/ Billy and Me. NUMBER 14 BANDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1912 VOLUME XXVIII self. As soon as 1 heard the howl­ ing of the dog and the firing of the first shot, I started down the hill, not thinking of Bill When tiie second shot was fired I began to run towards the creek, expecting any moment to see some game. The next shot and the call for help made me forget anything but to help; I plunged from the creek bank into the water, waded through it, and just as 1 came up on the other side, the bear rose trying to crush Billy; without losing a moment, I ran up to the bleeding, infuriated animal to where he stood before Billy, upon his hind feet, blocd squirting fiom the jaw which hung down, the eyes gleaming revengefully, the ears lying ilit against his head, one fore arm hanging down; one stroke with the sound arm would have ended Billy. I called to him to step aside; in less than a second I was there; shoving my rifle against th« breast below the shoulder 1 pulled the trigger, a loud crack, and the bear fell down never to lise again. And 1? the concus­ sion of the gun with the muzzle close by the body of the bear had sent me the other way; no harm done, only a little jarred by the shock; I got up. There we stood; neither had a shot in our guns. We looked at one another; Billy was rather pale! he held out his hand, saying “Pohl, let us be friends!’’ So we shook hands. We became friends for good, and for years we were together and never a cross word. Befoie we left we looked up Carlo who was in a bad fix; Billy tore off his shirt and bandaged him and then carried him to the water, we left some bear meat for him and then went homeward. A few days later Carlo came home and by and by got well. P ohl FINANCIAL SCHEME ¡SCHOOL PROGRAM Important State News. A Straw Vote. Portland. Or., Feb. 20, (Special) Editor R ecorder : At the begin­ The Kansas City Star has been —Reports from various points in the ning of the first work on the C iquille state indicate that the Country Life conducting a straw vote for presi river, the Baltimore Colony, which Education Week movement, as out­ dent, sending postal cards to all arrived here the latter part of May. lined by State Superintendent Alder-I parts of the United States, asking 1859, made an agreement between man and the Oregon Development people to express their preference its members that the single men Can Ba Secured With One Grand Theatre Packed to Its League, is being observed very gen-' regardless of party, and if this straw should help the marrie I men to erally, and is arousing much enthu­ vote is any criterion ^from which to Capacity at Performance siasm. Mill Tax on Property in build log houses for their families, judge, “T. R.” certainly has the and aid in clearing some land and to School District Last Night The Salem Commercial Club cele­ edge on the whole bunch and can fjnee it, so that without loss of time brated with a farmers’ dinner at the give them cards and spades and then the first gardens could be planted. Hotel Marion on Thursday. The win out. Thus it came that I was to become Here is the result of the Star's entire afternoon was given up to a helper to Mr. Volkmar The school program given it the addresses and discussion by mem­ straw vote, and it gives Teddy a In the discussion of the advisibil- About two miles from Volkmar’s ity of constructing and equipping Grand Theatre last night was one of bers of the Board of Trade and visit­ majority of 4,785 to date, over all land lived a certain George Harris, a gymnasium for the accommoda­ the best entertainments ever put on I ing farmers of the county. Gover­ competitors and wi'h him another man by name tion of our school. No one. even of in this city, and the house «as nor West and President Kerr, of the Roosevelt . . . 79,618 of Billy Leng the opposition has denied the wis­ picked to its capacity with dozens il Oregon Agricultural College, were Clark 15.726 Both of these men had been sail­ dom of such an expenditure. The not hundreds standing in the rear of the principal speakers Bryan I5.'96 ors; a short time before they landed problem is one entirely of funds It the building. La Follette 9.126 At Dayton the Commercial Club here, they deserted from a sailing To review the entire program and is contended, and the contention is Taft . 8,994 appointed Miss Harriet Starr, secre­ vessel about fifty miles from land. a laudable one, no person will deny, mention all the good points would j 8,026 Wilson . tary of the Club, to organize the To accomplish their departure, one that the present indebtedness of lie an impossibility, for of the four- | work with the principals and teach­ Folk . 7.665 night they lowered a boat with some $25,000 with its attendent 15 mill teen numbers on the program, every , 3.427 ers of the schools, and to interest Debs provisions, water and necessary oars, r ite of taxation is as heavy encum­ one was of high standard and reflect Hannon . . . 2,667 the parents in lhe work. l he weather and wind was favorable brances as our present sources of great cred t upon the pupils and I Cummins . . . 1,168 and soon they entered the mouth of wealth will admit. Taxation is the those who had their training in | At Klamath Falls the county and Underwood . . 621 city superintendents of schools and .the Coquille river; thence they rowed most oppressive public requirement charge. Foss 103