Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, March 22, 1912, Image 4

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    ------ >
Lore •
____ >
Millinery Opening.
The Public is invited to a display
To the Orpheum, Sunday, March
of Spring and Summer Millinery at
24. the great special Release, "Van.
Morrison’s S «turday, March 23.
itv Fair.” This release, adapted
The aubstame of the ambitious
is merely the shadow of a dream.
Ambition ami
wings to great deeds —Goethe.
from Thackery’s well-known novel,
Thrice hnppy. life that's from
ambition free:
—Allan f.atnsay.
Representative it absolutely the best photo-play
ever put out by the great Vitagraph
herebv respectfully announce C(> an(, mu#t
my candidacy for the nomination for [ | ciated
i)', A
ciated. Cw(ect
Cv.iect in every
every deta
the office of Joint Repterentative, ' fortunc
;__ j '.i n scenery and costumes.
subject to the « ill of the Republican S -e Helen Gardner in her greatest
voters of Coos and Curry counties, j role, " Becky Sharp,’’and the well
as expressed at the coming Primary known favorite, Bunny, as "Bashful
Joe,” merits special mention.
If elected, I shill endeaverto per­
Don’t fail to see thia great play.
form the duties of the office in a Remember the date Sunday, March
manner that will meet the approval 24th
of all.
A. J. M arsh .
For Sale
For Sale Cheap.
A 4 room house, bain. 10160x22«',
all clear md level, black garden soil,
running water, iute driving tiorbe,
one ci It 1 <> l. harness, light de­
livery w.igon.—F< rd Jesch. phone
49 t8
5 acre«, house, wood shed, well,
garden patch cleared, small stream
and spring < n place,
ntile soutk
of Prosper. 2 % miles from Bandoa.
Address Ray E. Hall,
Prosper, Ore'.
----- ooc>-----
W anted — 1 00 o empty «acks at
Central Warehouse.
Rev, J 1 Abm-tl » 11 p ■ fi
M. E. clltri h. z\pril 6 u.d b I I <a in
mullion ser. ice. Church doors wi 1
R G. Collins. Postmaster, Barn­
lie open for b.q tism and r< ceptioii
egat, N, | , was troubled with a
of m inbeis.
I'he Great Erent'll Novelty Escape Artist and Illusionist will severe la grippe cough. He says:
•‘I would be completely exhausted
Ole Olson.
F or S ai . e - Five Jersey cwws and
appear at the Grand Theatre, Friday, Saturday and Sunday after each fit of violent coughing. I Day Old Barred Rock. Chicks
One Jersey bull $300 takes all.
Under the management of the March 22, 23 and 24. Excellent Motion Pictures. Admis­ bought a bottle of Foley’s Honey
T. IL Shaw. Fourmile, Phone 1x2,
from trap nested hens, $15
Dramatic Companv, sion 15 and 10c. Saturday and Sunday nights, Singing by and Tar Compound and before I
per hundred.—-Plymouth
I Ole Olson will, with an excellent Daisy Hallinan.
had taken it all the coughing spells
An heir to the Butterfield millions
Place Poultry Yards, Marsh­
Company of eight people, l>e at t' e
had entirely ceased. It can't be
arrived Wednesday night, in the
field, Oregon, Box 404.
j Grand Theatre, Tuesday night,
F or S ale --New modern 6 room of the Willamette Meridian in Coos County, beat. ” Sold by Bandon Drug Co.
snipe of a fine big ten pound boy.
March 26th, and present the greatest bungalow w\h concrete basement Oregon, running thence W. 472 ft. thence N.
He can easily make more noise now
Witter Water for your liver, kid­
9° 18' E. 251 ft., thence E. 432 ft. thence S.
' of all comedies, "Ole Olson.’’ To and floor.
Will sell cheap. Cash 248 ft. to the place ot beginning, containing 2.57 neys and rheumatism. C. M. Spen­
than most million ores, andjsay, put
see this gem of a play meat s that or renns.
