Card of Thanhs. Lorel £ Local Do You Need WÍLDJR B. ing unable to reach v >11 n per- j son, we wish to extend io all our I It you want to hunt, fish, or get J sincere thanks for their kind assis­ married, go to Oakes for apphet- tance anti sympathy in our late hi - tions for license. 24th reavement. E strayed —from Prewett place, W. R M avì iv, Bear creek, about a week ago, small S helby M ondy N W ife . with marc, bay white ol active children Medium 1 , 'eight /¿ose, made of reed where_ í W-TÓ . r will come, . in- o preserve the full t sse hose to give entire font. hind Great Comedy Picture at the Or- 41 14 » plieutn, Sunday night, don’t fail to Parker, Prosper, Or, Mrs. Al’ce George arrived her, see it. Eveiyb idv She enjoy Wi tlnesday front W ddo, ().<• cutie to st-- I11 r mother, Mrs. M E. for the funeral'. Don’t forget the base ball excur­ a dre.-s .Mrs. J. I. 2.8 tl cm In-seen hurrying off with rod a big day with the out door Tuesday's primaries by NAME IS root for the WILD BO Rev. S. R. Steele tile 1 t ,i pastor for the Bandon M. !■. church South, her. at more th in t.'.O to one and will get all of New morning June <;i|, and tin public is veil attend. cordially 4 ' '. Ï’ > SISTER i. 4 r * A.S. • 'f ile first service w’il I • held Sunday world. Jersey Bandon. is now in the city at the H"'< I < wit­ pool an i reel, or to the swimimng WILD BOV’S SSSTER Bandoinans YS Steele ui i divide his Rev. time between Bando . and Ri.erton. the Chicago Next Sunday morning h • v. ill preach is nothing to it at Coquille. F or .• sale or T rade , for town w li'-re the people h ive a say. It’s property—Twnty acres 2'j mill's all Teddy. Ad-’ Dr. S. C. Endicott, Deniist. Ras south of Bandon, all sltslied. Jersey's ill-leg,it«'S to I’here convention. müssen Bldg. Phone 71. dress R. A. Elliott, 11 tfi-x 85-tf or plp’ii' 32 '• Miss S} Ivi I Racklefl is do a n from Mvrtle Point this week attendin’.' Quality is Vouched for in y^rticlc Sold at Av'r ..i_L ■. BV .1 1AI. SPI Two othi'i It. I el i s OUEST. I. A.r g.t jrxt'c.'M 1.0 al Tenq ei atici Miss 11 am In teacfiin; ; on I ist, at Rosa’s st<.. . vv II- > R .itllev. ■ urn i-clicol at II in i- tip yesterday morn ng awl will lie here tin• 1« 111 iin li t of the w' ek. Benn-tt has been up Mis Jame Iro n Cape B Hico for di' past week visiting Eor well tecommen Id, iddrvs«, S.mbatli school i o a. til. Junior tie, 3 p. m, g 18 X Ray Reese his - restaurant to a Mi Epworth I .eague 1 :p, p Home an I has already given p >-se Strali.:, rs m. ail i isitoi s w cleome • to these services. K V. 1 larry I.ce, 1’astor. purcli.i ■ d i s it ili i meh south of toa n .imi w ill moie on to th B iu same. iiiri x I'llI Rl II Régulai St i vice - I’n 1 hing 1 1 -oo A tino .«■ •'■rlie.rnt of Olitine Suita ar­ rived on taut itenmor. Marte of Sunday-cltoo' io:o ia.m quality governili ni Khaki. Outing Sait» Alt at ’ cordially nvit d t allenti $6.50. Riding Suit* $7.5(1. See Averill'* each service. for up-to-date waring apparel. J. \\ . I at nett, I’astot. Mrs Ch is. Slewart ami children A iata usi C iirisi i . yn ol Gai'diiut at lived Wednesday 011 Reg'tìir serviirs Siimi.ivs at a visit to Mis. Stewart's p uents 1 1 I sistei, Mr. mil M s ( has. Rogers, citing. R‘>< k eggs for Rot I» toos et Baited Stinti av s> hool Iie'd at leiooa. tn. Pri . li: .g at I I 00 .1 Plymouth lor s de. Inquire N Pravi 1 meeting WednCsd iv night. Store. Noti ire cordiali}* inviteli lo Ifieild | S pi n . 