A Pleasant Surorise Man Coughs and Breaks Ribs Alter a Irigbtflil c-iv.j. I'.ing spell a man in Ne< nah. Wi.-».. felt t«-riible pains in his side and his <’o'tr>r j found too ribs hail bi-«.-:i btoken. ; What agi-iiv Dr. King’s N't " 1'is-' aw’bi! those who feed their poultry with our special feed, l or the liens w ill respond to the good treatment with more cover? would have suv«d him A j lea teaspu.inslul <*nds a late cough. i yo.s than they ever laid be-! while p< rsisteilt use routs obstinate not K it JOll I eougll. expels stuborn c- Ids or heals fore. It I "< ;k, sole lungs. “1 ietl suit- its a anything extra to prove this, tio 1-setld to humanity, ’ "litis Mrs ()ur feed costs no more than h.ttie Morton, Columbia, Mo. “Foi I tnlieve I would have consumption the ordinary kind. CENTRAL FEED CO Centra! Warehouse, Phone 142 Equipped with Wireless S. S. BREAKWATER Ai AV U S ON TIME Sails from Coos Bay June 4, 9, I I, 19, 24, 29. Sails from Portland, 9 a. in., 2, , 12, 1. , .22, 27. Confirm Sailings Through C. M. SPENCER, Agent Bandon Phone 431 Where You üet the Hardware li .you are looking for anything in light and heavy hardware, this is the place to get it. I We «'ilso do plumbing ami guarantee satisfaction. Our chief aim is to please. A. McNAIR, The Hardware Man Mutual Satisfaction of painter anil ‘house ow ner always follow the use of our paint. I he mechanic is well pleased because our paint has enabled him to make a quick and »rood job, and the house ow ner is delighted at the bet­ ter looks of his house and the lessened expense the quick work permits. Make it a point to use our paint next time. OMNI BANDON HARDWARE CO. Large Two Berth Outifdc St.te Room« with Running Water Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco First Class Passenger Fare. $7.50 Freight Rates. • $3 on Op Freight j E. A E. Re»et vat. uhis . Point. E. WALS FROM. \g--nt Ban-Ion. Oi-’pon. I . Kni-r, owners and in* ua-’i-r.', ¿4 California St.. San I r.mciuo. Futur -n’» Pharmacy, Coquille; Perkin»’ Pharmacy, Myitle Bandon Meat Market RESKEY & FORD, Proprietors (Successors to E. I ■ win) I I ' z (. " I Headquarters for the BEST of Everything in the Meat Kne—belli salt and fresh ■■■EaaMMaaDMIiaHHSanHHMKVe'' S. S. I B rooklyn N<’wly Remodel d, Modern Equipment Throughout Carries Passengers and Freight First Class Passage Fare. ?? 5' . Freight per Ton, $3 00 Makes Regular Eight Day Tups between San Fianci«c<> and Bandon. SUDDEN <\ CHRISTENSEN Owners and Op« rai'irs San Francisco, < alii. J. E WAI.SI ROM, A;ent, Bandon, Ore. today, it 1 had not used this i euiedy. It is guaranteed to •y and you can get a tree nial tie tor 30-ceni or Ji.ou size druggists. Influenc« ef Trad». “T!mt ri-i I it--.- 1 IK !;i ! ::: lage." “lllt’m-n e of tin mule, tic' a :<>’«»- giui .1 lineman." I’.ultiniore A,neii-au. No Magic GJass Required to foresee the fate of the spender and the saver. Yon know very well that the "go e ’»Il < 1 'o'. P. Itla.v a 11 - Litiiim nt al < a h ;u d in is pplication, h ■-« qui« klv it will 1 greai ami soreness Solei sans There is lio re d need of anyone bot- al a- being doubled "ith constipation. Cliaiul-i rlam's T tblel» *i ill cause an agieeai-ie movement of the bowels without any unpleasant < fleet, i live- them a trial. Foi sale by C. Y. Lowe. i ¡X :’ ■ ■ -< '(■: ;. amt o. .- .’ ■■ U< ’ wi» ea l<-: ci - i J ,i : » v , Extremes In V/e g'at. The lightest ami bea vii st . ub. tnm «• ■ known to s ienee are hydrugeu gas mid the nietui osmium. Ends Hunt for Rich Girl. Often the hunt lor a rich wife ends when the man meets a woman that uses Electric Bitters. Iler strong nerves tell in a bright brain ami even temper. Her peach-bloom com­ plexion and ruby lips result from her pure blood- her bright eyes from restful sleep; her elastic step from firin, free n uscles, all telling of the health and strength Electrit Billets give a woman, and the liee- dom from indigestion, backache, fainting and dizzy spells they pro­ mote. Everywhere they are worn in’s favorite remedy. II weak or tiling try them. 50c at all druggists. Flattened Out. Heviwnyte- 1 thought of n very fun­ ny Joke tu my sleep last night, but when I woke up somehow It was as flat as a pancake. 