WE ARE PROUD Proud to announce that our Spring and Summer Shoes for Men, Women and Children await your in­ spection. Proud to urge you to come and see the many different styles, to examine and try on the shoe made to fit your foot; for we know that whatever the test to which you may subject them STAR BRAND SHOES will make good for us and make doubly good for you. Our confidence is based on experience with these shoes; the experience of many years and the satisfaction of many customers. So we say to you come and see for yourself what we are offering. Come now while the lines are complete and the assortment large. Hub Clothing & Shoe Company Money Talks ! Cash. Only I BANDON C. R. Brown of Denmark was a | The Hurry Up Bible Class of the Presbyterian church is studying the Bandon business visitor Tuesday. Geo. B. Adams was down from life of Christ. Every'ody come and <________________ J Myrtle Point on business Monday. bring your Bible. F rank Morris of Coquille was a I F or S ai . f .—A good carpet at R. E. Knorr of Marshtit Id was a half price. Telephone 702, or Ad Bandon visitor Tuesday. Bandon business visitor Wednesday. Wanted—more young men and Box 371. Public' Reading Room, over Chas. R. B. Hunnicutt received a letter Lorenz’s store. Open every even­ women in the Hurry Up Bible Class today announcing the death of his W. E Anglin has ac.epted a ing. Everyone welcome. son-in-law, George Callaway, of H. F. Parsons of Coquille was position as first engineer on the ' Norton Co.. Kansas. Mr. Callaway Brooklyn, having gone down to San down on business Wednesday. was shot in seme mysterious way, F D. C. Kay and J. C. Sullivan rancisco on the last trip and wi 1 but as yet the | articulars have not were down from Coquille on busi­ begin work when she leaves the city bent learned by Mr. Hunnicutt. on her return trip. ness Wednesday. Dr. S. C. Endicott. Demist. Ras­ I Nosier & Norton have severed AVARICE. their connection with the Bandon Avarice is generally the last pas­ mussen Bldg. Phone 71. 85-tf Warehouse Co. and the Estabrook sion of those lives of which the first C. W. Montgomery of Marsh­ part has been squandered tn pleas­ Co. have taken the business over field was a Bandon business visitor ure and the second devoted to am­ again, and E. W. Schetter will be yesterday and today. bition. He that sinks under the in charge. Guv Dippie has also fatigue of getting wealth lulls his age Z. F. Siglin ol Marshfield has accepteb a position in the warehouse with the milder business of saving been over from Coos Bay a few days. it.—Johnson Pictures at the Grand, tonight He is with County Surveyor Gould Friday, Feb. 9th.: The Coward, a i looking after road business. thrilling Civil war drama. A West­ See Strowbridge. the Sign Painter ern Girl's Courage—an exciting story Notice of Guardian’s Sale. for signs, painting and paper hang­ of Indian fiigthing pioneers. The ing. Opposite Beach's Second Politician a funny vitagraph com­ Notice is hereby given that I will on Monday, Hand Store. 102-tf edy will be repeated tonight at The March 4. 1912, at the Coutt House door in Co- qu.lle, Coos County, Or.gon, sell al public auction, C. C. Carter of Myrtle Point has Grand, Bandon's cozy playhouse. to the highest bidder for cash, all the following been in Bandon a day or two. The Ladies Thimble Club will ■eal estate belonging to the estate of Florence, W. E. Catterlin ol the Star Ranch I hold a cooked food sale at Erdniin’s Orville, Finnic and Clara Counts, minors, to-wil: was in Bandon on business Tuesday. I meat market, Satuiday afternoon Lots 7, 8, 9, II), II and 12 in Block 11, Woolen Witter Water for your liver, kid I from 1 :oo till 6:00 o'clock. Home Mill Addition to Bandon, in Coos County, Ore­ gon. A. J. COUNTS, Guardian of the Es­ neys and rheumatism. C. M. Spen­ , made pies, cakes, pastries etc. will tate and Persons of the aforesaid M'nors. ' lie on sale. It cer, Agent. G. T. Treadgold. Attorney for Guardian. The Loyal Temperance League 10 5t-F F or S ai . f . New modern bunga­ low. Inquire at this office. qS-tf-x 1 ol the Bardon School, will hold a Administrators Notice, Jeff C. French was up from Sixes cooked food sale in the Marshall Building tomorrow, commencing at River Tuesday, transacting business. 11 a. lit. