Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, June 07, 1912, Image 1

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City Election Notice
< nough to speak his own convictions.
I lie words w th which we express
our thoughts to a listening world,
painls a picture on the mind ot the
hearer, of the ideals that till lhe
mind and the high taste for language
with which we are possessed
Notice jit; hereby given, that a regular Election has been
called and will be held within the corporate limits of the
City of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, on the 19th day of
June, 1912, for the purpose of electing one Mayor and one
actions ot |our every day lite, are to
Recorder, to be elected by the electors of Bandon at large, lhe w orld, and index o' lhe thoughts Business of Im i irtanceTrans­
Many Boats Arrive and Sail City Council Passes on Peti­
and for the purpose of electing Six (6) Counciltnen; I hree we think in private and reflect that
acted by the City Fathers
at Local Harbor in Last
tion at Regular Session
^3) to be elected from Ward No. 1, W est, by the qualified immortal part of man—character.
voters in said Ward, ami Three (3) to be elected from W aril It these be true, how c.ueful we I Wednesday Night.
Few Days
Wednesday Night.
No. 2, East, by the qualified voters in said Ward, and, fur­
ther, for the purpose of submitting to the voters of Bandon ver, highest ideals, for what is true
of words and of manner is also true
at large at said Election the following measures for their ap­ of the high idewith ils vliich we be­
The city councl in t in regular
The F.liz ab th arriv -d in port
At the regular meeting of the city
proval or rejection: (An Ordinance prohibiting live stock gan life. Let us be thankful for session at the citv hall Wednesday Tuesday evening with 130 of council Wednvid.iv evening a pet i -
from running at large within the corporate limits of the City high ideals. We cannot always live night with Mayor Mist in the chair freight and 22 pi senge's is follow tion of property owners along Eiist
of Bandon, proposed by Initiative Petition tiled in the office up to the ideal, but we can still look and the following membership pres­ I Mrs. H. H Dooley. Mrr S S street for the paving of said street
ent: Brown, Breuer, Bowman, M in- I Summers. Erank Les'ie, Mr Mor- from lhe cast
lot on
of the City Recorder of the City of Bandon on date of at it and cherish it; and from our ciet and Boyle.
ton, C. E Crumley and wife, C. S. which stands the Bank of Bando 1
uplifted ideal we may sometimes
March 5, 1912), also, (An Ordinance authorizing the pur­
In the order of business under Smith, W. (I. McCulley and wife, to the west side ol the city hall, was
draw healing when we have been
chase of a City Park, and the appropriating of money there­ nea'en by some flying fierv serpent ordinances, an ordinance was in­ Mrs. A Feeliner, Mrs. Mirtlia Nel- read and passed upon by theoouncil
for, proposed by the Common Council of the City of Ban­ bite lias Hi ng us in agony on troduced regulating anil governing sou, Mrs, C. A. Davis, W. A. Ver thus in iking the first definite step
don, filed in the office of the City Recorder on date of May the ground for a .. hile, like worsted speed of automobiles an.l other non Win. N. Boyler, B. Hu mser. toward paving in the city.
l he petition also called for the
and mortally wounded things
Wt vehicles within the corporate limits J.C. Smith, G. McNeil, II. Pinker.
8, 1912).
of the city of B indon
H. F. Hurtcall, j. R. Barnett, Mis laying ot water mains, scwl - is etc.,
Such election will be held at the following places in the
The speed limit, within the fire C W. Haynie and C Lirsen.
dong the str-et. This is a step m
City of Bandon: all voters residing in, ami registered in W ard to heavenly. Be ye holy as yom limits was set at 12 miles an hour The Elizabeth sailed again yester­ the right direction and when the
Father in heaven is is holy ; be ye
No. 1 will vote at the City Hall, and all voters residing in, pei feet as your Father in heaven is and outside of the tire limits and day with 74 tins of freight, 41 cords paving proposition once gets a stall
and registered in Ward No. 2 will vote at the Fire Hall. The perfect. Behold the real lying in within the corporate limits they shall of matchwood, tS’.oo.i f.-et of lum­ it will he sure to esterni to many
polls in each yvard yvill be open and closed as follows: They the dust; see the divine ideal shining not go at a rate of speed faster than ber, and 19 passengers as follows; pai ls of the city, as people will see
B. Ellison, Cl u th<- great be icfits to be derived an I
will be opened at the hour of 9 o’clock A.M. on said day with infirite luster in the skies a mile in 21minutes, nor over any A. G Norris,
cross walk at a speed to exceed 0 v* ence Buiton, F Fitzgerald. I.iw lhe enhancement of the
and will remain open until 1 o’clock P. M., and yvill then
who means a star, than he who mile in 10 minutes. Slid ordinanc • rence I Join. C irrie Peters m, Claude ue of the propertv.
