» V * ™" r> Fu» rV " “ w “ " W# am Agenta fnf th* I«»» r W.4K torrl " Loda« tof «rwt FH.U» by Hi f ha bMo»r M man ht* •*» C t MJTT 4»owth rd v»»y «imple roiwtffw i»e to rerv rm pl*« In (he *gr ■ t I he ti ¡tie m>l I he < hiel a nil*< ft oft» I idi e In ji|i» e m •»•»log m«f | dl I. fhe i. i M/rtrnratn "HO*«*» If»» ioti, f| /III 0»r Y»wr tft A l ««A* • ditte» (i*l»»|f Mnfe* Mai* J>i(> I'riMi'itf n M|<«*eiftl»f Known <»ti A pfilten» toft Ita In n h tee» I her »«i.tel •• (tie I! vn.lnM pnafoMiie M Heevewi »I mm Matter I amotis ' n there were no on tu now as citizen«. As out privi’rgrs as citizens, enjoying lorfat wli.it our lathers and grandfathers did not have, ajc growing. »0 are uur duties and it becomes necess.trv «• tW*«n* ftttftng * |* 1 We send our children to school at the age of six. We oti-ht to KEEP THEM AT HOME UNTIL THEY /»RE TWELVE. Three-quarters of the time they spend in school between the ages of six and twelve is absolutely wasted. r WITHOUT SCHOOLS, at WITHOUT « SCHOOLTEACHERS. WITHOUT AT THE 6CHOOLEOOKS, WITHOUT SCHOCL DISCIPLINE. A BOY WITHOUT CRAMMING ALL THAT IT NOW TAKES IN SIX SIX YEARS TO DRILL INTO AGE OF TWELVE COULD ACQUIRE MONTHS HIM. •t w at Talking baby talk to a six-months-old inf::nt won’t make the child talk any earlier, ami there is nothing the mother can do to make her child walk before his legs are strong enough to carry him. It is UNWISE TO HURRY NATURE. The brain develops the same as the body. IT CANNOT SAFE­ LY BE FORCED. Instead then of subjecting our children to six years of irksome attendance at school before they reach the age of twelve, those six years might far better be employed in allowing the child to develop, mentally as well as physically, under the INFLU­ ENCE OF TIIE HOME. It can learn more there than it can from the ill prepared voting teacher. In these early years fresh air and healthy physical exercise are far more valuable than all the schooling. TIIE BRAIN WILL GROW, AS TIIE BODY DOES, WITHOUT FORCING. Even the child of the tenement is better off out of school than in school. If any home can be more unhygienic than the average over­ crowded schoolroom, with its foul air and cramping desks, there is at least the street for the child to play and grow in, and, with all its dan­ gers, the PUBLIC STREET IS BETTER THAN THE PUB LIO SCHOOL ROOM. oh I m H v inviarti lo «ti A. J. I UrtmAft. buying a Piano, give us a call. It costs you noth« ing to examine them. Easy Terms Statistics of Titanic. her lots of good.” If you have .uq trouble with your stom ich or bowels give them a trial F* 1 sale by C Y. Lowe. The Worst In the Country. Notice is hereby given that the “Are you tile landlord of this hotel?" firm formerly known as Newman N asked the guest who had his baggage Hansen has been dissolved by mu­ on tlie porch. “I guess I be,” ixuswered the man tual consent. All persons having bills against said firm, piesent’-am - with pale eyes. “Well. I want to hand this little to S. Han«en, ard any bills contract­ sentiment to you. Your hotel is posi- ed m the name ol said firm altet tlvely the worst I have ever seen in April 1st, will be void. this country, and I’ve traveled al! over it." A. S. N ewman , "I know it,” answered the hindlord. S. H ansen . $10 Reward. ^old to the Sociali t [ arty of Coos 1 The above sum will be paid b> county. The plant is now et route me for the conviction of any person, here from Sm Jo11 the upper Co­ quille valley be!ore leaving for the Artic where he will put in the sum- mer n'.onths as a member of the Skiff lor sale. newspaper plant which he recently Ton Barber Shop. Inquire at Bon 29-tf Eastern Star 0CC1DF-NTA1 CHARIER, No. 45.0. E. S., meet« Saturday evening l-dorc «nd after «laird communication of M mi nic Lodge Visiting member» cordially invited to attend. L.ouise M. Boyle, \\ . M Merta Mehl, Secretary. I. o. I». » D ANDON LODGE, N o . 