dancLon Recorder Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Sale of Real Property for Un I Sale of Real Property for Un- • i Qi s A s paid D»reet Assessment. paid Street Assessment. f i Oiegon, directing me to collect the said unpaid assessment by sale of the said property to satisfy hen o| $397 wuh irttify _ thix office Bandon, Coos county, Oregon, delinquent assess­ Wednesday the 2nd day of October, A. D., 3 on election of officers and on change of F the city of Bandon, Ceos County, Oregon, de’- ment as assessed by Ordinance No. I 12 ^of the 19’2, at the hour of 2 c clock p. m., of said •s meeting night. Cards under this head , ¡«nquenl assessment a: assessed by Ordinance No. ! orchaaaces of the City of Bandon for the im- are 75c per inch per month. day at the fiont door of the City Hall in the I • I ¡2 of the Ordinances of the City of Bandon | provement ef Spruce street in said city in front Entered at the Bandou Postoftice as Second-Class Matter. City of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, sell at for the improvement of Spruce Street in said c.ty jf the north 1-2 of Block No. I I of the Orig- public auction to the bidder offering the least in front of ihe sou’h 1-2 of Bl "rì*[ i ..f February, 1909, and penalty together with ! Said sale being made subject to redemption invited. costò of adveriLmg and sale thereof, I will on which only npodrrl to lu* ninv<»d ili L. 1. Wheeler, Secretary. I costs of advertising and sale thereof, i will, on in the manner provided by the Charter of the It wos^pimt midnight when Guzzioli Wednesday the 2nd day of October, 1912, at and Tarantola, two men who, huviug th»* nmHiinery l o <«»< roinu. Then Wednesday, ihe 2nd day oi October, A. D. City of Bandon, the hour 2:00 o’clock p. m. of said day at the W. O. W. worked tiieir natami Italian tield quite intervals a ; olor» which liad l»o*»n r I 1912, at th»- hour of 2 o’clock p, m., of aid Coos County, Oregon. some of the taste for attractive work- arid of record in the office of the County Clerk Inn id grasping tlrt* uns<»en**IIai> 1 W. E. Crame, W. M ninnslilp of Ids race. Said sale being made subject to redemption in walks the Idler bordered paths ■ of ¡»aid Coos Cr unty, Oregon. Phil Pearson, Secretary “I.el it lUoiie,” Interposed Tarantola he manner provided by the Charter of the City i We furnish plans and speci ­ of life unashamed, unafraid, un­ Said >ale being made ubje-: to redemption "You enu never turn It Into money with .f Bandon. harmed. Sb«» is <*!:!(! in Garments in the manner provided by lae Charter of the fications and it you are go- Eastern Star safely. It’s Just the tiling to Identify Dated this 3d day of Sdptember, A. D. 1912. of beauty for tn«», and u: ..»• does City of Bandon, any one wlm takes it. I.et's go m nitd 0CC1DENTAL CHAPTER, No. 45, O. mg to build anything, no C Y. LOWE. not soil them nor years make i is' if we cun find any silver that cun Da ed this 3d day of September, A. D. 1912. E. S., meets Saturday evening before and Treasurer of the City of Bandon. (hem cheap and tawii/v Her be melted down, or If we ilare go up matter how large or how after stated communication of Masonic Lodge C, Y. LOWE, tongue is without gni!e. lining Visiting members cordially invited to attend. stairs wo may llnd jewels." 1 reisur r of the City oi Bendon, small, we can save voti never been the me ; (dig« r of a Louise M. Boyle, W. M Sale of Real Property for Un­ "It 1 can’t do any belter." replied t’le Merta Mehl, Secretary. ih», it Is seventeen .