close until 2 o’clock P.M., and yvill then be opened at 2 he
The property owners on Fust
means a tree.” Let this wisdom of deals in regards to the way an auto, Peterson, Vista Peterson. A. W
o’clock P.M. and yvill remain opened until 7 o’clock P.M., George Herbert be carried up in all mobile shall stand on any portion Sanderlin. D () tides, Mrs. W O. street are to lie congratulate I u;em
and yvill then be permanently closed at 7 o’clock P.M. of our relations. We cannot strike ot the street when not being driven Cooper, Lou Stay'o 1 an I wife, Mrs. their enterprise in taking the nitia-
said day.
the star, but the arrow goes the and prescribes the way to turn coi­ 1 > A. Trowbridge Spen.-er Trow­ tive oil tile paving pi -p >->i.i in
----- -
The Boards chosen by the Common Council to conduct higher because of the point it was ners, and at the inlet seed >n ot bridge, W I-'.. Steiuhoff W 11
streets, regulates the stoppage on Somers. I). L. Joyce and A J.
said Election are as follows:
Base Bali Game Sunday
cross walks an I deals wi h vehicles Roberts.
In Ward No. 1, R. C. McKinnis, T’. T. Allen anil J. have! Who dares bring back all in general.
the ideals with which he started life?
Th»; Brooklyn arrived in port
N. Langlois as Judges, and Chris Rasmussen anil Geo. Man- Wiiere are they? "How is the gold Grade ordinances were passed, Tueidav with four p issengers whose
The tii st game of the season on
ciet as Clerks.
become dim! ho y is- the most fine establishing grades on portions of names we weie unable to secure.
tile local diamond will be played at
In Ward No. 2, E. B. Henry, W. H. Logan and S. gold changed!” As we face these Columbia Ave and First street.
The Wilhelmina was in port this Base Ball Park next Sunday when
Mundy as Judges, and A. J. Barre and Harry Lee as Clerks. | questions our consciences begin to Reso'uticns were pa-sed ordering week and loided spruce at Lyons- the Bindon team will cross bats with .
This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of the j chlde us but Vct 1,0 answer cone» ■!>e city engineer to make a survey Johnson mill lor the North B-md box North Bend in what promises to lie
. Oh of Second street from Spruce street f ictory.
the fastest game ever played in
City Charter and also to an order of the Common Council I •- ,rom
our fin lips ior Lift-
we are
that we had not left our first state to Bluff street, also to make a sur­
Beth teams ar .- in good
The Bandon sailed yesterday with Bandon,
made at a regular meeting thereof held upon the 15th day of and allowed the great object of our vey of Grosi creek with a p >oi >ility
ail ..ho attend will
1450,000 feet of lumber.
May, 1912.
heart to disappear from our vision, of having a sewer la <1 in ill it sectio 1.
sure get their money’s w -’••h. Conte
The Fifield will probably arrive
Dated at Bandon, Oregon, this 6th day of June, 1912. but now since such is the case let us In the in liter -f vtciaey 01 th •
out and root for the home team.
E. B. KAUSRUD, Recorder. add to the criticism the gospel which common council by the absence of
- - ow-----
says, we may every one begin again. Win. McKiy, ii. W. Windsor w is
Here we may feel that we have unanimously elected to fill the va-
spoken a warm truth that will go in­ cancy.
