No».« «• f WMW 4 n 36, fit of the High School Athletic As­ Olsen family formerly lived in Ban­ and all that portion of Lots 5. 6 and sociation fund. Remember the place don and their many friends here 7, in Section 25 lying outside ol the — Ibgh School Auditorium; the I were glad to see them. Plat of West Bandon Addition, to­ tin.«-—Fiiday evening, 8:30, p in Team, wagon and harness for gether with Lots r and 2. in Secti- 11 Tlie puce, twenty.five cents. Come. CUTTER AXi) SOULE heavy work. Will sell or exchange 25, and the South 1-2 of Section 24 for lumber or cattle —H. E. Brown, in Township 28 South, Range 15 coming to the Grand Friday, Saturday. Sunday and For Assessor. Four mile. 22-tf West of the Willamette Meridian, day, April 5, 6, 7, 8, presenting an entirely different act I will be a candidate for the Re­ Mrs Belle Whitsett has disposed Coos Countv, Oregon, the outei each night. Special attention is called to the duet, entitled, ot two lots in Block 9 Bennet’s Bin­ boundary of which is as follows: Be publican nominate, n for the office of Assessor of Coos County, at the “The Gay Serenaders,’’ featuring a Mexican Love Song. don Beach addition to Prof Ray ginning at the 1-4 Section cornet prim uy election to be held April mond E. Baker the sale being made on the Eastern boundary of Section Picturesand music each night. Admission 15 and 10c, through Mills & Strauhal. The prop­ 31, Township 28 South, of the Wil :9th. 1912. I served as assessor of erty is located two blocks south of lamette Meridian in Oregon, and this county Irom 1895 to 1898 in­ Eighth St. near Spruce in a neigh running thence West on the sub­ clusive. My motto: ‘ Justice to all.” JOURNEY’S END. building up division lines to the ship channel o! I respectfully solicit your support. bortrood which is — K IL Hansen, Here’s the end of roaming, gyp­ quite rapidly. the Pacific Ocean, thence in a sy love o’ mine; 22—if My de Point, Otegon If you want to hunt, fish, or get Northerly course along said ship Here’s the place to settle while -¿>00 - - the world goes by: married, go to Oakes f<»r applic »- channel of the Pacific Ocean to a Cor. Market Water Front Here the fire is burning; here the point due West of the 1-4 Section For Prosecuting Attorney. lions for license, Don t forget 1 MARSIII IRLI), ORE. lamp’s ashlne; line running East and West through 24tf. am selling real estate. Here's a spot to cling to dll Hon. C. S Jackson, Prosecuting B eri A. D oremi s, Mgr. the day we die! Mrs. J. I'. DeGesen left on the the center of Section 24 in lown- Attorney, third District. “ I will Toss aside your bundle; throw Elizabeth for a trip to San Francisco. ship 28 South, Range 15 West ot I your staff away; impartially enforce the criminal laws the Willamette Meri Jian in Oregon . I All kinds of skilled and un­ For Clean SkininitH',;, Dura Snuggle to the fireside in tlie Mrs. Wm Candlin came down thence Rist following on the center without tear or favor. Important to warm, soft gloam. skilled labor furnished on from Coquille yesterday to meet h< r bilitv ami Lasy Running Here’s the end of roving: here's line of Section 24 in Township 28 restore public confidence in the short notice. Loggers and husband, who had been down the the place to stay: courts.” it has no 1 yt ,\i.. Runs 5( railroad graders a specialty. Here Is quiet shelter; here's the coast on a business trip Mr and South Range 15 West of the Wil- per cent easier than al lamelte Meridian, and the center line Connected with other of­ port of home! Mrs. Gandlin returned to Coquille of Section 19 in .Township 28 South, fices in Portland. Phone others. Solti hv today. Here's the end of dreamland; Range 14 West of the Willamette orders to 269 L at my ex­ here's the place of rest: Carpet and rug weaving, on 9th Here's our little cottage where Meridian, in Oregon, to the 1-4 pense. 5 acres, bouse, wood shed, well, stieet, South of school house. Ban­ the roses blow! Section corner on tlie eastern boun garden patch cleared, small strean What to us are breezes singing don, Ore. Mrs J. L. Foster. 96 tf dary of said Section 19. thence s >uth anil spring on place, / mile south TO ’TPvrr Î.-TT* •tvan»'- •» of the west? Wm. Candlin the Coquille travel­ on the Section line between of Prosper, 2‘-3 miles from Bandon. What to us are voices that we used to know? ing man has just returned from a Sections and 20 and $550. 19 Address Ray E. Hall, Yet the road was merry, yet the busmess trip to Curry county. He Sections 30 and 31 Township 28 ig-tj-x Prosper, Ore. life was sweet! reports much activity in building South, Range 14 W< t of th< How the firelight flickers on the cottage floor! both at Gold Beach and Port Orford. Willamette Meridian to the place of $10 Reward. Here ’s the end of travel for our J. C. Savage, editor of the Co­ beginning. weary feet; All qualified voters, residing with quille Sentinel was down to Bandon Here’s the end of roaming—till The above sum will be ¡raid bv we roam once more! in the above described territory and me for the conviction of any person, Saturday looking after business. He — Berton Braley in Munsey’s was accompanied by his friend W. also all residing within the present or persons found trespassing on mv Magazine. C. Squire and both gentlemen made boundaries of the City of Bandon, property without my permission.— are hereby invited to vote in their Edmund Croft this office a fraternal cal). 