Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, February 09, 1912, Image 2

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Bandon Recorder
n the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the
County of Coos.
Published Every Tuesday and Friday by ill«
Recorder Futolisiiing Company
Charles Ashton, Plaintiff,
( .Evan Lucas, Otho L. H<-p-
Entered nt the llnudou Foutofltee nn Second -CI hm Matter.
She gave me a «mile
'Twas too cordial by half,
Still I treasured it while
She gave me a smile.
Though it seemed to beguile,
I fear ’twas a laugh.
She gave me a «mile.
'Twau too cordial by half.
•‘It is annoying to wait for a train
thut’s late.”
“Yes, anti It is even more annoying
to wait for a train that was discon­
tinued the week before.”—Wusbiugtou
Kindly inform us.
Magnates enormous,
Plutocrat people who Hp‘*n<l ft great deal,
Which is the worse
Drain on the purse,
A prodigal son or an automobile?
—Newark News.
Still Fancy Free.
Jack (to friend bark from vacation)
—Well, old man. how did you make
out among (lie Hiiminer girls?
Tom—I’m no photographer, but I
got a lot of negatives. Boston Tran
The Emerson Typewriter Co. oi
Woodstock, III , have given
iway over 400 of the highest piat'e.
wholly visible Em< r-oti Tvpe'iriti i
made in th«-world. Thev h ive y -m
into ever« slate and tell inn v u- tie
United States. Th«re inav
in your town. I lb y are ving them
away everywhere to tmn, woimii,
boys and girls, ov« t 18 ) < .11 - < 1 age,
on snrptisn.gly liberal conditions
If you could make any use ot
$100.00 typewriter, providiuy* it i'io
not cost you even cue cent, then in
1 letter or on a postal card .u'dn -se
to Frank !. Wilder, Presi.l<-> t
Woodstork, 111 , simply sav, 'Mail
me all youi F ee (»dels,” and by
return mail von vs ill tei eive their
we cau save you
money, Let us ligure on
your building.
Blacksmiths and
;ii <d : u.t cn or l.cfoie the last day of the time
i rt cnLtd n lhe order for tie publicalicn of this; which presciibcd time is six ((») wet ks,
1« last cay of
which time will be Triday, the
x.*.d day of Match, 1912, and if yc u fail to so
I ifptar ar.d answer said ccnr.plaint, by the said
' tin e, the plaint fl will a| ply to the Cc uit for lhe
i Di demanded in plaintiff's complaint, a suc-
« .let titlen.rnt of which is as follows, to-wit:
I er a decree of lhe Ccuit declaring that the
Wagons <>1 all kitiils ii. ule lo oi jer.
All kim’b <>f Blacksznitli Work, loti»
111 avy and Inzlit, wi 1 ret t il e | roni|.t
attenti« m. I lorse Slioetng a speciali >
; cifcrdsnts Lucas & Hcpscn are in default and
it I reach of the covenants of said agreement on
Ic.r part, to sell a sufficient ¿mount of said
I p< mites, first described in plaintiff’s complaint,
to-wit: As con mencing at a point >0 ft. W.and
I 15 ft. N. of the S. E. corner of the N. 1-2 ol
lheS. E. 1-4 cf Sec. 25Twp. 28S.R. 15 W.
of lhe Willamette Meridian in Coos County,
Oregen, running thence W. 472 ft. thence N.
‘ < 18 E. 251 fl., E. 432 ft. thence S.
| 2‘.8 ft. to ti e place ot Leginning, containing 2.57
j ¡ties more or less, to net lhe plaintiff $4,1)87.50.
Tor a decree of the Court declaring ;aid de-
fcndcnls in default end have wholly failed and
i neglected to sell any part or parcel of said prem-
! lies or a portion thereof sufficient to pay lhe
Shop on Columbia Avenue
An Epitaph.
The only reaaon
1 am here,
A hunter took
Me for it deer.
Detroit Free Tress.
Easy Terms
R. H. RICE, Prop.
All kinds ol light and heavy drav-
ing. Also sells and delivers mill
wood,coal,et< Office at Scbtttn.tie's
Store. Phone orders promptly at
DR. R. \
Physician and Surgeon
Office Rasmussen Bldg Phone 72
Bandon, Oregon
lien upon lhe said last above described premise8
F. A. Bates, A. 1 . Deringer, L.
F. Sparks, S. S. Shtelds. Con- ( ?«'»"'<>«
Notice is hereby given that John N. Luke of stable, John S. I lays, J. 1 I. I
Bandon. Oregon, who, on February 2, 1909, Shield», Alex Kennedy and W. |
made Homestead entry Serial, No. 04214, ioi F. Disher, Defendant».
in favor ol the
payment of lhe
Tor a decree
and amount to
plaintiff herein and to secure lhe
said $4,687.50.
of the Court declaring said sum i
be now due from defendants to
plaintiff, and that plaintiffs have judgment against
lhe said defendants for lhesaid sum of $4,(>87.50
Lot I. Section I., 1 ownship 30, S. R. 15 W.,
To F. A. Bates, A. F. Deiingei and W. F. | for his costs and disbursements herein and for the
and l< ts 3 and 4, Section 6, I ownship 30, S.
