Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, February 02, 1912, Image 1

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    Ü#,’»r»iíJBl5sx Üh*
[Win Not AW Coke Recall.
Will Have Fine Confections,
Soda Water, Lunches, etc.
Mesdames E. Lewin and B. N.
Hatrington will open a summer re­
sort for tourists and residents as
well, along the beach' sidewalk.
Th»y will handle fine confectionery,
ice cream, lemonade, soda water,
ard everything that goes with a tine
confectionery parlor. They will
also serve lunches and will put up
lunches in baskets for tourist and
beach parties, and will handle fine
home made cakes, pies and pastries.
The building will be started at
once and rushed to completion as
rapidly as possible. They will also
have a fine pavillion in connection.
.This is something that Bandon
has needed for a long time and will
be gladly welcomed by our citizens,
as it will not only be convenient for
home people who want to go to the
beach, but will no doubt be the
means of drawing many people to.
Bandon to spend a day on the beach
knowing that they can get refresh­
ments and lunches with absolutely
no bother to themselves- Mesdames
Lewin and Harrington are to be
congratulated on their enterprise in
the matter end are deserving of
great success in their undertaking.
They will certainly receive a good
patronage from the start.
New York, Jan. 29—Six Repub­
lican governors are enrolled in a
self appointed committee to advocate
the nomination of Roosevelt for the
Presidency, according to Governot
Stubbs of Kansas who is in New
York. The committee, unofficil but
active, includes Covernor Stubbs of
Kansas, Gov. Bass of New Hamp­
shire, Gov. Aldrich of Nebraska,
Gov. Hadley of Missouri, Gov
Glassock of West Virginia and Gov.
Osoorn of Michigan.
According to Governor Stubbs
the six governors are in constant
communication and as a resuit he is
in a position to judge the strength
of the very optomistic.
Deal is $300,000.
Eugene, Oré., Jan. 28 Deeds
were riled transferring approximately
8000 acres of timber lands in the
Siuslaw Valley carrying over 300,
000,000 feet of individual holder to
the Wendling-Johnson
company of San Francisco The
consideration will be in the neighbor
. hood of $300,000.
Last August the Wendling John­
son company purchased 800,000.000
feet of standing timoer in this terri­
tory and incorporated the Wiliam
ette-Pacific Railroad to reach it,
but later sold the surveys and op
tions on the right of-way to the
Southern Pacific company for its line
to Coos Bay. The purpose of the
present deal is to close up gaps be
tween tracts and get the timber lands
into shape for economical cutting
when the company is ready to put
the lumber on the market.
W anted —Woman to do general
hotelwoik, kitchen, washing clothes,
and chamber maid work, included.
$t2 to $15 per month, with room
and board. Address, E. M Pitner,
Hotel Langlois, Langlois, Ore. 712x
Times Change
When man or woman climb up in
years beyond the three scire and
ten mark the best part of their ex­
istence is gone, strength and agility
begin to give way to - weakness, and
the movements are slow. So far so
Accused to Be Required to
good for physical strength and the Shipping Business Continues
Pay Costs of Trial and changes of life. Mentally, however,
as Brisk as Ever at Coqpille
there is a broader and wider hotizen
Damage to Machines.
all around him visible, such as young
generations are unable to see until
they too are taught by experiences
changes, then they begin to
At the conclusion of the hearing
The Fifield arrived in port this
in a different light than morning with 80 tons of freight and
of A. C. Gabernache, charged with
malicionsly and wilfully damaging they have been used to in former, the following passengers: Mrs.
the linotype machines in the Times younger, undeveloped minds and Shwer, T. Coolbaugh, G. T. Moul-
office, Justice Pennock this afternoon characters.
ion, T. M. Jones and wife, Mrs.