133, meet» every Wcdneaday evening. X i-ituv brothers in good standing cordially invited. Wm. Lundquist, N. G. S. McAllister, Secretary. K i H k I i I i * of I’yfh;:»» P)ELPHl LODGE. No. M. Knight. «I Pjthia» Meets every Monday evening at Knight» hall. Vmlin« knights invited to attend. C. R. Moore, C. C. B. N. Harrington K. ol R. S. Saturdays at Hotel Gallier M. G. POHL. Opiometerist Well Rec ommended by Pat 1.tits DR SHIITES «I. KT IT OFFICE IN PAN 1 EK Httll DIM. Office Hours 91012—1 to 5 BANDON, - - OREGON Gives all the local news and"happenings and should be in every home in this vicinity. The two papers make a splmd'd combination and you can save $ I by sending your subscrip­ tions to 1 he Bandon Recorder. We can also give our subscribers a good clubbing of­ fer (or the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday Journal in connection wit 1,th.* Semi-eekiy Bandon Recorder. r I Brown & Gibson Hi I he Leading Contractors Dr L. F. Boren box DENTIST Office Over Vienna Cafe Telephone at Office and Home. bANDON ft. and Builders ORECOH T. TKKAIMlOi.il ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL« K AT - LAW, Spruce Sts. 3 I We furnish plans and speci­ NOTARY PUBLIC fications and it you are go­ ing to build anything, no Bandon, Orfgen Office With Bandon Investment I'<■ matter how large or how Dr. H- 3vl. Brovzn. small, we can money, save you Let us figure on Reaident Dentiit. Office in Punter Building your building. JI Office Hour»: Phone, 9 to 12 M„ I to 5 P. M, BANDON. OREGON DR. R. V. DEEP C. R. BARROW Gatchell Bros.’ Transfer Line Attorney and Counsdor-at Law Physician and Surgeon Office Rasmussen Bldg Phone 72 COQU I DDE. “ORE GATCHELL EROS., Prop». All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders given prompt attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St., Fish Property PHON E <341 Bandon, Oregon Office over Skeel«' Store Office Phone, Main 335; rendence. Main 346 WILSON & WALRATH CLARK & WRIGHT Blacksmiths and ^CATTERUN~& LeGORE^ Wagonmakers Wagons of all kinds made to order. ..The topographic map of the Arctic, Beach. Mrs Gurrm anil their son Roy accompanied him from the city. an— Arctic Ocean, and when the A ret if | is reach'd, Mr. Guerin will extend New Paper Soon. his work w stward, making the first ' M A Simpson an old-time news paper man and at present engaged in the dairy I usiness at Prosper, gave the Sentinel a very pleasant call Mondiv. Mr. Simpson was in town io. the purpose of making ar­ rangements for tKe installation of a Pliil Pearson, Secretary PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Lame back is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles of her I btek, for which you will rind nothing better than Chamberlain’s Liniment. For sale by C. Y. Lowe. Family Washing a Specialty. Make a Specialty of Rough Dry. 710 order D ANDON L ODGE. No. 130 A. I . N A M. Slated communication, first Saturday tiler the full moon of each n.ontl>. Special communication« »econd .Saturday lheivaller. All Ma ter Masons cordially invited. <’. R. WADE The Semi-Weekly Home Hand Laundry Pa»«engers, male, 48<>; female, 224, Total Survive», male, 85; female, 93. . Total C. M. Gage. C. C. Attorney at I “And I have n kinder pride in it. I.eui- mc tell you something about it. Every time we git beat outer a board bill it's sure some satisfaction to know that we got the best of the feller that done it.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. 