Calico Sc yard, Gingham 6c y rd, Canvas Glove* Sc, Packard Shoe* $3.50,Cluett Shirt» $1.10 CLOSING OUT SALE of the stock formerly owned by the Bandon Dry Goods Company will begin Saturday, May 4th, at 9 O’Clock Sharp and will be sold in two weeks regardless of manufacturer’s cost. An absolute slaughter will take place. It is astound­ ing. We say “ast junding,” because there is no other word that can emphasize the meaning enough. This is not an ordinary sale, but one with Bonifide Bargains—something you do not see every day, but once in a lifetime, perhaps. Closed f for two days to rearrange stock and mark the goods. It takes time to get everything narked, and in order that we might have such articles marked at the lowest possible price, we have closed two days to re-open Saturday morning with the the Greatest Sale the people of Bandon have ever seen. We mean to sell this Entire Stock, and if you look at the prices given below, you will agree that everything will go. American Printing Co.’s Calico, the best make, close out price 5c Gingham Checks, 6c; Dress Ginghams all Novelty Checks and Stripes, the latest crea­ tion, in color designs, for only 8c There is an unlin ited amount of Cotton Suitings in this stock that retails for 35c per yard, but will be so; I during this closing out sale > or - - - 15c This space will not permit us to quote prices on the line of Dress Goods, s i ch as Wool Serges, Tweeds, Voiles, Wor- Only Two Weeks! steds, Batiste Lawns, Dimities and all Summer weight ma­ terial. Canvas Gloves............................ 5c * Hats....................................... 50c up Caps at your own price. Ribbons, Laces and Embroidery. Ladies, Coat and Suit Department. In this department we have the latest styles and the new­ est color effects, and these suits will be sold during this closing out sale at prices That’s all! from - - - - Ladies'Skirts - $3.00 and up - - - $1.50 Muslin Underwear. We have every garment made in Muslin wear and will close this department out at about 50 cents on the dollar. Don't over­ look this one department. Ladies' Waists - - - - 50c Beautiful White Waists, bought this Spring. A chance of a lifetime - - 50c These are but a few of the bargains we have to offer, and we can not tell you about every­ thing, but ask you to personally visit us and see for yourself. Remember the date, Saturday, May 4th, at 9 a. m. I > 1 )avs ()nlvr J MURPHY & HAMILTON To the First 15 Ladies Entering­ ins tne Stone Opening Day, each will be given a Valu- E’E? C*F ab le Prize Abj olutely * Agents BJkJSTTDOlSr DRY GOODS CO. I s ! )avsOnlv I FR FF To the F‘rst 15 • dies Entering the Store Opening Day. Each will be given a Valuable Prize Absolutely Free.