My disposition while a young Shaw, J. L. Kronettberg and wife,
announced that he would withhold
his final decision in the matter pend­ man was light hearted and cheerful. Mrs. Nosier. E. J. Hite, Mrs. Hite,
ing an tffoic to adjust the case along Nothing pleased me more than true Mr. Langworthy, Mr. Shine, G. W.
lines that he suggested. He stated enjoyment and jokes. Some mem­ Kerr.
that he was convinced from the evi ories have become lost to the mind,
The Brookyn sailed Wednesday
deuce that Gabernache had com­ but pleasant and laughable incidents with 738,000 shingles, 191,000 feet
mitted the offense with which he was are still found.
of lumber.
Manuel Herman and mysely used
charged but that bethought it might
The Bandon sailed Wednesday
be best to settle it without further to be very close friends, the fact is. with a full load of lumber and rail-
litigation by Gabernache's making I had a home with the family of road ties.
recompense for the injury he had Doctor Herman. Manuel and my
The Tillamook arrived this morn­
done. He stated that if the com­ self shared sports and frolicked like ing with 450 tons of freight.
plainant against Gabernache so twin brothers and good chums.
desired, that he (Justice Pennock) Well do I remember one evening,
Dante’s Inferno.
would bind the accused over to the he had just leiumed Iroin a trip to
Empire City, p iddling the canoe
grand jury.
At the Grand, Monday and Tues­
handed up the Bay to Isthmus day, February 5th and 6th.
The hearing lasted all afternoon
This $100,000 Feature Production
yesterday, all morning and part of slough, carrying provision over, the
this afternoon. A number of wit­ Isthumus there to load another will positively be exhibited on these
canoe, winding and twisting under­ two nights.
nesses were called on both sides.
neath the branches of the vine
Don't fail to get a program at the
Mr. Page, an experienced ma­
maple until he came to the Coquille Box Office It’s free.
river; up, up he paddled, taking ad­
Although this magnificent Art
had examined the Times’ linotype
vantage of each and every eddy and, Film has been shown in many of the
machines and that he knew that the
On Wednesday, January 31st, at 3 injury to them had been done ma­ nearly wern out he fastened his best theatres thruout the East at
p. m. at the home of Mr. Lewis E. liciously and by a person who knew canoe to a stout root, unloaded the prices ranging ftoin 50c to $1.50,
Coats, Prosper, Mr. William Henry what to do to “plug’’ them. Other flour and ottier groceries and de tfie admission at The Grand will be
McBride, ol Port was united witnesses showed that Gabernache posited them| in a good dry place 25c to all; no reduction for children.
in marriage to Mm. Gert J. *». aas the only one around the ma­ for over night. From there to his
Bradley, Rev. Adolph Haberly of chines who could have possibly done father's home was only a distance ol
Notice of Dissolution.
about eight miles by elk trail. The
Bandon officiating. The wedding it.
question was, will you have supper,
was quietly celebrated, with only
Deputy District Prosecuting At­ or do without it? He had alreadv
Notice is hereby given that the
the immediate relatives present. torney Liljeqvist, who prosecuted
business of Albert Bray­
Mr. and Mrs. McBride will make the case stated this afternoon that it
Warren, heretofore ex­
their home in Port Orford where the would probably be best to comply
by mutual con­
groom has prepared a home for his with Justice Pennock’s decision in
bride. Mr. McBride is well known the case.
vision, and an ernty stomach urged 8 t2-x
B. Warren.
in Bandon having followed his trade
In view of the opinions of Justice him onward.
here as carpenter a couple of years
Pennock and Mr. Liljeqvist. M. C.
A-»out half way I had a clapboard went off and I got water from the
Maloney, proprietor of the Time, shack
which I occupied when at nearby spring to clean up, and shine
will concur with them. He will home.
Manuel was more than up the face.
Northwestern Denies Story. propose that Gabernache be re­ pleased when on
liis way to it he
Boiled blood beets for breakfast?
quired to leave $500 on de; osit with | found a good sized turnip which Nop, there are too many deer
Chicago, Jan. 31.—Concerning W. U. Douglas, Gabernache’s at­ some one had lost You may be around here.
