Bandon Recorder a pronounced cockney ace-ent. Scarlett regarded him attentively for a few- moments and then said dryly. "And a very large, well dressed bam you are. sir " The shout of laughter which follow- . ed completely disconcerted Mr. Tomp- ! kins, and the lawyer's point was gain Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Reoordar F’utolistiing Company L. J. BUTTERFIELD C. E. KOPF "inhacription, Sil 5(1 p«*r Year it; Advance. Advertising liatea Made Kuowu on Application. Job Printing a Specialty Entered hi the Bandon Poatoffice hh Second (Jia hh Matter. TUESDAY 1 1 LawsAreSoNumerous ThatWeBecome Bewildered By GEORGE B CORTELYOU. formerly Secretary of the Treasury «I 1IATEVER may lie the reason, law with us is not held in ns high regard ns it should be. I do not mean sim­ ply law in its narrow sense, as the punishment, of petty offenses or the mere rou­ tine administration of justice, essential as both are, but I mean law in the BROAD SENSE of general and willing conformity to the well settled teachings of our experience as embodied III those rules which have been established for the regulation of our social and industrial relations. It must be admitted that the somewhat, lax attitude of our people toward law in certain of its aspects is NO'l WHOLLY WI l’HOU 1 CAUSE, and. though this cannot Lie excused, it can at least be par­ tially explained by the wav in which many of our laws are made. Along with obedience to law must, go wisdom and moderation in the making of law. But it too o ften happens that laws are PASSED IN A HASTY AND SLOVENLY MANNER, with no proper study or considera­ tion and with little or no thought for their effect on the general wel­ fare. MANY STATUTE BOOKS. PRIVATE MOTIVES. DISCOURAGED BY OF UNTIL THEIR PERPLEXING AND OFTEN THEM THE VERY LAWS PUT ON OUR BY INSPIRED CITIZEN IS MULTIPLICITY CONTRADICTORY OR PARTISAN BEWILDERED AND BY AND THEIR PROVISIONS. When this process has gone on for a considerable time RESPECT FOR ALL LAW IS IN DANGER OF BEING WEAKENED. So, while we appeal fora FULLER AND MORE THOROUGH OBE­ DIENCE TO LAW, we must couple with it. nn appeal for more antic and conservative and patriotic methods in the making of laws, for MORE SIMPLICITY in their construction, fora material reduction in their number and for the highest standard of ability and integrity in our judiciary. his cube message . It Wwvn’t Quite So Mysterious as He Intended It to Be. So when the banns were published the parent said. "Mary, if you will furnish the text 1 will preach yon n wedding sermon.” She was equal to the task and gave the text, "Mary hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken from her " Needless to say that Jus tire was doue to the occasion and the text Not so with Margaret, who in the mean while was receiving the atten tions of her John In n very Inexpen­ sive way. 11s far as her parents were concerned, for It is said that "he never erossisl Ills legs under their festive board." So. w lien the banns were pub llslied she said to her father: "Fattier, you preached 11 wedding sermon for Mary Cannot you prench one for me?" He at first demurred, but nt last consented and called for the text when Murgnret. who was equal to the i. elision, said. "And John entile, nel liter eating nor drinking, and yet ye s ly he hath 11 devil "—Philadelphia In­ quirer The frequency with which revolu | tluus oeelfr in Lntlti AinerieUll lauds makes them "anybody's game." and us a result of tills many persons with out experience either In consplnicy or battle ure likely nt nay moment to tlnd themselves conspirators and warriors One of these novices nt the gentle art of "revohlting" Is the hero or tin- tale which follows. 