Bandon Recorder 1 Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Reoordar F’utolialxtn.g Compa-ny L. J. BUTTERFIELD C. E. KOPF Subscription, $1 50 per Year it. A Ivance. Aiiveitisinr’ Rates Made Known on Application. Job 1‘rioti'ig a Specialty. Entered at the Bandon office as Second-ClaHH Matter. FRIDAY....................................................................................... July 12 i^ia | i A Fly In the House Is More ! i Dangerous Than a Rattlesnake ! t ¿ o o o o O longer can we dismiss the ilv with ¡1 contemptuous “Shoo!” He is an influence to be reckoned with. Black as he is painted, we must concede him certain virtues, From a wordly point of view he is a hustler “ from way back,” PERPETUALLY ON THE .JOB AND ALWAYS DELIVERS By Dr. WOODS HUTCHINSON of New York THE GOODS. He distributes samples of pestilence with a lavish haml, and the goods always match the samples whether you have ordered them or not and are marked 1). O. D.—DI'.A 1 II ON DELIVERY. r (t WE MAY ADMIRE THE FLY FOR HIS INDUSTRY, PERTINACITY AND BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. WE MAY EVEN LOVE HIM—LUKE­ WARMLY—AS ONE OF GOD’S CREATURES. WIPE SAME. HIM GENTLY BUT FIRMLY CUT OF BUT WE HAD EXISTENCE BETTER JUST THE FLIES, LIKE ARTEMUS WARD’S INJUNS, “IS PIZEN WHER­ EVER FOUND.” A flv in the house is AS DANGI'.ROl S AS A RAI 1 LE- SNAKE, AS FILTHY AS A LOUSE AND AS DISGRACEFUL AS A BEDBUG. Tlie time will come when any modern, cleanly Lome will feel itself shamed and disgraced by the presence of a fly, and when every householder upon whose premi er a brood of flies is detected will be HEAVILY FINED OR SEX I’ TO JAIL. THE GK3ST OF ANÆ BOLEYN What a Traveler Beheld at the Scaffold on Tower Hill. ¡1 was moonset. a blood fed crescent tanking into a band of yellow just over Hie roofs of London. The day had been a holiday, for King Henry \ III Siad divorced Ids queen. Anne Boleyn, ant by process of law. but by the ax- The young Earl of Emberton, who 1 hire < hildhood had been in !■ rance, had just returned and was | a Jug 1.ver Tower hill Before him against the yellow strip loomed the silhouette hi uiTold. tin*'dnklng moon at (th* mo standing ahoie II. Ils lower horn sceialng to rest upon the block where that day h id been l>o\\aid. "take me away' I was here w ith the crowd today, and when it was over all went Io (heir home 1 hut 1 It w is cruel to leave me here alone.” "Hut your menials? If your tri« n ls descried you. surely those »lept :i lent upon your bounty” “They all went together, ami I. dazed by the multitude, the solemn words of tli«» mail of God. the grim figure of the c\c« utioher. the glitter of the ax hi the sun, must have fallen into a s\v:»-»u, for I have only Just now come to eon hcioiisness.” “1 cannot imagine.” snld the earl, perplexed, "how your friends ami serv mih could have been so brut il ’ “Brutal! (’an you expect tenderness from a p«*ople whose king's urlel. now six t.-eii years old. rhe son of poor parents, entered the Antwerp conservatory two yean, ago and has just gained the first prize by his piano playing, the highest possible honor. I>r llln Wong, a Chinese student nl < olumbia university, has been appoint ed a special ngeut in the reforui plans for the industrial development of south­ ern China. He received his preparnto ry education tn Hawaii, where bis ta- ttiet was a I’resbyterinu tuiiiislet hu O a publisher Sir William Maxwell Aitken, one nt I lie new meinticrs ot I lie house of com mous. iliougb many times a million Hire, begun lite selling lite insurance I he sou ot a Canadian Presbyterian minister, lie was without menus anti In college wrote insurance wtrenevei and wilerevel he could Io Uelp pay bls way. Fly Catches. 