The night had been foggy, brush
the report sent out from Portland torney, to meet the costs of the ac­ lieve me he went for it. I was at
that the Chicago & Northwestern tion in the justice court and also ol home and heard something chewing was wet yet, thus easy to stalk and
railroad was to be extended to the the cost of repairing the machines and biting but owing to the bushes secure game. I shouldered the gun
and trees I could not see what it and with inocasins on my feet out I
Pacific coast. President W. A as will be determined later.
Another stipulation will be that was until he stepped out into the went. Twenty minutes later a good
Gardner denies that the company
is planning to extend from Lander, he leave Coos ttav immediately, clearing fairly attacking the turnip. sfzed deer lay dead on the gr »und,
“Helo, Bohl, got some bread?’
piobably on the Redondo tomorrow
a bright lite burned close by against
No, I have a mess of blood beets, a log, before it, roasting the ribs of
It has been reported many times ii the settlement is effected. —Coos
that is all. You are welcome.”
the animal, watching the fat drip­
that this road would be pushed Bay Times.
“Nop," and there he bit off an­ ping off, anti turning the meat to
through to meet competilionof other
other corner of turnip and was oft. give it a good brown color, sat I.
transcontinental lines, but the North­
Will Put on Autos.
My bedstead, or rather hammock
Now it was done just right and
western's favorable connections with
a breakfast it was! I would lie
the Harriman lines has made the
if I had such now. This
construction of a road of its own un-
shouldered the two hind
the back, we called it
President Gardner is not tn
and gun in hand I di­
tar west as was reported.
passenger service when the Ceos and was soon asleep. Somehow or rected my course to Doctor Herman.
Bay wagon road permits. The pas­ other a spark from the fire must have The fog had lifted the sun was
‘ Militiamen Attention.
senger traffic, in connection with the flown and settled upon the rope by warm, black logs had to be stepped
mail contract, is a paying proposi- which the elkhide was kept in place. over, lonely ravines crossed. It
’Inspection of the 5th Div. Oregon • tion. The mail has to be carried in At any rate the first thing 1 knew was not long until prespirat on flowed
Naval Militia will be held at Bandon ; any event, and passengers who travel down went the elkskin spilling me freely. The coil dust from the logs
Armory, on Feb. 5th, 1912 at 8 p. in the mail stages amount to the j head foremost into the ashes of the had blackened the hands, with them
m. sharp every member must be same thing as finding that much fireplace. Well, I was not very slow wijiing
off the dampness from
present and in possession of every money. In the winter time, when in picking myself up and shaking the face and neck, besides one rent
article issued him by the service.
the road is muddy, the passenger the hot ashes from my head. of the clothes after the other fixed
L’ P. Sorensen,
trade is cut out, and the contractor The rest of the night I slept on the one up rather badly.
Com. Officer 5th Div. O. N. M. is thereby limited to his contract soft side of a cedar plank.
I struck the trail, but law, there
Next morning Manuel found me came Mrs. S. 1 called to her, “turn
price for carrying the mail. Of
course, if the road was planked or I still sleeping. JHe brought old round Mrs. S.” She did so and I
Firemen Attention!
graveled its entire length, the pas­ 1 Croppy, his father's horse, so named passed her without more to say.
senger traffic would continue, to ■ because the Indians had cut both My friend the old doctor was at
Tuesday evening February 6th is some extent, all winter. It may be I ears off for some mischief the horse home and he soon fixed me up in
regular meeting of the Bandon Fire for this reason that a howl goes up had done.
style. As pay I lelt him the meat
Department at which time there will every once in a while that Barnard
Well, what do you think he did and we enjoyed a good dinner.
lie election of officers and other im­ is about to change the Coos Bay when he saw my face still covered in They would not let me go home un­
portant business. All firemen are mail to the Myrtle Point route unless streaks with ashes. He laughed til next morning and we passed a
earnestly urged to be present. 7t2 the Coos Bay wagon road is further and made fun about it, laughing un- very pleasant evening, indeed it was
improved. There may be method ’ til I had to do the same, and there worth all the meat I left. It is not
For a house to rent see Spencer. ,n his madness.—Coos Bay News. 1 we laughed at one another, until he so any longer.
