CENTRAL FEED CO. Central Many Driven From Home. The county court has let a con- ract for driving 5*0 piles along the lower Coquille, between the county i one that provides his cattle seit and Beaver slough, the purpose with the best feed, grain, etc. being to protect the barks bom Poor feed means poor cattle washing and caving. This work ol and poor profits. Give your 4he winter freshets is not only dam stock our feed and grain to aging to the farms and roadways eat ami you’ll get more out along the sireim but the washing fill of them. They will yield in the river ehan.il. producing sho.ils more, give you better returns. that are disadvantageous from the You are not keeping stock for navigable standpoint of the river fun. Buy our feed and get Il is found that with piles driven at real money out of them. • intervals and backed with brush and logs, washing away of the embank, nients at the sharp curves oi the river is almost entirely eliminated Warehouse, Phone 142 Along the upper portoin of the river there are several bad bends that ; could be treated similarly with profit i Equipped with Wireless Fighting the Current. Papua has swift st reams well stixk to the property owners and navig; - ed with ttsb. Au explorer tells ot i'ap tors. The Prosperous Stock Owners S. S. BREAKWATER ALW AYS ON TIME Saib, from Coos Bay Sept. 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, at ser­ vice of tide. Sails from Portland Sept. 2. 7, 12, 17, 22, 27 at Sa. m. Confirm Sailings Through M. F. SHOEMAKER, Agent Bandon Phone 142 Where You Get the Hardware Every year, in ibany parts of the couhtry, thousands are driven from their homes by coughs and lung diseases. Friends and business are left behind for other climates, but this is costly and not always sure. A better way—the way ot multitudes —is to use Dr. King's New Discov­ ery and cure yourself at home. Stay right there, with your friends, and take this safe medicine. Throat and luug troubles hud quick relief and health returns. Its help in coughs, colds, grip, croup, whooping cough and sore lungs make it a positive blessing. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all drug­ gists. _____________ tian fresh water mullet which some times weigh as uiiu-h as fifteen poimils "These Hsh are woitdertully provideil by nature with au appliance which helps them to combat the extriuuili nary currents At one moment you will see them beiug swept down resist lessly. but suddeuly they shoot off kito the quieter water mid attach tliem selves to the rocks by a strong shekel near the mouth. There they hang just outside the current, their tails moving gently with It. and when they have re covered their strength they make an other dash through the swifter wu fers.” The Men Who Succeed, as heads of large enterprises are men of great energy. Success to­ If you are looking for anything in light and heavy day, demands health. To ail is to hardware, this is the place to get if. fail. It’s utter folly for a man to We also do plumbing and guarantee satisfaction. endure a weak, run-down, half alive condition when Electric Bitters will Our chief aim is to please. put him right on his feet iu short order. “Four bottles did me more A. McNAIR, The real good than any other medicine 1 ever took,” writes Chas. B, Allen, Sylvania, Ga. “After years of suf­ fering with rheumatism, liver trouble, stomach disorders and deranged kidneys, I am again, thanks to w hen done w ith our ready Electr’c Bitters, sound and well.'’ mixed paints. T hey are so Try them. Only 50 cents at all easily applied, How so freely’ druggists Hardware Man Painting Isn’t Work ami evenly that a woman doesn’t have to depend on mere man to do every little job of brightning up either inside or outside the house. W e have every kind of paint for every purpose in every color and tint. BANDON HARDWARE CO. S.S. ELIZABETH Large Two Berth Outside State Rooms with Running Water Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco First Class Passenger Fare, - $7.50 Freight Rates, - $3 on Up Freight J. E. WALSTROM, Agent. Bandon. Oregon. E. & E. T. Kruse, owners an Reservation*. Point. .Tianagers, 24 California St., San Francisco. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Coquille; Perkins’ Pharmacy, Myrtle RESKEY & FORD, Proprietors (Successors to E. Lewin) Headquarters for the BEST of Everything in the Meat line—both salt and fresh S. S. B rooklyn Newly Remodeled, Modern Equipment Throughout Carries Passengers and Freight First Class Passage Fare, 50. Freight per Ton, >3 00 Makes Regular Eight Day Trips lx tween San liancisco and Bandon. SUDDEN & CHRISTENSEN, Owners and Operators San Francisco, Calif. J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon. Ore. Departmene of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon. August 21. 1912, Notice is hereby given that Willis F. Magill, 1 of Bandon, Oregon, who, on October 28, 1910, j made Homestead Entry, No. 06708, for SEI-4 SEI-4 of Sec. I, and the SI-2 NEI-4 and , anil wi\u io ¡>2 week or month. per day. Special rates by Sample Room in Connection. Oregon Bandon «w vrmsnai SHIELDS lilt! hMIITiis V IMl Wsguss of all kinds Mode 1» Order KENNEDY W H.MXll 1 1,1 liS * FALLING WLDGf.S, BUCKING WEDGLS. Horse-hoeing a Specialty SI I I KJ S, HOOKS OF ALL | KINDS AND ( I LVIsi s MADE IOOKDEK Home Hand Laundry Fourth and Spruce St«. Family Washing a Specialty. Make a Specialty of Rough Dry. Phone 722 EARL SCHOONOVER] Our Job Printing is the Best!