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned G. Agates cut, polished and mounted, The Redmen will hold their an­ I Pasquale, has heretofore by order of the County work done in Bandon. Call at Boyle’s jewelry store. Agates cut nual ball on March 16th and start Court of Coos County, Oregon, been duly ap­ pointed administrator of the estate of A. Rivaldi, tight on the celebration of St. Pat deceased, 50c and up. qt2x. and all creditors of said deceased, are hereby required to present their claims with W. Huntley was down from Mvr rick’s Day. Watch for posters. proper vaucheis to the said administrator within tie Point on business Wednesday. s'v months from the date hereof at the office of Fourmile Items. White Wyandotte hens fol sale. 1 G. T. Treadgold, in Bandon, Coos County Mrs. F. H. Mason. Phone 6x. 9(2 Oregon, Dated and published this 9th day of G. PASQUALE, Ad- Feb. 25, iq !2, a serie* ol Evan­ Mr. Wallace Pomeroy and family February. PI2. gelistic meetings will begin in the and Mrs. W. Deyoe and children, minis rator of the Estate of A. Rivaldi, Deceased. G. I. Tre-idgold, Attorney for Administrator.' Presbyterian church under the left on the steamer Elizabeth for San 10 t5.F leadership of S. I. Grigsby. Francisco, where Mr. Pomeroy goes J. E. Norton lias been down from on business. Mrs. Deyoe goes on In the Circuit Court of the Coquille a lew days looking alter a visit to her parents, Mr and Mrs. State of Oregon in and business for Nosier A Norton. ’ Uuerin of Oakland, Cal. F or S a 1.1 New modern 6-room County Surveyor Gould and re for Coos County bungalow with concrete basement viewers reached Fourmile Saturday Will sell cheap. Cash : night. and lloor. o A, Ttow bridge, Plaintiff j H. Schrieber. 98 tf or rerttis. Chat les Davis has been selling his vt- Summon* F. S. Dow was over from Coos I cattle and horsts. Mrs. Davis' it . b . Wheeler. Defendant \ Bay Tut d iy looking alter business health has not been very good of To T. B. Wheeler, rhe above named defendant affairs. |late, They thought a change of In the name ot the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com­ E. B. Thrift w.ts up from Lang climate might benefit her. plaint tiled again« you in the above entitled lois the first of the week, transact Miss Minnie Hunt has been visit­ Couit and cause, on or liefore the last day of ing business. ing in Bandon the past few days. the lime prevcnfied in the order for the publica­ There will be a Lincoln Birthday We noticed an item tn the Coos tion ot *hu summon* and if you tail so to answer, service in the Presbyterian and the Bay limes, the amount $124,000 then for want thereof, the plaintiff will tsk- a ludgmenl against you for the sum* set forth in Methodist churches 011 Sunday Feb. toad fund for the coming year. This the -aid complaint aggregating $100, with costs nth. All ate cordt illy invited to part oi l oos county certainly needs and disbursements and for an order ot sale cf a small portion of this. Oh well, attached ptope.ty, to-wit: Lot 102 Wieder's attend. A male heir to the Baxter millions Marshfield can certainly build sums Sulxlivison end Lots II and 12 Block 9. Alacha Park, all in Goos Count , Oregon. This sum. arrived Thurstliy morning. He g >od toads this year. mona is served upon you by publsstHm thereof weight'll 8 1-2 pounds .mil is a “hum Mts Crowley was a Bandon visit- by vir.ue of an order made by Hon. John S. dinger.” He is a well time addition ot list week. Slit- also visile J Mrs Coke, Judge oi the aforesaid ( irvuit Court, marie an*f entered on the 7th day of February, to the Chronicle family. We feel Shinn of I wotnile M2, due* ling that same he publrd ed for a confident that he will mike a good Del mo Shinn visited at the (.’row- prrmdoi sir weeks m the Bandon Revcrder, a printer because he is such a nrild ley tome, and also at the Bethel eewspaper publisf d in t oos t ounti, Oreg.»; tcmpeietl little fellow Cresswell ranch. the date oi the tirsl publi atari thereof is F«b- Chronicle. The If xters .ire well Salmon berries in bloom in Feb­ luary 9th, 1912. known in Bandon and Coos county. G T 1RFADGOLD, Mrs. Baxter is a sister ol Mrs. Chas ruary in southern Coos Who can Atlornev for Plamtilf. beat it? M. M. 110 |7-F Lorenz ol this city. Local Lore j MARSHFIELD Wrote of Scenery He Never Saw. BANDON CHURCHES - S t . J ohn ’ s E piscopal C hurch . Services 2nd 4th and 5th Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School on all Sundays at 10 