34-t3-x H. E. Boak, Srcrrtarv V Utting I hurmday«. Prices $250 and up Oregon Journal Notice of Dissolution. W. O. W. Keep the logs rolling l«y» I SEASIDE CA> P NO. 212. W OODMEN Ol THE UORl D. Meet» l int anil I hud Neigiibort welcomed. Clubbing Offer H opkins . J. C. Sbnld., Sa»)»«. C. ol K. If you are contemplating tor us to have wider knowledge ol historv. ol law and of moralitv. The aveiage citizen must know- the danger« of our complica ed social' retalio »s. hr must be able Io speak and vote intelligently 011 a thousand questions that his father knew noth ­ ing about. It is unsafe for any one Air Pressure. of us to say. "we used to do thus At the level of the sea tile pressure and so, and what w is good enough of the atmosphere on the piston of an for us then, is good enough for us eugine is about fifteen pounds to the now.” Such a policy keeps Us back square inch, but decreases at higher I in the swiftly changing conditions J altitudes. As tills atmospheric pres­ of these rapid-moving years. To sure must be overcome by the steam pressure before any work can lie done, improve a liver bar, to diedge a it is evident that at the diminished air river, to drain a dangerous swamp, pressure of high altitudes more work to irrigate arid lands, to install a can be obtained from a given pressure Semi-Weekly Oiegon Journal, one muicipal wat'r or light plant, to of steam than at the sea level, or. in other words, an equally effective pres­ year____ ______________________$1.50 grade or pave a street, to build a sure of steam can be obtained witli i Semi - Weekly Bandon Recorder sewer, to buy a city park, to build a the expenditure of less fuel. The dif­ one year 1.50 new school house, these all require ference, however, is not great enough to lie of aiiv practical importance.— rapid and careful thinking on the Exchange. Total $3.C0 put of the progressive citizen. Every day there are duties which It w< uld surprise von to know of Both Papers One Year $2.00 canrot be solved as a result of yes­ the great good that is bring done by terday’s thinking, for today yester­ Chambei Iain’s Tablets. Darius day’s problems are passed, and it is Downey, of Newberg Junction, The Semi-Weekly only today with ail the tower we N. B., writes, •‘My wile has been have of mind and heart that we can using Chamberlain’s Tablets and solve today’s problems. rinds them very effectual and doing H. L _ All kinds of Blacksmith Work, both heavy and light, will receive prompt ¡ attention. Horse Shoeing a specialty • • Grocers OO Free Delivery at all times to any Shop on Columbia Avenue K r * I Iew«h Tribe Nn 48. Imp <» R. M. M. nd Di liaraiay „I melt sth ra 4 Ihr |U« Ml»* W» Ml. < Uri. aie ria Pianos A Great i I» untar F BANDON DRUG CO AM not in favor of reforming the present school system, think it ought to be abolished. It is fundamentally wrong. t I Ml t Baldwin I » mini h > Fl t>teellng m me* <le mute dm» tunny bnrtvil l»t (lie l11 |n«|»-> »••»< We .|ieii(| |hete with their fellows on equal terms and thereby to earn livelihoods. — I»r. Henry Stod­ dard. New York Sociologist. lulo. <4 lb* mrmlierv rd he ' »»the Vite few, there no Votinp Io '»e «lone once the < hn l was Miplemr Pf of« ««torti» I I »irerlrtfv t i iltMliinA OonipRny aw H RIPC’Q i TRANSFER LINE R. H. RICE, Prop. All kinds of light and heavy drav- | »ng- Also sells and delivers mill wood,coal,etc Office at Schumate' s 1 Store. Phone orders promptly at I tended. Lawyers Washington., ID GL Public I Ji nd Matter», Firmi Proof, Det­ er! Land», Conte»!» and Mining Cate», Script A«»ociate Work for Attorney» PURE DRUGS Do you want pure drugs ar.d drug sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes and toilet arti­ cles? If so, call on Y. LOWE, andon, Oregon.