udon é order 'tan mw aw»» f,» M»F *» .waMv tn«» h** M»Wh*» In d*»*« I*“* «»• lini« ti & hiliMiii ..^•'1« fn RS ttHJf • I'* P' t < i*lM «•(»»*< Illi»'" hni»d I wna happr In knowing th»( I r«»nM a la Im «tr girl hnt 1 fotsslad (■• hi» iw what liar I ahuttld do •» «• Jim of mvaalf Ila and I talh*l the mat tar near and da* lf• tor ninli 1» lens am* «|»e»a. bestión »«nd il you urn go« ing to build anything, no malt» r how lurge or ho* L-w.h lr,|»« N„ 4*, |mF o K M Q^U !> I it>t a»I limi frvMith ef I urwiav« |vu> >m< i.hirl' « imiwilr int-ted to Mirnd A. J. EUtOKMI, J C Shold., I lust'd mt llr«i <1 tioi.e ■ • I lHh i small, *r < an save v ou G. el R. .''•shea. (he proinil.il.i \ ili<' rn >i money. let Iwo \\ cil.»: us ligure on were ruffle! tnim<>v dm • hh h <] W. o. w had an affair of t-».- • th • CHEAP H)R < \SII Keep the log» roli.ng laiys f nurse and |iri>l«i hl» ra»t»v«w> H»»«I«I i ' m Hit« i Jr* <1* ■' SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212. See Butterfield, at Recorder WOODMEN OF (Ht. U i)RI D tlon waa p!e-i«inu r<. me. m' I I I t i Meets L.rrt and Thud Thursdays. V mind actin* >>n the ■umie l»le-i 1 Office. Neighbors welcomed. " In 'Thi1 pisrl'id I hive ¡»ne tew I) Prominent Garman Paper Voices Its Eastern Star I've n scar on my left cheek But up merits. Then, suying thiil she wu'i.il Sentiment. O ccidental chapier . N o . 45. o. to thirty the members of our own fum go and bring iuv noon meat, she left in»- I aher J ■ Sa,u,‘1-> *'”"•>« Wore .nd When Robert Mantell, the actor, Never in iny life have I been pnuett ily soinellines find trouble telling us -Iter stated commur.k-.umn of Ma»< nir Lodue in such a quandary My ov.n ileai was in Portland, two weeks ago, he apart. Visaing m< mber. cordially invited to altecd. Semi-Weekly Oregon journal, one There was a breakdown in the fain twin brother Usui left me Io p.-f-iiniire . presented the play “Julius Caesar.” ,, „ Louise M. Boyle. W. M you are contemplating year____________ _,...$! .50 Merta Meh,’, Secretary. ily when Jim and I were eighteen himself with it woman he line'.! n'l In the very opening scene two sen Semi - Weekly Bandon Recorder who loved him. I didn't know wbetb ators give an illustration of their idea years old. Father died without lea) buying a Piano, give us one year ____________ _____ __ I. O. O F ing anything, and Jim hik I I had to er I was acting both dishonorably ami of their office. They meet a crowd of ßANDON LODGE, No. 133. |. o. O. F . hustle. I found n situation in one con­ unbrotherlv to him or not • lie mid not I I workingmen on the street, and com­ a call. It costs you noth- Total... ...$3.(0 cern mid Jim In another Later I was eoutided the truth to me He had e.v mand them to get back to their trades, . meCU e2Try ^. ednttdi,y evening. Vuiting brothers in good standing cordially invited. sent iiwii . v to establish a branch of the pected that the girl would mistake me and exchange their holiday garments ing to examine them. business in another city, while Jim re for him. lint bad the position in wbii li for the leather aprons of their crafts c » X« mi o Nlm. Lundquut, N. G. s A. McAllister, Secretary. mnlned where lie was. 1 hadn't seen this mistake would pirn e tier and un­ Both Papers One Year $2.00 A senator those days didn't think him for two years when I beard iliai occurred to him? Probably not He Knif-ht« of 1‘ytlOM« he was ill and in a hospital. The news was iu such a hurry that it was likely much of the people. ]DiJp No. (4, Ks:ght» of A Roman senator didn’t have to live was too uiucb for my ability to remain he hadn’t thought of this I was terri The Semi-Weekly i * I jthias. Meet» every Monday evening away from him longer, sol fixed things tied at receiving caresses that were iu in the district that paid him He was at Fuaghto hall. Vmtmii kmghu invited |o tip In my business for an absence, took tended for him It was as dishonor;! not required to know the people who I *,,cnd- C. R. Moore. C. C. •i train