... aa Bandon Recorder Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Reoorder F’u.iolistiin.g Company C. E. KOPF L. J. BUTTERFIELD Subscription, SI 511 per Year ic Advaoce. Adveitising Rates Mtidw Known on Application. Job Printing a Specialty Entered at the Bandon Poatoftice as Second Claaa Matter. FRIDAY March 1 1912 Results From Panama Canal to Astonish Business W or Id C’ a «I E know that the canal is going to hit the Western By railroads pretty hard Railroad c. w. in a way. We will Official LUCE, lose freight. It means that New ■4 *d York manufacturers will be able to quote practically New York prices to San Francisco consumers. Just as soon as the canal is opened the big employers of labor in the west will be able to solve the labor problem of many years' stand­ ing and by importation of unprejudiced men handle the labor market in such a way as to clear the whole atmosphere. This is not a fight, but simply an adjustment, and will be ALONG NATURAL LINES. Another thing that is not known is that oriental goods will go DIRECT '1'0 NEW YORK instead of transshipping to rail at San Francisco and Seattle. This will greatly increase New York’s trade. The popular idea that the ships will al! go one wav is wrong, They will GO BACK AGAIN WITH AMERICAN GOODS. KETS. YORK SO WILL LINKED NANT FACTOR IN FORM A CHAIN TOGETHER THAT OF INTERDEPENDENT MAR- A DOMI- THEY WILL FORM ace to All on Board. DEATH LURKS IN THE CARGO Besides the Constant Danger of the Oil Herting and Exploding and Instantly Deatroying the Vessel There Is Also the Peril of "Fuming.” I The most dangerous sort of ship atlont is that particular kind of vessel known ns tlm oil tank, and there Isn't u sailormnn who will sign on for a voyage In one if lie can get a Job on lion rd any other class of vessel. The oil tank is a vessel whose cargo I consists of oil, which Is carried In great tanks Two dangers are ever present to all uu board namely, that tile oil may beat mid explode, which menus the Instant destruction of the ship, or Unit it may burst from the tanks. In which case the stiip Is almost certain to be destroyed by tire. There Is also the remote danger of the oil "fuming'' When the oil "fumes" the working of the ship be comes almost linismslble On 11 "film lug" oil tank no one can remain below deck for more tlimi ten minutes with out lievotulng oven ollie by the oil fume«. wliich are 11 hundred times more deadly to Immati life Ilian coal gllH. The tn ort terrible tragedies of the ik mil have occurred oil board these death traps A few years ago a Russian «11 tank, the Hmnr. which sailed from llaturn I hiuik I for Bombay with 4U. gallons of oil on honid. was «Ighteil In the I’ll rltlf by n (lerniHii trump steamer num eenetnited with great difficulty and danger to them aehe« for the oil wn« still fuming, six of the oil tank's crew were found • lead In their hunks, where they had I h - cii stiff«« ntwl hv tlie fume« In their sbs'p Thrt«' of the crew had sllcveetl i«l In re oiling the deck, hut hud died HUbsei|iiehl ly. I he two survivors were the only two mi derk «hen the fume« burst from Ihe tanks and lit their efforts to save the others bad very uegrly perished i tbepiaelvea. • • a We furnish plans and speci­ expected to give a courteous reply. I fications and it you are go­ make It a rule when a passenger takes Typewriters Given Away. ing to build anything, no me to task for something that occurs in the line of my duty not to stop for matter how large or how The Emerson Typewriter Co. of i a talk, but to push on to another part small. we can save you of the train. In this way I avoid an Woodstock, III., have recen.ly given unpleasant discussion, probably hav­ away over 400 of the highest giade, money, Let us figure on ing to listen to a catalogue of the rail wholly visible Emerson Typewriters veur building. road management’s sins ngaiust th • made in the world. They have g me public aud being tortured into break into every state and territory in the ing the rules by using severe words. The most disagreeable duty of a con United Stales. There may be some ductor is putting persons off the train in your town. They are g ving them who either cannot or will not pay their away everywhere to men, women, We are Agents for the fare. We must be careful to keep with in the law. and we can’t always be bov> and girls, ovt r 18 year« of age, certain about it. The company don’t on surprisn.gly liberal conditions. wish to be sued for damage« in such If you could make any use of a cases, and where they are It prefer« $100.00 ii pewriter. providing it <:id that the law be on ttieir side. not cost you even < ne cen>. then in I was going through my train one .1 letter or on a postal card addre.se.