1 i. F ii .I on , l'.istor. B a itisi '. dge. N«>. 133. the tollowii g Sunday School at 10 a. m. ottici rs tor thi enstiit’g term; NG, L atter D ay S aisis , 1 A ( O. Knopp electci V (>., S. C. ' 1« Al ..lei S’s-.. II.ii v Armstrong; I'rea ., O Frowbridgc. A Keorgam/e5 • I” I ere 5S'»< • down. at 7:00 1». tu and pre.tching at 8.00 balance < asy. Mi Is Sleuth il. Prayer meeting at s tn 1 P« ,n Eoa Svi.t: Eight mom buttsc. Wi dnesdav evemngs. Price vny reasonable. ton. P re J. S lil- 38 tj j a ’ » c. Ì All are cordiali}' invitisi lo atten.f. H. J. I hvkman . Prcsidenl. ' iS F TIGHT *3 A3-T j j ii:h . Notice of Final Accour t Notice i- hei'-by g ‘on, 1 hat Lettie j. Jcr inns* his k!e! in the ountv Court oi th'* County oi Coos anil- State of Oregon, her accoLnl i.i ihe matter of the Efihtc ol Anna M. Bi ’i.c. de­ ceased and that the honorable John F. I lai’ lias i appointed Monday, July I si, 1912, at th'.' hour of (I a. nt., of such day. at the ( urt I lou«c • in Coquille City, as lhe time and place (or hear- , ins nbitcL tv io such final a« < ur.'. «and ihe i - ' nil fettbinent and closing oi said estate and ha; directed the undersigned administratrix to give | n >Lce o! :ich final hearing in ; >m r. '-'p’tRTi publshcd in the County, once a. week, for loui successive weeks. Tbereii'«ff. All ¡" t . ”'. • j-’t< r- t-d or nd.< : < are hereby notified that a hearing will be had on ■ u h frnal account at lhe above .-tat'd time an; place and those having objections io such n .i account mu4 file &tul pr« s« nl same on « r (■< i such date. This notice is published m the 1 n- day ¡-sue oi lhe Bandon Recc-ri« r, a sr mi-'ve* k- !y new.'p. ; er, puld> I k I in ( nos ( - > nty, < 'rr pon, io» 4 mccesjtivr weeks, lhe f; *! n May 3!, 1912. and lhe last June 2^th:, 1 )I2, bt ir.o j ub- '¡.Ixtfd ' c timc\ Admirn ’.Minx of -th' F. iat • ' Ai.r.i M. ' GEO. I’. TOPPING. Attorney t M.iy 51-June 28. Natica for Publication. Dcparlnicnt of th* Interior. L’. 5. Land Office at Ros*.-burr. May H, 1912. Xniice b hereby givec. Si and NW 1-4 NW ■ 4. S > lion ’ *. I < yr,.b n 27 S. • ' I Weil WiUftmette Meridian, has .tonUou io moke Fin«! Fivr year proof, to blish claim to lhe land above dcseril’c 1. brfoi . R. W ;e, L '.it.’ki State,; Comnitrfinner, andtvn. Oregon, on t’b* *^'h ay oi July, 19!, Claimant nanu s as wit nr*; Cherles i . ti vi S. Mundy of Bullard’.' Oregon, .and Gros* and Thomas Nielson of Btodon, • BENJAMIN F. JOX ' M»y 28. July 2 K t)r. Harn E. Hermam Eyesight Specialist of Roseburg, will be at Hotel Gallier hursdav and Frida June June 20=2: I iODATIONS i • • A Creditors. Notk-r ho. Hv givoi, Hist v.Uue . ( an < u.u.inn ,-u.t l art . ! 11. Stalo of Oregon, tot th<* C«'. .1. of Coos • mi lo mr direi’led on thè (Oth n ilio IStl, da, of A|uil ir. a i -ilain ‘Ufi then in »ani ('sirt poulo.. ulv n (1. A I rowl’fidi.-f- w.i.. f ! ,.;i ■’ u 1 8. '.il.'flrr un-, defendanl in favor of |2 x ni od a * ¡ni «airi di. nd ni hi wh ■ h exrce «n I rm c >n>niande.l to sell the propr-ly in va.d ix i on a.i.l her. uoiter drunlv.l lo p*y thè uni r!u plarxtilì of Ihrer I funded ìhuty ih- e end 47-1(10 Dollar«, with intirot thereon at lb.