11 favorite In a certain South American republic. The novice In question. having mid- deuly acquired 11 violent distaste for the president of Ills native laud, rush ed away from home In 11 gieui rnge and enlisted tn the revolutionary ranks The next tiling lie knew lie wiis detailed to raise troops In a certaiu district. It was explnlned to him that he must envelop all Ills acts In dark secrecy, in order the better to accomplish this the revolutionary eonituaialer told the Gave Him Due Credit. novice that whenever lie felt called Sir .lames Scarlett, the great English upou to pen a dispute ti lie must couch lawyer, when practicing nt the bur hud It 111 the terms ol a code, so that gov­ 10 examine a w itness whose evidence ernment officers might not guess the I remised to be damaging unless he meaning or any dlspHteti it It fell Into could be previously coufuaed The only their hands. the novice promised to follow In­ structions to the letter. A few weeks later lie iiad collected a force or sol dlers sad desired to acquaint rvvolu tionary heattqiiartere with the tact, 'inking ills copy ot the code from Ills pis-ket. lie duly noted that "cow' was the code word for soldier and "cigar" tile one toi rille lie sst down and wrote a dispatch It fell Into the enemy's hands It was conceived In these cryptic lenus: "I have the honor to report Hint I have 'JOO cows and I5U cigars, tiut the cows have 110 shoes and the cigars no bayonets "—New York Times A Good Work Edith was light hearted and merry over everything Nothing tint soiled to her seriously So one day tier mol her de. bird to Invite a very serious young pa 1 will to dinner, and hr was placed nevi the light hearted girl Every thing went well until she asked him "You a|H*iik of everytaxly having n mission iVliat la yours?" "My nils «Ion," said the parson, “is to eave young men" "«total replied the girl. "I'm glad to meet you. I wish you'd save one for me" "1 n»u air'.int* mh . rouraiss. vulnerable point of the man was said J >hn Quincy Adams and John Han­ tn he his self esteem. The witness, a portly, overdressed cock. "the signer." married two sisters, the daughters of a noted Methodist di­ l'émou, went Into the box, and Scarlett vine tn Couiiactieut John Qulucy was took hlm lu hand "Mr. John Tompkins. 1 believe?" a favorite with the old |ieoplo, and "Tea.” ilaryj cbpka was approved by them Twa Wedding Texts. _________________ The New Arithmetic. February 20, 1912 EVERY YEAR SEES THOUSANDS OF NEW "You are a stockholder?” “I ham." replied Mr Tompkins, with X Blamed A Good W orker "I blamed my heart for severe distress in tny left side for two years." writes W. Evans, Dan ville, Va.. "but I know now if vi «is in- digestion, as Dr. King's New Life fills completely cured me." Best I Im stomach, liveriand kidney trouble constipation, headache or debility 25c at ail druggists. My income Is thirty-three hundred. And this is the way It is spent: Twelve hundred for eating and drinking Typewriter# Given Away. and treating And nearly nine hundred for rent; For dressing twelve hundred suffices. The Emerson Typewriter Co. of! Although that’s a little bit small, While servants’ high portions and doctors* Woodstock, Ill , have recen.iy given extortions away over 400 < f the highest giade, Make up, say, a thousand in all. wholly visible Emerson Typewrilets We must go away in the summer, And that costs eight hundred, let's say; made in the world. They have g me Five bundled will measure the money for pleasure. into every slate and territory in the Including the opera anil play; And then there's—but Just Btop a moment United Stales. There mav be some Before I allow for my bets. I've cited quite clearly b I x thousand or m your town I hey are g ving them nearly— aw .y everywhere to men, women, Well, most of it’s paid for—In debts! 1><>1 s ami girls, ov> r i8 tear of age, — Puck. on surprisingly liberal conditions. Recreations of the Troglodytes. It you could make any use of a "No, Crotalus,” said the owl, "1 shall have to refuse your invitation to visit $l<-o.oo tvpe.vriterr piovidlug it <:id you in jour cave. It would be bad not cost you t-vni cue ceil’, tin 11 111 politics.” "Well, I’ll bite.” said the rattlesnake. . letter or on a postal caul mldrevst I “Why would it be bad politics?” to Frank I. Wilder, Piesidenl I "It would be running socialism into ( Woodstoi k, III , simplv sat, ' 'Mail ! the ground.” "Ladies and gentlemen," croaked the I me .ill voui !• ee Offers,” and bv horned toad, "the renowned Kansas return mail v ou will receive their Jim. the last prairie dog on the ranch, will now sing the pathetic ballad f ree Offers, the names of over 400 ‘Why Does the YVhite Man Follow- who have tecently lece-i ed type­ My Path Like a Goldarned Sleuth on writers free, anil you will 1; ai non the Trail?’ "—Chicago Tribune. what easy conditions you can get enrol their typewiileis, free, right Troubles Past. Doesn’t you remember away. Dat hot wave Ioni ago? Cheer up, sinner! I he Emerson Ty pt w riter is ' tie ol We g’inter hah some snow. the highest grave, wholly vi-ji’le Sun It come a-scorchin' An* blazin' th'oo de trees. typewriters made in the world. Many All J'lne han's in thankfulness. I speck it g'lneter freeze. who have used the "Emerson” and other makes pronounce the "Emer Doesn't you remember Dat drought In las' July? son” superior to any $ioo.oo type­ Cheer up, sinner! Dar's hailstones in de sky! writer on the tnatket. it is a wholly All dem sunshine troubles visible machine has every new. up- Is certain foh to quit. Whut you been a-wlshin' foh to-date feature, looks like other high Is whut you g'lneter git! — Washington Star. giade $100.00 typew t iters, though it sells regularly for less and on terms Up to Date. “I believe In commission govern­ of $l.oo down and to cents a day ment,” announced Bobby. until paid for. The "Emerson” iris "What do you know about commis­ evert new impr-vement. sion government?” asked his father, turning to him in surprise. keyboard, back spacer, tabulator, I i "We discuss it in our debating soci­ two-ccloi ribbon, everything ihv ety,” he said, "and 1 bet ma and the girls would vote to recall you any time best; is the ideal machine for begin­ I stinted to agitate."—Buffalo Express. ners as well as for the most expert typists and stenographers; just the Everywhere Peril. typewriter for the smallest or largest There's peril In a dry broom; There's peril In the dust; office. There's peril in the old well, With bucket red with rust; If you could possibly make any There's peril in the drinking cup; use of a high grade typewriter, even There's peril In the air; The specialists they warn us though it didn’t cost you >ne cent ol There's peril everywhere. Some peril, like a nightmare. money, then be sure, on a postal Is ever 'fore our eyes— card or in a letter addressed to There's peril In the fright caused By peril shouting guys. "Frank L. Wilder. President, Wood —Kansas City Star. stock, III.,” say "Mail me your Free Allee Samee Melican. Offers." 8 tio Brown & Gibson The Leading Contractors and Builders 4 3 Lodge and Professional Directory V ’N 3 Lodges are requested to notify this office on election of officers and on change of meeting night. Cards under this head are 75c per inch per month. t I frt?11 ‘ft? tT? tit 4* We furnish plans and speci­ Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. fications and it you are go­ JVrEETS T ir»t and Third Tuesday« of each month at 8th run al the Bandon Wig­ wam. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are cordially invited to attend. A. J. Hartman, J. C. Sheilds, C. of R. Sachem. ing to build anything, no matter how large or how we can small, save you money. Let your building. w. o. w. Keep the logs rolling boys I SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets First and Third Neighbors welcomed. Thursdays. V ¡siting C. M. Gage, C. C. H. E. Boat, Secretary We are Agents for the Maaoule. D ANDON LODGE. No. 130 A. F. A A Famous M, Slated communications first Saturday alter the full moon of each month. Special communications second Saturday thereafter. Alt Master Masons cordially invited. Baldwin W. E. Craine, W. M Phil Pearson, Secretary Pianos Eaatern Star j 0CÇIDENTAL CHAPTER, No. 45. O. E. S„ meet, Saturday evening before and after stated communication of Masonic Lodge i Visiting members cordially invited to attend. Louise M. Boyle, W. M Merta Mehl, Secretary. If you are contemplating buying a Piano, give us a call. I. O. O. F D ANDON LODGE. No. 133, I. O. OF. I meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting ! brothers in good standing cordially invited. W’m. Lundquist, N. G. i S. A. McAllister, Secretary. It costs you noth­ ing to examine them. Knlghta of Pythias LODGE. T)ELPHI Prices $250 and up N o . 