H Schrieber. 98 tf
acres more or less, to net the plaintiff $4,687.50. cer, Agent.
bi n up to the case and he would
vou are going to cast aside yot r
For a decree of the Court declaring said de­
make most printers look like thirty
|eveiy worries and troubles and In the Circuit Court of the fendants in default and have wholly failed and
Administrator’s Notice.
enjoy an evening of pure wholes >nie
neglected to sell any part or parcel of said prem­
State cf Oregon for Coos
Pulilie Reading Room, over Chas.
ises or a portion thereof sufficient to pay the
fun and laughter. Ole Olson will b-
Lorenz's store. Open every even­
plaintiff the sum of $4,687.50 or any other sum.
presented tn a manner both delight
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
ing. Everyone welcome.
That ?aid defendants are in default and have
ini and entertaining.
has been duly appointed administratrix of the es­
Henry Clemens, Plaintiff
breached the covenants of said agreement to sell
Lee Barrows brought an egg into
tate of Thomas J. Perkins, deceased, by order
Specialty songs by “Ole’’ and
or otherwise dispose or barga.n any of said prem­
of the County Court of Coos County, Oregon
this office yesterday that was the [ Company between acts. Motion pic- Helena Clemens, Defendant j
ises for cash or otherwise as provided by the
greatest |.iece of hen fruit we have i titres. Prices, Reserved seats 5 ic To Helena Clemens, the above named defendant. covenants of said agreement; and for a decree of and all persons having claims against the said For Clean Skimming, Dura­
estate are required to present same with the
seen in many days. file egg was ' General Admission, 35c Children,
bility and Easy Running,
In the name of the Stale of Oregon:
the Court declaring that they have wholly failed
proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office
the product of a mixed Wyandotte 125c. Reserved seats on sde at You are hereby required to appear and an- to make up any deficiency necebsary to complete of G. T. Treadgold, attorney for said admin­
it has NO EQUAL, Runs 5W
swer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed the sum agreed to be paid to plaintiff within one
¡mil Buff Orpington hen, and was Blundell's Candv Store.
istratrix, in Bandon, Coos County, Oregon,
per cent easier than all
against you in the above entitled suit in the above (I) year from the date of said agreement Or
71-2 inches in circumference one
within six months irom the date of this notice.
entitled Court on or before the 26th day of make any settlement or adjustment therefor.
others. Sold by
way and 7 inches the other way. If
A St. Patrick's party was given April, A.D., 1912, and if you fail so to appear For a decree of the Court declaring and dis­ Dated this eighth day of March, 1912.
you could buy such eggs by the 'by Miss Nellie Bowman at the Bow­ and answer or otherwise plead to the said com­ solving and annulling and declaring of naugntany
dozen, hen fruit might not be o it of man bom • Tuesday evening and plaint for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply equity, right, title or interest of the said defend­
reach of tile ordinary ii’dividu il.
i was greatly enjoyed by all pre tent. to the Court for the relief demanded in his said ants Lucas & Hopson in and to the premises
complaint, which is substantially, 1st: For a de­ herein first described and annulling and declaring
W anted —Watches to repair. II. Whist was the diversion of theeven- cree of the Court dissolving the bonds of matri­ of
neught any equity, right, title or interest ac­
Sabro. Atwater St.
76-tf ! ing ami some very good scores were mony now existing between the said plaintiff and quired in said premises through the agreement
S. D. Barrows finished delivering | made. Miss Zettie Gibs m wit th ' the defendant and for a divorce therefrom; 2nd, therein set forth or any covenants thereof or of
the poles yesterday to the Bandon ¡ladies' prize, a bottle of perfume, an 1 For such other and further relief as to the Court any other person by reason of such agreement.
may seem just and equitable.
For a decree of the Court declaring the cove­
Light and Power Co., for their new Sam Tuttle won the gentlemen s This summons is served upon you by order of nants of guarantee of said agreement tfnd the
line between Bandon and the Lyons- i prize, a box of Bowin tn’s cigars, the Hen. John S. Coke, Judge of the aforesaid promise of agreement upon the part of said de­
Johnson Mill.
i The consolation prize, a vase made Circuit Court, duly made and entered of record fendants Lucas & Hopson to give their promissory
1. S. Smith ol Marshfield has been I from wood found on the battlefield on the 13th day of March, A.D., 1912, which note within one (I) year fiom the date of said
in Bandon lor a few days getting | of Gettysburg, went to Miss Nora said order directed that said summons be pub­ agreement for $4,687.'5O to this plaintiff as hav­ I
The house deeorati »ns lished once a week for six weeks consecutively in ing been executed by said defendants by the
acquainted with the voters. Mr. j Gibson.