‘ day when a seedy looking man handed me a ticket on another road I re­ to Frank 1. Wilder, President. fused to take it. of course. Whereupon Woodstock, 111., simply say, "Mail he said that It had been sold to him me all your F ee Offers,” and by for a ticket on my road and 1 bad got to take It. 1 insisted that if be didn't return mail x ou will receive their pay his fare I would put him off. Free Offers, the names of over 400 whereupon he paid to a station called who have recently recti ed type- If you are contemplating Arlington, saying that was all 1 would get for the whole distance. I replied writers bee. and you will hainon buying a Piano, give us that he could ride to Arlington, and if what easy conditions you can gel he didn't pay further he would be put < ne ot their typewrileis, free, riglu off at Harkerville two miles beyond a call. It costs you noth awav. Arlington. The man was evidently playing some I ing to examine them. I he Emerson Typewriter is <>neol game. I disliked interfering with him the highest grade, wholly visible for fear he was ititetidiug to get put off that he might serve some purpose typewriters made in the world. Many by doing so. The fellow looked too who have used the "Emerson” and respectable for his clothes. However, other makes pronounce the "Etner the rules were imperative, and, when lie refused to pay at Arlington I de­ son” superior to any $100.00 type­ termined to put him off at Harker writer on the market. It is a wholly vllle. When the train stopped 1 put visible machine has every new, up- my arms under his und liftlug him to-date feature, looks like other high out of his seat hustled him to the I got him through. grade $100.001ypew riters, though it door of the car. hut wheu I endeavored to dislodge him sells regularly for less and on terms from the platform he put up an ef fectlve resistance. Getting bls grip of $1.00 down and 10 cents a day on the guard rail, he hung on till a until paid for. The "I'.merson” has crowd, attracted by the noise, collect I everv new improvement, universal eil. and my man. though struggling, keyboard, back spacer, tabulator, I I found breath to curse»the railroad. Its management and all its employees. Iwo-cclot ribbon, everything ihe Finally 1 pushed him off and signaled best; is the ideal machine for begin­ the engineer to pull ahead. 1 left the ners as well as for ihe most experl man shaking bis fist at me and vow­ ing vengeance Looking back from a typists and stenographers; just the distance, I saw him haranguing those typewriter for the smallest or largest Wagons of all kinds made to order. who had witnessed Ills ejectment. office. All kinds of Blacksmith Work, both The matter troubled me. I expected If you could possibly make am heavy anil light, will receive prompt that he hud some right to ride that I knew not of—that he would sue the use of a high grade typewriter, even company and I would be discharged though it didn’t cost you me cent o! attention. Horse Shoeing a specialty Shop on Columbia Avenue for not having passed him. Ordin­ arily, this would not have troubled money, then be sure, on a postal tne. but In tills case the man. though card or in a letter addressed to shabbily dressed, did not look like a ‘•Frank L. Wilder. President, Wood RIPE-Q tramp or a man accustomed to force stock, III.,’’ say "Mail me your Free himself as a deadhead. 8110 There had been an attempt to wreck Offers.” R. H. RICE, Prop. one of the trains on the road which had nearly succeeded. The train re­ All kinds of light and heavy drav- ferred to carried u large sum of money ing. Also sells and delivers mill for an express company, and It was Physician and Surgeon supposei! that it was to rob this car wood,coal,etc Office at Schumate’s that the attempt had been made. Office Rasmussen Bldg Phone 72 Store. Phone orders promptly at­ Running a local train myself. I did not tended. Bandon, Oregon take much Interest in the matter, for my train was not liable to be wrecked for purposes of robbery. One morning I was told that the gang who had attempted to wreck the train had been tracked by detec­ tives employed by the compnny. and an arrest hud been made. But where Fourth and Spruce Sts. they had bean captured I did not hear 1 was Just starting out on my daily trip nnd hnd no time to indulge