Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, March 05, 1912, Image 1

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    ► w *
For County Su pa -intendant.
Prof. Raymond E. Baker of Ban­
don will be a tanhda'e fiefr re the
Republican primaries April 19th lor
the office of County Superintendent.
Prol. Baker is a man well qualified
for the position both in educational
and business ability. If elected he
will maintain his residence at the
county seat and attend strictly 10
the duties of the office. He will
have a regular office day on Satur
diy and spend such other thne in
the office as outside school duties
will permit. When absent he will
have some one send out suoplies and
answer urgent correspondence. He
will use all his efforts to advance the
cause of progressive education, and
will labor especially to promote the
study of agriculture so as to fit rural
schools to the needs of ihe country
He will also hold three teachers' as­
sociations in the county yearly as
required by law.
If nominated and elected Prol.
Baker will certainly conduct the
office in a manner that will be a
great credit to the school syste n of
Coos county.
llr rotóri.
Seaside Gun Club.
The Seaside Gun Club held I heir
fourth ■hoot SwKiay with the W-
lowing score» out ol a powuble 25:
Dr. Leep IJ. Butterfield 17, Reeves
16, Sam Johnson I, Jensen it, Han­
sen 3, I aird 13. Neilson J,* Baker IJ,
Kronenbvrg 13. Eaton 13, Mehl 15.
Tultle 19. Leep 14, C. Johnson 11,
Slagle 18, Butterfield 14, Curian 14,
Jensen 16. Reeres 17, Eaton 14, Leep
9, C. Johnson 9, Barre 9, Kronen­
berg 13. Baker 14, Tuttle 16, Eaton
15, Reeves 14, Wendling 13, Jensen
15, Sain Johnson 3, Neilson 11.
- wv-----
iocialiat»' Naw Quarters.
Office Seeker la Arraignrd.
\ meeting ol the S ocm I hu « was
Candidates for county <4hee 11
evening al their old hall
j ( urry county will do well to main-
» '»ve the CaMlewood saloon on
| tain the dignitv of the prol«s-ioti,
Fr mt street and a numlicr of matters
unleM they don’t care fir being
•• re dtscusned at length. The prin­
. “balled out” by the fearless editor
cipal business of the evening was
Business Men Meet and Or
Shipping Business Continues ■ of the Gold Beach (»lobe. Here is
th. t of moving headquarters from
a sample of the remedy hr applies:
ganize Coos County Fair
as Brisk as Ever at Coquille
«he present place to the old Red
“A candidate running for otti e
Man hall, over the Palace restaurant.
making religeous pretentions that
A'l hands turned in and helped move
wi'l imbibe to an intoxicating degree
the furniture and the business was
1 that will call young men out of the
soon accomplished. It is said the
ball room to drink, that weir never
The call for meeting of the Coos
organization will meet
The Fifield arrived in port yester­ Known to be intoxicated, should be
and Curry county fair association
Sunday evenings at their new hall. day from San Francisco making the brought to a short halt by tli ■ elec­
brought out a laige number of those
— Marshfield Record
round trip in five days, which is tors. It is bad enough to drink
who had previously signed as mem­
probably the quickest trip ever made with those who have the h «hit, but .
At The Orpheum.
bers of the organization and a num
out of this port.
it is much worse to irxluce the voting
Men Reach Mt. McKinley.
ber of others, who met at the city
The Fifield carried 65 tons of - to drink at a public gathering, es­
hall in Myrtle Point last Saturday
Gladys Brock well Stock Co., in
freight and the following passengers: pecially by one who makes a pre­
February 17 at 2:00 “The Great Divide,” at the Or-
Fairbanka, Alaska, Feb. 26.— Mrs. Ruggles, S. Schos, Myrtle tence of religion.”
o’clock for the purpose of hearing pheum Theatre, one night only,
(Special)—The Fairbanks Times Bryon, Mrs. Long, F. J. Smith «nd
the report of the committee on Wednesday, March 6.
party of Mount McKinley climbers «ife.
Entire change of scenery will be
Grand Theatre.