-u.:r ••’nue other. "I cun get the jewels out of this money, Let us figure on paid Street Assessment. her soul went homo to God and Sale of Real Property for Un­ olle I'm going to take it " I. O. O. F your building. her fingers be.ame for me the "Well, wait till we've been through — paid Street A sctismcnt. D ANDON LODGE, No. 133, I. O. O. F. tlnuocs of an nn-ci. but I I lt . e the house, it may strike tlie hour meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting not forgotten ali she said ^e Whereat? on the 3d day of February 1909 while you're neur some of the family brothers in good standing cordially invited. told me tfluT«» was a Santa Ciani, mid awaken tlieni.” Whmsas on the 3d day ol Fel.rnary 1909 .here was entered in the docket of City liens of ' A. Knopp, N. G. and 1 believe her. He blings me So the men went luto the dining i there was entered in the docket of (. lty liens ol ■he City of Bandon, Coo? County, Oregon, ! Harry Armstrong, Sec. no longer drums and liros. but he room, where they found that all the j '.he Cily of Bandon, Coos County. Oregon, lelinquent .^-essment as assessed by Ordinance still brings to me the vision of Kni|;hta of I’ythDiM silver belonging to (tie family tn use j delinquent assessment as assessed by Ordinance No. I 12 o( the Ordinances of the City of Ban- ! my nrnihur and the music «»f that TjELPHI LODGE, N o . (4, Knights of liud been left in the sideboard Guzzi ion for the improvement of Spruce Street in , ' No. I 12 of the Ordinances of the City of Ban­ angelic chorus whi. h sud ", at oil held open I lie inoutli of n Isi, g while Pythias. Meets every Monday evening don for ihe improvement of Spruce Street, in -aid City, is front of I .nt 8, Block 6, of the ' creation's dawn and at the hour at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to ‘J'nrnniola stuffed th" art it* lex In; 1 he i. Original 1 ownsite of Bandon, in the sum of Light Heavy Iron Work, of man ’ s red«*: iption. - (Jovernor attend. C. R. Moore, C. C. ' said City in front ol LoU No». I a d 8, in leaving the plunder on tlie dining room Thomas R. Mai shall B. N. Hasrington K. of R. S. [ Block 12 of the Original Towns lie of Bandon, ¿597.80, and assessed to William Turner. Said Kible. they took off tiieir shoes mid Shoeing went upstnh-s, separating on the land ! in the uni of $165.90 and asse eed to J. P. rssessment has never been paid nor the lien dis- i Blacksmith Work. Saturdays at Lorenz’ Store mg to explore different iisinis i I upper. Said assessment has never been paid, harged nor satisfied. Work all kinds Bolli men were successful, Tumu­ Now Therefore notice is hereby given that by nor the lien discharge I nor satiffied. lota entered a bedroom wliere li young BIRTH AND DEATH. of ork a Now 1 hevefore noticr is hereby given that i y virtue and ir. pursuance of Section 122 of the i gil l was sleeping soundly mid succeed On parents' knees a naked, new Shop on Columbia Avenue virtue anti in pursuance of Section 122 of ihe Charter of the City of Bandon, Coos County, I Kryptocks, the Most Perfect Lenses cd in gstlierlng a number of rings, I born’ child. C arler of the City of Bandon, Coos County, brneelcts and brooches from a dresser Made Weeping, tlmu sat’st when all Oregon, directing m- io . ol’cct the said unpaid wltboui awakening her He wus so around thee minhst asses:-, lent 'by sale ol the said property to satisfy eiieoiirngod by tils tiaul that lie con­ Ic. WADE So live that, sinking in thy cluded la go fart tier «id ' id lion hoi $165.90 wi?li i il.*r-?t therooa ?' ths last long sleet». Guzzioli fnund some, vulmihle brie- i rale of 6 per ernt p r annum fiom lb. 3d day Thou then u:a,vst smile while time for which lie bud a fumy. and. of I c'i.