Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, February 27, 1912, Image 4

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Merely Mary Ann.
The famous play. Merely Mary
| Ann, to be put on by the Gladys
Brockwell Stock Co, at the Or-
phettm tomorrow night promises to
be the greatest event in theatrical
circles ever seen in Bandon.
The play itself is one of the fine t
romances known to modern theatre
goers and every part is clear and
concise in itself. The players come
with the highest of recomenilatioiis
and the reputation of Gladys Brock
well alone is sufficient to assure t e
success of the troupe.
The story throughout is full of
goal, rich comedy and all tie
characters are extremely strong
There is just enough corned . . Tin re
is just enough ol good strong drama
Each act is lull of life and living
Tlie play is absolutely clean. It is
good to see and Bandon trust see it
---- VXK*-
Prisoner is on Alliance.
Report of the Condition of the
Sheriff Gage is here fromCoquflle ; Seattle, Wash., Ftbruarv 23.
at Bandon, in the State of Oregon,
awaiting the arrival of the Alliance (Special.)—John Hackett will re
at the close of business, Feb. 20, 1912
• n which he expects George Lam­ ceive $40 a month alimony for the
berts u ho is charged with a statutory rest ol his life from his wife, Emma j
offense by Nora Goodman.
She Hackett. Judge Dykeman so decide«!
Loans and discounts
resides here and took the matter up todiy. This is the bare court record Overdrafts, secured and unsecured
with Jusiice Pennock who telerred but behind the mere statement that ! Bonds and warrants
h -r to Deputy Prosecuting Attorney will be officially shown on the books Stocks and other securities
Liljeqvist at Coquille.
r. Pennock is wiitten the life tragedy of a man Banking house
secured the necessary depos lions who has succumbed to the influence Furniture and fixtures
Other real estate owned
and understands that Mr. Liljeqvist 0} drink and whom the judge felt he Due from approved reserve banks
filed the charges against Lambert be­ could not trust with any money.
Checks and other cash items -
fore Justice Holden at Coquille.
For John Hackett,' until today, Cash on hand
Lambert is a logger. Hevas ar night in a measure have been called
rested by the sheriff at Eureka who a wealthy man. Following Judge
telegrai bed Sheriff Gage that he Dykemai/s decision, however, by
(the sheriff) would send Lambert which he granted Mrs Hackett a Capital slock paid in
nere in custody of the captain of the divorce, the custody of the children Surplus
Undivided profils, less expenses and taxes paid
and all of the property, valued at Individual deposits subject to check
Alliance —Coos Bay Times.
$25,000, John Hackett has no in­ Demand certificates of deposit
The Motion Picture Story come but the $40 a month alimony Certified checks
Letters of credit
probably the only case in the state Time certificates of deposit
This j u!> ication, the fir-t copy of where a husband has been granted
; State ol Oregon, County of Coos—ss.
which »as placed cn sale less than
Three fine lots cornet Sixth and
Spruce Street, for S500. Stree
work paid for.—Mills <St Strauhal.
$142,398 II
Witter Water lor your liver, kid­
135 33
neys and rheumatism. C. M. Spen­
25,531 74
4,003 18
cer, Agent.
11,275 80
Senator W. C. Chase, Att y L.
5.281 83
A. Liljeqvist and E. E. Johnson
3,415 91
were down from Coquille Friday
64,015 91
1.204 42
evening and acted as judges for the
28.099 90
high school debate.
$285,362 13
See Snowbridge, the Sign Painlei
for signs, painting and paper hang­
ing. Opposite Beach's Second
$ 50,000 (M3
Hand Store.
11.000 00
10,347 II
Dr. S. C. Endicott left Monday for
197.036 68
Portland lor a two weeks’ business
5,973 02
trip, during which time his office
41 82
Wiil be closed.
850 00
10,113 50
Jas. H. McDonald and Lewis Mc­
$285,162 13
Mullen were down from Myrtle
Big Double Picture Program
Point Monday.
Carl L. Davis was over from
at the Grand
I, F. J. Fahy, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state­
one year ago, is today one ol the
Matshlield yesterday.
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
F. J. FAHA . Cashier.
Notice to the Public.
most interesting and widely read pe-
Correct attest: J. L. Kronenlierg, R. H. Rosa, C. Y. Lowe, Directors.
O. O. Lund of Marshfield was a
Wednesday and Thursday, Feb ti'dic.ils of the day. Its aim is to
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of February, 1912.
Bandon visitor Sunday.
GEO. P. TOPPING, Notary Public.
The two leading magazine of the
28th-29th, 40« o feet will be shown publish ’rom fifteen to twenty of the
A. B. Townsend of Marshfield each night.
be-.t stories that are acted on the Pacific Coast, the Pacific Monthly
came over Saturday on business.