1‘resident l-’ogel ot the Phillies is ad vocating for next season a staff ot traveling scorers Hughey Jennings declares the Atn letlcs. Petroits. Bostons and Naps will bent I lie Wlllte Sox out Mike Hoiilin is milking good In right t eld tor the I’lrntes He Is butting < oiisidertibly over »Ml mid playiug ii grand game in the Held. •■Bugs" Itiivmoiid wired McGraw: "Am reinstated mid fined a hundred When slum I report?' McGraw re- I lied. ■ When you pay the hundred' Io date Itiiyinond ha-- nof reported There is no more mitnral hitter than iris Speaker of the Boston Red Sox lie is a most Impressive looking chap at the bat. mill regardless or where the ball is pitched he stands a good etiance I ot connecting witfi it mid is apt to bit into either of the fields. , It can w ell'be proud, parks io be e»>m nare.1 witbuniy lu the world.- Brookiju Times Lodge and Professional ¡2 Directory The A. D. S. Flippant Flings. A California man has swnred a til vorce because Ins wife went tbrinigb bls pockets Cut this out and pot it in your pocket.— Bangor (Me.i News. Our piibbc officials sometimes show wonderful Insteht mtn minimi nature A wi.lllill' mis been U|>|Hiinted In the treii-uri ilepnrtmeiit to burn up mull ey.— Ml! w rmkee Scut fuel A I'tiieagu ptivslelan sals there Is never il time w lien It is sensible to drlin. lee water Which make- it evi delil Hint be never expi-rieiiced tilt sen-nttniis ot "the umming after — Cleveland l.ender ■*» "i Is an association of nearly 10,000 Retail Druggists in the I nited States. the preparations tlie\ irn' e are Purest and Best anil Perfectly Reliable W hen you Inn the A. D. S. preparations yon are only paying for the actual goods and not for expensive ad­ vertising in the big maga­ zines, etc. A complete line of A. D. S. Medicines at Current Comment. Whv n<»t turn th»» UKJrtsIppI riv^r pr<>l'!»*iii »»ver tn (■»»l«>n»*l <;«»•*? h:i is. with ptwr I«» Ht i ? IxansHrt <’1t v Sim In* l(l»»iitHlli B if flirt Hint h vvmniiD with $IIM» ll week IIHOinr l»»<»K 11(1 H» hh h » bur« h Mwirt v. is h irrmi |<»K»' t»n N»*w York rti irlt.v New York W <»r a A I rooklv n sehiH>lte;it tier took H rliirtrt (»1 youim sciioinis to c»oirt to th iir a prl-oliel e <,on>id(‘fet milk New Yolk Tribune Beet is «till going up I’retty soon ' year_______________ _______ $1.50 the cow will take Its place with tne Semi - Weekly Bandon Recorder horse and llie dog among the domes­ one yenr________ ................................ 1.50 tic compmiioiis ot iiimi. to lie fed upon onli hi desperate emergencies - Ex Total........................................._$3.C0 change Clubbing Offer r«lTi»i liillHltrs »'»•»•ellihlinii fhosp <>t a pnl» of pliers m rohitt' h spindle, tin tnvoiitor Ims hroujiht out a revolving toollii’rirh A iicielilne whl» h thcrouiililv ( leiin*D> 3(10 hiirrelx till hour by WHsIdni! Ilieltl Inside and out and rinsing (hem sev era« (lines has l»»*en invented A bed to» fl hiibv that <*:m he fas tebed to its mother * bedstead m sm-li a ujiv that P »•»!> l»e swung to aiiv eno. veiiielif position ha* been patented hv a i'antornbi mati ; Both Papers One Year $2.00 i 0 r e g o n J o u r n a I Bandon Recorder FIVE DAYS r —=j Brown & Gibson ET j S The National Stock Co. I I ' ' 1 ' J AUTO TRUCK |----------------------------------- Be up-to-date and have the new Auto Truck do your hauling. Fast I conveyance and no jar. Got the Money Bick. A young l*t‘pilM>rtoii Mpmrv Inw vef tells an interest big story alsmt ii taw yer w ho h is lung since given up ae the practice owing tn his adv aiH*v around Here is (h it nickel, I’hv' won t do that again In n hurry I gave till ni blnic*.” Boston Herald As She Made H«m. • lie has mii iron will.“ “Thru it was forged by Lis wife Smart Set. ________ ’ . HANRAHAN & DEVEREAUX M. First and Third Tuesdays of each ***-^- month at ttth run at the Bandon Wig­ wam. Sojourning Chiefs tn good standing are cordially invited to attend. A. J. I lartman, J. C. Sheilds, C. oi R. Sachem. w. o. w. keep the logs rolling boys I SEASIDE CAA P NO. 212, WOODMEN OF HIE WORLD, ' Meets F irst and T hird Thursdays. V kiting Neighbors welcomed. C. M. Gage, C. C. 1 1. E. Boak, Secretary Al iiNoldC. Q ANDON LODGE. No. 130 A. F. & A M, Stated communications fust Saturday ' dter the full muon ot each n Olilh. special J communications second Saturday thereafter. I All Master Masons cordially invited. W . 