F.VGFVn 0X1 Fu'»< :-ivj Ls tK 2UL VOLUME XXVIII BANDON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1912 NUMBER 46 served by such a station. Our Faci, About the Panama ß|jy county court has shown a disposition I to be progressive and indulgent of Notice is hereby given, that a regular Election has been the wishes of the fanners in horti­ called and will be held within the corporate limits of the cultural matters, and if the people The entire length o( the Canal City of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, on the 19th day of of Coos county will awaken to the from deep water to deep water is 50 — June, 1912, for the purpose of electing one Mayor and one positive, pressing present need of an miles. Fro a shore lin^ to share Experiment Station in out midst I line its length is about 40 miles. Recorder, to be elected by the electors of Bandon at large, where our wants may be quickly| Bandon Touch Collier Up In passing from the Atlantic to Don’t Forget to Vote and be and for the purpose of electing Six (6) Councilmen; Three and practically served, and will in-1 Sure That You Vote *’1( ' c> a vessel will steam (3) to be elected from Ward No. 1, West, by the qualified divfdually and collectively urge the' Freely But Fail to Bunch { ,ile through 7 miles of channel with a Right. voters in said Ward, and Three (3) to be elected from Ward establishment of such an institution, 1 Hits bottom width of 500 feet to Gatun, I am confident the county court wil No. 2, East, by the qualified voters in said Ward, and, fur­ where it will enter a series of three locks in flight and be lifted 85 feet ther, for the purpose of submitting to the voters of Bandon make provision for the proposed station, contingent upon state ap­ at large at said Election the following measures for their ap­ propriation for maintainance and Although Bandon outbitted Co to tlfe level of Gatun Lake. It may Tomorrow is City' election, and proval or rejection: (An Ordinance prohibiting live stock Oi eration, which latter we have quille Sunday, Collier kept their 12 steam at fi ll speed through this lake, we will elect a mayor, city recorder, a channel varying from 500 to and six councilmen. from running at large within the corporate limits of the City every assurance will be made. I hits so well scattered th • ! they were in 1000 feet in width, tor a distance of of Bandon, proposed by Initiative Petition tiled in the office earnestly urge upon all organizations good for but three runs. Coquille, about 24 miles, where it will enter This paper ia not outj election­ eering for anybody. You have of the City Recorder of the City of Bandon on date of of farmers, and upon all individuals on the other hand, grabbed 5 runs Culebra Cut. This cut is 9 miles probably made up your minds for . who have at heart a desire to see : off their 8 bingles aided by Craig's long 450 feet high at the highest whom you are going to Yote and March 5, 1912), also, (An Ordinance authorizing the pur­ Coos county progress and keep | weakening and Bandon s misplays. chase of a City Park, and the appropriating of money there­ pace with the advance of practical Craig appeared to have lots of stuff point and has a bottom width of 300 anything we could say world not change it, but what we want to urge for, proposed by the Common Council of the City of Ban­ science, to support this movement on the ball, but the pesky Coquillites feet. maximum tidal oscilation on is for everybody to get out and vote, don, filed in the office of the City Recorder on date of May aggressively. It this Branch Ex managed to connect safely with men the The Atlantic is 21-2 feet; while on and then be satisfied with the results. periment St'lion is established, it on the bases; just the reverse of the 8, 1912). the Pacific it is 2t feet. But in your enthusiasm over tne Such election will be held at the following places in the will mean to Coos county; the so­ locals. Pierce of the locals made a The d pth of canal, including its city officials don’t forget to vote running catch in the sixth, City of Bandon: all voters residing in, and registered in Ward lution of the important problems great course through the lake qaries from which retard diversified farming; we picking the sphere off his shoe tops 45 to 85 feet. The bottom width right on the park question and the No. 1 will vote at the City Hall, and all voters residing in, will veiy soon