and ou arrival went from the ble to the girl as to Jim W’lnit was i supported him. He scorned his con­ B. N. Harrington K. o( R. S. to do? sintioii direct to the hospital. stituency, a id knew no more of them The thing I did—the next thing was Jim had a private room, and I was than that they promptly and plenti­ Publish»» the lated and most complete tri••- ■shown to it by an attendant. I found to eat the dinner she brought me. m fully furnished him with money. He graphic news oi the world; ¡ivn relialile i Saturdays at Hotel Gallier him In lied, but instead of sbowiug ef the whf'e the loveligbt in l"*r eve. bpen the money for his own aggran­ market reports, as it is published at Portland i beaming < iwn ii|«m me .- ‘ ft • 1 ...u tis-ts of nil illness I couldn't see but where the market news can be and is cor­ that tie looked as well as ever. He tin is bed and she had removed the li.iy dizement, and never gave an account­ rected Io date For each issue. It also has a was udgbry glad to see me. as 1 was she told me that she bad reported me ing. That would have been belittling page oi special matter (or the (arm and : Well Recoinmen led by to see him. I asked him to (ell me to be so much better that she had mot e to the dignity of a senator. home, an interesting story page and a page Pattons time to devote to other patients, but alsmt himself mid bow it was that he Here in America we don’t approve or more oi comic each w eek, end il goes to she would come iu to see me bet »veer, appeared so well and yet confined to of a senator who Ignores the people. he lubscriber twice each wick---104 limes a Ills lied. He gave me one of those her attentions to them During one <■:' < ’.‘IL \VA DE year. frightened looks intended to impose si­ her abseuces I thought the mutter Oregon doesn’t indorse a senator who over and came to the following couclu idea of his office, and has the Roman lence. Then, pulling me down toward Attorney at 1_. ei . w - sion: I must go on playing Jim's part, the aristocrat’s estimate of the peo- him. he whispered iu my ear: — "I want to get out of this, Your whatever it was. for I i-ould not pie. The Semi*Weekly j Agent Pacific Surety Company. OfficeB.uk otherwise without giving him uvni.i corning Is a godsend. Get off your For the past six years Oregon has I of Bandon B.dg. Phene 102, B.ndon, Oreg, n clothes iu a hurry nnd tumble into bed and how serious this would lie to In: i Wagons oi .-ill kinds made to ordei. ,----------------------------------------------------------- 1'iff gbing to put them ou and make 1 did not know. I mid been placed i.. been paying the salary of a Caius Cas­ my way out. Nobody will kuow the a position fur which I was in uu wny sius style of senator at Washington; All kint s of Blacks'.nilli Work, both DR, SIvIXTlX J. Give» all the local new» .ind^happening» and responsible My i-onseieni'e was clear a senator who ignores the people who difference between you aud me." heavy and light, wi 1 receive ¡rompt l’ll\ SIC1AN AND SURGEON He looked so anxious and eager that and I didn't see how it could lie cloud­ support him, and avoids the contam­ should be in every home ic. this vicinity. The ed. 1 would act tin* part of a respoii two papers make a splendid combination and OFFICE IN PANIER BUILDING ination of residence among them. attention. Horse Shot :ny i specialty I iinmeilgitely ticgaii to hustle off m.v you can save $ I by sending your subscrip­ Office Hours y io u—i to 5 clothes, and as fast as I got out of them sive lover The pscrle of Oregon want a sen- Shop c.i Columbia Av-nue 1 mat. t; ed to put off i , <* > —„ tions to 1 he Bandon Recorder. We can Jim got into them. As soon as I was Ctor vho ki.ow the people, and who BANDON, . . OREGON in bed aud Jim was dressed I said. as a dis» barged patient fo. cun wc.