1.. Craine, \\ . M Phil Pearson, Secretary 0CCIDENTAL CHAPTER. No. 45, O. E. S., meets Saturday evening before and after staled communication oi Masonic Lodge Visiting members cordially invited to allend. Louise M. Boyle, W. M Merta Mehl, Secretary. I. O. o. I Q ANDON LOLTGE, N o . 133, I. O. O F meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standing cordially invited. Wm. Lundquist, N. G. S. A. McAllister, Secretary. Knight« of I’ythias rjU-PHI LODGE, No. M. Knights of Pjthia.*•. Meets every Monday evening at Knights hall. \ ¡siting knights invited to allene'. C. R. Moore, C. C. B. N. I larrington K. of lx. 5. Saturdays at Hotel Gallier The SemiAVcekly In .-. i DI lier. I I I Publishes the latest and most complete tele- II h e e-' 1 ■•'I • ...... about the < í.*:il< ’ graphic news of the world; gives reliable the hand ;t( her ih 'U a HP .1 ; :.|H h-t'i.' Town Topics. market reports, as it is published al Portland rested ni > i her Mh»’ii!' er !.;• 1. ok t i.* the market news can be and is cor­ where •| nio' ed i> i»t !hl!'e ^ - ! f> ‘ Mans. France, where he first ribbon in Ii: rected to date for each issue. It also has a -n showed Europe how to Hy. is to have a ho far th it In th * di' i li-ht he a !;:>»• red line street named Rue Wilbur Wright. Is page of special matter for the farm and what lie thought II. I- w a- I »nytou so slow?-- New York World. ay Site drew his ha home, an interesting *.lory page and a page as cold ns h I he hutli tax bus gone without a sin or more of comic each week, and it goes to “Go with Pie.” I Buy k now. Chamberlain s Colic, gle mourner, and with It disappears he subscriber twice each week---104 times a cold and d dal. one more point of difference between Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is year. Iienrt vvPIi mhie Montreal mid a modern civilized city.— almost certain to be needed before get this dreadITI Montreal Herald. to sunny I'l-’ii -e Buy it now The plans for Brooklyn beautiful tn the summer is over. not lit for one co The SemiAVcekly elude many more playgrounds for the and be prepared for such an emer In Era!i'*e there n:v no troubh" The I children. This is well. Bui m tile For sale by C. Y. Lowe. court an I the nobles live in bright Par nieantlnie lltnoklvn Inis parks ot wliicli gency. is, with its gardens, while the p C'nuts (read the purple grapes in the wine Gives all the local news and*happenings and vats, sing ii • , i . l.\ ( f BI. k k-mitli VV. rk i <>th h< avv and light, will leceive piompt attention. Horse Shot nig a spc. Shop on Columbia Avenue - - OKFUON Dr I_, F*. Soren3en DENTIST Office Over Vienna Cafe Telephone at Office and Home. - BANDON T. G. . OREGON TKKADGOLD AT TORNEY AND COLNSELC K AT - LAW. NOTARY PUBLIC Bandon, Oregon Olli»*»* With Bandon Inventtnonl ( <» Dr D- Ivi. JtBrown. Reaident Dentist. Office in Panler Building Office Hour,: Phone, C. 9 to 12 M.. I to 5 P. M, BANDON. OREGON lx*. BARROW Attorney and Counselor-at-Law 72 COQUI LEE. WILSONWÄLRÄTH OREGON - ORE Office over Skrels’ Store Office Phone, Main 335; residence. Main 346 CLARK & WRIGHT Lawyers Washington, D. C. Public Land Matters, Final Proof, Des­ ert Lands, Contests and Mining Cases, Script A«aociate Work for Attorneys PURE DRUGS Rire ç Do you want pure drugs and TRANSFER LINE drug sundries, fine perfumes, R H. RICE. Prop. hair brushes and toilet arti­ All kinds of light and heavy drav- ing. Also sells and delivers mill wood,coal etc Office at Schdinate's Store. Phone otders promptly at tended. cles? If so, call on C. Y. LOWE. Bandon, Oregon