VOLUME XXVIII BANDON, OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 19, 1912 NUMBER 4 Baker, II. L. Houston. E. Reynold», Forester«’ Ball, Jan. 27th. Fourmile Note«. J. I.. Kronenl>erg and Oaborne, and Mesdamea C. Evland and Bert Fol­ I he Foresterswill give a Gram Mrs. James Alumbaugh has been som of Coquille. on the sick list but is better now Ball at Oriental Hall, Saturdav even­ Mesdames Edmund Gallier and R. ing, January 27th. A good time is R. P. Hunt has received the ap­ W. Boyle, in costumes of the early pointment as road supervisor for assured all who attend. Colonial period, with powdered hair district 24. and dainty fans, lent a charm of I saw an item in the Fourmile Portland Paper Finds Fur­ Have Bought Box Factory. Much Business of Importance completeness. At the I. O. O. F. Hall, Sat* notes about the dog salmon keeping / Miss Weddle, as Dolly Varden, ther Evidence of Big Sys« urday Evening, Jan. 13, Transacted at Meeting settlers awake nights. Sleepy Ike looked very pretty, as did also the certainly has not been in Coos long, Brown and Gibson have bought 1912 tern’s Activity Mesdames Linegar and Lorenz and for the neighbors have to keep their Wednesday Night the Bandon Box Factory which dogs tied in doors to keep the sal the Misses Carey and Lewin, while mon from fighting and killing them. closed down last summer, the deal little Gladys Gallier as Lady Wash­ being closed yesterday. They started Homer Davis has been on the sick ington attracted a great deal of at­ Early last week, prettv invitations, tention. The following, from the Portland in this morning to put things in con­ The Bandon City Council met in list but is better at last report. printed in silver were issued to R. P. Hunt and C. F. Blumeri- There were a great many beautiful Journal, tends to confirm stories dition and expect to be operating regular session Wednesday night about too guests to attend the cele­ costumes worn bv others. afloat some time ago that the North­ the factory within a short time. with Mayor Mast in the chair and all rother are doing some ditching on the Houghten place. bration of the 25th anni vers try < f In the wee small hours of the western is looking to Coos Bay a9 a There is also an excellent pl ming councilmen present. the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen morning all departed wishing the fair Pacific Coast terminal: mill equipment in the factory, and Next Monday the 22nd of Jan is In the matter of the improvement Gallier at Odd Fellows’ Hall. “Wh> n news leaked out in Port­ when in operation the big factory of Eddy street between Fourth and the day set to commence the survey­ bride and groom many more years The guests were requested to ap­ land that within the last few days adds a great deal to Bandon’s indus­ Eighth streets, the council having ing and straightening of the down of wedded happiness, and all declar coast county ,oad from Bandon to pear in their wedding costumes or in the Pittsburg & Gilmore railroad trial institutions. obtained jurisdistion over said im­ the Curry county line. « ing it one of the most enjoyable the dress of ’’long ago” and most company, which is generally believed provement and advertised for bids times in their lives. Warren Deyoe was a Myrtle Point of them entered into the spirit of the to be a subsidiary company of the Important News of Oregon. according to specifications as filed in visitor last week. Following is a list of the presents occasion. Chicago & Northwestern, had au­ the office of the City Recorder for received: Little Helen Deyoe, daughter of Mrs. Geraldine Morris presided at thorized the construction of its line improvement, and whereas said spec­ W. Deyoe, who has been to Oakland Dr. and Mrs. Houston, silver jelly the piano, and promptly at the hour Portland, Ore., Jan. 16. (Special) ifications provided for an eighteen with her uncle, Tom Guerin, on a down the Salmon river canyon in spoon of 9 o’clock to the strains of the One of the important conferences of foot bridge on said Eddy street, be­ visit, returned last week by way of Idaho, headed on a direct water Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kronenberg, beautiful wedding march from Lo grade to Pasco, Wash., where it the new year will be a logged off tween Seventh and Eighth streets, the bay. carving set. hengren, the wedding procession will make connection with the North land Congress, to be held in Port­ and no remonstrance having been Mr. and Mrs. Catterlin of Lang­ Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Trowbridge, lois were initiated in the Bandon entered the hall led by the two little land within the next two