at Inst I <ame to the port«»
■oi liere I found it closed and
•itid the frightened concierge,
nut open for me
a gol«l piece to tu:: Le her vivid to my
■h*mand. She ret: tanlly nnfustened
itie door, and I Wei.t out. The street
was tilled with a terrified mob. howl-
itig and Hying tn ••very direction. I
caught a glimpse of die carriage away
up the street, and I saw a hand
(icnlating above tl he heads of
«rowd, which I rev .mix«»« I as Louis’
It Was the only one with a glove on
‘1 pushe«i my way tlirough the m
of people, saying rcry politely T
<h»n’ as I puaiied f lid very politely
Merci* after I hud i issod
‘My horse had beei unharnessed, and
h iiiao was trying t<- lend him away in
spite of Louis' renmi •trances
Th«* man holding (he bridle opp »<lt
to Louis seemed a most formidable
person to me
StV I tried to smile
with placid cnimne^ . anti, though I
w is shaking all ov« . said. ‘Pardon,
moDsicur. will you pi ermlt me to have
my rarfiage harnes® -i‘d?’ I think he
w is completely taken II off his gnaid. for.
with the Intuitive gallantry of a
h'renchman. lit? a ns? wered most and
a!»ly, throwing tiack^t Ids rout and show
Ing me his badg^. I urn tbe agent «»
tbe siilut ptibliqur. and it is for the
government that I tn ike your home,
‘I made him obaei rve that it would
e very difficult for me to walk to my
home in the Rue de Cowrcetlr»« and
if his government wanted the horse it
«•on Id came then* ami fetch It
*»»k«'«l donbtftilly at me an If wrlghl
»IB. then said. ve,*y rmirre
• Ifrstaml. mad
you bit
nmr hor*e.‘ and he
du to reharnt**s the
wh«» <»
si happy to return
“Whc i I arrived home I had to «••
t(» bvd t was «o exhausted
W. adì linisterrd the infallible
mite te . her remedy for every Hl
mnnot ronveive of tiny disease which
1» m»t cured hy cninoarile tee unte?«» t8
ai tre me. u ben flenr» doranger takat
iti placa. *
Ada Still, N. G.
L. I. Wheeler, Secretary.
w. o. w.
Brown & Gibson
Keep the logs roiling boys I
Meets First and Third Thursdays.
Neighbors welcomed.
C. M. Gage, C. C.
H. E. Boak, Secretary
The Leading Contractors
and Builders
build anything, no
matter ho.v large or how
we can save
Q ANDON LODGE, No, I30 A. F. & A
M, Stated communications fust Saturday
after the full moon of each month. Special
communications second Saturday thereaiter.
All Master Masons cordially invited.
W. E. Crame. W. M
Phil Pearson, Secretary
money, I et us figure rm
your building
O ccidental chapter . N o . 45, ô.
fications and it you are go-
•rrrv'rrM’TT-t-i -rrrr rr tvtty -? h
We furnish plans and speci­
to notify thu office L
Lodges are r< equested
ou election of >f officers and on
oo chanfle
change ol v*
meeting night. Cards under this head
are 7>c per inch per month.
“Never does what she ought to or
what you expect, eh?”
1. O. O. I*meet« Tuesday nights at I
“That Is just it Sometimes she does.
She is inconsistently inconsistent”
O. O. F. Hall. Transcient members cordially
Can you afford to lose
Lewan Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M.
tV( EETS f irst and Thud Tuesday* of each
month at tkh run at the Bandon
wam. Sojourning Chiefs in good stunding aic
cordially invited to attend.
A. J. Hartman,
J. C. Sheilds,
Absolutely Past Hope.
C. of R.
“She is the most inconsistent woman
I ever knew.”
your businuss house or home?
£ood tire polio ^protects
credit. See me about rates;
they are right anil the com­
pany is right.
Lodge and Professional
■ —
Eastern Star
E. S., meets Saturday evening before and
after stated communication of Masonic Lodge
Visiting members cordially invited to attend.
Louise M. Boyle, W. M
Merta Mehl, Secretary.
General Blacksmiths
• right anti Heavy Iron Work,
1 Shoeing anti ail kinds
of Blacksmith Work.
Wagon Work anil all kinds
of Wood Work a specialty.
Shop on Columbia Avenue
I. <>. <>. F
DANDON LODGE. No. 133, 1. O. O. F.
meets every Wednesday evening. Vuitiog
brothers in good standing cordially invited.
A. Knopp, N. G.
Harry Armstrong, Sec.
Knights of rytlilas
rjELPHl LODGE, No. 64. Knights of
—Pythias. Meet, every Monday evening
at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to
C. R. Moore. C. C.
B. N. Harrington K. of R. S.
Saturdays at Lorenz* Store
M. G. POHL, Optometerist
Kryptocks, the Most Perfect Lenses
Rates $t.oo to $2.oc per day.
week or month.
Special rates by
Sample Room in Connection.
Attorney at Law
Agent Pacific Surety Company. Office Bank
of Bandon Bldg. Phone 102. Bandon, Oregan
Dr H. L. Houston
Ofhoe over Drug Store. Hour,, 9 to 13
R.m. 1:30 to 4, p.m.; 7 to 8 in the evening.
Night calls answered from office.
W. E. Steinhoff
The Harness Man
Office Hours 9 to 12—1 to 5
Dr lu. F. Sorensen
Office Over Vienna Cafe
Fhe Finest Line in Coos County
Prices right. Call and see
Telephone at Office and Home.
Office With Bnndon Invent ment Uo
Dr. U- LÆ. Brown.
Resident Dentist
F nn Portland to Bam »n and Way Ports.
from 1’. rti.iiid Wedne I n from Couch St. Dock
Be up-to-date and have the new
Auto Truck do your hauling. Fast
conveyance and no jar.
Dur Job Printing is the Best!
Office in Panter Building
Oflw Hour.:
9 to 12 M„ I to 5 P. M.
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law
Office over Slieel,' Store
Office Phone. Main 335;
reaideace. Main 346
DR. R. A
Physician and Surgeon
Office Rasmussen Bldg. Phene 72
Bandon, Oregon
\dv»nced Scientific and Drille» Metfiad. for
the treatment of all Human Ailments. Chrontc
and Nenow Divues given special attentioa.
Pacific Avenue, Two Blocks South of Atwater
Street. Bandon. Oregon. Phone *JI.
V. B. WTL80N, Oph. Dr.
Defects ol vision scientfically cor­
rected. Fourteen years experience.
Absolute satisfaction guaranteed,
Prices reasonable.