Saved oy His Wife. All Orders Promptly Filled for all kinds of Fresh. New Crop Grass* Seed. CENTRAL FEED CO Central Warehouse, Phone 142 Equipped with Wireless S. S. BREAKWATER AIA\ AYS ON TIME Sails from Coos Ba\ Sept. 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, at ser­ vice of tide. Sails from Portland Sept. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 2~ at Sa. m. Confirm Sailings Through M. F. SHOEMAKER, Agent Bandon Phone 142 Where You Get the Hardware If you are looking for anything in light and heavj hardware, this is the place to get it. We also do plumbing and guarantee satisfaction. Our chief aim is to please. A. McNAIR, The Hardware Man PERFECTION IN PLUMBING can be obtained if you let its do your plumbing for you. To a great extent your health depends on the plumbing, and il it is in poor condition, ir will pay you to let us attend to it. Our prices are moder­ ate. BANDON HARDWARE CO She’s a uise woman ju.^t wh it to do when her husband's lite is ill da: ger, but Mis J. R Flint, Brain­ tree, Vt., is ot chat kin I. ‘‘She in­ sisted on my using Dr. King’s N'c C A » Discovery,’’ writes Mr. F.. ‘‘fora dreadful cough, wh 11 I was so weak my friends all thought I mid only a short time to live, and it completely cured me.” z\ quick cure fol colds ¡ md coughs, it is tin- most safe and I reliable medicine for many throat •md lung trotf les- -grip, bronchiti croup, whooping cough, quinsy. tonsilitis, hemin 1 iiiges. A trial will convince you. 50 cts. an I ¡si oo. Guaranti ed bv all druggists. Bandon Druggist 1 raise. S a ? 4 i S ays C. V. I. ai c f vitality, loss of strength ami U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. nerve we.iktnss. I: appetite fails, Aui'iot 21, I9i2. lake Electric Bitters quickly to over­ Notice is herel,> n that \. r. F. come tile cause by toning up the 1 of Bandon, Otego:., who, on October 28, 1910, stomach and cm ing the indigestion. made Hom :■ 1 ’ -ritry, No. tku )S, tor SEI-4 Michael Hessheimer. of Lincoln |SEI-4ofSec. I, and the SI-2 NEI-4 rnd Neb , had been sick over three years NEI-4 NEl-4 of See. 12, Iownsliip 30, S„ I it.-.n *e 15 3X < i. Winunclte Merkle a, Im;-, filed but six bottles of Electric Bittr rs ¡notice of inl-nlion to make Final Commutation put him light 011 his feet again. : Proof, to establish claim to the land above 1 hey have helped thousands. They j deo . bid, before C. R. Wade, U. S. Cornu give pure blood, strong nerves, ! sioner at Bandon, Oregon, on the ‘.’lb day of good digestion. Only 50 cts al all 1 I )cl<.. .< r. 1912. Claimant nanm as witnesses: H. 1‘. (. I.iu- druggists. ren. John Buller, S. J. Wilson, J. R. Slillwtll, GEO. W. MOOSE LUMBER CO Phone 171. Orde s taken for delivery 5- DONT HOLD BACK I if the w ife urges you to be­ come a regular visitor to this bank. She is acting for your welfare as well as het; own, for the comfort and happiness oi yon both. Why not open a joint account so that either of \ou can draw the money in case of the disability of the other? Ask us about it. BANK OF BANDON :">«SI£oy would have to lose his leg, on iccount of an ugly ulcer, caused by i bad bruise,” wrote F D. Howard \quone, N. C. ‘' Ail r< me lies a:id lectors treatm« nt I failed until u riid Bucklen's Al 1 nica Salve, anti Cures ured him with one b< x,’ mrns, bai's, skin t.iuptir» ,, piles. ■5c at a I druggists. r value of G. W. M. lumber Sx:> l e is caused by a disordered stomach. Take ( ham Amber. ei Ain’s '1 a de » ani c met that Innumerable magical properties were 'and the hi a lac ias will d .app -ir. ascribed to nmlier In former times, Saves Leg of Boy. ï! Deserve S I Twin Screws, Wireless Equipment,— Hot and Cold Water. Waen you Travel Have the Best. It costs you no more. your business house or home? A ‘rood lire policy protects credit. See me about rates; they are ri^ht and the com- piny is right. Up Freight $3.00 per Ton. See us for Rates on Down Freight. kNDON WAREHOUSE ( ohe FUTURE Sarcastic. “Would yon marry a Chinaman'?” he . I-n ight and I’«-. enger Agents OF YOUR BUSINESS HANGS ON naked. "Oh. dear." the girl, who Is sarcas tic. replied, “this is so sudden: But I always supposed you merely looltvd like one." Fortunes in Faces. Large Two Berth Outside Stat-e Rooms with Running Water Eight Day Service Between ihe Coquille River and San Francisco First Class Passenger Fare. $7.50 $3 on Up Freight Freight Rates. r J. E. WALSTROM. Agnnt. Bnudon. Oregon. 