3B el zi d o n Recorder AN OLD MAID’S Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the $ 10,000 Reoorder Fu-tolteiiing Company C. E. KOPF L. J BUTTERFIELD Subscription, $1 5(1 per Year in Advance. Advertising Kates Mail Known on Application. Job Printing a .Specialty Eult-red at ilia liatnlou PosloHIce as Second Class Matter. • "'I blamed my heart for sevete distress in my left side for two wars,’ writes W. Evans, Danville, By M. QUAD \ 1., "but 1 know now if was in- digesthui, as Dr. King's Ne,v Life Copyright, 1911, by Associated Lit­ erary Press. Pills completely cured ine. ’’ Best lor stomach, hver.and kidney trouble Surah Johnson bad been called an old maid almost ever since any oue In cot.slipation, headache or debility the village could remember. Some fig- 25c at all druggists. ured her age at forty-i five. and some February 23 tar I j went five years better, Sarah had al 4* ^ 4» «^4* Blamed A Good Worker Typewriters Given Away. 4 » ¿»4* 4» 4*4» 4* ^4» 4» 4»£ 4-4» | * Lodge and Professional .. Directory Brown & (iibson The Leading Contractors Lodge» »re requested to notify thu office on election of officer, »nd on change of inerting night. Card, under thu head are 75c per inch per month. and Builders We furnish plans and speci- ticalions and ii you are go­ Lew ah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. 1 EE.rS First and Third Tuesdays of each month at ttth run at the Bandon Wig­ wam. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are cordially invited to attend. A. J. Hartman. J. C. Shedd», C. of R. Sachem. ing to build anything, no I ways lived alone and on what she matter ! could earn at sewing. She did go to The Emerson Typewriter Co. of: small, church, and there was a legend that W oodstock, 111., have recen.ly given . once upon a time she attended a Sun­ away over 400 <4 the highest giade, | money. Let w. o. w. day school picnic, but ahe was by no wholly visible Emerson Typewriters your building. Keep the logs rolling boys I means a high filer. SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212, Sarah had never complained because made in the world. They have g me WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, the chance to marry had not come to into every state and territory in the Meets First and 1'hird Thursdays. V isiting her. She had never complained of her United States. There may be »orne Neighbors welcomed. poor carnlng3 and poor living, if any C. M. Gage, C. C. one condoled with her she sighed n in your town. They are g ving them H. E. Boak, Secretary sigh or two and let it go at that. She away everywhere to men, women We are Agents for the didn't even hope for a change for the boys and girls, ovi r 18 year« of age Ry Governor EMMFTT O'NEAL of better as far as any one knew. Masonic. Alabama Then, after years and years. Sarah's on surprisit.gly liberal conditions. O/XNDON LODGE, No. 130 A. F. & A Il you could make any use of a day dawned. A relative died and left M, Stated communications first Saturday ecovering from the effects of aher the full moon ot each month. Special her a cold $10,000 in cash. It made $100.00 t\pewrilei. providing it did communications second Saturday thereafter. her the richest person In the village. rate wars lietween themselves, not cost you even i.ne ceiii, thi-u in | All Master Masons cordially invited. It brought her hundreds of congratula which hud impaired their ability to W. E. Craine, W. M tions and good wishes, but to all In­ .1 letter or on a postal card addre.vse ’ 1 Phil Pearson, Secretary serve the public, mid finding in quiries as to what she was going to 10 Frank ¡. Wilder, President _____________________________________________ do with her money she said she must Woodstock, III , simply say, "Mail combination bv which the general public was have time to think It over. When she Eastern Star rendered helpless a fruitful soil for the bad been given a fortnight she was me all your I' ee Offers," and, by I 0CUIDENTAL CHAPTER, No. 45, O. ready. She announced that she was return mail you will receive their | j E. S., meets Saturday evening before and growth of wealth mid power, the great rail­ going to have a good time on her F ree Offers, the names of over 400 ’ after stated communication of Masonic Lodge roads became OPPRESSIVE in ilieir ex­ Visiting members cordially invited to attend. money, and she started right in. Louise M. Boyle, W. M Sarah had always wanted a bottle of j who have recently received type-i If you are contemplating actions, generating that PUBLIC 1IOS Merta Mehl, Secretary. ketchup. Now she bought one. She I writers free, and you will liainon | TIJJTY which later flowered into laws that bad lunged for a rocking chair for j what easy conditions you can get buying a Piano, give