The Bandon s riled Sunday morn
that left here Februaiy 5th has
The committee reported that the brought to Bandon for this play.
reached the base of the peak, ac­
tract on the Dement acerige in the Henry Miller and Marguerite Anglin
The Elizabeth arrived last night
cording to Jack Phillips, one of the
southwest part of this city has been met with great success throughout
Big double program of pictures
party who returned here Sunday. with 110 tons cf freight and the fol­
surveyed for the committee and it the United States and Canada with
and Thursday nights,
The men are ahead of the Parker- owing passengers: E. L. Cardinal.
March 6th and 7th. 4x10 feet of film
was found that the regulation half the “Great Divide,” and noexpense
Brcfwn party and their trip has been J. M Gibson, C. E. Broadbent, J.
each night.
mile tract can be secured by taking will be spared in putting this high
successful as far as they have gone. L. Russel, Mrs. M. A. Shepard.
an acre of P. M. Coles land, part of class production on in Bandon in a
Wednesday’s Program.
The mountain top was visible and Frank Timmons, Frank Fermander,
the Dement tract and a strip of Jerry first class manner. Prices 25, 35
“A Flash in the Night”—a splen­
the weathjr pleasant. The altitude Wm. Joseph, S. Watzake, R. E. L
Haines' place. Mr. Deinent had and 50c.
railroad drama.
“The Three
With the High School.
at the head of McKinley River, Bedillion, C. Hansen The Elizabeth
the land required for race track and
will d light
where the party is camped at present, will sail tomorrow noon.
grounds for barns and exhibit halls
The Brooklyn arrived last night
Struck By Falling Bell.
is 2500 feet. They expect to make
The Sophomore class was host surveyed and it is found to take in
“The Bur
the top within a month and beat the with a good cargo of freight and the western love romance
and hostess at a very delightful seventeen and one-quarter acres.
trick film,
i other party in the race.
following passengers: R. M. Fox,
social affair Friday evening in the This he offers to the association for
United States Engineer F. E
. Hansen, Mary Hansen and two
school building. During the earlier $300 an acre, or $5,175. Mr. Haines Leefe, while returning from North
Thursday’s Program.
children, B. J. Kelley, Bert Fine,
portion of the evening progressive agrees to take a portion of the De­ Bend yesterday on the tender Flyer, Fake Gems Replace Real Ravinond Wade, F. A Eddy, A,
•‘Norma’’—a pathetic and senti-
guessing games were played
The ment tract in lieu of the strip the received a painful wound. The bell
Leisel. Leo W. Mitchell, F. L. mental picture portraying the trials
first prize, a beautiful box of station­ tract would cut from his land. Mr. on the boat fell from its hanging I
Dean. The Brooklyn will sail to­ of a voting emigrant. “The Heart
New York, Feb. 25.—Jewelers in
ery, was captured by Ernest Wat Cole holds his acre at $500, but this Mr. L^efe on the head, inflicting a
of Nichetie”—a powerful dramatic
kins and the consolation prize, a Mr. Dement agrees to purchase and bad contusion. Mr. Leefe had on a the Maiden Lare district report that
story, showing how a great balk t
sweet toned harmonica, fell to the turn the entire seventeen and a soft felt hat, but the bell had little the wave of holdups and robberies
dancer saves the life” of a little gill.
Homestead Law Points.
quarter acres over to the association respect for bis head covering and lie in New York City have caused a
inheritance of Miss Norma Larue.
“The Voice of a Child” — Biograpli
The class maintained its good for the price above mentioned. Be­ was obliged to call in the services of great demand for piste gems and
A picture of high dramatic qualitv.
record, established in their freshman sides this Mr. Dement agrees to a surgeon to patch his wound. To­ imitation jewelry.
‘ The First Man”—a rollicking,
The Department is without author
One of the largest orders received
year, of serving a splendid supper. give the association the free use of day he is about business as usual,
ity to extend the life of an entry and breezv comedy by Essanay.