be able to retain the Tuttle of the locals was the baiting cow question. They are both ques­ anil registered in Ward No. 2 will vote at the Eire Hall. The balance oi trade in favor of our twn star oi the day getting thiee hits, varies from 30.1 feet in Culebra Cut tions of vital importance and the to from 500 to tooo feet in .the lake. polls in each ward will be open and closed as follows: They producers; it will make the unit of one of them, a two bagger, in the The Gatun Dam. which will form way they are settled tomorrow will be a long step, either toward pro­ will be opened at the hour of 9 o’clock A.M. on said day effort on the farm productive of foui th. Gatun Lake bv impounding the gress or digression. Bandon ought two games, next Bandon plays greater returns; it will demonstrate and will remain open until 1 o’clock P. M., and will then waters of the Chagres River and its to be progressive so let us vote on Sunday, the 23rd, with Myrtle Point close until 2 o’clock P.M., and will then be opened at 2 the producing power ot lands whose and tributaries, will be nearly 1 I 2 miles the progressive side of both of these Coquille. Eve>ybody should yielding power of lauds whose yield­ o’clock P.M. and will remain opened until 7 o’clock P.M., ing power is at present unknown; it turn out and help win these games long, 1-2 mile wide at its base, about issues. You all know how that is. 4 ><> feet thick at normal water level so we will not stop to tell you, but and will then be permanently closed at 7 o’clock P.M. of will give assurance to the small pro­ or we will be in the cellar. and its crest will be 115 ieet above GET OUT AND VOTE. said day. ducer who would like to settle a nd The score : follows: sea level. PO A E AB R I he Boards chosen by the Common Council to conduct work with us; it will be the means BANDON This 1 ike will furnish the water W anted — tooo empty s icks at 0 4 0 5 of justifying our just cairns of the Mead ss said Election are as follows: for lockages, the locks being filled I Central Warehouse. 2-tf 0 0 0 Gallier cf 5 In Ward No. 1, R. C. McKinnis, T. T. Allen and J. superiority of our county as the Pierce rf by gravity flow through conduits in J this chain is likewise broken, and 1 0 0 5 home for the producer of the ne­ 2 9 1 4 the concrete walls of the locks and N. Langlois as Judges, and Chris Rasmussen and Geo. Man- cessities of life: it will carry to the Tuttle c the ship crashes into and through 1 0 3 4 Dippie 3b thence percolating through holes in ciet as Clerks. I the gates still the canal is protected. 1 0 outside world the message that we McNair If 3 2 bottom of the locks. It is estimated 0 9 0 3 In Ward No. 2, E. B. Henry, W. H. Logan and S. are a progressive people, who be­ Craig p This is done by emergency dams > that the lake will furnish enough which will be swung across the ca­ 1 4 0 10 lb Mundy as Judges, and A. J. Barre and Harry Lee as Clerks. lieve in our country, and propose to Cox water to make 41 passages daily 2 0 Devereaux 2b 3 nal and lowered astern al the ship, I bis notice is given pursuant to the provisions of the develop the best there is in her, and Hohn x 0 0 0 0 thr ’ugh the locks, using them at full thus blocking the flow of water know how to go about it to get re ­ City Charter and also to an order of the Common Council length, or about 58 lockages a day, 26 19 3 35 Totals which would otherwise rush down­ sults when we undertake anything. The made at a regular meeting thereof held upon the 15th day of PO A E when partial length is used. AB R ward from the Lake. 1'he schedule of meetings which has COQUILLE 0 locks are 1000 feet long, no feet 1 4 0 Johnson ss May, 1912. There will be two breakwaters been arranged, and at which the Lorenz 2b 5 Ü 4 1 wide and 45 feet deep, and are tn Dated at Bandon, Oregon, this 6th day of June, 1912. gentlemen mentioned will be, June Byles c protecting the entrance to the canal. 14 4 2 4 double sets, so that one ship can be The one on the Atlantic side will be 1 13 1 3 43-tf E. B. KAUSRUD, Recorder. 