Disher, defendants above named:
sum of $468.70 attorney’s fees, and that lhe said '
Range 14 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed
You ami each of you are hereby notified that mortgage lien of plaintiff’s be foreclosed and that
notice ol intention to make final I ive jear proof, vou are required Io appear and answer lhe com­ the said pic mires last above described be sold in .
to establish claim Io the land above described, plaint of plaintiff filed against you m the above lhe manner provided by law; and lhe proceeds
before C. R Wad«, United States Commission­ entitled Court and cause on or before the last of lhe same to be applied first to the payment of j
er. at Bandon, Oregon, on the 23 day ot Teb- day <4 the time prescribed in lhe order for the the costs and disbursements herein and reasona­
publication of this summons; and if you fail so to ble attorney’s fees and cost of sale. Secondly,
I I. P. C lausm. appear or an»wrr within the prescribed lime, lhe to the payment Io plaintiff of the sum herein
R. W Ensign, R. Hempie, and James Adams, plaintiff will take a judgment against you and found Io be due.
all of Bandon. Oregon.
apply (or lhe relief demanded in hu complaint, a
For a de ere« of the Court also declaring lhe ■
I 12
succinct statement of which is as follows: a said sum of $4,687.50 to b? liquidated damages
judgment against F. A. Bales and A. F. Derin
against the defendants Lucas Ar Hopson, for the
g«r lor the sum of eight hundred dollars princi­ I damage sustained by this plaintiff by reason of I
pal with 8 |ier cent, interest from and alter Nov­ | rrpirsentalions and inducements and breach of
By virtue of an ext ulion and order of »ale ember 14, l‘K)8 with the co»t» and disburse | this agreement as in this complaint set forth.
T or a deciee of lhe Court declaring pla ntiff to
duly issued by lhe Cleik of the Circuit Court ol mrnts of this suit and lhe sum of one hundred
the County ot Coo», Stale of Oregon, dated the dollais reasonable attorney's fees and a decree j ire the owner in fee simple of the herein hist de­
8ih dav of January. |9I2, in a certain action in foreclosing a certain chattel mortgage for said scribed premises ami any ami all agreements of
lhe Circuit Court tot »aid C ounty and Stair amounts on the chattel contents of the Bandon
wherein Claire W. 1 leadgold, as plaintiff, recov­ Steam L.aundry, being all boilers, furnaces, en­
ered judgment against Abraham Jone* for the gines. machinery, fixtures, appliances, tools, j»ow-
•uin oi filly seven and 50-100 dollars, and coat» rr, goods, wares and merchandises contained
j defendants thereto null and void and foreclosed
I and that plaintiff may have the right to ami pos­
session of said premises forthwith ami lor such
lurthe* decree ami order of the Court as may
therein now or at any time since the 14th of herein to the L our! seem meet and equitable.
November, I'XXS, more fully described in plain­
I his summons is published in lhe Bandon Re­
tiff s complaint, decreeing the sale of said chattels corder. a semi-weekly newspaper published in
slay of February, |9|2, al lhe front door cf the for the satisfaction oi said mortgage costs and at­ Coos County, Oregon, once a week in the Fri­
County C'ourl House »n Coquill« in »ad County, torney lees, liarring and foreclosing all lights, day lr.ue for s’x (b) cunsecut*ve weeks, beginning
at 10 o’clock in the forenoon <4 said day, sell at liens and claims of all and every peiscm ot per­ Fnday, Feluu-ry 9, 1912, and ending March 22.
and disbui srments taxed at »evenly-five and 45-
100 dollar», on the 4lh day of Jannary, 1912.