The tables were tastefully arranged the oak grove adjoining the grounds, althoug his head is more or less sore was for exact du plicates, in pas e, of permit the entryman to make com­
Don’t miss these double programs
gems worth $150,000 belonging to a
and decorated with daffodils, the far camping pui poses etc. during —Marshfield Record.
pliance with the law as to either
woman of social prominence. Many
school flower, Neat place cards, the county fair days.
residence or cultivation, subsequent
Mrs. F. Lewin entertained at cards
bearing the name, and on the reverse
New Railway is Discussed persons, it is declared, have put to the expiration of the statutory last Wednesday afternoon at her
their real jewely in safe deposit vaults
side a suitable joke, (to be read im­ cided to accept Mr. Dement’s offer
life thereof.
home on the Plank road. Miss Haal-
and are wearing nothing but imita
after eating,) caused and give him the assurance that the
Where lands which have been land won the first 1 rize and Mis.
At a meeting of the ra.lroad com­ tions.
association will take the tract pro­
much amusement and laughter.
withdrawn from all disposition are I Harrington was the lady entitled to
Imilatioti jewelry is not as cheap
Besides the sophomore class, the vided a sufficient amount of stock is mittee of the Marshfield Chamber of
restored Io entry, no application will the consolation A dainty lorn h was
faculty, the members of the Senior subscribed to handle the proposition. Commerce, Saturday afternoon, the as one would think, and this is es
be received < r any rights recognized served, and the profusion of d.df >JiL
On motion it was decided to in­ Spokane syndicate which is promot­ pecially so when pieces have to be
class, the basket ball and debating
as initiated by the tender of an ip added to its attractiveness. Those
corporate the association with a ing a new line from Roseburg to duplicated. The fake stones have
teams were present.
plication for any su.h lands until the present were the Mesdames l< >rii>,
Among the want adds and poetic capital stock of $100,000, the in­ Coos Bay was requested to send a to be of a character that carry out
order of restitution is received by Steve Gallier, Ed mu id Gillier, |ohn
spasms which have been roaming al corporation proceeding to go for­ representative here to personally the deception. The settings are
Johnson, Buck, Mars, Briggs, Chris
the local office.
large in the study hall during the ward as soon as the sale of 60 per take up the matter of securing a generally of geld or some other
The act of 1908, providing far Rasmussen, Wheeler. Bode, Har­
cent of the stock is guaranteed by bonus. The matter was discussed good metal.
past week are the following:
second entries, has no rctroac'ive rington, Tappendorf and Miss Haal-
Wanted Someone to establish a subscriptions. The amount of shares at some length and it was decided to
effect which will operate to cure a land.
perambulator service to convey the to be $25 each. The amount ol offer all encouragement possible to
The Lane County State \ Savings
defective right based upon a claim
pupils to and from kindergarten. subscription to be payable as fol­ the project.
of Florence J. W. Bergmann,
lows: 40 per cent 30 days, 40 per
Apply to Fat.
The matter was brought up by a
has made application to the
Lost—The Divine Rights of Sen cent 60 days and 20 per cent 90 letter from H. M. Farren of Spokane,
Very shortly »‘ter the hour set for
infs. Finder please return to the days after the required amount has vice president and general manager the meeting last Monday evening of of a superior adverse claim. In Treasury Department for a charter
President of the Senior class and been subscribed.
of the Oregon & Southern Railway ! the property owners along Spruce other words, one disqualified to in­ as the First National Bank of Flor­
A committee consisting of Percy Co . in which he stated that the street it became evident beyond a itiate a valid settlement right cannot ence. The capital stock will also be
receive reward.
Bright Freshie—“Teacher, can 1 Waid, J. L Knight and E. C. Rob­ company was organized at Seattle doubt that everyone was interested claim the privilege of having his increased from $;o,ooo to $25,000.
erts was appointed to solicit sub­ Oct. 28, 1911, for the purpose of in the matter of paving improve- status as an entryman determined as It •will probably be several weeks be­
are scriptions, and report progress to building from Roseburg to Marsh- 1 inent, and it did not require, a count of the date of his application to pro­ fore the change is made.
Teacher—“I guess
Gladys Brockwell Stock Crt., in
lhe president
capable of it.”
field, and of establishing terminals in , of noses to calculate that the quartet is tect -uch invalid settlement right.