I want to call especial attention to moving picture iceen every mont‘1 and the Sunset, have been consoli­
Carpet and rug weaving, on <;th a picture called “A day wi It a Cir­ I hese stories will appear before the dated under the title of “Sunset—
stieet. South ol school house. Ban­ cus.” If you want to treat the chil­ films are shown at the theatres thru- the Pacific Monthly.’
don, Ore. Mrs. J. L. Foster. 96 if
it is the intention of the publishers
dren to a surprise, you must let out the United States. Profusely it
A. If. Hermann of Bandon his them see this picture We behold lustrated and containing a series of to spare no money nor effort to make
purchased a line auto horn J. C. the smallest latly in the world, the photographs of the leading actors and “Sunset—the Pacific Monthly” a
Walling, known as “Reo the Fifth.” human skeletons, the snake charmer, actresses of the different licensed credit to the West and a magazine
The car is «quipped with sell-starter a menagerie containing all sorts of companies, and edited by some ol ol national value and importance.
Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by
To introduce it to new readers,
and all up-to-date modern conveni­ animals anil last, the trained ele­ the best men in the business, give
week or month. Sample Room in Connection.
ences. The machine will be deliv­ phants; these intelligent beasts per­ ful'est assurance that this magazine we will mnke the following special
ered April 1st. - -Coquille Herald.
form some wonderful stunts. This wi 1 enjoy an ever increasing circula­ offer: Send 50c in stamps, and we
will put your name on our subscrip
F or S ale —Six, five acre tracts, picture will be shown again t mor­ tion.
lion list for the next four months,
fine lor small Iruit or chicken ranch.
■‘Betrayed by a Parasol”—a com­ tre lias made arrangements to supply and will send you free a copy of the
Some on I lank Road. II. If. Du-
“A Romance of the Rio copies ol this magazine to the pic­ superbly illustrated Mid - Winter
—101-tf edy.
’—a thrilling western Seli;. ture loving public. Same may be
H. J. McDierm d returne I yester- [Grand-
Posing”—a pathetic and bou lit at the box office at 15c p**r Indian poster, securely packed in a
day fiom Gardiner
Cl_____ ;
A Dav with a c pv or $1.50 per year. Only six mailing tube. It will make a beau­
where he bad been 1< oking . ftei I > touching
'T he Plumber" i c 'pies ol the March, number are left. tiful ornament for your front room or
I Buy a copy and enjoy some intei est- den.
Bert Patterson came down from a good comedy.
Semi your order to Fred Lockley,
I itig and thrilling reading.
Thursday Night, Feb. 29.
the Siuslaw the first ol the week to
I reading the photoplays one can un- North-western Manager, ‘ Sunset —
look alter business affairs.
matic F ilin. “George Warrington’s ' det.4 md and enioy the pictures mil« h the Pacific Monthly,” Portland,
W anted Watches to repair. IL Escape” a great historical picture better than one who knows nothing Oregon.
14-13 and Ladies are cordially invited to call and inspect same.
Sabio, Atwater St.
76-tf by Selig. “Stray Bullets” a crack J of the story.
Leave orders now for your
W. C. Irvine and family left Sat­ ing good comedy. “A Noble line- |
urday for Hoquiam, Wash , where my” a Lubin War drama.
The hen that lay s is the hen that
they will make their future home.
Impel ial White Leghorns.
Remember, 4000 feet, Wednesday
Their m.«t,y Bandon friends are sor and Thursday, Feb. 28th and 29th, Eggs St.5« per setting of 15. Mrs.
Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed
ry to lose the.11 Iroin our city but at the Grand Theatre. Admission toe J. P. DeGessen. Phone, Farmers
will wish them well in their new
F. W. RUEBENACK, The Tailor
F or S ale --New modern 6-room will be at the Hotel Gallier,
R. E. L. Bedillion went to San
I I . Mars has a fine new cigar Francisco on the Elizabeth to look bungalow w»\h concrete basement March 15th and 16th and
Lorenz Building.
and floor,
show case in his pool hall next to after business affaiis.
Will sell cheap. Cash
i until noon on the 17th.
or renns.
the Hub Clothing N Shoe Co’s
H. Schrieben yS-tf
W anted : Woman for general
W. I.. Norton was up from Lang­ are urged to call early to
housework. One to go home nigh's;
Dr. S. C. Endicott, Dentist. Ras Apply to Mrs. L. J. Butterfield,
J avoid rushing.
mussen Bldg. Phone 71.
Filth Avenue.
Emily Harlocker of Coquille was
Report of the Condition of the
The Elizabeth will sail from San
calling on Bandon friends Saturday. F rancisco for Bandon Friday,
Geo. W. Moore, of the Moore
A fin baby boy was born to Mr.
Lumber Co, returned on the Fi- and Mis
¡'ho-. Anderson, last
at Bandon, in the State of Oregon
field, from Berkeley Calif., where lie Wednesday.
at the close of business, Feb. 20, 1912
hail been visiting with his (.unify.