months. Bank and continue its downhill run presented by the property owners salad forks. Grange at the last regular meeting. flower girls—l.entner and Edmund to Portland, new light was thrown This will be the most exhaustive on said street against said specifica­ Mr. and Mrs. C. Evland, beefsteak M. M. Gallier, son and nephew of the biide on the recent activity in east side study of the subject ever held and tions and improvement, but at this set. and groom—daintily attired in the realty blocks south of East Morrison will be under the auspices of the meeting certain property owners af­ Mr. and Mrs. Guriev Boak, berry Grand Theatre. costume of the year 1840. strewing street and between the river and Oregon Development League. The fected by the building of this bridge, spoon. Portland headquarters is making the petitioned the council to change the Howers from a magnificent clothes Union avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Thrift, desert Tonight, Jan. 19—“An Eyefor an basket as they moved up the aisle It was stated today by one who is arrangements. specification in regard to the bridge spoons. Eve ” a thrilling drama of the Revo­ Statististics are now being col­ to a bridge the full width of said Following these came the lovely in a position to know, that the Pitts­ Miss Zettie Gibson, sugar spoon. lutionary Times in France. “An young brides maids—Edna Gallier. burg & Gilmore has authorized con­ lected that will be a logged-off land street, in order that the council may Idle Boast” showing ups and downs Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Catterlin, ber­ Alice Gallier, Edna Russell and Lot struction of its main line down Sal­ census, showing the extent of such obtain jurisdiction over these speci­ in the life of a college graduate. ry spoon. tie Carey, costumed in wedding mon river, bent on getting into Port­ lands in each county. These figures fications and improvement, a resolu­ Saturday, Jan. 20.—“Arbutus” Mr. and Mrs. C Y. Lowe, boul- gowns of ye olden time. land and on to the coast, there is will be used in attracting settlers to tion was passed rejecting all bids re­ a Vilagraph drama of unusual merit. lion spoons. Directly preceeding the sweet nothing more natural than that the these idle areas. Another purpose ceived for this improvement, said “A Romance of the Sixties. ” A war Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rosa, sterl­ bride, Mary Langlois, was her maid two lines should cooperate in secur­ of the coming congress is to teach resolution repealing all resolutions drama in which President Lincoln ing silver salad spoon. plays a prominent part. An excep­ of honor and girlhood friend, Tillie ing east side terminals in this city, it the best methods of clearing the had relative to the improvement of tionally thrilling film. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, is pointed out. Lnd of stumps and making it pro­ Eddy street, and the City Recorder Kronenberg. Sunday. Jan. «1 — “The1 Awaker- preserve spoon. By building its road down Salmon ductive. The latest investigations was ordered to readvertise for the ing of John Bond.” Showing the At this point they were met by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Langlois and river to the Snake and on down the along this line will be given for the improvement of Eddy street in ac­ miserable conditions of the tenement the groom, Stephen Galler, and his Mrs. Osborne, berry spoon. Snake to Pasco, Wash., and then benefit of settlers and the best meth­ cordance with new specifications as districts of our large cities. “An best man, John L. Kronenberg, a Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lorenz of Co Oil Country’s Romance” a picture connecting with the North Bank od of removing stumps thoroughly filed. life-long friend, and conducted to the showing splendid scenes in the oil quille. salad fork. road, which is a Hill road, a water explained. It is believed this meet­ Resolutions were passed ordering regions, along with an interesting altar, where they were received by Mrs. Geraldine Morris, butter knife grade haul will be secured from ing will be of state- wide benefit. the City Recorder to advertise the love story. the minister, Rev. E. Lewin, who and sugar shell. Grand Theatre, Bandon s Cozy Armstead, Mont. The road will tap performed in a most impressive man­ Medford will welcome mining men Council’s intention of establishing a Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Topping, Playhouse. the rich mining districts of central of the Northwest on February 3 and grade on Third and F'ourth streets ner the marriage ceremony, the bride