Notice 1» hereby given that I will, on the 17th
public auction tv lhe highest bidder for cash, the sons in and to said chattels or any part thereof 1912. (the same being the first and last dav of
¿uluequenl to lhe date of said mortgage and for time picMulted for the publication ol this sum­
following described properly, to-wit:
NE 1-4 <4 NE 1'4 Section 19, Township 29 such further relief as to the Court shall se<in mons) by older of publication made by the Hon­
Th» sun mon« is served on orable John 8. Coke. Circuit Judge ot the State
South ol Range I 1 West of the \V illamrtlr rtjuitaMr and just
Meridian, and all right. title, wteresi »nd estele you by publication theieof in the Bandon Re­ of Oicgon, m and for Coos County, al Chamber*
t4 said defendant ami all claiming by. flow, corder, a semi weekly newspaper, for a period in Coquille City, January 23, 1912.
Geo. P. Topping,
through or under bun al of subsequent to th«* of six w«rks from lhe dale ol first publication, by
order ol the Circuit Court afoirsaid duly made Feb. )-Mar. 22-F
and entered of record ott lhe 23rd dav of Jan»i*
lhe dale of first publivaltoa hereof
J»« Jtx-MwvbtCF
Attorney for Plaintiff,
B-J ok Or«v>o.
Attorney (or Plaintiff.
Hour«, ll to 1/
a.m. 1:30 to 4. p.m.; 7 to 8 in the eveniny.
Ni^ht calls answered from office.
Dr. Iu. ZE3 Sorensen
Office Over Vienna Cafe
Telephone at Office and Home.
OrticH With Bandon ItivcHltnenf Io
Dr. H- Ivi. Brown.
’T’HE RECORDER management has
Resident Dentist.
Office in Panter Building
ruary. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses'
Notice of Sheriff’« Sale
the N E I 4 of See. 21 Twp. 27 S. of Range 14
W. of lhe Willamette Meridian in Coos Cor.nty,
Oregon; and also the land described in a deed
John O. Bates, Plaintiff.
Office over Dray Store.
NW 1-4 and lhe SW 14 of the SW 1'4 of
from Rcra to Hopson, recorded February 17,
1910 on Page 126 in Book 56 Record of Deeds
of Coos County, Oregon, to be a mortgage and
Dr. Tï. IL. Houston
said agreement and decreeing the said
nants of mortgage and agreement to mor tgage lhe
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon in and
for Coos County.
VVcH Recommended 1^’
note to be executed due and unpaid from said
For a decree of the Court declaring the cove­
out by mail, except upon the laxpayer/ requnt.
M. G. POHL, Optometerist
loaf in town for the money.
Big in quality os well as quan­
at I j S. w
tity too. We couldn't use bet­
ter flour if we charged twice as
much for our bread.
We buy Agent Pacific Surety Company. Office Baek
and use the very best now. of Bandon Bldg. Phone 102, Bandon, Or eg an
Try a loaf and sec how every­
body will go into it. A body
would think it was cake to PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON
hear the youngsters begging
Office Hours 9 to w—1 to 5
for another slice.
ing been executed, by said deft ndants by the
April I at. pay taxes at face.
Hole will be nq
further notice of the »mount of taxes due sent
B. N. Harrington K. of R. S.
Saturdays at Hotel Gallier
Our Bread is the Largest
fendants Lucas & I lopson to give their promissory
note within one (I) year from the date of said
agreement for $4,(>87.50 to this tplair.tiff ?s hav­
able on end aller February 5, 1912. Three per
cent, upto March 15lli. From March 15th Io
TjELPHI LODGE, N o . 64, Knights of
Pythias. Meets every Monday evening
at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to
C. R. Moore, C. C.
nanl:’. of guarantee of said agreement and the
premise of agreement upon the part of said de­
terms of
I. <>. O. F
D ANDON LODGE, No. 133. I. O. O F.
meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting
brothers in good standing coidially invited.
Win. Lundquist, N. G.
S. A. McAllister, Secretary.
..ny other p ison by reason of . uch agre ement.
l or a decree of lhe Court dec laring the eove-
Taxe, for flic year ol 1911 are due and pay­
No. 45, o.
E. S., meets Saturday evening before and
after stated communication of Masonic Lodge
Visiting members cordially invited io attend.
Louise M. Boyle, W. M
Merta Mehl, Secretary.
Gatchell Bros.’ Transfer Line
i f naught any equity, right,, title or ink re t ac-
quiicef in said premises through the agreement
therein set forth or any covenants thereof or of
Notice to Taxpayer».
j £>
DANDON LODGE, No, 130 A. F. & A
M, Stated communications first Saturday
after the full moon of each month.
communications second Saturday
¡All Master Masons cordially invited.
W. E. Craine, W. M
■ Phil Pearson, Secretary
Knights of Pythias
solving and annulling and declaring ol naugnlany
equ ly, right, title or interest of the .aid defend,
ants 1 ucas 8c Hopson in and to the pren ises
herein first described and annulling and declaring
Once n Year!