the Bandon Recorder, a semi-weekly newspaper terms of said agreement and decreeing the said
Smith is a candidate for the nomin­ ’ were greens and (lowers, and a seven of general circulation published in Bandon, Coos note to be executed due and unpaid from said
ation for St ite Senator from Coos I course luncheon was served. Those County, Oregon, and that said summons requires defendants.
and Curry counties before the Re­ I present w-re Zettie Gibson, Lena you to appear and answer said complaint on or For a decree of the Court declaring the cove­
publican primaries, April 19th Mr. il.tnglois, Dorothy Gibson, Sadi" hefore the 26th day of April, A.D., 1912, which nants of mortgage and agreement to mortgage the
is the last day of the time prescribed in said NW 1-4 and the SW 1-4 of the SW 14 of
Smith is a gentleman of high stand »Garoutte, Hazel Stephenson, Nora order for the publication of said summons.
the ^E 1-4 of Sec. 21 T wp. 27 S. of Range 14
ing in Maishfield. He stands lor I Gibson, Sam Puttie, John Devereaux
The date of the first publication thereof is W. of the Willamette Meridian in Coos Connty,
Statement No. 1 md the rule of the ! Torn Nielson, Girl Bowman, Cent­ March 15, A.D., 1912, and the date of the last Oregon; and also the land described in a deed
from Rosa to Hopson, recorded February 17,
people. There is no doubt as to ner (Sallier, Fred Jensen, Mr. and publication is April 26, A.D., 1912.
1910 on Page 126 in Book 56 Record of Deeds
Ills qualifications lor the office, and Mis. LeGoie, Mrs. I*. C. Stephen
Attorney for Plaintiff,
of Coos County, Oregon, to be a mortgage and
it nominated and elected he will son, Helen Stephenson. The even­ March 15 April 26-F
Bandon, Oregon.
lien upon the said last above described premises
serve the constituents of his district ing was a most enjoyable one.
in favor of the plaintiff herein and to secure the
in a creditable manner.
The County Sut erintendent is in In the Circuit Court of the payment of the said $4,687.50.
F or S ai . e Driving team, can be his office every Friday from 9 a. in.
For a decree of the Court declaring said sum
State of Oregon for the
and amount to be now due from defendants to
used for either plow or w igou. Ap­ to 2 p. in., at which time he will be
County of Coos.
plaintiff, and that plaintiffs have judgment against
ply to /Xrlhur Coach.
22 t6x
pleased to meet any body interested
the said defendants for the said sum of $4,687.50
The tliiee days’ old baby boy of I in the educational work of the
for his costs and disbursements herein and for the .
i8-t2 Charle» Ashton, Plaintit},
My Line of Suitings is Most Complete and
Mr. and Mrs Lee Barrows died | county.
; sum of $468.70 attorney’s fees, ar.d that the said
j mortgage lien of plaintiff's be foreclosed and that j
having had many years practical experience, am
Sunday, March 17th, being laid to
C . Evan Lucas, Otho L. Hop- (
the said piemises last above described be sold in '
rest in the Bandon cemetery on the house with quarter acre of ground. son, partners doing business un- |
in guaranteeing a perfect fit. A man
the manner provided by law; and the proceeds
same day. Mr. and Mrs Barrows Chicken yard, barn and fences, In- drr the firm name of Lucas fit I jMMfTNQ of the same to l»e applied first to the payment of
is often judged by the clothes he wear, so cast
Hopon and John R. Rohl« . 51
18 tf
have the sincere sympathy of a l u g« quire at this office.
the costs and disbursements herein and reasona­
aside those hand-me-downs and try one of my
circle ol hiendsin their bereavement
Team, wagon and harness for successor to C. Evan Lucas, in (
ble attorney’s fees and cost of sale. Secondly,
the partnership of said business j
anti see how much better you will feel.
to the payment io plaintiff of the sum herein
Eggs fto n pure bred Buff Or heavy work. Will sell or exchange and Lorena Bar row 8,
Cleaning, pressing and repairing; also a full
i found to be due.