The efforts of the parties at Rose­
burg to have Coos County Socialists
assist them in their effort to revive
the effort to recall Judge Coke has
met with a sharp rebuke. The Co­
quille Socialists Local has adopted
a resolution declaring it will not be
a party to the scheme of the Rose­
burg politicians behind it.
The resolutions adopted by the
Coquille Socialists is as follows:
“Whereas, Local Coquille of Coos
county of the Socialsit party has re­
ceived a petition for the recall of
Circuit Judge John S. Coke for gross
incompetency, with request that
thi> Local solicit signatures to same;
And whereas said John S. Coke is
not a member of the Sccialst party
and is neither a ward or servant of
the Socialist party, the efore be it,
“Resolved, that Local Coquille
has no part in said recall petition:
lor if said Judge had been elected by
the Socialist party he would if nec­
essary, have been recalled without
any petition because he would have
been compelled to sign an undated
resignation before becoming a can­
didate, then all that would be need­
ed to recall him would be for the
proper committee to till in the date
and present it to the proper officials.
Adopted January 28, 1912.
J E. Quick, Sec. Local Coquille.
W. H. Lyton, chairman. Local
Industrial Contests in Schools
Before the first March winds blow
the greatest series of trvouts ever
I held in the schools of Oregon will
be under way. The boys and the
girls of the state are going to deter­
mine “Who is Who” in gardening,
farming, carpentry, cooking, sew­
ing, and in raising chickens, ducks
and pigs. Enthusiasm for this state
wide series of industrial contests is
waxing warmer tl^in it has ever
been for contests along athletic lines.
The plan is for every county su­
perintendent to enlist the support of
his teachers in explaining the plan **
to the children and interesting them
in the work, and to secure the co­
operation of commercial clubs, bank­
ers and business men in obtaining
prizes for their local or county fairs.
These county or local premium IFts
may be made out independently of
the state list, but in order that chil­
dren competing at a local or county
fair may also be in line lor slate
prizes, the local or county list should
include the articles on the state list,
which are: field corn, pop corn,
sweet corn, watermelons, muskmel­
ons, pumpkins, squashes, potatoes,
cabbage, grain selections, pieces of
furniture, bird houses, mechanical
toys, labor saving devices for home,
bread, canned fruit, jelly, mending,
darning, aprons, dresses, asters,
sweet peas, chickens, ducks and
A bulletin of information and in­
struction, including the state prize
list, will soon be sent out to the
school children, one for every home.
All that 1 he boys and girls now need
to do is to go to work. If they
want to compete in gardening they
should at once secure a plot of
ground, which they may have
plowed. If boys expect to win
prizes in woodwork they should be­
gin practicing with their tools. I
girls wish to carry off laurels in
cooking and sewing, they must be­
gin early either at school oral home.
If it is the poultry contest that lures
most, settings of *ggs should be se­
cured front breeders of pure strains
of chickens or ducks. Or if hog
raising seems most attractive, the
competitor should secure a thor­
ough-bred pig and start to feeding
and caring for it. There is nothing
to prevent a boy or girl from com­
peting in all those lines..
Wednesday, January 31st, was
Miss Hattie Johnson's 14th birth­
day, and her mother, Mrs. J. John­
son, planned and successfully carried
out a veiy pleasant surptise for the
occasion. A number of her young
1 idy friends were invited in to a 6:00
o’clock dinner, which was such as
only Mrs Johnson can prepare. The
color scheme for the table decora­
tions was green, red and white, and
the decorations were exceedingly
beautiful. Those present to enjoy
the occasion were: Misses Lona Jen­
sen, Maitha Korth, Ottilie Lewin,
Reta Mars, Josephine Haaland, Alia
V’arsand Lottie Schreiber.
A Check Account
Helps your credit.
against loss.
Creates busi­
ness habits.
Teaches econ­
Open an account at
this bank today.
Pay your
bills by check. One dollar is
all {the
money required to
start your account.
First National Bank
State Depositary