us I. O. O. F were perhaps in some instance-, unduly Anlerlcan PrPS, Algocla. twenty years. Now she paid $3 for ! c lie ot their lypewriteis, free, right1 ■Q ANDON LODGE, No. 133, I. O. O. F. one and sat up long after her usual a call. It costs you noth- BURDENSOME. t,on « bedtime to rock back and forth. Then meets every Wednesday evening. Veiling away. 1 brothers in good standing cordially invited. The enforcement of these laws was responsible for the opposition I I came a pair of tan shoes, then a new ing to examine them. 1 he Emerson Ty pew liter is one ol Wm. Lundquist, N. G. to all the laws mid the development of that new doctrine which DE­ lookiug glass, then brown stockings the highest grade, wholly visible S. A. McAllister, Secretary. where she had always worn black. She NIES Till'. RIGHT TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT to impose 1 stopped there to count her money, and. i typewriters made in die world. Many Knight* of Pythias upon tho intrastate road any regulation of even its intrastate traffic 1C. finding that she had about $9.980 left, who have used the "Emerson” and f)ELPHI LODGE. N o . 64, Knight» of she was encouraged Into other extrav- This was a right never before questioned, but in fact affirmed by tho 1 agunces. Then she suddenly developed other makes pronounce the "Em: 1 Pythias. Meets every Monday evening at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to what the villagers called a "streak.” son" superior to any $100.00 type­ i rulings of all the courts until a recent day. attend. C. R. Moore, C. C. Her minister, who hud heard of her B. N. Darrington K. of R. S. At no period in the history of Alabama has there been a more eor- reckless expenditures, called to sound writer on the maiket. It is a wholly dial feeling between the people mid the carriers, a feeling which has a note of warning, but bumped up visible machine has every new, up- against a bit of obstinacy totally un­ Saturdays at Hotel Gallier been produced bv the recognition on the part of both that only bv just looked for He had once invested half to-date feiture, looks like other high I gtade $100.00 lypew riters, though it u year's salary In Wall street on a sure and equal laws, which permit no discrimination or favoritism, can we thing, and, though lie had lost it. be sells regularly for less and on terms secure permanent peace and mutual and friendly co-operation between claimed to be a business man. He I of $1 00 down and 10 cents a day Well Recommended by was going on to tell Sarah that she the state and the carrier. ---- — ——— -------- ■■ until paid for. The “ Emerson ” Ins Patrons must do so and so when she luterrupt- ------------------------------------- I OUT THE ERA OF RADICALISM HAS PASSED, AND WE HAVE ed to say that she felt herself entirely I every new improvement, universal REACHED THAT PERIOD WHEN A WISER 8PIRIT OF CONSERVA competent to handle her money. keyboard, back spacer, labulator, C. R. WADE Then a second streak was developed. TISM, BASED UPON THE RECOGNITION OF THE NECESSITY OF two-color ribbon, everything lhe The old maid announced that she was Attorney at ZuS.w FRIENDLY CO-OPERATION AND MUTUAL GOOD WILL, WILL OOMI going to have a good time with her best: is the ideal machine for begin­ Blacksmiths and NATE THE LEGISLATION OF STATE AND NATION. cash. In spite uf warnings and argu­ ners as well as for die most expert Agent Pacific Surety Company. Office Bank ments and protestations she set off for Wagonmakers typists and stenographers; just die of Bandon Bldg. Phone 102, Bandon, Oregan Boston mid took the best rooms at the iiiniHit'i ol | lie litliv gl oup rviuui'Ketl. 1 lie "That's the exact truth. I speak best hotel. She ate of fried oysters, typewriter for the smallest 01 largest Wagons ol all kinds made to order. I from personul feeling. 1 trusted Al lobsters and crabs. She drank wine office. All kinds of Bl ickstnith Work, both DRSMITH J-LZTTVNISr drlch's Judgment Impllcity. mid I don’t and tipped waiters. She rode in taxis If you could possibly make any heavy and light, will receive prompt PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON know that It ever led me wrong." and attended theaters. She next went to New York city and use of a high grade typewriter, even Then, as be contemplatively flicked the OFFICE IN PANTER BUILDING attention. Horse Shoeing a specialty ashes off his cigar, he went, on: "Did repeated her performance in Boston, though it didn't cost you -me cent of Office Hours 9 to It—1 to 5 Shop on Columbia Avenue I ever tell you about a funny dream 1 only more so. She became acquainted Won by More Than a Hair. money, then lie sure, on a postal a so called count, and he swlu- with CurtlsGulld. former governor ot Mas- had? I (bought I was dead, and St. BANDON, - . OREGON MCbUsetts, was once asked for tile fun­ Peter was putting the usual questions died her out of $1.000 The fact got card or in a letter addressed to niest alory lie ever heard. This Is the at me before adding my name to his into tlie papers, and when she got ‘Trank L. Wilder. President, Wood Dr TT. Zu- Houston ktory tie told: "All Irishman and a heavenly census At last be figured home she found that a special prayer Jew were discussing the great men out I was o K. mid told me to go meeting hail been held on her account. stock, HI.,” say “Mail me your Flee PHYSICIAN & SUHCHuN "I am sorry you went to the trouble," Offers.” 