Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, May 28, 1912, Image 1

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E k
Semi-W eekly
w rr FtFÍ1
l M'Ik
-r U
Notice to Voters to Register
Notice is hereby given: that in accordance with Section
No. 42 of the Charter of the City of Bandon, Coos County,
Oregon, all voters residing within the corporate limits of the
City of Bandon, before voting at the regular Election, June
19, 1912, are required to be registered, the registration books)
of the City will be open each day except Sunday from the; Many Boats Arrived and
20th day of May, 1912, until 6:00 o’clock P.M. of the 18th
Departed From L3cal Port
day of June, 1912, at the office of the City Recorder, Bandon.
This Week.
E. B. K ausrud , Recorder.
Notice of City Caucus
Notice is hereby given that a Mass Meeting or Caucus
of the legal voters of the City of Bandon, is called and
will be belli at the Bandon Opera I louse in Bandon, Ore­
gon, on Wednesday, tjie 29th day of May, 1912, at the hour
of 8 o’clock p.m. of said day, for the purpose of placing in
nomination for the coming regular City Election, candidates
for the office of Mayor anil Recorder.
This notice is given pursuant to an order of the Com­
mon Council of the City of Bandon, made ata regular meet­
ing on the 15th day of May, 1912.
Dated at Bandon, Die., May 20, 1912.
E. B. K ausrud , Recorder.
Notice of Caucus to Voters in Ward
No. One (1)
Notice is hereby given: that a Caucus of the legal
voters in Ward No. 1, City of Bandon, is called and will be
held at the Bandon Opera I louse, in Bandon, Oregon, on
the 31st day of May, 1912, at the hour of 8 o’clock P.M. of
saitl day, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates
in said Ward to hit three (3) vacancies upon the Board of
Councilmen to be elected by the voters in Ward No. 1.
'Phis notice is given pursuant to an order of the Com­
mon Council and in accordance with provisions of the Char­
ter of the City of Bandon.
E. B. K ausrud , Recorder.
Notice of Caucus to Voters in Ward
No. Two (2)
Notice is hereby given: that a Caucus of the legal
voters in Ward No. 2* City of Bandon,.is called and will be
held at the Fire Hall, in Bandon, Oregon, on the 31st day
of May, 1912, at the hour of 8 o’clock P.M. of said day, for
the purpose of placing in nomination candidates in said
Ward to fill three (3) vacancies upon the Boartl of Council-
• men to be elected by the voters in Ward No. 2.
This notice is given pursuant to an order of the Com­
mon Council and in accordanc with provisions of the Char­
ter of the City of Bandon.
E. B. K ausrud , Recorder.
Pavement Laid at Moderate
Pt ice.
Commencement Week at the
High Schoo?.
C mnn -ncing this evenin; th ■ I »1-
lowing Commen e m nt \V■ ek I’r -
grin will be carried out at tu- High
Schoo' Ills week:
SS ’i
General Meeting Wednesday
High Sebo».I Auditorium. Tuesd.ic
Night, Ward Meetings
Evening, May ¿.Sth, at 8 o'cl », k.
‘‘Oil the Sea ’
Lailiis’ Chorus
Friday Night.
I ivocation
Rev. Harry I ee
a. “Welcome Pretty Pruinose Flo -
b. ‘ By the Sea ’
La, ies’ O :tetie I
Voters ol Bandon should not for­
The Tillamook atrvied in p • t
Pres P, L. Camp! ell
get the m iss meeting of the citizens
Saturday morning with 113 tons ol
“The Lonel« Rose I- lilies’ Ci»oi u ot Bandon at the Bandon opera
height, unit sailed again Momlai
house tomorrow evening, Wednes­
morning with 12 1011s of freight 1323
C lass D av E xercises
May 29th aX 8:00 c’clock
buudles o splints.
for the purpose of nominating
The Elizabeth irri.-ed in port
for mayor and conn l:-
Sunday morning with 76 tons o
w ill be a general mass
freight and five passengers as fol
voters ins-ale tin- city
lows: M.-Foss, H. Kicking, Mar
The Salutatory
Amelia Chaueay limits.
tin Kicking, D. O. Hulls L. J
< >n Friday
i’l:e History
Z ttie G:b.,i>i)
Miss Chalbuin
The Elizabeth sailed again l.«si S lo
lor the purposes of
1 larry Ci am
night with 34 tons of freight 210,00. Ihe Poem
.es for city c
Margin i i «• 11.ib. i ly
feet of lumber and the following The ( fration
pissengers: C. C. Gilbert, G. W Retrospect
I.« ntiiei '. i illier
I he meeting for Ward No. I. will
McAllister, G G. Culbertson.