- >a of 6 j»er cent, per annum from the 15l h day oí Apil, DI2 until pa.if t gclher wnh the < -e and .h l urrewent* ol said nit taxed al Twente* fiv • and 50 100 Dollu ; ixml «.oats ami "X|>«-n <*i raid execution. J will on Saturday th** 8th xl.iv ot June, 1*412 at the hour of 10 o'clock A M of a d day at the Front door ol the Co. •unty Court I louse tn the City ol Coqmllr. c>- •a* County, Oregon. 54,'h ai pubi»*' auclHM io » ' high, «t I al. 1er lor cash tn band .»n the rUy ,ale, ah flic nghl, liti-'. tnî ; : , ». . Ughi U hl r g hi M'. and Mis lur puent John |enkin-. musc, S.S. ANVIL ■ \ inumi Clean r Po ver atEQKK«' "VeaaSEMmS , Mi'- ' now in town Tiler- will be a Co >ke I I' >0 I Sale Sntuiday, Ju n ve-' erday. -irt'r Estray Kctier­ is Notice is hereby givi-n that on Don i vviit bui bave Mayó. 1912. the c nniv Court oí yonr house eie.iniug .Ione while it is Coos County, Oregon ma le n or- bere ' 39-12 der appointing Cm is Rasmussen ad­ ministrator of th< ‘-talc • t liars — —i roo------ Krap, decease I. l\ > i all pcim « in O m - ' hl g R lange P kesiiyit . ri . vn . will be vacate I |une 1st. di'- commi ni’ Uimit x ’. yi reise-, ol the hot and cold water and badi, mod- Services will be as follows Bandon HighSchool. Miss Rack- em. See E. E Oaks. Quiet Hour, 9:45 letf is an alumnus "I Bandon, being Preaching at 11 •<■. Iv. D. Webb anil wde t ok a a xiember of the class ol ipil Sunday, chool at f<> <’’>l >■ k. relay. ph asure, ti ip to Coq'.idle y -t E. E. < takes was a lm -mess ■ isitor Christian I ndeiv r wiP convene 1 ii’ on linn I a hen t':«' uni ir s ys to M irsldiehl the first of th«' week at 7:00 | . tn. plav ball, at Marshfield, S md.iv. Preaching at 7 >3 1. M ss Marguerite 11.iln 11V, wh " is ¡V' ' '< i .aac mowing m 1. bin- s and H. C. H ar i rani t , Paslo . teaching s >liool up file river. Il s a li iy i. I ' sohl by t!i Pa u'on week s vai ation thi-. week, vv hile she Hai ' I v.Ci i. 3; 15 'graduates with the < I iss of 1,1 ’ of Dan Bi vvn who h siiien in Ban­ FRENCH PROVERBS. I lie Bae Ion I I gh St I100I. The men is best served who don loi t e p is Auto I’o 1 i r Vac- Watch for lias no occasion 10 pm the hands lol Alaska w ¡ere he is of others at. the ends of hi - arms. mint Cleaner or I >h'me T.. M. .. 1 - the mini • business. He who devours the sr.bst in <• Ail « <>. k g .in 11 < — i 00 > em; ty sacks a: Your entire bouse c.imd or p: bone to choke him. Ci-ntral Warehouse 2-1’ lie nitlvl need ; swim that's work <'on , at low pi i <••. 59 I-’ la id Up by tile < Ilin. M iss Vivian Hutchins wh > has The pi nt Ill'll sh i * .'linn ; 11, > a What makes many persons dis I >1'1 n I < aching in the Bindon s bools contented with their uvn <<>!.

rep «ir. H. they Rive yon in lei-.gih. Go to the Orpheinn Saturday Saino. Atwatei St. 76-ti night and see the gr it Mrs Wm. llickiiig of l’r.isp r iva. Administrator’s Notice lo picture "The Telephone liirl. " PEATI.D Tite Memory of the Quality Remains Long After the Price is Forgotten. c / ctj all Early. Office Hours i om 8;00 a. m. to 9;00 p. m. .in- at much better \ou w ill feel, pressing and repairing; also a lull line of gent’s fttrnishin ;■ j W. E. St einhoff r*s The Harness Man of Gloves n the Market and at Low Prices t Assortment For Sale irgain ><>irse : ing utensils. Beil ' ■ 'd ivatcr. Afiplv M< K iv, Piop. rally c u-cd bv nusx les ,d h-r | di find ii'ilimtg ¡ h im.' rtain s Liniment. ' li or Mie by C. Y. Lowe. LEEPER & CAR Contractors and Builders Lstimates Fnrnished Phone