A petition was presented the
to every home, every church, and
signed by property O.v.l CI S
there do its graci -us work
street petitioning lliit sod
breaker of ideals, it does not matter
Hartranft, pastor of the Presbyter-I til she was the undisputed mistress how or with whom we started or street be pived. water iniins and
ian church, to the class of 1912 of of the then known world. Though into what foot falls we may have sewer pipes tie laid, and c mcrele
the Bandon High School:
she occupied such an exalted posi­ come, it is our privilege to start iva ks 011 tlie s null side, tr im the
In the bosom of the weaken son tion, yet the glory and splendor of anew.
What say we to the gospel Bank of Baildo.i, west to a point op
of Adam's race there throbs a strange Ii r potentates has vanished into the opportunity and gospel challenge? posite the city hall. Petition grarted
emotion which some men call am­ mist of the past all because there Let us say, "1 will arise and go’ t i by a majority vote of tlie council
Lights were ortlered put in, one
bition, while others p eter to call it was a lack of idea s, such as are be my Father;” I will arise and go to
the goal to which they are climbing coming to men of high morals anil my ideal, and say, "1 have wounded in the vicinity of the i Herscetion ol
That this is a good trait in the make exalted principles
If tlie old say­ thee, dishonored thee, fallen infin­ Cartwright St. with Abernathy St ,
up of mankind is not doubted by ing ’ History lepeats itsely,” is true, itely short of thee in every particular. and one at Spruce St. in the vicinity
lhe wisest or most ignorant of men. it is high time that we as young I am no more worthy that thou of the McNair residence.
Profiles of grades by the city en­
To be devoid of such a god or ideal people of this nati». 11 put our ear t • shouldst be associated with my
is d-mgerous to the nation, demoral the ground ami listen to the voices name.” We may begin again. We gineer were accepted and pisseil on
izing to the home and destructive of those who have gone before us, have finished this immediate page by tlie council of the re-establi^heil
to lhe individual.
When man is that we may learn a lesson from that is now under our hands, and grade of Columbia Ave., and the
without an ideal it robs him of all their failure.
We are rebuked by now we may turn over a new leal grade on Pacific Ave. and Wood St
The report c i the municipal judge
principle; and since the nation is a the testimony of history, and we white as snow no trace of the bad
was accepted and placed on file.
nation of individuals and not one of think we have seen when in hci w>- writing upon it
We may begin at
---- -
provinces, it shatters the foundation have not. Let us look and learn the very top. and write, line b\ line,
of the government and jeopardises the lesson, lor without ideals we down to the finis, without an erasure
lhe present and future wilfare ol cannot expect to gain admission in a mistake, a blot, a blur. Our life -
both soul and body. This is alarm to the arena of the world's activity, new page is now laid open before us,
Newport, Ore., |une 5 —The gas
iug in the extreme and should call for only tho“e whose very s ul is j let us take heed how lie write there
schooner Anvil touched here on her
forth in every individual lhe very- bent on making tlie best uf all that j upon! When we have lived to tin
regular trip down the coast, and re­
highest, the divine, which is a par. comes, and ol moulding life, not as ■ end of our three seore and ten yens,
ported an » xciting experience off
of every humin creature of God's a finished product, ¿but as a mould when we take a retrospective view
Yaquina Heads, four miles north ol
in which to cast tlie lives of others, of all that we have done and call t< the bay. Eire broke out in the deck
Down through the long vistas ol will reach the coveted place. W - mind the many kindly acts that w<
load, which consisted mainly of fruit
the past, but certain history of the want men who will give us ideal have left undone, when into out
While the hose was being placed
fallen nations, there comes a w arning visions of life, high conceptions ol minds there rushes a keen conciou
and the pumps set to work, the cook
fo; the loose and careless thinker morality, sublime forecasts of des ness of guilt and we can almost see
put it out with a hind pump, but
who has no ideal after which to pat
tiny, and a deepening sense of the the judgment bar at which
w» not before considerat It: damage had
tern his life, or goal at winch he is sinfulness of sin. We need men shall be judged, we shall
been done to a consignment of
of old,
aiming. From the low levels ol who can create, not moral com- i cla’nl
1 ilate
"What I have written I have writ- bananas packed in straw as well as
barbarism Greece rose until she oc­ mandinents
and stipulations but a
n ,,
Our own faults seein to have to the boxed Iruit. in >st ol which
cupied the heights of honor in th»- moral atmosphere, which a I b "* ‘ i mastered us and the stirring words i
was consigned to Newport.
line of culture; but because her citi man cannot breathe.
