r Published Every l uesday anil Friday by the I k Recorder Publishing Company Jar At I wa Mil iriptioti. *1 50 |wr V r ir. Advance. A l vet t i-iti;; R. i ' j — Mil-- Known on Applic i1 ion. Job I’lint.tiijr a Spi-cinh > EuU-ie'l Ibo lb-»:’ oti Pnd (’bins Ma» FRIDAY................................................................................ i clru. ry «t+«HHM»4"f»4HM«4»4>4*4»4~£»4»*4.> a» <• Ry the Rev. W A Weird Story of Two r rgures o Net at Midnight o o w< o o ó o fo ot F sl re si B F a- a f< l< o s if r c t ( < « i T ♦ 4* 4» t : t i St! do Si or 4»4»4» 4* 4**> 4» 4*4» 4* <♦ 4* 4* 4*4* 4*4» 4*4* 4*4» 4» 4*4* 4* B. MILLARD. Pastor of the Park Congregational Church Chicago O^O^O^O^O-W^OO • ' M bi .12 Thou thalt not deceive thy mother. Thou shalt not think of thyself first, disregarding others. Thou shalt not esteem silk petticoats and diamond rings as of greater value than the family’s general welfare. Thou shalt not regard false pret nse as the highway to popularity, Thou shalt not gossip. Thou shalt not use loud speech nor bold manner to attract attention. Thou shalt not think more of the culture of thy heels than of thy head Thou shalt not hold the cup to thy brother’s lips nor to the lips of -• somebody else's brother. Thou shalt not imitate the fine lady’s language while thy mother V 4» I. washes the dishes and sweeps the house. Thou shalt find joy in the service of God. who created the*». 4« 4. .> •> <. »> 4. >4»4<4»4>4>*4>4<4» 4»4»4>4»*4»4 cu* Th wt wt lat : 2 Ten Commandments For Girls i Pr cal da qu L. J BUITERI IELD C. E. KOI’F ( wei i qu to vet Ga Rec ord er Bandon Dy F. A. MITCHEL Copyright by American Press Asso­ ciation, 1111. (•> OQ0<&OQ'O$4t>0 City folk who go io the seashore for a couple of weeks, or at most a few months in "tile season." see only the summer phase of il Of the other phase they are as ign »rant ns the in habitants of the earth are of tin» other side of the moon, which never pie sents its further hemisphere to us These summer visitors :t«>ii!>t■ thlit'c that 111 wi lier the ro.i t i- bleak So It is at limes, but il is only a different kind of bleakne s from that which <><•- raslonally prevails In hoi weather In winter wo have snov iorius; in riiiii iner we have fogs. But a bro hl. < risp day in wlnt r al tliu se.aslH >i « an I lu re I e an.'« 11 • ’,r more stimulating? Il sots t’ •» 1 .!.■•<•■» llirolilnng and brim- the < riiv •< ¡1 Io the t in,* was tiurd. I’rom the e tui ward I could liear »ontlnu< d rustling will h I have heard from my birth and which I could then hardly live without 1 walked fa» Ing the imLi. wld It w.'s at tlie full and stood midway l»etweeii tile liori/.oa and tue tnei i lian My dog. a collie, was nmp»'!im. nbout ahead of me. evidently ns mu» !• exhilarated by our surrmm. lugs as 1 Suddenly 1 In u I hi 1 five a »¡ai»k growl; then h< came ra’ii.iir.' back to me wldniag and rubbed . oisi my surprised. usually when wo walked out togethe either day or ni. lit he |»ahl little »h no »itto*’ tion to those we met cm the »poke to him ciu'iiurapnuly. b lihend to see what bad trig'ite I saw two silhouettes, light was ou their back faces dark, the one n man. the woman. There was »»»metldug 1 i their motion or s<»nw*thiug tin ter with my i i Ion. for tl • \ would ad viinee and hall. advHnce nn»l halt keeping Up this tuotlun conUiiuoiiiJy which weiuoil to tin* to In* like the KW.iying of an object moved by waves Hut hr they drew near me 1 (lid not no­ tice aurh mot loti« tlKHUU thia mUlit in en bee: use 1 ions themselvi wi‘ro both young and. strange ty appear, were walking olicir each othei ’s arms. < linging so •it I wondered how (hey could I all. Both wen* pale, and ns nn expression on their faces can only describe ns unrest rappel when we met. though itinued to impart to them the sv.aybiy l have mei just i111 11. whether it w a (he eas: ward < r some clothes <1 this slngulai elled (he sea They did me. so 1 addressed them. ait late." I ru’.iarki’d for h » w.iilt <»f sanici Iling »•'. b r to suy "Y(‘s," repliud Ihe yuvjg man. "\V ■ re gcing up oli t<> th“ bill \ «>nder.’’ Thure wiis bui o'ie l' Il. and that w.as . . an emineii» “ oh llic ere a »»f whi» h a.s <>ur cemetery 'ih,‘i,e were no •‘es »bore. « nP H ip tombntones 'li h uvei) from whf re we s’ood weru lihe In thè moon'b 'J ó’hy in Ihe ’orbi shmihl i ' ;s yen a » oupie wisli io • up t bere ut i.iiil’ii“ ht ? "Tberc is ?i fiu<‘ \ i''\\ of tbeoueun up i«‘re.” I re ii irkod ••pili i!’s »•olii." • ah! thè firl. with :i live! » •Il i •: i die vh*\v \vo wanl.” sm-i tl“’ '!’!*<• dead y a i :• meli, "‘t s tìi » i»’si ;i*r eri» ini ’i ’ i:rh“d They Ile irmi i <|■■ \ :r -i iiy night l’he. do fit t li »’ir ib.'t etinfinmsi distaili rustie U h » w . <• ; v. r lnfir n »»v n »r ilio <•.wheii i bey dnsh tir ”g is so frightful \v:iv<‘, It is merci n » a tight oui ever a V Wl- t lie !<». I.eil <:. v. ti nt I I k - girl of whom I k - nskinl tl • 'f Ion mid she icplted With n Im'. struck out for the mxl nothing against Thru vn rd I tghtened I assisted I swam with upon a wave danger was Tiie beiu h •d in and tvaf •rs were I lie bathing Now ami you • sank grew rhlVtf to nia »ink whose limltf- ne in i heir Iner, I ga*p i Hiuvd I "The boat fractied you y no reply. Tbe couple ¡«1- -wd uh. moving In unit ■ -io Ubutt- iating motion with which tln-y bud up- proached. I watched them till they turned to nsi end the cemetery hill. Then the moon'seetued to go under c black cloud and ll was i, si I'.iwn when ! felt n shake and noun-thing hot pouring down my throat. Then 1 knew that I was lieing •chafed. 1 win lifti-d up. rugs were put boil! me. .-Ilf 1 1 « :■- placed in some sort of conveyance, for 1 heard the Bound of wheels and felt a Jolting. Now and again liquor was poured down my tliront till the vehicle stop­ ped mid I was carried into a warm room, mid hot water bags were placed I.esjde me Then I opened my eyes and saw that I w.is at Lome. As -....... as I was able to talk I was asked how aii ! wl:;. 1 had collapsed on the t llad I been struck, had I felt Illness coming on? It is dltfi-nlt for me to explain that, shrinking front giving the true cause of Jr; laeukd wn Wn t ft n dread of bet! ■■ considered Ins: ne? Dkl I fear in.mnlt.' m> o-lf? Was ft the result of nervous n.-til.tr -s Was It a dislike to ialk about my frightful -■ ,| erfence? All these cause-- were miii'-l.tl The only rt . . . : I gave was that I had been .. ■ o’l Ike .-id mil supposed I mu l have received a stroke. Pet it |'k’ .-i'i.in do, a.red he could not tied that tiny portion of my phys- 1 t-l makeup had given way. The only danger I li d Incurred was that of . out u ■ ai.d barked at the door. My bid her. I. ar g him. had got upto let mt- in. supposing that I bad left tity- night key al li -i i ' V. lien lie ............. tin- door the dog ran away, barking, now mid again running back to the house, then starting on. My brother, realizing that the <|. was trying to p-r. mu! • him to follow, put on his coat mid hat mil was <■> i: tuetid to me, l.v .ig on tin- road. I w.