8ti<> who hail belonged to each race and. as ahead In. but 1 hesitated 'Why. what’s Oflioe over Drug Store. Hours, 9 to 12 she said to her minister. R. H. RICE, Prop. may he expected, got Into a heated ar­ wrong?' says he 'Most folks are In "But you needed it. Sister Johnson." gument. I‘'tmill.v lhe Irishman said ii hurry when 1 give 'em the word ' s.rn. I :!Jb to 4, p.m. ; 7 to 8 iu the evening. All kinds of light and heavy drav- "Well, 1 don't know. I always want 'Ikey, listen For Ivery great .lew ye 'Well.' says 1. 'I dure say It's all right. Night calls answered from office. ing. Also sells and delivers mill can name ye may pull out one of me Ian I do wish I could have a couple of ed to know counts and lords and dukes, Physician and Surgeon anil I've got off for $1,000 where more HANUON. . . *. whiskers, an' for fvery great Irishman words with A'llrleh before taking so okkiiin ■wood,coal,etc Office at Schumate’s I can name I'll pull one of yours. Is Important n step.'" — luis Angeles i than 200 American women have paid Office Rasmussen Bldg Phone 72 Store. Phone orders promptly at­ several millions each. It is plain to be it n go?' Ikey consented, and I’at limes. Dr Zu. T?. Sorensen seen, parson, that you are no business tended. Bandon, Oregon reached over, got hold ot a whisker, man.” DENTIST said 'Robert Emmet' and (lulled. A Brilliant Retort. Sarah took a filer in corn. She did After dinner speaking Is an art. and. 'Moses!' said Ikey and pulled one of Office Orar Vienna Cafe l’Ht'a tetiderest. 'Dan O'Connell.' said like many other arts. Its excellence has it without advice and lost It, though she might have lost it just the same Telephone at Office and Home. l'nt amt took another 'Abraham, said much to do with the mood of the Ikey. helping lilmselt tigniti. 'Patrick artist Some of the beat of our after had every resident of the village ad­ BANDON OREGON Henry, returned I'at with n vicious illnuer speakers sometimes fail, but it vised. The news stirred up the vil­ ymik 'The twelve apostles, said Ikey. Is not often that failure results In the lage again, but Sarah was complacent, U. T. TKKAbntlLb Fourth and Spruce Sis. taking a handful ot whiskers. Pat enrichment of the world's store of epi­ even smiling. It all belonged to a good time, she said to all. Then she emitted a roar ot pain, grasped I key's gram. us II did In lhe ease of Lord ATTORNEY AND COUNSELt H announced that she was going to Eu­ beard with liotli hands unit yelled. Ersklue many years ago AT - LAW, The Ancient Order ot Hibernians!' ” When Lord Erskine was made a rope. She was a member of a church. NOTARY PUBLIC ■ ■.ember of that highly honorable body, ! and now some of the other members i lie I Tshinougers' Company of London, raised the question of “churching" Two Ways. Bandon, Oregon Wouldat thou he wretchedT 'Tie an easy lie made mi after dinner spet-ch on the her. The majority weren’t quite clear Office With Bandoo Investment ( o way. I on the matter, however, and nothing occasion of tils first appearance among Think but ot self, and self alone, all day— ! was done Sarah took in Europe for U|Min his return them as n member, Think of thy pula. thv grief. ihy loaa. ihy XJr. H- LT. Brown I six months. She ate of everything care. he said to a friend Phone 722 there was to ent. and she saw all there All Ihou haat to do or feel or bear "1 spoke til today anil stammered Resident Dentist. Think of thy Mood, thy pleasure or thy was to see. She had a tnald. and she mil hesitated In the opening." gain Office in Panter Building "You ceitainly tfouiidered." was the i bought her clothes In Paris. She knew Think only of th, self 'Twill not be vain l that her money was being rapidly ex ­ Office Hour»: 9 lo 12 M., I to 5 P. M. to reply. *'l>ut I thought you did BO Wouldat thou U« happy? Take an easy hausted, but she did not pinch on that Phone. BANDON, OREGON isiinplliueiit to the tishinougers." way. account It thus entue ntsiut that Think of thoea round thee—live for them when she once more landed In her all day GATCHF.LI. BROS., Prop., Just Like the Navy. Think of their