64, Knights of Pythias. Meets every Monday evening at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to attend. C. R. Moore, C. C. Easy Terms B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. Saturdays at Hotel Gallier M. G. POHL, Optometerist BANDON DRUG CO WeN Recommended by Pat! ant» I WILSON & WALRATH Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers C. R. WADE Attorney a.t I_iS.w Agent Pacific Surety of Bandon *Bldg. Wagons of ali kinds made to order. All kinds of Blacksmith Work, both heavy and light, will receive prompt attention. Horse Shoeing a specialty Office Bank Company. Phone 102, Bandon, Oregan JDK. SMITH J. Ki ANN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE IN PANTER BUILDING Office Hours 9 to 12—1 to 5 Shop on Columbia Avenue BANDON, OREGON - - RIPC’Q Dr. K. I.,. Houston TRANSFER LINE PHYSICIAN <& SUHG EuN Office over Drug Store. Hours, 9 to 12 R. H. RICE, Prop. “Well, Wun Lung," says the custom­ er. "1 suppose that you are going back ft.m. 1:30 to 4, p.m.; 7 to 8 in the evening. All kinds of light and heavy drav- to China ot help organize the new re­ Nipjht calls answered front office. j ing. Also sells and delivers mill public.” Physician and Surgeon BANDON. . . . OKKGOM "No," stinvelj- replies the laundry- ■ wood,coal,etc Office at Schumate’s man; "I wait until the new republic is Office Rasmussen Bldg Phono 72 Stere. Phone orders promptly at­ organized, then 1 go back and organ­ I3r X j F Soreneen ize a laundry trust.”—Chicago Evening tended. Bandon, Oregon DENTIST Post. DR. R. V. DEEP Office Over Vienna Café The Has and the Are. I’d rather be a could be If I could not be an are, For a could be is a maybe, With a chance of touching par. I’d rather be a has been Than a might have been by far. For a might have been has never been, But a has was once an are. —Incites' Home Journal. Concealment. “Why don't you wash your bands?" "I don't dust." replied Plodding Pete. "Some o' dese palmists say dat if dey kin git a good squint at de lines in yer hand dej- kin tell yer char­ acter "—Washington Star. Téléphoné at Office and Home. Home Hand Laundry bANDON «. Fourth and Spruce Sts. An East Prussia Custom. Midsummer day. or St. John the Baptist's day, is a festival of much Importance among the Masur peasant girls in east Prussia. Ou this day they each make a wreath, nnd each lu turn tries to throw her wreath so ns to lodge it on a fruit tree A girl must keep on throwing until her wreath stays in the branches, and the numl>er of attempts is supposed to iudli-ate the number of years she will have to wait to get married. When the girls ; are thus engaged the young men of : the village stand around dialling them 1 when they miss. The Masure are Poles who live in that |airt of Prussia which was once part of Poland. Helps Him In His Work. Mrs. Penfield -M.v busband has found j a xvnj- bj- which he says I am of the j greatest help to him iu his literary work. Mrs. II tl la Ire llow nice that must be for you. m.v dear! But how ire you able to do it? Mrs. Penfield As soon as I six' hltu nt bis desk 1 go into another room ami keep perfectly quiet until be baa finished.— Puck. T. TKKADUOLD ATTORNEY AND COUNSELi « AT - LAW, Family Washing a Specialty. Make a Specialty of Rough Dry. Phone 722 EARL SCHOONOVER NOTARY PUBLIC Oregon Bandoli, Office With Bandon Investment « <> Dr H- ivl. Brown. Resident Dentist. Office in Panter Building Unappreciated. Said the bride: "Here's my first batch of biscuit I Just wait from the oven I'll whlscult!” How the poor woman cried When her hubby replied? "Let It burnt I don't think I should rlscutt!" - Philadelphia Press. OREGON Office Hour«: Gatchell Bros.’ Transfer Line Phone. BANDON. OREGON I--------------------------------------- - GATCHELL BROS., Prop.. All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders given prompt attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St., Fish Property P1IONE 041 9 to 12 M.. I to 5 P. M, I C. R. BARROW Attorney and Connselor-at-Law COQUILLE. - ORE Office oxer Skeela' Store Our Bread is the Largest Office Phone. Main 335; residence. Main 346 __________________________________ CLARK & WRIGHT loaf in town for the money. Lawyers Big in quality as well as quan­ Washington, ID. CD. tity too. He couldn't use bet­ ter flour if we charged twice as Public Land Matters, Final Proof, Del­ eft Lands, Contests and Mining much for our bread. IFe buy Cases, Script and use the very best now. Associate Work for Attorneys Try a loaf and see how every­ body will go into it. J body would think it was cake to hear the youngsters beyying Do you want pure drugs and f or another slice. drug sundries, fine perfumes, PURE DRUGS hair brushes and toilet arti­ cles? If so, call on C. Y. LOWE. Bandon, Oregon.