a. m. Wm. Horsfall, Archdeacon. M. E C hurch Sabbath school 10 a. m. Epworth League 6:45 p. m. Junior League 3 p. m. Next Sunday Morning, Lincoln Memorial Services; Evening Service 7:30. Why the Memory of Lincoln abides. On Wednesday Sept, 14 at 2:30 the Ladies Aid Meets in vestry of church. Rev. L. Davison is to begin Re vival services Sunday, Feb. 18. Good Singing. Plain Preaching. Come. — Rev. Harry Lee, Pastor. The most notable instance of a novel dealing witli a country which the au­ thor had never seen was Shorthouse’s •‘John Inglesunt." The second volume of that remarka­ ble romance deals in the most detailed way with Italian mnuners and Italian scenery. Many of the descriptions— that of Umbria at night, for instance, and the scene in the pavilion in the forest—are charged with the very at­ mosphere of Italy; and Florence dur­ ing the plague lives horribly before our eyes. Yet Joseph Henry Shorthouse had never been in Italy. Enthusiasm and the genius for assimilation evolved it all In a quiet house at Edgbaston.— London Chronicle. Crude Mining Methods. Mica mining in the Nellore district, India, though a highly profitable indus­ try. is carried on practically as it was by the natives a hundred years ago. The mica vein is followed up by un­ derband stoping which results in the production of tortuous, wormlike hole« sometimes extending to a depth of 300 feet below the surface. The mica ex­ cavated is brought to the surface by a string of coolies working band over hand on rudely constructed bamboo ladders. On account of the accumu­ lation of water during the night when work ceases all sinking operations are delayed each morning for an hour or more while the water is being dipped out with buckets by coolies. Tart. Gerald—I thought I’d drop in on you. Geraldine—I don’t care for • lemon drops.—Town Topics. The Maelstrom. The famous Maelstrom whirlpool, off the coast of Norway, is four geograph­ ical miles in diameter. The Spring Line of the American Ladies’ Tailoring Co. Has Arrived P resbyterian . and Ladies are cordially invited to call and inspect same Services will be as follows: Leave orders now for your Quiet Hour, 9:45 Preaching at 11 :oo. Sunday school at 10 o’clock. Christian Endeavor will convene Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed at 6:30 p. in. Preaching at 7:30. H. C. H artranft , Pastor. F. W. RLEBENACK, The Tailor EASTER STTIT L atter D ay S aints . Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Coluni- bia Avenue. Meeting every Sunday. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Preaching at 11 ;oo a. tn. Religio at 7:00 p. m. and preaching at 8:oo p. m. Prayer meeting at 8;oo p. m. Wednesday evenings. All are cordially invited to attend. D. W. C arpenter , President. B rethren C hurch Regular Service—Preaching t1 'no a.m. Sunday school io:Ooa.m. All are cordially invited to attend each service. J. VV. Barnett, Pastor. A dventist C hristian . Regular services Sundays in old M. E. Church South. Sunday school held at 10:00 a. m. Preaching at 11 :oo a. m. Loyal Workers Society 6:50 p in. Preaching at 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. You are cordially invited to attend J. S pencer T ilton , Pastor. Lorenz Building. W. E. Steinhoff The Harness Man Whips! Gloves! Too Much Grief. Gloves! Gloves! of the Lasting Kind FANCY PRINTING THE RECORDER OFFICE has recently added a lot of new type of the latest faces, especially for Fine Job Printing, and we are now prepared to print all kinds of Fancy Invitations, Announce­ ments, Calling Cards, Letter Heads and in fact all kinds of modern printing done in a Modern Office. Th* Chrysanthemum. “Then the wedding wasn’t altogether a anccess?” “No; the groom's mother cried louder thnu the bride's mother. It was con­ sidered very bad taste.’’— Louisville Orurier-Journal. Whips! All Kinds and Prices B aptist . Sunday School at 10 a. in. One« more It comes In glad array! Each blossom Is a vision gay Which unto fancy must recall A splendid scrambled parasol. It flaunts above the autumn scene With perfume that's a cross between A drug store and a motorcar When oil and gas commingled are. And yet we love the sturdy grace They seeni to bring Into each place. They make a jovial, happy crowd. Where botany laughs out aloud —Washington Star. Whips! Fancy Wedding Invitations a Specialty ------------ ~ 11"1 RECORDER PUBLISHING CO Bandon, Oregon