pain, their Iowa. their grief, native village the sum of $3.50 repre­ At Fort Monroe some time ago. All kinds of heavy and light Graying. Phone orders given their cart*. where one of the vessels of the navy sented her original $10.000. All ihat the\ have to do or (eel or bear. Attorney and Counselor-at-Law Did Sarah Johnson collapse at the prompt attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St., Fish Property Think of their pleasure, ot their good, was temporarily awaiting orders, a depot? Did tears blind her as she en ­ their gain delegation ot nruiy officers stationed PHON K <>4-1 COQUILLE. - ORE Think of those round thee It will not be nt the fort came ntioanl There Is n ter«! her little weather beaten cot­ vain. Office over Slteel»' Store set naval regulation that nothing can tnge? Did she sit down on the floor and bewail and wish she hadn't dene Office Phone, Main 335; reudeoce. Main 346 lie so on board ship until the com Can't Beal ths Lswysrs. On the oci a.-aoii of n tiHitbau match ■Handing officer orders it While the It? Oh. no! Sarah wasn't that kind in Lugland between n uuuib.-r ot mill army party were looking over the ship of an old maid She sat down In her tary officers it nd a team of lawyers the 12 o'cliM-k arrived. A Junior officer ap rocking chair and thought of the good loaf in town for the money.: former bail prepared a splendid lunch pronchist the captain mid said, with u times she had luid and smiled and Lawyers Big in quality as well as guan-. for lhe visitors before tin* game. Both salute. "It is 12 o'clock, str" ’Make It smacked her lljia Her minister was Washington. ID. O. teams did thorough Justice to (tie so." r,-s|sindial lhe captain, and eight the first to call, It may l>e that he tity too. We couldn't use bet- lunch, and. (lie legal gentlemen going bells were struck The army officers had the heathen In mind. If he didn’t ter flour if we charged twice as ' Public Land Matter», Final Proof, De»- in strong for champagne amt cigars, siis|Hs-ttsl that the niivt men wanted the woman did The last of her for- ert Land», Conte»t» and Mining much for our bread. We buy the officers anticipated an easy vic­ them to ask some qnewtloiiB and get tune was In silver. She selected a Case», Script tory Oil looking toward tin* football sold or that this was a lilt of foolery fifty cent piece and extended It with and use the very best now. ground, however, after lunch the offi got up to Joke ttie land warriors. Some the observation: A»»oc»ate Work for Attorney» Try a loaf and see how every­ "For the heathen, parson." cel's espied n remarkably fresh looking time after ii party of the army officer* "Hut—but” — body will go into it. A body lot of glints kicking the ball about lilt lied Hie officers of the warship to “It Is all I can give, and I give It and In amaxemeut asked the guests illne with them The dinner was pro would think it was cake to who the strangers were. "Oh." replied greasing when n lieutenant entered with a cheerful heart." hear the youngsters beqqinq mill, saluting lhe senior officer present, “ Slater Johnson, do you mean to tell one of them, finishing his last glass of Do you want pure drugs and for another slice. champagne, "those are our playlug said gravely, "Colonel, the major's me you have squandered your $10.- team. We are only the lunebliig team, llllni horse Is dead " "Make It no." re OfiO?" drug sundries, fine perfumes, sp-mded Hie colonel, with the grentest "I have about $3 left." you know " gravity, and the dinner proceeded "I can’t conceive of It! I enn't— hair brushes and toilet arti­ Nothing was »aid nt the time, but the can't"— Wanted a Conaultation. “Oh. it’s easy enough it costs money Ho supreme was the leadership of navy officers tell the «torv cles? If so, call on to have a good time, and I have had flciiutor Aldrich over a host of |s>lltlcal Baseball. followers and |>ersoiial friends that It. Please wend the money to the Baseball Is supposed to be a really heathen, and if your wife has any miiiiy a voir was cast this way or that or I Ur other for the sole reason that m.sleni gnme. tint It Isn't. The Greeks dresses to alter over I wish she would "Nels says so " Nome one was recall­ played It 4.000 tears ago. acconllug to give me lhe work I baie got to go Bandon, Oregon. ing thia fact In the i***uaU> lobby when A. U. Spalding back to my Job again.** Era of Railroad Radi calism Is Now Over Famous R Baldwin Pianos Prices $250 and up Easy Terms IM. G. POHL, Optometerist BANDON DRUG CO WILSON & WALRATH RICE'S TRANSFER LINE DR. R. V. LEEP Home Hand Laundry Family Washing a Specialty. Make a Specialty of Rough Dry. EARL SCHOONOVER Gatchell Bros? Transfer Line ! C. R. BARROW Our Bread is the Largest CLARK & WRIGHT j j PURE DRUGS c. Y. LOWE,