1 th, at bridge; June 171b, at Myrtle J Collier p ascending while another is descend­ 1 0 1 3 to,500 feet long, 15 feet wide on top Point; June 19th, at Coquille; June Howell cf ing. 0 3 0 4 3b and 10 feet high above mean sea Coos County Should Have a products. This coast region of our 20th, at Marshfield, Chamber of C Oerding 1 The gates oi lhese locks will be 0 4 4 Collier lb level, The breakwater at the Pa- State, presents climatic conditions Commerce, 8:00 p. m ; June 21st, at 1 0 4 0 A Collier If steel structures 7 feet thick bv 65 Branch Experiment cific entrance will be three miles radically different from the interior, North Bend; June 25iid, at Piper’s , Cooper 1 1 0 3 teet long, and from 47 to 82 feet and the need of this region lor ex and will vary from 20 to 40 ! long, Station. Grove, N Coos River; June 24th, 33 5 8 28 22 Totals high They will weigh from 100 to j pert advice in such variety tn ikes at Bandon, These meetings are feet in height above mean sea level x Batted for Devereaux in ninth. 600 tons each. submission of our problems to the free and open, , and everybody in- and will be from 50 to 300 feet wide Score by Innings: 1 Electricity will he used to tow all on top. This breakwater is being To The Editor: Corvallis Station not practical hence vited. This is an opportunity for 0 2 0 0 vessels into anil through the locks built with earth and rock brought o 0 0 1 Bandon Will 5ou kindly give space in this movement to secure a Branch us to show oui confidence in the 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 1 Hits and lo operate all gates and valves, from Culebra Cut. your columns to the following and Experiment Station We already future of our country. So come Coquille 0 u U 1 0 1 0 3 power being generated by water tnr The building of Gatun Dam, and once more give evidence of your de­ know that this section of the State everybody, and in the meantime 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 5 Hits bines Irom the head created by the creation thereby of Gattin Lake, votion to the people. Between the is capable of producing the highest talk Experiment Station day and SUMMARY Gatun Lake, the power house being will cover the old Panama Railway 14th and 29th of June next, Com­ quality of all farm products indi- night, and then hunt up one of the Three base hit, j. Collier; two located in the spillway. This powei with water. This road is being re missioner A. H. Carson, of the State gemous to the temperate zone. True petitions and sign it. They will be base hits, Tuttle, Meade and By les; will also be used to light the canal built on a re-localion at a cost es­ Board of Horticulture, accompanied many of these are not produced on easy to find.—P. M. Hall Lewis, bases on balls oil Collier 2, eff anil indicate the position of ves-els. by Prof. Reimer of the Medford a commercial scale, but that is simply Marshfield, Ore., June 1st, 1012. Crjig 2; struck out Collier 12, Vessels will not be permit!'' I to en timated at $9,000,000 and will be beciuse we do not know what of our Branch Experiment Station, and Craig 9; double play Tuttle to Cox ter or pass through the locks under 47. r miles long, which is a trifle — »—— toils to select for a certain crop, nor Professors Jackson and Wilson of to Dippie; wild pitch Collier 1; hii their own power, but will be towed shorter than the old line. A Wonderful Motion Picture. It is estimated that the total cost what crop for a certain soil, for the Corvallis Station, will tour Coos by pitched ball, Hohn by Collier. through by electric locomotives run of the canal to the Government will — County, visiting the principal pro­ greatest returns, and at the same Time of game 2 hours, 5 minutes. mug on cog rails laid on lop of the The Grand theatre will show a be $375,000,000, involving an an- ducingcenters, and addressing meet­ time conserve the productivity of the Umpire, Johnson. lock walls. The num' er of loco­ uual interest charge of $11,250,000. splendid and comprehensive mov ings of farmers, upon agricultural soil. Sunday s Gaines. motives will vary with the size of the The very roughly estimated cost of and horticultural subjects. These Ooservation carefully totalled for ing picture of the Panama Canal vessel, the usual number, however, operation is$7$o,000 a year. This At Coquille, Morning Game: visits from recognized authorities on the last three years show that Coos Work as it appears today. This, Myrtle Point 12, Coquille 6 will be four, two ahead to tow the will mean an expense of $1,000,000 farming subjects, are certain to be county is sending out every year interesting and instructive film takes , Afternoon Game: vessel, and two astern to hold it in a month for inteiest and operation of great value to all who hi ar their for iresh and cairned