Mr Strauhal be held in tile Bandon opera house
The Brooklyn arrived Saturday
Leia Bui n ,ham and the meeting for Ward No. 2
rhe Pr phecy
evening with 4 tons of freight and
Carl Buwu n will be held in the lire hall.
The Will
several passengers, and she sailed
Elsie Kinlev j
Every voter in the city should be
The Valedictory
again last night with 220,000 feet of
file Presentation of Diplomas
register before June tStli as it is ab­
Mr. A. McNair solutely necessary «o be register d
The Fifiel I arrived
Class S« ng
n order 10 vote at the city election
morning with 75 tons of freight and
le 19th.
11 passengers, and sailed again last
----- ooo——
night with 450,000 feet anti the fol­
lowing passengers. J. H Wood
S. P. Wood, Dela Reime, Mrs.
Hoyt, H. A. Bartlett, R.
Campbell. Mrs. L. C. Eaton, H
Nelson, C R. Moore, Mis. Bar-
»ows. Mrs. H. Johnson, Miss Jensen,
Miss Grace Hoyt, F. Bullard, R*
W. Bullard and wife, D. O. Be.-ker,
Will Galley, Chas. Moochil. P.
Romal. James Barri, Vic Barri, A.
R. Smith, A. D. Zalimsen, A. H.
Sim, A. D McKenna, W. E. Gar-
nice, W. Boyle, J. W. Anderson,
Geo Davis, Mt. Birueit.
The Anvil was in port Saturday
and sailed again the same da? tot
Portland. Stie took out six pas­
— <xx>
Engine Breaks in Moore Mill.
Many Assured S. P. to Build.
That th - Southern Pacific will at
once begin construction work on the
line which is lo extend 'rom Eugeni
into Coos county and connect with
the railroad to Coquille is the st ite-
in nt made by the railroad contract
ors who re i-rtly visited Marshfield.
Will Close at 10 P. M.
The party was composed of Chief
Engineer Weir ol the S' u hirn Pa­
Commencing June is', a 1 barber cific Mr Hitchco k. general mana
shops will close at io o'clock, p. tn ger of McArthur Bros, and Perks
Patrons w 11 Company, the railroad contractors,
shatp, 1 Saturdays.
R B Porter, < f Porter Brothi- s,
please be : governed accordingly.
Mr. Dixon, a railroad cohtrac’i t «1
San Franc isco, and others. J unes
------ OOO--------
Meeting Saturday. i’owhye of the firm of I'owhye Bros.
t ity owners had to pay for the ri—
Bandon Grange meets Saturday
moval of the macadam and also for
in‘I. U. O. F. Hall at it a, m. In-
he new crushed rock base.—Port­
itiation and othtr important business
land Telegram
including a report upon the trans­
City Engineer T. M Hulburt be-
actions at the Stale Grange.
Gage Wins Suit.
lieves he has al last arrived at a
Lunch at noon as usual, Let
solution of how to give property
i h<- case «if Joe Coach vs. W. W every member be present.
owners durable pavements at a m >d Gage was decided in favor of the de
erate cost. Such a pavement has tendaiit by the circuit court last
Death of Mrs. Machado.
just been laid on Kearney Street be­ rhursday.
The suit was brought
for the purpose ol securing .1 release
street and propeity owners who of cettain property levied upon by
Mrs. Naomi Jane Machado died
fought every effort to pave that the sheriff. The suit involved ques­
at her home in Prosper, Sunday,
street on account »of what th.»-, tions arising from th«: purchase of
May 19th at the age of 69 years, 2
deemed the excessive prices askei [the Club saloon in Bandon by Coach,
months and 24 days. She was born
bv the standard paving coinpanie- there being some de »tor which the
in Ohio in 1843 where she grew to
h ve expressed themselves being en­ I grantor should have paid before
womanhood, her maiden name being
tirely satisfied with the work
I transferring the property. The bulk Wright. She was married to Al­
Die pavement mentioned is th- I tales law ol Oregon protects credi
lred Ma.hado, and they came to
well known bitulithic The Kearney tors wheie property is disposed of
Coos county, Oregon in 1876 and
street pavement is declared by the without notice to creditors. Unde
have made this county their home
ciiy engineer to be as good as aiiv th s law the court decided that t' e
evei since. Mrs. Machado leaves
e er laid here .»nd it has been pul only m inner ol securing a release ot
her husband to mourn her loss
down at a saving of nearly 40 per the attached property was for Coach
Interment was made in the Ban­
cent ‘when the fact th it there was tn pay the bills for which the pr p-
don ceinete y, May 20th.