1 suppose Lltewayte—No wonder, you slept ou it. Very Much Happier* A boy rending the verso. “And those who live in colt os are hnppier than those who «it on thrones.“ sinrtleil the crowd by reading thus: “And those who live in cottages are happier than those who sit on thorns.’’ BANK Ol-1 BANDON >'C s I .. ¿. T.SM»n-yn|’~ Termin i S it :\ mei < Fl Fl ELD Means Speed, Safety and Comfort Twin Screws, Wireless Equipment, Hot and Cold Water. When you I rax el Have the Best. It costs you no more. I Up Freight $3.00 per Ton. See us for Rates on Down Freight. A spiained ankle may be cured in from tbiee to four days bv applying Ch.unbe lain s Liniment and oh- serving the directions with each b ti­ tle. For sale by C. V. I.oiie BANDON WAREHOUSE CO. hreight and Passengei Agents Special Chib to Subscriber Ihe year 1912 is tA be the n .-st important year in our history, Be sides the great activities Northwest a President ol |h Slate is to be eh cted. Keep up '. ith the news i t tin world by taking advantage ot one ol nir special offers. Hotel N. N. JACOBOV1CH, Proprietor O ur O ffer . rhe D.iilv and Sunday thegoniin 12 months - - - $4.00 The Bandon Recorder 12 1110 1 50 Total - - - "9 5° Both may be obtained foi a limited The awful list of injuries on a time only foi $S 00 which is the sub­ Fourth of July staggers humanity scription price of the Oregonian Set over against it, however, is ih< done. wonderful healing, by Bucklen’s Ar­ To those not desiring to take the nica Salve, of thousands, who suf big Sunday Edition < I the Oregon, feted from burns, cuts, bruises ian, w ■ have this offer to make. bullet wounds or explosions. Its The Daily Oregoian 12 months $6 00 the quick healer of boils, ulcers, ec The Bandon-Recorder 12 mo 150 zeina, sore lip« or piles 25cts at al Tr ial .... 7 50 druggists. Both may be obtained for .1 lim Ethel Explains. Kate—That Bragson girl claims tn lied time only for j>6.oo which is the subscription pi ice of the Oregonian have made a thousand refusals of mar riage. Ethel-That’» true. When Gils alone. asked her to be his wife she replied, In oilier words, you ire receiving ‘‘No; a thousand times no!”—Boston the Oiegonian and the Recorder tor Transcript. the price of the Oregonian. Move on Now Don’t fail to taki advantage ol says a policeman to a street crowd, 1 his special offer. Send in vour remittance today. and wh teks heads if it don't “Move on now," says the big harsh .mineral pills to bowel congestion Pumping Station ChriRtened. The new pumping station at Sher­ and stiffeiing follows. Dr King - New Life Pills don't bulldoze the man. Tex . Was set in operation fol lowing a christening by Mayor Wall, bowels. They gently persuade witnessed liy fifty persons The new them to right action and health fol­ station will take care of the output of four wells and "ill force 50.000 gal lows. 25c at all druggists. Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Best meals in the city, clean beds and Makes the Nation Gasp. everything first class I BANDON POWER CO I Lamps, Batteries, Fixtures, Bells General Electrical Supplies Office Oakes’ Building. Hours 8 to 5 Home Hand Laundry Fourth and Spruce Sis. Ions of water into flu- mains each bom Needed In the Family. Edith Yes, 1 am going to marry Mr. Goldbag. Ethel Wbv. he’s old enough to be your father! Edith-1 know, but he doesn’t soem to care for mother. Boston Transcript Each age of our lives has its joys Old people should lie happy, mil they will be if Chatnliei Iain's Tablets are taken to strenthen th« digest'on and keep the i owi Is teg ular These tablets are mild ano gentle in their action and espioalli suitable for people of middle age and older. I in sale bv C. Y Loire. Punishment. Neighbor- Flow nice an«. giving Chamberlain s Cough Rim edy as may be required. This tern edy will also liquify the tough muni' | ami make it easv to expectorate. Ii has lnt-n used successfully in many epidemics and is safe and sure. For sale by C. Y. Lowe. Sand Dune« of Sahara. « .till dunes ill the Ai. i. all di-H Si'n ri move nlio.it tli’> f«et * rI he first wubt.i .rlm* L » d voi inv< •»; ♦ d and sin i essfully tried in the 1 vote of 295 for amt 173 agtdi.st the commission p!.-in A Matter of Figure«. Jack What kind of llgure b: in­ got'< Sam—Physically, poor; linan- i il­ ly, tine! Consideration. Duke Why ih- you