-.uary 1909, and p nalty t gethcr wit! all around tine weep Dr. Evans, Ex-Commissioner of Health, Prescription for eczema «nnr of the City Ha!l m ihe Cil less. The most advanced physicians of : •' ncy of this remedy for so many Dr. Z-Ï. !_□- Houston tel. lie Muffed It ill the side pocket of this country are now agreed on this, and | Bandon, C ogs C unty, Oir that we can tell you all about seil pt pt I.is coat and went into tlie dining room, are prescribing a wash of Wintergreen,1 years /’UYSJClAN A .Si/ÄG’Ä. a D.D D. Prescription and how it euros THE WAY TO SUCCESS. thymol ami other ingredients for eczema czema. Tn fact, we are so sure of what i ucti mi to th? bi.‘di er ofienng ihr least amour where the silver bail been left He and all other skin diseases. This com- j D.D.D. No matter wIvir a unit's eilm .i Otlice over I'm« Store. 11 our fi, !» t< 1/ will do for you that we will bo was looking about to see II some urti- i p.-natty and mt(M ’st all ol ihe right, htle, pound is known as D.D.D. Prescription i i.lad to let you have a ?l bottle on our lion lunv l>e however gre.it hi- - les li.al not beoti overlookud mid li- d a .in. 1 :30 to 4, p in. ; 7 to tí in the evening. terest and estat« whic .h lh :aid J. P. Tupper for Eczema. guarantee that it will cost you nothing Dr. Holmes, the wcN known skin spe- i acquired subtlety of rem ling. Just pii-kad up a butter dish when lie i «\»d all persons clamiiu uncier or throu^h hin cialist w rites: “1 am convince ! that the I unless you find that it does the work. Nu«t ad­ »loll, clutching ut Ills pul a hand in ter Office Over Vienna Cafe 1 reasurer of the City of Bandon mit a <0111111011 dependen e upon I or "You’re seared out of your wits,” i an iilisveu mid. petbops forever, Telephone at Office and Home. an Inexplicable power But in I Sale of Real Property for U ' aid the other "Come; we’ve finished , bANDON our hearts each of us feels an I i ne job l.el s get out " OREGON paid Street Assessment. e.jmilly inexpll aide Impulse to Tarantola, leaving Guzzioli. went to individual and unique achieve­ Gie tubi? nini teck up the bag of silver ment Whether couselmis to our- Whereas on the 3d day’ of February 1909 > nd threw It over Ills shoulder He ATTORNEY AND l OL'NShLl B *<*lie* and appreciated by our­ ’• «tnrtlng to pass tbrouili the draw- 1 there was entered in the docket of Ci'y iitfat AT LAW. selves or whether only blindly i i> room when ugnili rami' the voice: ; ’he City of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, d domineering, tills liuoulse orders "Drop t lisi !" NOTAKY PUBLIC hnqutmt astemnient as assessed by Ordinance us forward to service t'ducn- He mumigel to retnln sutlleieni eou : No, I 12 ot the Ordinances oi th«* City of Ban Bandon, On^'ii tlou lights tile way and deter­ irol of himself not to let the heavy ' don for the improvement of Spruce ¿Street mines flie destination, lliimnnity Ottico With Baixlon Invi-Htmcnt '. r> Mill dow n i ii the Boor with u thump, I >..id city, in front ot Lot I, Block b, of th unl^t mid shall lie served no mat­ ul lie lowi'iid it ut ’nee and. grasping ottginal tawmite ol Bandon, in the mni of ter who uta y Miller. That H revolver, stood ready for defense Dr. TT- irX. Brown. 