Christmas comes but once n year,
But for that once we all pay dear.
V ¿siting
1 hursdays.
Eastern Star
make any settlement or adjustment therefor.
For a dexree of the Court declaring and dis­
“Raw a man older $30 worth of ham
«nd eggs yesterday."
“I’ve beard that old Joke.”
“This ain't any joke. The man was
hungry.”—Kansas City Journal.
Meets First and Third
Neighbors welcomed.
(A ccidental chapter ,
1’1 IONIC 641
urn agreed to be paid to ph inliff within
j (I) year Iroin the date of said agreem» nt or
w Friday January 2<X 1912.
G. 1
w. o. w.
Keep the logs rolling boys !
Prices $250 and up
I ires for cash or otheiwise as provided L-y the
He Must Have Been.
coats and doLursement» that have or may accrue
w. W. GAGE.
She« iff.
Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M.
JUT LETS First and Third Tuesdays of each
month at 8lh run at the Bandon Wig-
| warn. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are
cordially invited to attend.
A. J. Hartman,
J. C. Sheilds,
C. of R.
C. M. Gage, C. C.
All kinds of heavy and light denying. Phone orders given
prompt attention. Barn Cor. l it st & Spruce St., l ish Property
H. E. Boak, Secretary
j < c v< r.&nts of said agreement; and for a decree of
j ibe C ourt declaring that they have* wholly failed
ary, 1912.
are 75c per inch per month.
It costs you noth­
| plaintiff the sum of $4,€87.50 or any other rum*
1 I ft raid defendants are in default and have
! breached the covenants of said agreement to sell
| or otherwise disposeor Taiga.n any of said prem-
to make up any deficiency necessary to comj lete
date <4 the execirtkon of said mortvagr or so
much thereof as mi* be necessary Io satisfy lhe
said judgment in favor ol pla.nlil against said de­
fendant with interest thereon, together with all
Lodges are requested to notify this office
"i on election of officers and on change of
I meeting night. Cards under this head
ing to examine them.
In lhe Nan e of lhe State of O.tgtn
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office al Roseburg, Oregon.
January 3, HI 2,
buying a Piano, give us
a cal).
5 cu are hereby required io appeal and answer
’«he ccrrplaint filed against you in lhealoveen"
Natural Philosophy.
Notice For Publication.
If you are contemplating
and Professional .
“You tell u tree by Its fruits, don't |
“Then how is it tlint well water can
unike people sick?" Baltimore Atnerl
Jan. 19.April l-F
and Builders
ing to
Even Lucas, in lhe partnership of said Li sine»»,
and Lorena Barrows, defendants and to tach <f
Whan Science Rules the Toast.
They pledged the niiilda of flaehlns eye.
They toasted kin« and crown.
And each inan raised the tablet high
And gulped the spirits down
—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Send in youi lists of property as early as possi­
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
We furnish plans and speci-
To C. Evan Lucas, Otho L. Hopson, part­
ners doing businos under the firm Deme of Lucas
& Hcpton, ar.d JoFn R. Rohles, successor to C.
Typewriters Given Away.
The Leading Contractors
lications and it von are go­
>he partnership of said business |
and L.orena Barrows,
Defendants. J
February 9 1912
We are Agents for the
ton, partners doing biuinc »s un­
der lhe firm name of Lucas &
Hopson and John R. Rohles |
uccessor to C. Evan Lucas, in |
Subscription, fl 51» per Yenr in Advance. Advertising Rat“" Made
Known on Application. Job Priutiog a Specialty
Brow n & Gibson
made arrangements with the
Office Hours:
San Francisco Bulletin whereby we
can give subscribers the advantage of
a gigantic combination offer that will
furnish them all the news of the
country in a metropolitan daily and
all the news of Bandon and vicinity in
the Recorder at marvelous low price
9 Io 12 M.. I to 5 P. M,
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law
Office over Skeels* Store
Office Phone, Main 335;
résidence. Main 346
Washington, ID. C.
Public Land Matters, Final Proof, Des­
ert Lands, Contests and Mining
Cases, Script
Associate Work for Attorneys
The Daily San Francisco Bulletin,
The Bandon Recorder,
$3.00 per year
1.50 per year
• $4.50
Do you want pure drugs and
drug sundries, fine perfumes,
hair brushes and toilet arti-
I'oicv Kidney I’.li« will cine any
case <>l kidney or bladder trouble
not I evond the reach oi tnedicit»
No medicate can «!•» more. For sale
Both papers through
this office if paid in
advance, per year
by lUndon Diug Company.
If so, call on
Bandon, Oregon.