-is nearly frozen. Within a few Roms after my arrival a home I was as veil as ever—that is. bodily. Mentally 1 bud received a slio k Tito e about me. seeing that I did not wish to la.- questioned about tlie cause of my trouble, retrained. One da; I heard that tin- bodies of a young i .an mid ti young woman who Imd been drowned during tlie previous sea> ni had been recovered They- had been thrown in a sort < f cove during a total and w< re loll1.J so tightly locked m each o ilers arms that they were si parmed with difllctilty. They were taken to tlie eeinetcry on tlie bill mid loiried there (tm- would suppose that I would now iity something about my meeting at inhlni.dit, Tlie dis every only drew me .lie Itchier within myself Not for the world would I In* pointed out as the Hiatt wlios • In- ilns had suddenly given wav mid laid supposed lie lii’d met with a su|iern:itur:tl experience 1 rather chose to I i'.“p my own co'ineil. The day inn.v cci ■•. though probably not In i iv time, when n moi hod will lie ills .urcr.-i by which we can communicate willi till- ill-mi ill l.v even see ami hear them Then those whoso natures seem I 111- so 1 oil I ill-led that tlicv can Have .’his comninai alien unnidod will lie title t i tell their stories mid still be bv'ieved to be eii-’-tallv sound tVe do not know that all our senses were born In primitive mini Perhaps a rie.w set- Mice may I e developed for discerning the supernatural. jf / Brown & üibson I The Leading Contractors I and Builders I ! Í IÎ li 3 Famous Baldwin Pianos fortiish i ’1.U1S and s| >eci- f.C.ll ons and it vim .ire of it f t l»t«b i er how i . V\ t • 1» ition ‘y. I yr u| can Le t>(>. anything us Ltxiue? are rei|Ue«ted to notify thu office Ï 4 on . lection at officers and on change of meeting night. Cards i.i dvr this head are 75c per inch per month. tV-i-MT Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. ¡V| EET> I it st and Third Tuesdays of each month at 8th run al me Bandon ig- wam. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing aie cordially invited to attend. J. C. Shetlds. A. J. Hartman, Sachem. C. oi R. no or how ,s;jvr \ oil l.iige Lodge and Professional 4 Directory We are Agents for the I ib'urt » £ 11 on you are contemplating w. buying a Piano, give us buildi I I a call. It costs you noth­ ing to examine them. V ¿. bi cksmiths ¿nd Prices $250 and up Easy Terms If! ? vV d(|Ji HlciKCi S ’ ! • ! 11 ’made io order. ' » i 1 1. ;< i. - :i i i i ! ) Wt»rk. 1 ’ I » i lo'St Siiorm^ a special! ¡LANDON DRUG CO. > Eastern Star QCclDEM Ai. CHAP1ER, No. 45. O. E. S., meets Saturday evening before and after slated communication of Masonic Lodge \ isiting members cordially invited to attend. Louise M. Boyle. W. M Me'rta Mehl, Secretary. Physician and Surgeon I. <». <». V il Office Rasroussen Bldg Phone 72 Bandon. Oregon I Gatcheli Bros.9 Transfer Line 1 GATCH ELI. BROS.. Props. All kun’s of hea.v and li^ht draj ing. Phone orders given prompt attention. Harn Cor. I t & Spruce St.. Fish Property I I I’I IONIC (541 Olir Bread is the Largest w. Mawoiiic. D a NDON LODGE, N o . 130 A. F. & A , M, Stated communications first Saturday I ? i.ru. 1:30 to 4, j nt. ; 7 to 8 in the evening. \L;bt ch II r anfluered NOON. from office. OilMtGN i Dr- D. H2. Sorensen DENTIST Office Over Vienna Cafe Telephone at Office and Home. Plenty of Purposs. "I have here a poem.” "Is It a puoi - of any serious pur- [io littsbii’il and 1 11:1 w our hou«<- furnislieil vini Iri'ly with wedding gifts Mrs I'ay Gracious! WUnt it lot of liri-sents'. Mrs Gay Yes 1 have Iss-n mar rii‘d four 'i; íes nini tuy husband Ihii-e l‘m I. H* Movrd Away. Tnere w « a mer hnnt In