4>»Oi.65, and assessed to M. \X . Kennedy. Said tsitli the whip and the hope of »’¡lice (lie men had worked only b.v a Resident Dentist. tlie race, Goveimor John A. Dix i uscMment ha< never been paid nor the lien i mal elect rie ila sit lamp I be room wus ef New York. da X <•>< ept for wlmt light could get in t bulged nor .»atierty (o satisfy ness I laving remained no for some From Portland to a\ Ports. Attorney and Couuselor-at-Law I hh ’ ii sent toot British nrinx «Hticer. who »..id lien if $IOI.o5 wilh interest thereon at the ’line, aitici' tioililng liappened. Taran obi. though he knew tie bail not been lepori rd that rrhnfv Bl.mk had l«»*( i ate of 6 per cent per annum Iron* the kl day I - from Dock. nlstiikeii In hearing the words, was his nrent(*o:it. runs ns follows; 'flu» ,t I • bruary. ¡907, and penalty hxMhe. w.th Office over Skecls’ Store 'bout to take ap tlie rack when he rnh utation of the value nt n h»M givnt 'oits ol advertising at 'tenni n voice say, “Hava yon got Office Phone, Main 335; residence. Main 34 coat should he made by dcihiuthm th«» ' \\ ednesdav (he 2nd da eviTrytlilng’’ ___________ 6 I value when worn out frinii the value ! 1912, at the houi of 2 c Meanwhile, the liend of the bouse ■ Jay at thr front door of when rev. ns given In article 75 liuti lu-eii awakened b.v the fall of the , C.tv oi Bandon, Coos silver glut........ id. getting out of lusf. clothing w:i mini, dividing the uhlic auction to thr Physician and Surgeon 11 ul gone to the batiister and M ixm I ma Ind er by the Uiimlivr of months ' amount of penalty and ii list.'iiing lie heard persons wlilsper- garment uhould wear, multiplying Office Rasmussen Bldg Phono 72 Ut';.-, intost Immediately after coat The liahima» lx ibv atnouni mat i’ ed follow« to-wjt: he cpicstlou asked by flic voice He xhuuld be vLarged ’ AJvancrd Scknt.hr an(| DruglcM Method, lor Lui No. I Block No. 6. of ihr original hearil some one any: th- trratm«it cf all Human Ailment,. Chronic tn AfnsUv »dciiticn to Bandon, Coot Count}, Tha Ohio River. "Shut upf and Nervous DiseMr* Rl*en sperwl aitmlion. < >-rc«Mi. ccrdirp iti to the plat litrieof on file No imrt of th«» Uhl«» -:\«‘r n in < "It Isn't tne talking. There's some Pacific Avenue, Two Blodts South of Atwater an rd in ti odicr t! tne County Clerk 51 eel. Bandon. Oregon. Phone 991. one tx'skle uie all the time.’' the l»otii!«biry of the »tut* *M»ln aid < v< Counv. Oregon. Then there was a cry of ‘Tollcer' northern or northwester* tunr^l The men <1 nipped everything and the river. The Mrvitm liMdf u u' Sai* I *e « o.! ma le ml 1'.oct to redemption m made for the window through which In Went Vlndtiia and l\vntu«‘k,v. w ■»* I» • manner p«» v»dcd bv die Ch «iter ol the Ckv they bad come They got wifely out It flows past Ohk» Tlie n«»r*h of Land« n. ‘ Defer»* of vi.ion sciertfically cor- and starteli down the •trwt. but ran territory, «»ut of which Ohio w.m f Dated ihu »d day «•» Septembre A. D. right into the nrnis of the police who «u| wan dedn«*d a* th«* territ«»ry r r< ted. Fourteen years experience. 1912. were coining In response to the tele and west of the Ohio, not north <-.n . 1 Absolute satisfaction guaranteid. C. Y LOUT. phone csil. They were taken back to weat of the middle of that great river I.t.iufer of the C'(y ol Bradoo. Puces reasonable. Wi bona«, »¡ul «ILUij micie» tUcjL U a U Raoorder FutJlislaing Company C. E. KOPF L. ]. BUTTERFIELD Subscription, SI 50 per Year in Advance. Advertising Rate* Made K uuwq ou Applicntiou. Jub Printing a Specialty A UNIQUE CLOCK O Brown & Gibson W.LSON & HOWARD General Blacksmiths ami Ilorse t Wagon Wood W and al! kinds and specialty. M. G. FOHL. Optometerist Doctors Use This for Eczema The Harness Man Full supply of suit cases and ladies' shopping bags at a low figure S. S. ANVIL Bandon and \\ Sail frolli Portland Wcdmsdai BARROW Couch St. COQU HI J*]. ORE I PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS i)R. R. V. IJ€E1> I L AUTO TRUCK DR. B. K. LEACH Be up-to-date and have the new Auto Truck do your hauling. Fast conveyance and no jar. V.R. Wl’SON. Oph. Dr. HANRAHAN & DEVEREAUX