m.v curiosity by making Inquiries about tlie matter. When 1 reached Arlington 1 was handed a telegram from tlie sui>erln- tendent to stop my train Just across a bridge about a mile before 1 reached Harkerville and take on a party that Phone 722 would be waiting there for me. 1 made the stop as ordered and found several plain clothes police officers, armed with rilles ns well as revolvers, guard lug a number of handcuffed prisoners. The officers put their captives aboard GATCHELL BROS., Prop». the train, aud after starttug 1 'went All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders given into the car where they were to collect their fares. One of the officers, clap prompt attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St.. Fish Property ping a hand on my shoulder, said: I’HONK 041 "See here, conductor, ii few weeks ago you j>ut me off this trnin for not paying my fare. 1 was obliged to sub­ mit. but now I propose to carry this whole gang through without tickets or money. We're quite prepared for any- thing that may hapiieu." loaf in toil'll for the money. The man spoke bnnterlngly. 1 looked at hl« face and It seemed familiar Big in quality as well as quan­ Then It dawned il|HHi me that he was tity too. We couldn't use bet­ the seedy passenger with whom 1 hud ter flour if we charged twice as bad the scuttle "Don't you remember me?" be asked, much for our bread. We buy smiling. anil use the very best now. "I think I do " Try a loaf and see how every­ "You should You helped me get In with these gentlemen with bracelet* body will go into it. A body ou their wrists They are the men would think it was cake to who tried to wreck tlie express some hear the youngsters begging time ago. They were tracked to Har kervllle. and the company sent me for another slice. there to gain their confidence. 1 saw no tietier way for an Introduction than to get put off the train I stayed awhile In Harkerville. cursing yon and the road, until one of the«e men was em boldvned to propose to me another at­ tempt nl wrecking lie hail hnd a pass In tits pocket nt the time I put him off and had an­ other now tor hlm.se:t aud party. But 1 didn't ask to nee It. Easy Terms BANDON DRUG CO each <»f her «oldlvrs In (he three little bau« of rkeimul of drlml vegetable«. I I 4 4»4Mi l H4G 'N 3 Lodges are requested to notify this office on election of officers and on change of meeting night. Cards under this head are 75c per inch per inoulh. Y Prices $250 and up The crew of n Norwegian oil tank named the Hellos tunl a terrible expe­ rience n few years ago In mld-Atlan- tlc. During 11 heavy gale, in which the Hellos suffered very rough han riling In the mountainous seas, her oil tanks, containing (MI.tKMi gallons of crude oil. burst and Unwed Into the bunkers, threatening to penetrate in a few minutes into the fireroom. Tile crew Hung themselves at the immps like madmen. The oil soon be­ I gan to fume, nnd 110 mail could keep I nt 1 he pit nips for more than a few minutes without becoming overpower­ ed The enptnln of the Hellos order­ ed »11 the crew on deck, and four in their turn went below every live min- utes to work nt the pumps. Tile tight they made for their Ilves was one of the most desperate that has ever been waged on the ocean, Idrectly the tank laid burst the tire- men had been ordered out of the tlre- 110 time to quench room, tlii'iueii would cer- the Hr suffocated by the tnlnly tiad they remained t limes below I'or the officers and worked like de crew making the most molts desperate efforts to keep the oil from rraclilug (lie lire rooaii By the end of that time eight of tlie crew lay uucoti- s, ions oil ihe deck, overcome partly by exhaustion nnd partly by the fumes. It wiis now only posable to work two at 1 lie pumps, und It tas'iime certain Unit, unless help nrrfved in another hour, the ship, with every living soul on board, would |K»rfc«ti It should be nieiitloned IImt evx-1 y lifeboat ou the Hellos had Peen damaged during the storm Half 1111 hour passed, mid by then only the captain and the mnte were working nt ihe pumps The destruc­ tion of the reset was now only a mat ter of inlnnies |i was nt tins critical Juncture that the oil tank was sighted by the Majestic oi the Wlilte Star line, I sial twenty mlmnes Inter the crew of the doomtsl ship were snft'ly on board the liner As the Inst man scrambled ou board the Majestic from the boat which had been sent to the help of the Hellos a iiiiniiitnlii of Hume «prang from the dis k« Ilf the oil tank, and n few iniu- nles later the lilaxlng vessel sank lie- low tlie water A Itussian oil lank nsmed the Vlndl mlr some years ago exploded In mid­ is can. when everv one of her crew perished i hl« disaster took place In the soul hern I’neific. Loudon .Xjiswers Hot Wind» of Egypt. "Ktinni«ln" Is Ihe hot wind from the desert which blows out of the Saluira upon Egypt. The word means fifty, from the idea that It lasts for fifty days The khamsin is terribly hot and dry and sometimes brings pestitene» with It. Dietary Fads. The late Samuel Wilk«. Queen'Vic­ toria'.