We are in ot Carlyle, when he wrote about
zens had no higher ideal than that danger of falling under the contract Burns have a double meaning.
West is III.
"His faults, the faults of others,
of telling or hearing some new thing, ing and lienumbing influence of men
and wasting their tune in idleness who rigorously bind us down io th»- pioved too hard ior him; and that
spirit which might have
soaied |
she fell from her exalted place and study of what is called matter, and could it but have walked, soon sank I
Salem, Ore., June 6 Gov. West
today the world, only for Grecian what is called phenomena. That to the dust, i’.s glorious faculties is reported quite ill here toiav lhe
literature, would not know that she such ideals as will mir the divine trodden underfoot in lhe blossom;! nature of his illness is not stated
ever stood in the place of honor part of man, ate not wanted is and died, we may almost say, with
Lett alone to die in the woods, but proven by a simple rerereace to the out ever having lived. *
W an i it- Watches tor* pair II
Another portion of th a article s ill be pub
mothered by a female wolf, Rom-| mind of a man who will be honest iuhed next uiue.
Sabro, A’v.ater St.
Voters Should Register.
ulus became posessed of such ideals
Commencement Sermon.
as resulted in the ancient city anti
empire ol Rome. Across the plain
The following very excellent ser- : of the
mon was delivered by Rev. H. C. ¡marched her conquering armies un­
Wtll Put
Up Jetty Light-’.
I lie poles have been s t and wires
Oree mote we want to call the at­
for the j'-itv lights, to light
tention ol vot -is within the corpor­
the li.ii and innei r harbor ol the Co.
ate limits 1.1 the iitv ol Bandon to
quille 1 ii er.
1 lie intention is to pot
the fact that they must regi-t-r be
in 12 lights ol 2<-O candle power each
foie June 19th, whit II is the date of
the regular citv election. Th're arc­ wi:h powerful relleetors c ilculated to
matters of vital importance to bi­ br'iig out all the possibilities of the
settled at this election as well as the lights. I liis will, it 1 thought, light
election of city officers and the vote the way at lhe bar and inner harbor
suliieiently that vessels can enter or
of every legal voter is needed.
at night jtist a , c 1 -ilv as in
We want that city p.nk without
This will facilitate
fail, and then then- is the cow ques­
harbor to a very
tion coming up. Maliy pc. (.|e think
it is time that we should shut live
stock of ill kinds oil lhe sueets of
our city so that we can begin to
beautify the city, while there are
• tliers who think that the time is
not yet ripe f r such a ci mrse. con
seqtienlly it behooves ti , all to get
out and express on.selvcs on the
While the policy of the
R ecorder would be for the mor»
progiessive movement and the hut
ting out of live stock from the str
yet we are willing to alri-le by the
will ol the majority
--------» KX>------
Interesting Films at Grand
Tonight's Program
"Mrs. Car
ter's Necklace” a Vitagraph society
dr mia featuiii.g Maurice Costello
tin- popular Vitagraph actor, nick­
named *’ I timples."
"A Victim of Circumstances” a
thrilling melodiama ol th»- turpentine
for» sts in the south. A pitture full
OÎ action.
There w ill be a wo lien, mee irg
at the old a lm».I house, Saturday,
tn. 1. idles you
June Sill, at 3 p
will In- repaid lor your etl-nt it you
w .li come.
1-ree t<> a I.
gre it extent.
------ <KX>------
For Sale
Twenty acres, house, barn, lien
6 acres under cultivation,
Well and spring
i1.. miles south
of town, Also 10 acres of unim-
proved land
Inouire at
this othceurot C. A. Da no, Bandon.
43 'I
Some (iood Reasons
for Making the
Your Bank
Because y our btisines
will be apprec iated here.
Its management w ant. th.
people ol Bandon to realiz»
that small accounts as wei
as large are valued here.
And that uniform cotir
test and attention are ex­
tended t<> all w ito transit, t
business at this bank.