Bandon Recorder Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Recorder F’vitolisloing Company L. J C. E. KOBE hrisftxTatir HrttllJ Doit V5u WHÜI for a living?” "I work! How do 1 work?" “Everybody you can.” — Baltimore ■ American An Exception. ’•They Ray that lightning atrlkes twlrp In (he «tain# pine? ” "itikesii’f lr? T know a woman boon tint rn«1 for her money times Detroit Free Press BUTTERFIELD Subscription, ifl 50 per Year it; Advance. Advertising Kates Mail« liuown on Application. Job Printing a Specialty Eoteind hi the Boudoir Poatollico hh Seoorid CI hhh Matter. Bhhtcd A Gobu Worker. 4 1 blathed kny heart lor SfevEfe duress in mV left side for two yt arb," writes W. Evans, Danville, Va., "but I know now if was in­ n«*v«*r digestion, as Dr. King's New Life Pills completely cured me." Best who 4 for stomach, liverj.tnd kidney trouble th rea constipation, headache or debility 25c at all druggists. The Sound Sleep of Good Health February 16 191: Is not for those suffering from kid ney ailments and irregularities. The prompt use of Folev Kidney Pills will dispel backache and rheumatism, heal and strengthen sore, weak anti ailing kidneys, restore normal action and with it health and strength. Mrs. M. F. Spalsbury, Sterling. Ill , says, "I suffered great pain in my bick and kidneys, could not sleep at night, and could not raise my hand over my head. But two 1 >t ties of Foley Kidney Pills cured me.’’ For sale by Bandon Drug Co. Dear Ones I at Home I Suffer M o J' t Terribie Loss Involved by War $ $ ¿i) ¿J) By the Roman Most Rev. Catholic Car- JAMIS dinal of GIBBONS, Baltimore * Procrastination. In describing the daily life of a ccr tain distinguished citizen uf the re public a writer in the Review of Re views give.. by wn.v of contrast the story that follows: This calls to mind mt English bu morous writer who sketched out hlr daily program as follows: Rise nt uooti. breakfast at 1. a stroll to the club, attention to ma il. some afternoon calls, a fide ride in the park, dinner, dinner. a round of evening parties and then to bed. "But when do you do your literary work?” be was usked. “Why, the next day. of course,” was the reply. ♦ (Sf Underwood & Underwood. ET im cherish the hop«» that the day is not far off when the REIGN OF HIE PRINCE OF PEACE will be firmly established on the earth; when the spirit of the gospel will so fur swav the minds and hearts of rulers that standing armies will viehl to 1‘EIIM A X EX 1 COURTS Oh ARI j IIRA TION ; that contests will he t arried on in the council chambers instead of on the battlefield ami decided by the pen instead of the sword. t IF THEY WE DO NOT DO SHALL THEIR DISPUTE INSIST THAT EVERYTHING BEFORE IN BY ARBITRATION THEIR THEN MEN POWER GO TO TO A« a Critic Saw Browning. WAR There was marked vulgarity about Browning, particularly in his accent and in the tone of bls voice and a cer­ tain Indescribable savor of sycophancy of a man eager to be of a grade to which he did not belong, but the poet was there—the poet’s keen eye, the poet’s heart, obvious in tils rein arks mid descriptions.—Memoirs of John ('burton Collins SETTLE MIGHT BECOMES RIGHT. The truth is that the most frightful Bufferings of war are borne by the WIVES AND CHILDREN >f those who fight in the field. The bitter agony of their waiting ami anxiety is fur worse than the mere physical hardships and siillering- of the tinned men. A wound to the loved one in battle strikes MORE CRUELLY those who have to wait at home. PHYSICAL DEATH. MEN SUFFERING CAN MENT OF WAR. USUALLY SUFFER BUT AND HARDER DIE MUCH Notice to Taxpayers. DISSIPATES THE FEAR OF BRAVELY IN THE EXCITE HARDER. TO faxes for the year of 1911 arc due and pay­ BEAR IS THE able on find after February 5, 1912. MORAL AGONY OF THOSE WHO MUST WAIT, WITHOUT POWER TO HELP THEIR DEAR ONES IN cent, up to March 15th. DANGER, From March 15th to April 1st, pay taxes at face. Men will not light if they hnvc ntne to grow cool. Nations will not fight if they have time to think. The penalties and degradations of war are too great, the agonies of