phingtons, White Rocks, Pekin for lumber or cattle —H. E. Brown,
Defendants. J
For a decree of the Court also declaring the
line of gent’s furnishings.
ducks and Indian Rumv-r ducks at
To C. Evan Lucas, Otho L. Hopson, part­ said sum of $4.687.50 to be liquidated dsmage* I
one dollar per setting. Also Mam
L ost —A small purse containing ners doing business under the firm name of Lucas against the defendants Lucas A Hopson, for the
tl ■v~nrrnF ta — n—c mitt n—rrnr
H pson, and John R. Rohles, successor to C. damage sustained by this plaintiff by reason of
oth Bronze turkey eggs lor two dol about one dollar in change and a cut
lats pet setting.—Mrs 1- F. Eddy stone of agate and jasper, Finder Evan Lucas, in the partnership of said business, rept esrnlulions and inducements and breach of I
and Lorena Barrows, defendants and to each of this agreement as in this complaint set forth.
Bullards. Ppone, Farmers 64.
18 tl please return stone to Mills, Hotel you.
For a decree of the Court declaring plaintiff to 1
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
l lie Thimble Club was entertained t lather, and keep the monrv.
be the owner in fee simple of the herein first de - [
You are herebv required io appear and answer senbed premises and any and all agreement s of I
F or S\ i 1 New modern* l-ung.i
Thursday at the home of Mrs
the complaint filed against you in the above err d fendants thereto null and void and foreclosed
WiKMlruff, Sr. I he afternoon was low. Inquire at this office. o-Btf-x
titled suit on or before the last day of the t me and that plaintiff may have the right to and pos­
sp nt in sewing and the regular
W anted W ashing Apply at prescribed in the order for the publication of this session of said premises forthwith end for such
business of the club. At 4 40 Mrs Sanderlin House, rear of C ttliolic ummons; w hich prescribed time is six(6) weeks, furthe' decree and order of the Court as mav
the last day of which time will be Friday, the herein to the Court seem meet and equitable.
W'loslrull invited her guests to the church.
22d day of March, 1912. and if you fail to »0
dicing room wlii h liad fneil <1.lik­
This summons is published in the Bandon Re­
Carpet and rug weaving, 0119th
en- I, and lighted will) CUldles and stieet, South of school house Ba 1- , I'pri: and answer said complaint, ly the. said corder. a semi-weekly newspaper published in
.line. the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the Coo. County. Oregon, once a week in the Fri­
Chinese lant»'iu- ami very prcllih dun. Ore. Mrs. J. I.. Foster 96 tf
diet demansied in plaintiff's comp la nt. a sue- day issue for six (6 consecutive weeks. Iwgrnning
decorated in Japanese rtiecr.
effect. The
cincl statement ol which a a* follows, to-wit:
Friday. February 9, 1912, and ending March 22.
This is vour invitation to see the
luncheon waa vety daintily served
For a decree ol the Court declaring that the 1912. (the same being the first and last day of
new Spring and Summer Millinery defendant, Lucas A Hopson are in default and
lime prescribed for the publication of this sum­
in courses, by Mrs. Woodrull s
at Mfirrison's Saturday. March 23
n l.rrash of the covenants of said agreement on mons) by order ol publication made by the Hon
daughters. I he luncheon which
For all kinds of home made pus then part, to sell a -ullkieat amount of sard orable John 8. Coke. Circuit Judge ot the State
was prepared by Mrs Woodrufl was
cakes phone 311, the Wig wan-. premise,, blU desinbed in plaintiff's complaint, ol Oregon, n and lor Coos County. al Chamberi
one that c nlv an experienced cook, (
lo-wit A, commencing at a point 0 It. W an I in Coquille City. January 25. 1912.
15 ft N. of the 8. E. corner of the N. 1-2 of
which the proved herself to be, could . Jl-ta.
Geo P Topping.
Baby Chicks
Before Buying a
look into the
o o
Free Delivery at all times to any
part of the city. Phone 163.
The Tailor
W. E. Steinhoff
The Hamess Man
For • house to rent see Spencer,
tSe S. E. 1-4 ol Sac. 25 Twp. 28 3.R. 15 W.
Feb. J-M*r. 22-F
Attorney lor Plaintiff