« physician, was opposisi to diet­ ary fails lie once said. "If a fi«l«ll«t tells you to take an ounce of albinnen. an ounce of starch and *0 much water, and all that sort of thing, Just youuto aud get a nice chop.*' and Builders I Lodge and Professional j. = Directory . WILSON & WALRATH Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers TRANSFER LINE DR. R. V. IJ2EP Home Hand Laundry Family Washing a Specialty. Make a Specialty of Rough Dry. EARL SCHOONOVER Gatchell Bros.’ Transfer Line Our Bread is the Largest £ F I Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. I fVFEE TS First and Third Tuesdays of each month at 8th run at the Bandon Wig­ wam. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are cordially invited to attend. A. J. Ft art man, J. C. Sheilds, C. of R. Sachem. w. o. w. Keep the logs rolling boys I SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets First and Third Thursdays. Neighbors welcomed. V isiting C. M. Gage, C. C. H. E. Boak, Secretary Masonic. g ANDON LODGE, No, 130 A. F. A A M, Stated communications first Saturday alter the full moon of each month. Specif communications second Saturday thereafter. All Master Masons cordially invited. W. E. Crame, W. M Phil Pearson, Secretary Pianos Under an apparently quiet surface this gigantic movement has made such headway that when its actual operation sets in motion the J:USIXESS WORLD WILL BE ASTONISHED. Ships That Are a Constant Men­ The Leading Contractors Baldwin WORLD TRADE. DEADLY OIL TßRkk >444 44 «44 Mil 4 Brown & (iibson Famous 30 VAST IS THE TRADE MOVEMENT ALREADY STARTED NOW IN THE SHAPE OF TANGIBLE NEGOTIATIONS. NEGOTIATIONS, SUCH AS MANU- FACTURERS’ AGENCIES, THAT HONGKONG. SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW R. G. Collins, iNsstmaster. Barn­ egat, N. )., was troubled W ith a seveie a grippe cough. H"i? .«ays: •'I would be completely exhausted alter each fit of violent coughing. I By BISSELL T RAND bought a bottle of Foley’s Honey Copyrtght by American Pre.» Ano- and Tar Compound und before I clatlon, 1911. had taken it all the coughing spells We railroad conductors have to stand had entirelv ceased. It can't be a great deal of abuse, to which we un­ beat.” Sold by Bandon Drug C<. F TJ ANDON LODGE, No. 133, 1. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standing cordially invited. Wm. Lundquist, N. G. S. A. McAllister, Secretary. KuightA of Pythias T) elphi lodge . N o . m , Knights of Pythia». Meets every Monday evening at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to attend. C. R. Moore, C. C. B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. Saturdays at Hotel Gallier M. G. POHL, Optometerist Well Recommended by Patrons C. R. WADE , Attorney a.t Law Agent Pacific Surety of Bandon Bldg. Office Bank Company. Phone 102, Bandon, Oregan DR SMITH J. LM JVM INT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE IN PANTER BUILDING Office Hours 9 to 12—1 to 5 - BANDON, . OREGON Dr. EL IL. Houston PHYSICIAN & SUHGHuN Offioe over Drug Store. Hours, H tu l i a.m. 1:30 to 4. p.iu. ; 7 to 8 in the evening. Night ealla anawered from office. BANDON. OH F4.ON Dr lu. 3=». Sorensen DENTIST Office Over Vienne Cafe Telephone at Office and Home. BANDON G. OREGON T. TKKADUOLU ATTORNEY AND COUNSELt « AT - LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC Bandon, Oregon Office With Bandon Investment Co Dr. H. 3b£. Brown. Resident Dentist. Office in Panter Building Office Hours: Phone, 9 to 12 M„ I to 5 P. M. BANDON. OREGON > C. K. BARROW Attorney and Connselor-at-Law COQUILLE. - ORE Office over Skeel,' Store Office Phone. M»in 335; rewdence. Main 346 CLARK & WRIGHT Lawyers Washington, D. O. Public Land Matters. Final Proof. Dea­ eri Lands, Contesta and Mining Cases, Script Associate Work for Attorney, PURE DRUGS Do you want pure drugs and drug sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes and toilet arti- elei? If so, call on C. Y. LOWE, Bindon, Orejón.