New Lake and Four Mile. M. S. Sherrard and and wife went to Francisco on the Fitield. For well recommended, practical nurse, address Nurse, box 616, Bindon, Ore. augi8x Sam Johnson and w ife left on the hl zibeth for San Francisco on a combined business ami pleasure trip Witter Water lor your liver, kid neys and rheumatism. C. M. Spen­ cer. Agent. W. B. Strowbridge h is a devil fish 16 feet across, that lie will have on exhibition at the I ig celebration t< m >rrow , July 31 d. Mr. and Mrs F. I., (»reenough went to Coquille Saturday after noon, to be in attendance at a social function of the Ko Keel Klub in that city Saturday night. For Carpet and Rug w eaving, ad. dress Mrs. J. I.. Foster, Bandon. 28-li Dr. M. G. Bold, optometerist, wei't to Clirrv County this week on a business trip Di. Pohl ha* many < 11-tomi-i > in Langlois Port Oi ford, (»old Beach and other Curry County points. W anted —1000 empty sacks at Central Warehouse. 2-tf Dr. S. L. Perkins left Friday oyerland for Baltimore. Md., and from there will go to Tree Top. N. C. He will visit bis children and mother while absent. Dr. Pi rkins lias sold his properly to John Adams, taking a house and lot as partial payment. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. El­ liott, Sunday morning, an eight pound Imy. Mr. Elliott is all smiles these days, and says the electric bills will be easy this month. Mrs. Shaw returned home last week from a trip to San Francisco. Mrs. John Clausen who was par­ alyzed some time back is getting along nicely. She is now able to walk about and help do her work. The New Lake school held their annual school meeting. Lea Gim- l:n and Walia:e Point roy vvtfre elect­ ed d rectors and F 11 Colgiove as 1 clerk. Laurel Lake e'ected Brown and Ensign as directors and T 11. Shaw as clerk. Mr Hunt andf imilv sp- nt Su id i at the Pres»'V and Devoe la-uli. Word was 1 ceived from \ Davs ant! fami y who m ill to Smith River a short time ago. They ar' a'l well and had a very pleasant trip down. M. B. Pressey and Warren Deyoe sold their Four mile ranch to a gen tlemaii from Port Oiford whose name Mi Deyoe will we diti not st iv on the Pu-ssL-i u I I and Gueim ranch for the summer Extensive pK-paralioii' ar being matte bv ih<- Four mile loc d for a grand celebration July 4th. M M --- OOO--- Roosevelt Forces Are Active In Jackson. Medford, Or., June 29 —The National Piogressive party, Colonel Roosevelt’s new parly, will put a complete county ticket in the field at the Fall election in Jackson County, making five tickets in the in the race. The Republicans. Dem­ ocrats, Prohibitionists and Socialists have already named their tickets. Two members of the Republican county central committee, A K. Ware and F W- Mears, have re- signed, as they do not feel they and continue to work for Mr. Taft. Sale of Untrimmed Hats Saturday, July 6th All Untrimmed Hats, Flowers and Foliage will be offered July 6ih at extremely low prices. In fact, the prices will be without parallel. All Hats will be offered at one-quarter to one-half of the regular retail price Mr. Averill will leave Saturday for the East to purchase New Fall Goods and follow his usual custom of reduc­ ing present stock. Prices will be cut to such a figure that economical customers will be tempted to buy Choice Hats for Little Money. Don’t Fail To See These Bargains $1.00 to $5.00 Hats for - Choice Selection of Untrimmed Hats Children’s Hats all - All Flowers ...... ■flKaxtri White Duck Skirts For the 4th 50c each F or S ale - Eight lots, two 100m house, all fenced and in garden, four lots fine black groin.d. Gar­ W anted - Work by the week at den goes with place. Berries ol different assortments, good well of general house work. Apply Box 443 50 tf I water at door. Price $650-—John Bandon, Ore. Mott, Bandon. 47 tf Fresh milk and cream for sale, Prof. A. Richards—the art of delivered every evening.