-k also give our subsenbers a good clubbing oi. believes in them: who is interested How 1 succeeded hi doing it I don't "Now tell me about it.” fer For the Daily and Surdav, or Sunday PlfC’Q know, unless it was by tlie i “For heaven's sake, don’t leave me ready to tight to the death my own doesn’t demand that his fellow citi- ■ .ni. I :,!0 to 4, i m,; 7 to K in the evenii,g, zens put on evening dress before they zX 11 kinds oi light and heavy driv ­ this way! Tell me how long I'm to flesh and blood, my owu twin brother, will be permitted to shake hands with stay tu>re anyway.” '»•„lit calla iitiHweit d from otl.ee. ing. Also sells and delivers mill for the love of the girl in whose at Physician and Surgeon "I don't dare take the time. If m.v fei tious 1 had taken his place. 1 ex him; who concedes the just demands 11.1 N ItllN, wood,coal,etc Office at Schumatr ’ s < • ic 2 t.n n nurae’siiould tind us both here it would cased myself by enciatragng a siispi of labor, and would put the lightest Office Rasmussen Bldg Phone 72 Stere. Phone orders promptly at prevent my getting out in your place cion in my mind that he had treatul •burden on the shoulders least able to Dr Xi. f Sorensen She’s liable to come in any minute.” tended. Bandon, Oregon her shamefully and that I was justi carry it. "Well, one tiling you must do—attend tied in securing her for myself. At Oregon men and women want Ben DENTIST to my business for me—that is. if I'm a n.v rate. I would n -ver give tier up to Selling to be their senator at Wash­ Office Over Vienna Cafe to tie kept here any length of time." him or any one else. ington. They have tried the Roman “All right; I’ll do It.” he said. And Telephone at Office and Horne. But what next? When this query aristocrat, non-resident type, and they tiefore I could get another word out of popped into my bead I was seized with don’t like it. The manhood of the oAKDON him he was gone. OßEGu a sudden desire to get out of the Ims He needn’t have lieon in such a bur­ pltnl. tind Jim and Inair from him an state is for Selling.—The Zeitung. » Fourth and Spruce Sts. «. T. 1KIAIMalt.il ry, as It turned out. for his nurse didn’t ex[>lnnation Then, whatever it was. come in for half an hour. At the end I would tell him that, having placed Will Win In a Walk. ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL« •< of that time the door opeued. and a me in a position to make love to his AT - LAW, It is beginning to look like an easy very pretty specimen of femininity en girl, he should not complain that I had ride for Ben Selling to the United tered. She was dressed ill a nurse's won tier from him Nt.TARY PUBLIC Had I won her uniform of spotless white. This was from him? I »id she love him or niiw States Senate. Formerly there wa3 Batidou. Orfgen very lieconiiug to her complexion, which or both of ns? no telling what the legislature would Ollice With Baudot! Invest meni < >■ had a lot of red in it Then. too. her Feeling that if I lay thinking upon do, but now it is a pretty certain thing eyes and hair were dark, and the con this brain and heart racking problem that it will follow the wishes of the L?r. H. I«!. Bi-o'wn. Phone 722 trast with her dress and cap was 1 should go mad. 1 threw off the cov­ charming. ers and jumped out of lied. 1 was in people.—Redmond Hub. Resident Dentiti. She came up to m.v lied, looked down Jim's clothes In a twinkling and when Office in Panter Building iqion me sympathetically—lovingly, il my nurse entered again 1 was ready APOTHEGMS OF A MILLION for my departure seemed to me—placed tier hand on mj Office Hour»: 9 to 12 M„ I to 5 P. M, AIRE. She stood looking nt me. surprised forehead—n warm, soft one—aud said: Phone. BANDON, OREGON Men must work out their own ”1 really must report that you are I folded her til my arms, showered GATCHFLL BROS., Prop». industrial salvation instead of ready to be discharged. The house snr kisses on her face particularly her lips All kinds of heavy anil light draying. F Phone orders given trusting to politicians to do it geon will find this out pretty soon, and —then daslied away without u word of £OT them. explanation