Almost Lost Hit Life OUR FEED IS THE FOUNDATION for the good condition of many horses. the keenest horse­ men in town are among our regular customers, experience having shown them that our sound, ripe, dustless feed puts their horses in condition and keeps them so. Why not fol­ low their example. Central Feed Co. Central Warehouse, Phone 142. Equipped with Wireless Pretty Fair Proof. “Are they very much in love?” “I gups« so. They send kisses to each other by telephone and stand waiting with their lips puckered if the report is that the wire Is busy.”—New York Press. __ S. S. BREAKWATER_ _ _ _ Always on time. Sails from Portland at 8 p. m. Tues­ day, February 6, 13, 20, 27. Sails from Coos Bay Saturday February 3, 10, 17, 24, at service of the tide The Sound Sleep of Good Health Is not for those suffering from kid- j ney ailments and irregularities. The ' prompt use of Foley Kidne) rills will dispel backache and rheumatism, j heal and strengthen sore, weak and ailing kidneys, restore normal action ' and with it health and strength, i Mrs. M. F Spalsbury, Sterling, III , savs, "I suffered great pain in my back and kidneys, could not sleep J at night, and could not raise my I hand over my head. But two bot ties of Foley Kidney Pills cured me.” For sale by Bandon Drug Co. —Wflinwn ll ■rmriMf 1 ■ MSaMMMMMMBM—MI Where You Get the Hardware If you are looking for anything in light and heavy hardware, this is the place to get it. We also do plumbing and guarantee satisfaction. Our chief aim is to please. A. McNAIR, The Hardware Man Learning by Experience. Sulesiuau (showing umbrellas)— Here’s one with an exceptionally at­ tractive handle. Customer—Not for me. All my umbrellas have been en­ tirely too attractive. — London Tele­ graph. WHEN MEN SEE OUR GUNS they immediately begin to think of a day in the woods and a full game bag at night. But don't stop at looking. Come right in this hardware store and examine our guns in your own hands. Heft them, bal­ ance them, sight them. If that don't complete your satisfac­ tion, the prices will. That was ti e cas * with Mrs. W. S Bailey, McCreary, Ky. “My wife was taken down with a severe at­ tack of la grippe, which run into bronchitis. She coughed as though she had consumption and could not sleep at night. The first bottle ol Foley s Honey and Tar Compound gave her so much relief that she continued using it until she was per­ manently cured.” Bandon Drug Company. S.S. ELIZABETH Those Dear Girls. Maud—I’m told I get my good looks from my mother. Ethel—I wouldn't repeat that if 1 were you. Maud- Why not? Ethel—People will think your mother was stingy. — Boston Transcript. Large Two Berth Outside State Room» with Running Water Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco Warning Against Wet Feet. First Class Passenger Fare, - $7.50 Freight Rates, • $3 on Up Freight Wet and chilled feet usually affect the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and lungs, and la gtippe, bronchitis or pneumonia may result. Watch carefully, particularly the children, and for the racking stub- born coughs give Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, It soothes the inflamed membrane, and heals the cough quickly. Take no substitute Bandon Drug Company. J. E. WAL3TROM, Agent. BandoD, Oregon. Reservations: Point. T. Kruse, owners and managers, 24 California St., San Francisco. Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Coquille; Perkins’ Pharmacy, Myrtle Bandon Meat Market Reasonable Question. “You look very tired, young man. Are you overworked?” “I’m studying for a minister, sir.” “Well, why in the world don’t you let him study for himself?”