vegetable food us along the entire Canal Zone from Coquille 5, Bandon 1 a centr il position and bring it to a_ It is believed that the canal will be talks, and every producer from the products, over $40,000, notwith ' the Atlantic to the Pacific. It shows At Marshfield, Morning Game: 2 stop, us the immense series of locks at the North Bend 8, Marshfield opened to commtrce by January 1, soil should turn out and attend one standing the fact that we have the The lime required to pass a v»s 1914. Afternoon Game or all of the meetings scheduled to soil and climate to grow all this pro­ Gatun Dam, it gives us fine views ! Marshfield 6, East Side I sei through all the locks is e-itinioed of the wonderful machines used for take place next month. It is to be duce. and could have car 'oads to Cor s County League Standing. at 3 hours, and the time consumed regretted that we have so few op ship. The dairymen of Coos county excavating Uncle Sam's big ditch. Per tn passage from deep water to deep Won Lost Played In fact if you see this picture it , portunities to hear practical experts are annually shipping in twice this 750 j water will be from to to 12 hours, 4 Coquille 3 I on these subjects, but theie is a very value of feed for their herds, a great is just like being right on ihe big North Bend 667 3 2 1 according to how fast the vessel trood reason for their seldom coming portion cf which, by modern meth- j job. For a picture that is of wotid- 1 Myrtle Point 3 667 I 2 trave’s under its own steam and the answer is the two hundred ods of soil management, can un - wide interest, that entertains as well j Marshfield 2 500 2 4 For the purpose of protecting th ■ 333 1 2 3 odd miles from Corvallis to Coos. questionably be produced al home. : as instructs, this film oi the Panama Bandon 000 lock gates from a ship that may be 0 3 3 Two years ago Harnev county pro­ All these problems are within the Canal in 1912, is in a class by itself. I East Side out of control, fender chains have vided the land buildings and per­ n ope of the Experiment Station. | Every man, woman, and child been placed across the canal at the are men well qualified for manent equipment for a Branch Ex­ but two hundred odd miles is too | will surely wish to see the World's Not a Candidate. lake entrance If a ship is ap periment Station, and the Legisla­ long a radius when one is contin­ Greatest Engineering Feat. At the Grand, Wednesday night, ' 1 proaching at proper speed these their responsibilities by ture at ihe last session provided tor ually in need of the service. There I hereby announce to the public eha ins will rest on the bottom of the $4 ,0 >0 [>er year to maintain and is ample work in soil testing, crop June 19th. Other good films. No long and successful expe* that I am not a candidate f< r council­ canal. Il the s ip is approaching operate it, the appropriation to be lotation, soiling, crop disease con­ advance in price. 10c admission. man in the Second Ward of Band, 11 too rapidly, the first of these chains rience in business and use! under the direction of the trol, and kindred activities, to keep and ask all people to please leave will be raised across her bows, and Board of Regents of the O. A. C., an energetic staff on the jump the Notice. my name blank in their voting as 1 will play out under a resistance financial affairs. (see Laws of 19H, page 115.) The year round, even under present positively will not serve if elected pressure of 50,000 pounds. If the H irney Station has been of .incal­ stage of development of the country H. H. D ufort . speed of the ship is so great as to As we have sold our shop we ask culable talue to the firmers of that to say nothing of the areas which are , ----- 000----- overcome the resistance, and the all persons knowing themselves in ­ iegior, in soli in; the agricultural added yearly to the tillable acreage For well recommended, practical chain is broken, the ship comes in debted to Wisoi & W drath, to I roblem; presented, by developing of this section of Oregon. CurrA, | nurse, adlresi, Nurie, box 6t6, contact wnh another chain exercising please edi and settle Ly June 20th. practical methods to inc reuse diver­ Coos, and the western portion of Bandon, Ore. augi8c a similiar re ¡stance. In the event Douglas a oaid be conveniently j W ilson & W alrath . sity, volume and quality of larm City Election Notice. The Directors of this Bank FIRST NAT L BANK »