X Saves Two Lives must be well fed in order to keep them in first class con­ dition. That doesn't mean merely giving the horse plenty. It means also giving them the best feed obtainable. Buy your feed here and you will be dor ing your full duty by your horses. You'll pi ofit too. For horses fed with our feed are always worth more than those not so well cared for. Cen tral Feed Co. Central Warehouse, Phone 142. ‘‘Neither my sister nor myself might be living today, .1 it had not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery-’ writes A. D. cDonald of Fayette­ ville, N, C. R. F. D. No. 8, “lot we both had frightin' coughs that no other remedy could help We were told my sister had consumption. She was very weak and had night sweats but your wonderful medicine com­ pletely cured us both. It’s the best I ever used or heard of.-’ For sore lungs, coughs, colds, hemorrhage, lagrippe, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough all bronchicl trou­ bles— its supreme. Trial bottle tree. 50c and $r.oo. Guaranteed by all druggist Equipped with Wireless A Fierce Threat. The train was full of fierce robbers. Strong men sat in the seats of the cars and held their bands ns high as possi­ ble. Women trembled and wept, with the exception of the spectacled young woman from Wayside station. A rob­ ber approached her. “Don’t you dare to touch me.” she shouted, "or I’ll scream as loud as 1 can!’’—Argonaut. S. S. BREAKWATER Always on time. Sails from Portland at 8 p. m. Tues­ day, January 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. Sails from Coos Bay Saturday January 6, 13, 20, 27, at service of the tide Confirm Sailings Through C. M. SPENCER, Agent Bandon I Solves A Deep Myrtery “I want to thank you from the bottom .4 7.50. Freight per Ton, ¿3.00 Makes Regular Eight Day Trips between San Ftanciscgtand Bandon. SUDDEN X CHRISTENSEN, Owners and Operators San Francisco, Calif. J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon, Ore. ^litsu is the name of the happy fam ily whom they cull Rothschild of Ja­ pan. A hundred and fifty years ago they were still in moderate circum­ stances. Now they own property worth about $200.04Ki.OtM). The seat o( the family is in Tokyo, but the mem bers are scattered all over Japan. They own the principal banks. You are hereby required to appear and an- ■ ■ ■ | I against you in the above entitled suit in the above I entitled Court on or before Tuesday, the 6th day i of February, A. D. 1912, and if you fail so to 4 I ., Milk and Buttermilk. The nutritive value of milk as com­ pared with buttermilk is not near so great as some appear to think. It is about as twenty to eighteen. You get about as many energy units out of a pint and a quarter of buttermilk as you do out of one pint of sweet milk Besides, the bacteria of typhoid tend to die out In buttermilk because of Its acidity. Old Soldier Tortured "For years I suffered unspeakable torture from indigestion, constipation and liver trouble,” wrote A. K Smith, a war veteran at Erie, Pa., “but Dr. King’s New Life Pills fixed me all right. They’re simply great.” Try them for any stomach, kidney or fiver trouble. Only 25c at all druggists. Orders taken for delivery answer or otherwise plead to the appear and her said complaint, which relief demanded in is substantially—I si, lor a decree of the Court dissolving the bonds ot matrimony now existing between t'ne said plaintiff and the defendant, and for a divorce therefrom. 2nd, 1 hat the care, custody and control of the minor child of the plaintiff’s and defendant’s be awarded to the said plaintiff; and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. is published by order of the summons Hon. John S. Coke, Judge of Provide for To-morrow by saving to-day. Don't put off the saving until the morrow which may find you with noth­ ing to save. Start a savings account now and add to it as often and as much as you can. The longer you put it off the harder it will be to begin and the greater the sorrow the mor­ row may bring. said complaint for want thereof, the plaint if will This BiiAa plead to the complaint filed swer or otherwise the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the 2nd Judicial dis­ trict cf said State. F. J. Feeney, Dated Dec. 22, 1911. Dec. 26-Feb. 6-T Attorney for Plaintiff. 1 Notice For Publication. Department of the S teamer El El Eld) Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. is Notice Bandon, Means Speed, Safety and Comfort given that Cass Smith, of hereby on August 26, I9C6, who, Oregon, made Homestead entry Serial, Twin Screws, Wireless Equipment, Hot and Cold Water. When you Travel Have the Best. It costs you no more. No. 04019, (or Lots 2, 3 and 6, Section 5, Township 30, S., Range 14, West WillameUe Meridian, has filed intention to make Final Five Year, notice of proof, to establish claim described, land above to the R. Wade, United Stales before C. Commissioner, at Bandon, Oregon, on Up Freight $3.00 per Ion. See us for Rates on Down Freight. I st day of March, 1912. Claimant Charles Durham, Lovington, III., lias succeeded in nnding a positive cure for bed wetting. “My little boy wet the bed every night clear through on the floor. 