the weak and helpless, the aged and other ooncoinlnitants are too horrible, the waste of wealth, the de­ struction of industry and commerce, are too VAST to be endured when there is a WAY TO .PEACE. further notice of Three per There will be no the amount of taxes due sei t out by mail, except upon the taxpayers* request. Send in your lists ol property as early as possi­ W. W. GAGE. ble. Sheriff and Tax Collector. Jan. I9-April l-F 3 Notice For Publication. , The blush throws film "into a state of Department of the Interior. J panic such ns In the normal person U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Boientists Claim It Is Distributed All | can only be excited by some desper­ January 3, 1912, ate experience. The anguish Is so great Over the Body. Notice is hereby given that John N. Luke of Once It wils Believed Hint the gray 1 that he Ilves In constant dread of be­ Bandon, Oregon, who, on February 2, 1909, ing exposed to the conditions which mutter of the brain was confined w ith excite it. This dread colors his entire made Homestead entry Seual, No. 04214, for hi the skull, Now physlclnqs mid ulh life He wakes tip with it; he falls Lot I. Section I.. Township 30, S. R. 15 W.. er Htutleutx of physiology tell us that asleep with It. It haunts his dreams. and k ts 3 and 4, Section 6, Township 30, S. this mime "gray matter is found In Morbid blushing Is, In truth, it ter Range 14 West, Willamette Metidian, has filed other |iurts of the body lor Instance. rible affliction In Its severe forms. Dr notice ol intention Io make final Fire year proof, in the tips of Hit- linger* ol the blind, Cnnqiliell says. It always calls up lo establish claim Io the land above described, where the thinking him iteen von thoughts of suicide and not Infrequent before t . R. Wade, United States Commission­ aclously tuucb exercltted. One physi­ ly actually prompts It. er, at Bandon, Oregon, on the 23 day of Feb­ The female sex Is more apt to blush cian tells us there Is little lirnln In the ruary, 1912. throat, mid it often seems to be tin in­ than the male sex. although more men Claimant names as witnesses: H. P. Clausen, dependent thinking organ. An oper­ than women seek medical help for ator on tlie throat must become it morbid blushing Those who suffer R. W. Ensign, R. Hempie, and James Adams, friend and confidant of that little from the complaint may gain some con all of Bandon. Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. brain or ills operation will not be sue- tlilence by using strong convex glasses 1-12 ressful. The little brain lias a memo The art Illi Ini myopia thus Induced by ry. and If the operator's hand has blurring the surroundings tends to dl Administrators Notice. nllpped ami misused that throat the niinislt self consciousness.'’ In other wotxls. distort the faces of brain In the head may consent to the Notice is hereby given dial the Countv Court O|s-rntlnn anti desire it. but that little people by means of spectacles and it of Coo« County, Oregon, on December Sth throat lirnln will resist even If it lie will not tiuitter to you bow they look 1911, made an order appointing S. I- Perkin« months after the mistake, mid If the nt you. for you will not uotice them a Iministrator of the estate of Flora B. Perkins operator persists the patient may be deceased, and that a letter of administration has thrown Into convulsions, such is the Russis's Parquetry Floors. memory of that little brain Most (louring put down In Russia Is b cooperation of the eve or not so util borate One of the most Meh 5-F Administrator. central s'onnclousness. but self know I noticeable features of a Russian houso edge brings you where you co-o|ierate Is that rugs and carpets are used for Notice of Sheriff’s Sale with yourself, mid there are harmony wall decorations Instead of floor cor ami unity In all the activities of the erlngs Floor polishing by profession bislv because of confidence throughout nls. who come regularly once every By virtue of an execution anj order of sale lit the master of It. week or ten day». Is considered a part July issued by the Clerk ol the Circuit Court of The cells of your Irody can tie seen of the regular routine of ruuning a the County of Coos, State of Oregon, dated the a* little selves or people forming a houses—Detroit Free Press. 