1 he rel
no charge for excavation is consid erty had been levieil upon- Coquille
atives and friends desire to express
their thanks through the R eco RKEK,
The explanation of the reduce«!
Mills & Strahaul have sold lots 1, to all the kind friends who assisted
cost is that the old macadam base
2, and 3, block 5, Azalea Pirk to during their time of bereavement.
or the street has been used as a
--- ------------
Mr. Earl Watkins. The lots are
foundation for the bitulithic
H re
The light house tend«, of Asto.i
located at the corner of Aberdeen
tofore standard bitulithic has been
and Eighth street and will make one was down to Port Orioid ast we -a
uid on a base of crushed rock and
in cases where the streets w ere cov of the finest residence sites in the and put tn a gas wh tlmg buoy at
the Pod Orford reef.
c.ed with old m cadani, the prop- city.
Our Town.
The big engine of the Geo. W.
Moore I.umber Co. Mid was con­
siderably smashed up this morning,
one of the cylinders being badly
broken as we'l as some other dam-
age dona. It will necessitate a shut
down of a couple of days or possibly
more until the new pieces can be
---- wo------
This is a good town. Let us get
all the good out of it we can. The
way to get the good out of land is to
improve it. The way to gel the
good out of a town is to develop it.
Il is a poor farm mat is all | astute.
It ought to be worked. He is a
poor farmer who is content to take
merely what nature sends
He is a
pool citizen who is willing to let the
town shill for itself, taking only such
hem fits as come without
flit man wli j is sail lied to lial vest
m«rely what ci in s up will have to
live oil a diet of weeds.
Big Stock Show.
M»/ 5. 1868
Resding. Lincoln's Gettysburg
Lincoln, the Great Commoner,
D< a ..lion Day
On Memorial Day
LJylh Sumner
The t-la,, 1 lial Makes Men tiee
Geo. Chatl urn
Jack Kronenberg
!0 Addresses by Re». Chaiburn.
eri fly and Rev. I laitranfl.
! I
Older of Committee
- -«JQO-----
In a letter horn B S. Swengel o1
Cottage Give. Oregon i-j which
he sends the mci-s.iry amount to
put him in good standing on the
Ri.« .»i.pi-.K list fol ■> y f. h-sivs.
“we are nicely located here, have
the largest hardware sto«e in Cot­
tage Grove, ar.d like die town as a
place to live, very much.
Swengel al-..o -ay s they get ion .-»ome
tor the Bandon ne.vs and knew.-' no
better way ol getting it than through
Mr. and Mis.
the R kcok . >r.i<
Sweng I sy-ijil. best wi-h«-.» through
the R ecorder io tli-.-i« Bandon
A Moose lodge w is organized in
Bindon last night w: I. ;-b'Ut 7°
■ members, which at once makes it
1 one of the str< ngest lodges :n tin
I he officers at«-- Mr. B«-ck-
Icti, Bist Dictator; N J. C .«in, Dic­
tator; R W. Boyle, Vice Dictator
II. J. Butlei In 1<I, 1’iel.ite; J I Sul-
I livan. Sec. ; 11 L. H ms n 1 re is. ;
1 I. C. l.aton, Sergeant at arms; F
1 IL Uolgiove, Inner Guar i; <> B
I I tavids m; R. W. B y!e S | Ma in,
V . Lind C. A. Jainit-son, l'rusif es
meeting of
1 terested in
| Feeders and Breeders Show it
decided to make the
Name: Change as per litter head
bleeds have been inc; «1 - I, and
in order that the show shall properly
represent th«: «nine Pai iti
<■ dries will be a«: vpte I from British
Columbia. Utah, Neva la. .v pooling.
Montana, I lab >, W i hinge» i, O •-
gon and C difor r i.
Time 1913: The
was i in an »tlier party comp >s< <1 «>'
Soutl hern P.i' ific engine TS.