1 tried sev eral kinds of kidney medicine and 1 was in the drug store looking for something different to help him when I heard of Foley Kidney Pills. After he had taken them two days we could see a change and when he had taken two thirds of a bottle he was cured. That is about six weeks ago and he has not wet in bed since ” For sale by all dealers. Phone 171. in the Name of the State of Oregon: January 9th, 1912 Japan’s Rothschilds. QEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO j apply to the Court for the Phone 431 I The Danger of La Grippe is its fatal tendency to pneumonia. To cur? your la grippe coughs take Folev s Honey and Far Compound. R. E Fisher, Washington. Kansas . savs: “I wits troubled with a severe attack of la grippe that threatened put uinonia, A friend advised Fo. •ey's Honey and Tar Compound and I got rel el alter taking the first few doses. I took thee bottles and my la grippe was cured.” Get the genuine, in the yellow package. For sale by- all dealers. names as James Me witnesses: Adams, Delos W. Gardner, S. S. Shields and R. H. Rosa, all of Bandon, Oregon. BANDON WAREHOUSE CO. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. Jan. I6-Mch 27. Freight and Passenger Agents Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Mill Wood December 18, 1911. Notice is Bandon, that Abe Corson, of hereby given who, Oregon, on February 2, 1909, entry Serial, No. 04113, for made Homestead SW 1-4 NE 1-4, E 1-2 NW 1-4, and SWNW 1-4, Section I I, Township 30 S, Range 15 W, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention Io make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. R. Wade, U. S. Commissioner, at Bandon, Oregon, on the 1st day of February, 1912. names as witnesses: John Miller, Claimant and William Tenbrook Fred Gross, George Koontz, all of Bandon, Oregon. 99-112 BENJAMIN F JONES. Register A Great I Phone, call or send your order to John F. Bane for all kinds of Mill Wood. $2.00 per load or $3.00 per load for split wood. Delivered to any part of town. Phone 171 or Residence 691. Pay Tom Lewis and take receipt Clubbing Offer Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, one year............................................................ $1.50 Bandon Light and Power Co Bandon Recorder Semi - Weekly 1.50 one year. ..$3.00 Total... Both Papers One Year $2.00 Lamps, Batteries, Fixtures, Bells General Electrical Supplies How Willi« Won. Mother—Did you do as I told you at Mrs Winters’ and not ask the second time for pie? Willie-Yea, ma I didn't have to ask only once. I got the first piece with­ out askin’.—Boaton Transcript. The Semi-Wcekly Oregon Journal Office Oakes’ Building. Hours 8 to 5 Publishes the latest and most complete tele­ news of the world; graphic gives reliable market reports, as it is published at Portland Foley Honey and Tar compound is a reliable family medicine Give it to your children, and take it your self when you 4eel a cold coming on. It checks and cures coughs and colds and croup and prevents bronchitis and pneumonia. For sale by all dealers. A Long Siege, After a siege of twenty-four year* Turkey took Candla from Venice In ! 10C9. Do not allow your kidney and 1 bladder trouble to develcp beyond the reach of medicine. Take Foley Kidney Pills. They give quick results and stop irregularities with surprising promptness. Fci sale by all dealers. where the rected It also has a special matter for the farm page of home, market news can be and is cor­ to date for each issue. an and interesting story page and a page or more of comic each week, and it goes to he subscriber twice each week-—104 time« a year. ---------------- 4k.------------------------------------------------- Bandon Iron Works Consolidated with Sherrard Machine Works and Rogers’ Foundry The Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder Give« all the local new« and*happmtngt and should be in every home in this vicinity. 'The two papers make a splendid combination and you can save $ I by tions to 1 he sending your Bandon Recorder. subscrip­ We can All Kinds of Machine Work and Casting Done also give our subscribers a good clubbing of­ fer for the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday Journal m connection with the Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder Mill and Woods Work a Specialty