8th day of January, |9|2, in a certain action tn government over which yon even Ise the Circuit Court for said County and Stale good rule by becoming acquainted Churchyard Yew Treat. wherein Claire W. T readgold, as plaintiff, recov“ with your pisqile. educating public Ono reason given why very old yew cred judgment against Abraham Jon -s for the aentlment In noble think lug putting away Internal strife, hatred mid other trees are so often found In country I« not greatly dista rissi by It. lie may Im dlacotn erteil for the time: but. the atorm over, he nsm forget* all about it. The morbid blusher, on We other band, suffer* mental torture. A A Philosopher. "My! You wanted fried i*ofatoea. didn’t you?’ »aid rhe carvie«« waitrees aa the customer In the restaurant An- Ished his meal and rose to leave. ’That*» all rljrht,” anawervd the pa (lent man. "I’ve wanted ao many thing* all my life that I didn’t get I’m tisvd to tlN—Newark News. Social Paraaft*. NE 14 of NF. 1'4 Section 19, Township 29 South of Rahge 13 \\ r*t of the Willamette Mvikhan. and all n^ht, title, inltmt and niete of sard defendant through or unJcr «late oi and the execution i uch tf ereoi a ■ II claianng by. from. lum «I of >ul«-quei>l to the ■ J sani mortregc or so interest The Leading Contractors and Builders 3 Lodge and Ptofesaional Directory * —-— Lodges are requested to notify this office on election ol officers and on change of meeting night. Cards under thu head ■re 75c per inch per month. ■ TTttt'tt Tytittttttttt'ttti We furnish plans and speci­ fications and it you are go­ ing to build anything, no matter how large or how small, we can save vou money, Let us figure on your building. Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. ELETS First and Third Tuesdays of each ■ month at bth run at the Bandon Wig- i warn. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are i cordially invited to attend. I A. J. Flartman, J. C. S het Ids, C. of R. Sachem. w. o. w. Keep the logs rolling boys I SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets F irst and Third Thursdays. Neighbors welcomed. W. U. GAGE. Shenff. V isrting C. M. Gage, Q C. We are Agents for the H. E. Boak, Secretary Manonlc. Famous Baldwin Q ANDON LODGE. No, 130 A. F. & A M, Stated communications first Saturday after the full rnoon of each month. Special communications second Saturday thereafter. All Master Masons cordially invited. W. E. Craine, W. M Phil Pearson, Secretary Pianos Eastern Star 0CUIDENTAL CHAPTER. No. If you are contemplating buying a Piano, give us a call. It costs you noth­ ing to examine them. 45. O. E. meets s-s Saturday evening WX-IVIV before aixu and —— • S., aa.fcfc*« «■ ms s-isay ^vca*u*|5 I after stated communication of Masonic Lodge Visiting members cordially invited to attend. Louise M. Boyle, W. M Merta Mehl, Secretary. 1. O. O. F D ANDON LODGE, No. 133, I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standing cordially invited. Wm. Lundquist, N. G. S. A. McAllister, Secretary. Knights of Pythias Prices $250 and up Easy Terms TjELPHI LODGE, No. 64. Knights ol ! Pythias. Meets every Monday evening j at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to I allend. C. R. Moore, C. C. B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. Saturdays at Hotel Gallier BANDON DRUG CO M. G. POHL, Optometerist Well Recommended by Patrons WILSON & WALRATH Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers C. R. WADE Attorney at Law Agent Pacific Surety Company. of Bandon Bldg. Office Bank Phone 102, Bandon, Oregan Wagons of all kinds made to order. All kinds of Blacksmith VVorlc, both DR. SMITEM JVTykKTlSr heavy and light, will receive prompt PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE IN PANTER BUILDING attention. Horse Shoeing a specialty Office Hours 9 10 M—1 to 5 Shop on Columbia Avenue BANDON, RIPC’Q TRANSFER LINE R. H. RICE, Prop. DR. R. V. LEEP All kinds of light and heavy Brav­ ing. Also sells and delivers mill Physician and Surgeon wood,coal.etc Office at Schumate's Office Rasmussen Bldg Phone 72 Store. Phone orders promptly at­ Bandon, Oregon tended. J . . OREGON Dr. Ti. L. Houston PHYSICIAN & SUNGEuN Hoars. 