1/ E. At E. T. Kruse, owners an. Managers, 24 California St., San i rancisco. K Reservations: P Point. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Coquille; Perkins’ Pharmacy, Myrtle Bandon Meat Market RESKEY & FORD, Proprietor» (Successors to E. Lewin) Headquarters for the BEST of Everything in the Meat line—both salt and fresh S. S. B rooklyn Newly Remodeled, Modern Equipment Throughout Carries Passengers and Freight First Class Passage Eire. J" 50. Freight per Ton, $3 00 M tk> - Regular Eight Day Trips between San Francisco and Bandon. SUDDEN & CHRISTENSEN. Owners and Operators San Francisco, Calif. J. E. WALSTROM. Agent, Bandon. Ore. re's often mu 11 truth in tii ■ i>s, “her face is her fortune,’’ bi its never sakl where pimples, ski: ■rirptions, blotches, or oth'.r blein blood is 'shes disfigure it. Impure 1 I back of them all, , and shows the need of Dr. King s New lite Pills Tiiey promote health and beauty. Try t em. 25 cults at all druggi.-ts. When you have a bad cold you want tin best medicine obtainable «0 as to cure it with as little delay as possible. Here is a druggist’s opin­ ion. ’ i have sold Ch.iinl 1 rl.;in - C nigh Remedy for fifteen years,” siys l ip's l.ollar of Saratoga, Iml , and consider it the b -t on the market." For sale by C Y. I. ave • E. OAKES. PURE DRUGS Do you want pure drugs and ■rug sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes and toilet arti- cles? If so, call on Gatchell Eros.’ Transfer Line C. Y. LOWE, CATCHELL BROS., Bandon, Oregon PI ION w «41 MILL W00D Panama. Panmna has practic ally no rnanufar- per heid. .Split tur<’s The principal exports are bn- 16 .in Wood (Aish en Deli»-ri. nanas. cocoanuts, hides and skin^. wood S3.OO. ivorv. nuts, rubber ami hard wood, of Otder from driver < r phi ih 171 which the United States receives th? GEO. B. MORGAN. greater proportion Here is .1 woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long ix peritnee, viz., Mrs I’. II. Brogan of Wilsn. Pa., who says, “I know from experience that Chamberlain s Cough Remedy is far superior to any other. For croup th: re is n »th ing th it excells it. For tale by C. Y. Lowe. The Music Stool. The Grumbler - Look here, mister: I ain’t complainin'. but this ’ere inoosic stool yon sold to my wife, we’re twist- er! it rotin’ till we’ve twist«) off mi’s ’cut). amt not n hn’porth o’ toon rail we net ont of ’ini.- Izintloti Answers. If voti have young children vor, ! h ive perhaps n »tired that dis »rd-r of the stomach are their mrwt ro - . iron ailment. To correct this you I v. :l! find Chamber Iain’s Stom »rh and I Liver Tablets excellent They are ¡easy and pleasant to take, a id mil-1 iand gentle in effect ’ For safe l.y C. Y. Lowe. 4 i Bandon l ower Co LEEPER & CAR Contractors and Builders Estimates Phone Before Buying a Separator look into the SIMPLEX l or Clean Skinuni hility and Easy it has NO EQ< AI-. per cent easier others. Sold by BANDON HDW. CO.i Prop». Al! kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders give:) prompt attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St., Fish Property Lat : VT , Baiò Ties, Fixtures, Bells I » General Electrical Supplies ■ Office Oakes’ Building. Hours 8 to 5 i uu .owiCBrut Home Hand Laundry Fou» th and Spruce St». Family Washing cl a Specialty. Make a Specialty of Rough Dry. Phone 722 EARL SCHOONOVER