W anted — 1000 empty sacks at
E. P Reed shoes lor ladies. True Central Warehouse.
Blue school shoes for misses and
. $ 59,629
A. J. Hartman was a Marshfield Loans and discounts
childtett Spencerian shoes for boys ’ ¡visitor yesterday, returning this Overdraft«, secured and unsecured
U. S. bends to secure circulation
at Lorenzs’
15-2 ' morning.
[ I’tetniums on U.S. bonds
The Evangelistic meetings in the
W anted W ashing Apply at Bonds, securities, etc.
12,826 07
ol«l school house, began with great S.mderlin House, rear of Catholic I urnitufe and fixtures
Due from .State and psivale hanks and bankers. Trust Companies and Savrnss Banks
interest on Sunday evening. Rev. church.
Due from approved reserve agents
Sherwood L Grigsby will preach to­
The wot k on the summer p trillion
night on “The Perstmality ami on the beach is progressing rapidly Checks and other cash items
Noles of other National Banks
Work ol the Holy Spirit.” Come 'and the propriet >rs hope to be al> e Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents
and eniov the singing and especially to have the opening day by March ill
$7,499 15
Lawful money re^rve m Bank, vU:
75O qq
the sermons which are intellectual 16th.
Redemption fund with U S. Treasurer (5 per cent, oi circulation)
Miss Myrtle Endicott, a trained I Due from U. S. Trea«urer
File Stale Railroad Commissi oners nurse of Myrtle Point, is in Bandon.
$112.245 6b
want to know why freight charges
F or S ali New modern bunga
on a car of household goods shipped low. Inquire at this office. 98 if-.x
front Mobile. Ala., to Roseburg, Or.,
— <XW-----
I Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid
should lx* more when the car is
National Bank notes outstanding
Chemistry In Sweden
routed by wav ol El Paso, Texas,
added a lot of new type of the latest
Chemistry hns pinyv<l hh Important Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers
the most direct route, than it would part in the Industrial history of Swv Individual deposits subject to check
faces, especially for Fine Job Printing,
be if it hail been -.ent over a round tlt'ii. No les« than twenty of i he Demand certificates of deposit
and we are now prepared to print all
known chemical elements have I hm * h I Time certificates of deposit
a-lout route by wav of St Paul a i«l discovered by Swedes.
of Fancy Invitations, Announce*
i Certified checks
Portland. When shipped by the
ments, Calling Cards, Letter Heads
Elephant*. Skin.
direct route practically the entire
The skin «if 1111 elephant usually
and in fact all kinds of modern printing
haul is over the Southern Pacific takes about five years to tan.
Slate of Oregon. Couniv oi C< xm -- m .
I, E. D. Wr-bb, Cathie« ol «he above-named l»ank. do solenmlv swear that the above stste-
lines, and th< charges loi h 'tiling
done in a Modern Office.
menl u tiu^ Io the I eat ol my knowledge and belief.
A Hidden Town.
the carload oi goods tor E l.ynn
Bn 1 frusti. Perii», is built lu a forest
F. D. WEBB C whirr.
Tunnell, ol Roseburg, was S322, of lofty triM'i. by which the houses are
Corres I Atlrxt II. L. Houston, A. Me Nair. E. E. Oakn. Directors.
whi'e if the freight had been n-nt so < ouiph'tel.v hidden that it hus not
Su’ »nl>ed and »on to beiore me the Jtnh day oi February, 1’’I2.
the uppeanuH'v of n large totvu, at*
over the longer route and over set
GEO. P. TOPPING Notary Pubi»
Fancy Wedding Invitations a Specialty
though Its population is âtXOtXi.
eral diflt rent roads the charges would
Th. Crystal Put»«.
have been >250. Ihv Cour
When Londons |mlacc wax firn I
mission I lk taken the matter up open«»!
strongly «liver««* opinions were
with the Interstate Commerce Com e.pri*n il is to Its rirtlsti-* -branty.
Hl.Al’KNniTIIM .4*1»
mission, and hopes to secure a re­ «’11:111,1 I»6 kens, voicing the popular
tkrrseshocing a Specialty
Wag»nx ol Ail Kinds Made to Order
view, wrote that tliem wax nothing
fund for Mr. Tunnell and also an iir H'a*
Bandon, Oregon
It In fnlryhiinl
To which Ru*-
)ob VI oik attended to promptly and .11 work guaranteed to give satisfaction,
vestigation of variance in freight kln r«*torte«l. with biting Irony. "Mr.
reasonable. >hop on Atwater Street, Bandon, Oegon.
Liehen» I« quite right, there Uu't!”
Hotel Gallier
The Spring Line of the
American Ladies’ Tailoring Co.
Has Arrived
First National Bank of Bandon
W. E. Steinhoff
The Harness Man