9 to 12 Office over Drug «tore. ii.ra. 1:30 to 4, p.m.; 7 to 8 in the evening. Nl^bt calls answered from office. BANDON Dr Iu. F. Sorensen DENTIST Office Over Vienna Cafe Home Hand Laundry Telephone at Office and Home. BANDON Fourth and Spruce Sts. Family Washing a Specialty. Make a Specialty of Rough Dry. EARL SCHOONOVER OREGON O. T. TKEÀDtiOLD ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT - LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC Bandon, Oregon Office With Bandon Investment < o Dr. H. Ivl. Brown. Reaidant Dcntiat. Office in Panter Building Office Hours: Gatchell Bros.’ Transfer Line CATCHELL BROS., Prop«. All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders given prompt attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St., Fish Property PHONE 041 9 to 12 M., I to 5 P. M. BANDON. OREGON Phone. C. R. BARROW Attorney and Connselor-at-Law COQUILLE. - ORE Office over Skeels* Store Largest Office Phone. Mam 335; residence. Main 346 CLARK & WRIGHT loaf in town for the money. Lawyers Big in quality as well as quan­ Washington, D. C. tity too. We couldn't use bet­ ter flour if we charged twice as Public Und Malters, Final Proof, D«s- much for our bread. We buy •rt Lands, Contests and Mining Cases, Script and use the very best now. Associate Work for Attorneys Try a loaf and see how every­ body will go into it. J body1 would think it was cake fol hear the youngsters begging Do you want pure drugs and for another slice. PURE DRUGS drug sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes and toilet arti­ cles? If so, call on thereon, together with all coats and dulursements that have or may accrue. "Ton needn’t brag about your sodai connection* If you do belong to *p 4-t5-F The Emerson Typewriter Co. of Woodstock, III., have recendy given away over 400 of the highest giade, wholly visible Emerson Typewriters made in the world. They have gone into every state and territory in the United States. There may be some in your town. They are g ving them away everywhere to men, women, boys and girls, over 18 years of age, on surprisingly liberal conditions. If you could make any use of a $100.00 lypewriter. providing it did not cost you even one cent, then in .« letter or on a postal card addressee! to Frank 1. Wilder, President Woodstock, III., simply say, "Mail me all your Offers,” and by return mail you will receive their Free Offers, the names of over 400 who have recently received type­ writers free, and you Will lent non what easy conditions you can get cue of their typewriteis, free, right away. I he Emerson Ti pewriter is one of the highest grace, wholly visible typewriters made in the world. Many who have used lhe "Emerson” and other makes pronounce lhe ’‘Emer­ son" superior to any $100.00 type­ writer on the maiket. It is a wholly visible machine has every new, up- to-date feiture, looks like other high grade $100.00 iy[ ewriters, though it sells regularly for less and on terms of $1.00 down Aid to cents a day until paid for. The "Emerson” h is every new improvement, universal keyboard, back spacer, tabulator, two-cclor ribbon, everything lhe best; is the ideal machine for begin­ ners as well as for lhe most expert typists and stenographers; just the typewriter for the smallest or largest office. If you could possibly make any use oi a high grade typewriter, even though it didn’t cost you one cent of money, then be sure, on a postal card or in a letter addressed to "Frank L. Wilder. President, Wood stock, III.,’’ say "Mail me your Free Offers." 8 110 4 mat be necessary to tatuly the ■ ak I judgment in favor ol pkunlif against said de­ endant with Typewriters Given Away. Brown & Gibson C. Y. LOWE, Bandon, Oregon.