-Yonkers Statesman. RESKEY & FORD, Proprietors (Successors to E. Lewin) He Won t Limp Now, Headquarters for the BEST of Everything in the Meat line—both salt and fresh No more limping tor Tom Moore of Cochran, Ga. “1 had a bad sore on my instep that nothing seemed to help till 1 used Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,” he writes, “but this wonder­ ful healer soon cured ine.” Heals old, running sores, ulcers, bois, burns, cuts, bruises. • czema or piles' Try it. Only 25c at all druggists. J. E. WALSTROM Agent, Bandon, Ore. The man who spends every cent of his income, no matter how large, is poorer than he who saves part of his, no mat­ ter how small. That’s sound common sense. This advice is just as sound: put few or many dollars, as often as you can spare them, into the strong box of the Bank of Bandon. BANK OF BANDON S teamer FIF1E LI) the State of Oregon, for the County of Coos and to me directed on the 16th day of February Means Speed, Safety and Comfort 1912 upon a judgment and decree duly render«d entered of record and dccketed in and by said on the 10th day of January, 1912, in a Court Twin Screws, Wireless Equipment, Hot and Cold Water. When you Travel Have the Best. It costs you no more. certain suit then in said Court pending, when in J. W. Roberts was plaintiff and William White, gold and C. R. Barrow were defendants in favor of plaintiff and against said defendants by which execution I am commanded to sell the property Up Freight $3.00 per Ton. See us for Rates on Down Freight. in said execution and hereinafter described to pay the sum due the plaintiff of $555.00, attorney fees $50.C0, and the sum due the defendant, C. Barrow, R. of $547.50, attorney fees $40.00 with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent, BANDON WAREHOUSE CO per annum from the 10th day of January, 1912 Freight and Passenger Agents until paid together with the costs and disburse­ ments of said suit taxed at $43.20 and costs arid expenses of said execution. 1 will on Saturday, the 23rd day of March, 1912 at lhe hour of 10 said day at the front door of o’clock, A.M. of the County Court House in County, Oregon, sell at Coquille, Coos public Mill Wood auction to the bidder for cash in hand on the day of ale, al I the right, title, interest and estate which said defendants William White, Mary Jones (now Mary Siedman), G. T. Treadgold and C. R. Phone, call or send your order to John F. Bane for all kinds of Mill Wood. $2.00 per load or $3.00 per load for split wood. Delivered to any part of town. Phone 171 or Residence 691. Pay Tom Lewis and take receipt. Barrow, and all persons claiming under them subsequent to the mortgage lien ci plaintiff in, «J and to said described property said premises here­ are described in said execu­ inbefore mentioned tion as follows, to-wit: the lot numbered Twen- ty'eight in the Block numbered Seven in Woolen Mill Addition to Bandon, in lhe County of Coos and State of Oregon, according to the plat thereat on file and of record in the office of tl e County Clerk of said Coos County. Said sale being made subject to icdemption n rhe manner provided by law. Dated this 17th day of February, 1912. W W. GAGE, t* Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. By.......... . .......................................Sheriff. I3-I5-T Notice For Publication. Bandon Light and Power Co Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. February I, 1912. Notice is given that hereby C Wallace Crouch, of North Bend, Oregon, who, on Apri 17, 1906», made of NW 1-4, and NW I-4 of SEI-4, Section 4, Town­ ship 24, S., Range 12, W. Williamette Merid­ ian, has filed notice of intention to five year above Lamps, Batteries, Fixtures, Bells General Electrical Supplies Homestead entry Serial, No. 03964, for lots I and 2, and SW I 4 make Final proof, to establish claim to the land described, before A. K. Peck, United States Commissioner, at Marshfield, Oregon, Office Oakes’ Building. Hours 8 to 5 on the 22 day of March, 1912. ( laimant names as witnesses: Fred Adams, Verb Adams, I McCullych, and Charlt’ Carol Crouch, all of North Bend, Oregon. Meh 15. BENJA MIN F: JONES. Register. Department of the Interior. Lets 2, 3 and 6, Section 5, Township I I Eye of a Fly. It han bwn estimated that the eye of a fly can discern an object one flve-tnll I ion th of an inch in diameter Foley Kidney Pills will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble not bevond the reach of medicir* No can do more. For sale by Bandon Drug Company. 