—J. N, beautiful tone production—-twelve Hosking, Fanner's phone 108 50 tl Notice. -----OCSr»---- years experience in New York City I have bought t he business known For Sale or Trade. ns instructor of piano and voice as the Bandon Grocery of Garoutte placing. With a class of 38 pupils Ten acres of the finest kind oi Bios. and will cor.duct same along in Marshfield, will receive a limited 1 ind with water to trrgate. Located the lines it has been conducted in number of students in all glades at in the famous Gor e Lake valley at the past, and therefore solicit the Bandon. Until peimanent location I.ak eview. patronage of its former friends and is secured will give private lessons Also 1 lot and house, furnished, at patrons. 48 t’ L C E aton . Addiess Box 444, Bandon. 50 19 a great sacrifice For particulars Saturday evening, June 29th, at address Post Box 602, Bandon, Ore 45-tf the home of the bride, Charles B. gon. Lomas, and Mrs. Myrtle Mitchell Defects of vision scientfically cor­ One and one-half acres, one and were united in marriage by Rev. rected. Fourteen years experience. Harry Lee of the M. E. church. one-half miles S.E. of Post-office on 1 Absolute satisfaction guaranteed county road. 4 room house, green Hie hi ide and groom are well know n Prices reasonable. in this city, Mr. I.omis working at house, stable. All fenced. Ground the Moore Lumber mill, and Mrs all cleared, grubbed, highly fertilized Lomas an employe at the Bandon anil cultivated. 2 good wells. 50 Woolen m'll. They will make their 2 year old fruit trees and a'l kinds home in the Lewin residente on the of berries. Fine garden. Spring wagon and farm tools. Some furni­ plank road. _---- Sear Gohl f illed Case...............$1500 18 Size. 21 |ew el Hampden, 'n Siltertne Case (Special) #17.50 15 Size. 21 Jewel Hampden in 20 Year Gold Filled Case (Special) ......................................... $22 5 > 16 Size, 7 Jewel E'gin Silver­ ine Ca. . ................................$5 50 |6 Size 17 Jewel Hampden in 20 Year Case ................... $15 co 12 Size, 17 Jewel Hampden in 20 Year Case.1................... $l4.riion. A Bargain. House 16x20, and two lots all cleared, good garden land, close in. Woolen Mill Add Price $600. t-2 cash. Five acres, 2 acres now in garden. Three acres seeded to grass and c'over; house 24x24; good barn and out buildings; three miles out Price $850. 1-2’cash. Ba), to suit pur­ chaser. DEYOE & SMITH. 47 If not, bring it to us, as we make a specialty of carefully repairing ladies’ and gentle­ men’s tine watches. Or, if your watch has seen its best days, we carry a particularly select line of the best makes, which, for superior service and absolute correctness are backed by our own and their makers’ guarantee. Bandon, Oregon. gmfflîBfflæffiMsra Prices for the 4th I am POSI TIVELY CLOSING OUT my Entire Stock of Gent’s Furnishings, Cloth­ ing, Cravenettes, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Etc., at ACTUAL COS T, as my Tailoring Business has reached a point w here it demands my en­ tire* attention. I bis is not “hot air’’ but a cold fact. If vou call I will do the rest. Boyle’s Jewelry Store 1IT F • HANIM >N OREGON I W . AUTO TRUCK Be up-to-date and have the new Auto Truck do your hauling. Fast conveyance and no jar. HANRAHAN & DEVEREAUX ■—rvvi------ It you want to hunt, fish, or get married, go to Oakes for applicr- 24th lions for license. SABRO BROS., Jewelers. (ft— f Bandon Red, White and Blue Bunting The Yard 5c For Sale. Does Your Watch Keep Good Time? M S. Sherrard lias resigned the management ol tin- Bandon Machine shop and will manage the au:omo- bile garage in Oriental Hall. Al-1 belt Garfield has assumed t'le mail I agemenl of the in ichine shop, 25c each Half Price Half Price Half Price DI TmrM A KI J S. S. ANVIL Front Portland to Bandon and Wax Ports. Sails front Portland Wednesday front Com h St. Dock. PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS BANDON WAREHOUSE CO.. Agents W. E. Steinhoff The Harness Man Best Assortment of Gloves in the Market and at Low Prices ,-l» I lb'‘ >-<»»«rw»l»-S.-M.-iah-t Local « Il There Wire soo people at the «CSigive a Pmirth of |olv celebration o I Fourmile celebration last year. H-yraj their hall. Everybody come—J. Guess h »w many will be there this R. Stillwell, program committee. year.—J. R. Stillwell, program | * 44‘7 committee. 4417