as to my sudden depar I prompt attention. Barn Cor. I irst & Spruce St.. Fish Property I’ll get myself Into trouble." Attorney and Counselor-at-Law The conduct of business in the | P1IONE (»41 Here was a pretty go Jim had de ture long run is not a mere scramble In an lictir I was with Jim. parted without giving me the slightest I codi Usisi;. - ore for the best place at the trough “Why did you put me in this post hint what part to play. The only thing Office over Skreis’ Store Whenever this country has fal­ 1 could d<> was to be noncommittnI aud tlon and why have I heard uotblng tered or stood still it has been from you sin -e?" I asked impntieutly Office Phone, Main 335; residence. Mam 346 lean) as much of the situation as I through reliance upon politi­ "Does she love me still—1 mean you?' could. It IcHikiHi as though Jim bad cians. "She loves me—me. I say—not you (»■en making love to bls nurse, had re­ When they tel) you that pros- covered and. in order to remain in the at all ' perity may be created and main "Thank God.” light of her presence, had lingered In Lawyers ’lined by tariffs and other artt the hospital longer than was necessary ' "What «Io you moan?" flees laugh at them. “ Snbs ’ de. Boh. and I'll tell you all Washington, X). C. But how to reconcile this with bis de We need honesty enough to sire to escape without her knowing be , aisi.it it I dared not write you—I mean live within our means rublic la»nd Mutter». F,nal Proof, Dc«- had gone 1 hadn't even an inkling, The m.v«"lf for fi.tr of giving away the We need to understand that the I went to the bos ert Land», Contents and Mining safest thing I could think of to say whole situation future of mt'u anti common­ Caie», Script pital engaged to l>e married. I hadn't w as: wealths is created out of < fianic- had time to inform you of m.v engage ­ Associate Work for Attorneys "Do you really think so?” ter and Intelligent effort and not “I certainly do lu»1eed. I see no rea ment ts>fore I was taken ill Immedl by anything which any political son for continuing this deception ant utely after our betrothal my fiance agency accomplish.—Jamis longer, though it has been n dellgbtfu. , sailel on a ¡¿uropeau trip The hos I J Hill. experience. You know that I love you I pital girl took a fancy to n>e nt ouce mid I have perfect confidence in the mid showered such attentions on me Do you want pure drugs and love you have l»itli shown and bsve that I couldn't help reciprocating I very weakly suffered myself to be express«! for me We esn meet a- How Sound Carries. drug sundries, fine perfumes, A cannon re|>vrt has been heard as often ns my duties will |>eruiit until We drawu Into an affair of the heart, I assure you I didn't realize bow deeply ftir as 14G miles. run b« married ” hair brushes and toilet arti- week or month. Sample Room in Connection. This wtis the prlnciiml |iart of it. and involved I Mid become before I corn mitted tietrothal bigamy. if it hadn't been for Jim's ilesire to Ruskin. clej? If *o, call on “Iu your appearance 1 saw a loop Ruskin's favorite adverb was substitute me for himself would linvT hole I took advantage of it. and from iirely." Over the grave of Ids fattier t»s'U nJ I I <‘aml to know Though I was puzzled, my role whs much easier what you tell me all has turned out he put a memorial stoue describing t lie elder Ruskin as "au entirely bouest to |Hay than before. I concluded to an- CorrffHhtely ” “Jdujitu ought MliametLvT □terc haut” •to for tuns. -------- 1 Bandon, Oregon. I MV BROTHER’S; I SUBSTITUTE Ï SNAP A Great Clubbing Offer Famous Baldwin Pianos Prices $250 and up I Oregon Journal I Easy Terms BANDON DRUG CO ¡if. G. F OH L, 0|_ 1 jrnetcrist WILSON & WALRATH Blacksmiths and Wagon makers Bandon Recorder TRANSFER LINE DR. R. V. DEEP Home Hand Laundry Family Washing a Specialty. Make a Specialty of Rough Dry. EARL SCHOONOVER Gatchell Bros.’ Transfer Line C. R. BARROW CLARK & WRIGHT Hotel Gainet Bandon PURE DRUGS C. Y. LOWE,