30, Range 14, West Willamette Meridian, has intention to make notice of proof, to establish claim land above before C. of March. 1912. Claimant name, ai witneme,: All Kinds of Machine Work and Casting Done. Jame, Adams, Defoa W. Gardner. S. 3. Shield. R. H. Rom, all of Bandon, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONE®, Regnier. Jan. 16-Meh 27. and Rogers’ Foundry S., R. Wad*-, United Stair, Commuaioner, at Bandon, Oregon, on I at day j described. Consolidated with Sherrard Machine Works filed Final Five Year, to the 1 Bandon Iron Works Notice For Publication. Tbe tallest structure compared with the Size of the builder. is the hill of u. S. Land Office at Rosburg, Oregon January 9th, 1912 the termites, or white ants. If the Notice is hereby given that Cass Smith, of bouses of men were proportionately lofty the humblest residence would be Bandon, Oregon, who, on August 26, 1906, made Homestead entry Serial, No. 04019, for a mile high. Newly Remodeled, Modern Equipment Throughout Carries Passengers and Freight SUDDEN & CHRISTENSEN, Owners and Operators San Francisco, Calif. Loss and Gain February I, 1912 White Ante. S. S. B rooklyn First Class Passage Fare. 5 7 50. Freight per Ton, $3 00 Makes Regular Eight Day Trips between San Fiancisco and Bandon. Phone 171. Orders taken for delivery Department of the Interior, highest E. & E. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO Mary Jones (now Mary Siedman), G. T. Tread- First LaGiippe, Then Bronchitis. BANDON HARDWARE CO. S Shingles in the earth are sometimes heard Notice is hereby given that Grace Ensign, of before a lerrible earthquake, that Bandon, Oregon, who, on February 2, 1909, Homestead entry Serial, No. 04178, fo warn of the coming peril, Nature’s made NEI-4 of NEI-4 or lot 2, Section I, Town- warnings are kind, That dull pain ship 30, S., Range 15, West Willamette Merid­ or ache in the back wains you the ian, Las filed notice of intention to make Final kidneys netd attention if you would I Commutation proof, to establish claim to the I escape those dangerous maladies, land above described, before C. R. Wade, United States Commissioner, at Bandon, Ore­ Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright’s dis­ gon, on the 22 day of March, 1912. ease. Take Electric Bitters at once Claimant names as witnesses: D. W. Gardner. and see backache fly and all your H. P. Clausen, J. N. Luke, and R. P. Hunt, best leelings return. "My son re­ all of Bandon, Oregon. ceived great benefit from their use i Meh 15 BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. for kidney and bladder trouble,” writes Peter Bondy, South Rock­ Sheriff’» Sale of Real Prop­ erty on Foreclosure wood, Mich., "It is certainly a great kidney medicine.” Try it. 50c at Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an all druggists. execution duly issued out of the Circuit Court of ir------ -—- -------------- 1 Red Cedar Notice For Publication. Shocking Sounds Phone 431 J’ S am S ays Classified. Isabel—I think that editor man Is simply horrid. Judith—Why? Isabel —He placed the engagement announce­ ment of myself to young Slopplugtou under the head of “Business Opportu uities.’’—Exchange t U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Confirm Sailings Through C. M. SPENCER, Agent Bandon U «Ma»Kfl am« S. A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., w> 1 i.ever .orget his terrible exposure to a merciless storm. "It gave me a dreadful cold,’’ he writes, “th; t caused severe pains in my chest, so it was hard for me to breathe. A neighbor gave me several doses of Di. King's New Discovery whic.i brought great relief. The doctor said I was on the verge of|pneu- tnonia, but to continue with the Discovery. I did so and two bot ties completely cured me.’“ Use only this quick, safe, reliable med­ icine for coughs, colds, or any throat or lung trouble. Frice 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free, Guar- anteed l»v all druggists. Mill and Woods Work a Specialty