Th.: announ in -nt-« <■ niv fr 1 n
Mr. ILtchcock
11 tchc i k who« «1 h it hi
firm had the contract f >r building
85 miles 'rom th«- > nd ol th«- : « e Hi -
three miles which I'owhye Bi 01 her?
are n<>w boil Im? or of
< f Eugene,
f-.'igene, t ■
Coos Bay. The oth
com 11 irl 1 >:»
aade the trip over the line » c.iusc
they expl'Ct to bid lor puts <> tin-
I11 biief, the statement made by
Mr. Hitchcock was that th'- con
structior. .-.ork would begin as soon
as machinery and material < ouki be
, that the bridge across
C«x»s Bay would be built, that the
line would exlen I through both
North Bend and Marshfield and
would connect will) the railroa I ex
ten-ling to Coquille. In short ac­
cording to the statement made it will
be possible when the road is finished
to get on a train at C •q-iill - an I
ride by rail to any part of the
country reached by lailioad.
The railroad men were highly
complimentary in tieir expres-ions
of opinions of C«>Os county.
I hey
all said that this community h id a
great future and that the coining of
a railroad would firing thou-ands« f
persons here from other parts ot the
The positiveann »uncement that .1
railroad would b«- built at on
1 ■-
given a
<1 general
gniiciai stiinu
iiiinu us
in to
i » 1» 1 n -s
throughout the county and on the
strength of work starting at once
preparations are liemg mi I ■ for «
gixxl summer.—Coquille Sentinel.
nil Corps as:•<-nib e at hall at
ol child leu at schocl
house at 9:30. We will 1 eet with
those who wish t, > t<> ; in us ami
torn in tront of ; > »st office at lo
a. :n . V. here all will in ne i lo l. A.
R c »: b 1 . I » liste t ■ thè regolar
service s .»I the day a .1 d* - ■1 -ite thè
graves of d p irteli Cl >mr ules.
Tin­ saint- eriler of M ircii will tin n
te 1111 nil at ihe post office be dis-
perseli for d-nner.
All ar«: again invited to assemble
at Knights of Pythias hall at 2 p.
m., to listen to the I slow i'lg pro­
Bandon Post
1 Opening Seivice -
2 Music -------
3 K.acmg, John A. Logan’s C ) ... r No. I I,
Roy C‘»r-M>n h.H « t ‘pi d t
li hi in tile !‘.i l Nall > 1 «1 3 lak ai (1
will help coik I u i th i>ti ¡nos <3
th excellent iiiidiiiil in >?it ton.
m W-?
■> -■ AU Jtta-»■
U y
so t ir, Imi » gì «-alt i n p •
1 li nt V expe» ted
Pay h cuts on
ih n>’>' ri hipT will n >t b e collected
lllllil ne t V eal.
(.l essili a'¡ »Il : 1 11»- cl i .sjliC4‘ >11
and premium list wni m- n ,Ued eirly
in 1913. hut every breed » mil iced-
er 0! live stock is urged to begin
•» itdiiMi hii 'I preparing i o v. Cal
w il
airi (.Ir.ifl Il ■:
show will be held December 8 to 12, th* bb■••up b
inclusive. Then- will be r.o spring! m ike up the classes in t< 1
Br. e-liiig, feeding, fol ihi
show in 193. Feeders an I bn
fot 11! ililv.
Y- hhs vci y Duly,
of the Pacific Const are I
ivi i . v , ( '• n Man
equipped lor com; etit a -t a
tail or early winter shew tluii
spring events ail I it is purp "»<
make ol th "Pacifn Internal
1' 1 der ■ and Breeder»" a Live S
Show that will be w rtliy of ti-<
stock industry. As 11« retofore,
sli iw will sei k t-> illpart object
sons in live stock product i»n
s- ns s 1 plain, tiial ‘ lie wh< run
in.iv read.”
Memberships: I ho-e who hold
memberships in the “Pacific North-
west Live Stock Assoc Hi >n-’ will be
transferí «-il to 'he roll ot the ‘‘Pa-
Feeders and
intern itimi il
Breeders Show” and a vigor ms
cunpaign will lie prosecuted lor ad-
1'hese shows are
< inemb. r».
n it in< ney n akei i as shows but
t an I lasting benefit
>» v
•’> every man engaged in the live
stock industry. On
tiers have been carrying tn« burden
Tiie National ¡
Bankm# • hnks
.«aw to i I
requires N liion. 1
maintuin a < 1 -h it rvc ()i
15 pt r cent, of thei ’ GC >->S- }
its; tloes not per:n t r.i n '
to make i \c, ixe loans ti
o n e borrow er; r. ’uin ;, I
them to make fit’ times a
\ear statement ’f r esourci s j
and lial»>lice» to tin com -
If t L
troller of I’tirrenct
fmuls ol the dep; siti r ;
this hmk are s.'iv;gn trde.l I y
ten:,, n
law, lit the « h > .
w hich an acti«e dit
five's its affairs.
First National Bank