19 tf respective precincts for or against ----- 000----- W anted —Girl for housework. THE ARMY CANTEEN. the annexation of the abeve described No cooking. Box 2 Bandon, There Is uu question whatever territory, by placing upon their bal Notice of Sale of Improve­ in m.v mind or in the minds of Catterlin A LeGore have added lot the words, the great majority of otlieers of ment Bonds. an American Account Register to experience in the service that the ‘‘F or A nnexation ,” or the word their already well equipped g.ocery abolition of the army canteen “A ga 1 ns r A nnexation .’’ «MKJRDKXiKMN« Xff ^CCTT-« 5BC has done much to increase im­ Geo. W. Moore of the M oore Said special election will be lie d Notice is hereby given that sealed morality and to relax the bonds Lumber Co. returned on the Fifield on the 3rd day of May 1912, and bidswill lie received bv the Common of discipline in the army. The intentions of those who were ac­ Monday from a short trip to Berke­ the polling places wtil be open for Council of the City of Bandon, Coos tive in its abolition were un­ ley, Calif., and Port Huron, Mich voting from 9 o’clock a. m. till 6 County, Oregon, at the office of the doubtedly good, but their igno­ The milk business Leietofore con o’clock, p. in. of said day. rance of the actual situation pre­ City Recorder of said City, until 6 vailing was profound. It is dif­ ducted by Geo. Condie will be con­ The following are the Judges of o’clock p.m. of the 17th day of Apiil ficult for any one who was fa­ tinued regularly by the undersigned. election in the voting place in the 1912, for street improvement bonds miliar with the conditions which - Mrs. Geo. Condie. it Citv Hall: R. C. McKinnis, R. E ot said city. existed in the army under the canteen to discuss witji patience Said boods aggregate in amount The Elizabeth arrived in port Buck and j j IL Jones, and the. fol the question of Its abolition. The They are issued in de Monday morning with 107 tons of lowing are • the clerks of election in $1,947.01 abolition of the cunteen lias been said voting place, George M inceii nominations of not less than $25.00 My Li ne of Suitings is Most Complete ami one of the strongest influences freight and twenty passengers. against discipline which we have and Chude “ Wo draff; and the fo - or more than $500 00 They bear having had many y ears practical experiem e, am The Fifield arrived last night with had to combat, and I earnestly lowing are interest at the rate of six per cent, ■ the Judges >>f said elec ­ 70 tons of freight and seventeen urge its restoration, being con­ justified in guaranteeing a perfect fit. A man tion in the 1 voting place in the Fire- per annnin from the date thereof, vinced that such restoration is passengers is often judged by the clothes he wear, so cast in the interests of the morality Hall on I-irst ami Homer streets: E payable semi-annually. For a house to rent see Spencer. and discipline of the urmy.—Gen­ aside those hand-me-downs and try one of my B. Henry, S’ Mundy and W. fl. Said bonds mature in ten years eral Leonard Wood. Mrs. Walter Panter of Myrtle Logan, and the following are the suits and see how much better you w ill feel. from date they bear. Any bond may Point was a Bandon visitor today Clerks of said election to be hel I in be fully paid and cancelled after one Cleaning, pressing and repairing: also a full between boats. said voting place, Nels Rasmussen year from the date thereof, at the line of gent’s furnishing BEAUTY. A 5 room house for rent. S B and < ms Barre time of any semi annual coupon pe­ A thing of beauty is a 1oy for­ Anderson, Prosper. 22 4tx Dated at Bandon, Oregon, this riod upon notice. ever.—Keats. W. A. Bishel was uj ) from Gohl 2nd day of April, 1912 The Common Council reserves the Beauty is a fragile good.—Ovid. Beach on business yesterday. By order ot the Common Council.' r ght to reject any and all bids. The Baudonjtfrived last night. E. B. K apsrud , Every bid must designate the de­ Beauty and folly often go to­ Recorder. gether —French Proberb. nomination of bond desired and Dr. S. C. Endicott. Dentist. This notice is puhlishe I the firs: must be accompanied by a certified 1 «unseen Bldg. Phone 71. 85-tf Beauty can afford to laugh at time on dale ot April 2, I9t2anplied for. newborn that he owned there, with thre« Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth And gives the crutch the cradle's All bids must be sealed in plain others, had burned and all were a I R'M-k eggs for setting. tnfaucy. also Barre l j envelopes ami endorsed—"Bid for t otal loss. Mr. Rubenack states that Rock roosters for sale. Oh. ’tis tlie sun that maketh all Inquiie N. * Improvement " ‘ City of Bond * of ' the things shine! his loss will be about $500. j Crain, Bandon Drug Store. —Shakespeare Bandon”—without am other distin- I9tf W anted -Watches to repair H. Iguishing mark. Beauty draws us with a single Sabro, Atwater St. 76-tf Public Reading Room, over Chas Dated this 2nd day of April, 1912 hair.—rope. A. S. Neuman has purchased Mr. Lorenz’s store Open every even By order of the Common Council - - - Heuaen's interest in the shooting ing. Everyone welcome. E B. K ausrud , F or S ale New modern 6 room gMlory Mr. H. will go down the Witter Water tor your liver, kid­ R ccorder. bungalow w’ih concrete basement coast wheie he will remain for s »me neys and rheumatism. C. M Spen­ Published on dates of April 2', 9 and and floor. Will sell . cheap. Ca- h tune. cer, Agent. , 16, 1912. or renna. . Ji. Schrieber. 98 tf Baby Chicks Coos Bay Employment Office Before Buying a Separator look into the BANDON MOW. CO CATTERLIN & LeGORE^ Free Delivery at all times to any part of the city. Phene 1.63 F. W. RUEEENACK The Tailor Best Assortment of Glove in the Market and at Low Prices I •• * u • •