Great Divide,” at the Or-
“C ute L ittle T hings ”
The association adjourned subject Marshfield. He wanted to know if j I were too small, and adjournment
phetim Theatre, tomoirow, Wednes­
We’se da kutest itsie datlings
to the call of the president.
Marshfield people would subscribe was taken to the city hall
is removed, and the right attaches. day evening M rrch 61I1. Don't fail
What ever, ever was;
Before the crowd dispersed sev­ a bonus of $100,000 for . the line.
W. O. Cooper was chosen to pre
The act of February 13th, 1911, to see this high cla->s troupe. They
When we’se wants to whisper,
eral new members came inio the He stated that Ferrin
Feirin would side. The question of improving
We’se hold up our itsie paws, association by subscribing initial fee be counselinen here lor the com­ the street this year carried unan- extending time of residence in cer- i are the best best ever.
And when we wants to leave the room of $t .00 to meet the incidental ex­ pany.
! imously. The property holders on tain states is a remedial statute and
be construed
Or find out 'bout a wor I,
Dr. Tower was chairman of Sat- ' I both the east and west ends of the should
The site selected is without doubt urday’s meeting and at the conclu-j j street are very strongly in favor of Therefore, the same covers a period
Up they go again, ‘is sir—
• •••
We’s the best what ever stirred the best available in the county for • sion of it sent the following letter to merely repairing the street this year of time from December 1st, 1910, un- i
i fair grounds and for race track pur- Mr.
"" "
The teachers know we're angels,
by filling the holes and giving it a til May 15th, inclusive.
poses those familiar with conditions
And love us quit e a bit.
“We feel sure that a cash bonus | dressing of crushed rock, and a vote j
North Bend residents who have
Oh, we're as good as good can be! claim that lhe climatic conditions of $100. mxi will be forthcoming to ' of the owners on lhe entire street
here are much more favorable than any railroad built from Roseburg to showed that better than two thirds given options on their homes in the
Now ain't we? I guess nit!
For Rent, by the evening—A nearer the coast, where the cold Marshfield. We would suggest that were in favor of that plan, Then north part of town for right of way
“sweet” companion.
Apply to winds from the ocean strike.—En- you send a representative to look segregating the three blocks from purposes for the Southern Pacific,
! terprise.
over the field and judge for himself. Third to Sixth, those present hold are expecting to have same closed
Alice L.—Spike.
“ The people of Coos county are ing property on this portion voted this week. The company's agent
Wanted—woman to do chamber­ ready with money and effort to help
Captain O. Wiren, co operative
eight in favor of repair with crushed Mr. Marsh arrived from Portland
observer reports the rainfall for the maid work, waiting and general any proposition that can show prop­ rock and seven in favor of permanent today and it is said that he will be
here to attend tn the contracts at
month of February^.« 7:34 inch s, hotel work. Apply at Hotel Lang- er backing,”- Coos Bav Times.
days clear 4, days rainy cloudy and
Some very good arguments in once.—Coos Bay Harbor.
partly cloudy 25. The rainfall for lois, Ore.
E. P. Reed shoes for ladies, True favor of permanent paving at this
The hen that lays is the hen that
the corresponding month last year
Blue school shoes for misses and time were voiced by the more pro­ pays. I in | erial White Leghorns.
*as 579 inches, being 1:55 inches tine for small fruit or chicken ranch. children Spencerian shoes for boys, gressive business men on the street, Eggs >t-5C per setting of 15. Mrs.
Some on Plank Road. H. H. Du- at Lorenzs’
more this year than last.
as well as by letter and expressidns J. P. DeGessen. Phone, Farmers
Public Reading Room, over Chas.
W anted W ashing - Apply at from non-residents who own prop­ iop
Lorenz’s store. Open every even
Sanderlin House, rear of Catholic erty on the street.—Myrtle Point
W anted —1000 e mpty sacks at
State Depositary
' Sabio, Atwater St.
76-tf churcfi.
ing. Everyone welcome.
Central Warehouse.
that appreciates
your business
Small as well as
large accounts
First National Bank
’» •
' A