sterling silver mounted whisk broom ----- 00c----- Idaho, in which it is said the Chica­ 4, when the Southern Oregon Min­ in Woodland Addition. and groom standing under a beauti­ Occidental Chapter O. Ek S. ol go & Northwestern is especially in ­ ful floral arch, from which was sus­ A petition was read signed by cit­ ing Congress will be held. Mining School Notice to Parent«. Bandon, souvenir spoon of the or­ terested , and the ore may then be experts will give talks and practical izens in West Bandon, petitioning pended “wedding bells.” der. hauled at a minimum expense to the miners will participate in the dis the Council to order a sidewalk laid When the minister came to the The attention of parents is direct­ Mrs. Ella Nelson, souvenir spoon. smelter at Tacoma, which is the near­ cussions. Demonstrations of gold- on the south side of Fourth street in ed to the fact that the second half of solemn words, “Mary, wilt thou take Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McKenna, est smelter in the district. Such a saving machinery will be made. this man. with all his many’ faults, the original townsite commencing at the school year will open on Mon­ oyster ladle. etc., to be thy lawful wedded hus­ road would also shorten the distance the walk in front of the Button place, day, January 29th. Klamath county is going in for Mr. and Mrs. R. Mast and Mr. On that date pupils in the primary between Chicago and Portland about agricultural education in its schools running thence east to connect with band?” she responded in a sweet low grade will be admitted, and it is and Mrs F. Linegar of Coquille, 300 miles. voice, “I believe 1 can stand him a A tract of 86 acres has been brought the school sidewalk, and as the street hoped that all beginners will be in sterling silver teaspoons. The Pittsburg & Gilmore toad, few years longer.” is only 30 feet wide at points, and attendance upon the first day if pos­ Mrs. and Mrs. G. T. Treadgold, from Armstead, Mont., to Salmon and an experiment station will be The lovely bride was attired in a as portions of this street are not a sible and not later than the end of established, where students will cake knife. City. Idaho, is completed and the street and have not been dedicited the first week. wedding dress originally worn by a Mrs. and Mrs. L. J Radley, silver grading from Salmon to Shoup, lo­ practice agricultural methods under as such, and as petition did not con­ Parents are asked to kindly send bride cf 50 years ago, and carried a the direction of an expert who will slips with the name and age of chil­ tooth pick holder. cated at the eastern end of the Sal­ tain the signatures of property own­ dren who are entering for the first shower bouquet of roses and ferns, be secured from the Oregon Ag­ Mr. and Mrs. B. E'olsom of Co­ mon River canyon, is completed. ers that would be affected by this time. and on her silvering hair was a crown ricultural College. quille, silver jelly stand. Two surveys have been completed improvement, a resolution was passed According to the State law no of orange blossoms. The groom Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Langlois of for the Pittsburg & Gilmore road. Hearing before a board appointed leferring this petition back with the child under six years of age will be wore the conventional black and Langlois, s:lver hair receiver and One, over which it is said a road from the reclamation service on the understanding that they present a admitted. H. L. H opkins , looked handsome. Jan. 29 Superintendent. tooth pick holder. will be built first, is down the Sal much mooted question of the ex petition signed by property owners While the newly wedded pair were Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Boyle, sterl­ mon and Snake rivers to Pasco, and tension of the Umatilla project, will and assist the city in obtaining the receiving congratulations, Mr. J. K. ing silver olive spoon and pickle fork. the other leaves the Salmon at the begin January 24. The board will dedication of port ions of the pro­ Elizabeth Sailed Wednesday. Baker rendered a beautiful violin se­ Dr. H. M. Brown, coffee spoons. junction of the Little Salmon and sit in Hermiston, Pendleton and posed street not dedicated. lection, accompanied by his wife on Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Reynolds, runs down to Meadows, where it Stanfield to hear objections made by The report of the Municipal Judge The Elizabeth sailed Wednesday the pi mo. orange spoons. the various sections in regard to with 9 tons of miscellaneous freight, joins the P. & I. N., running from for the quarter ending September Dancing was the order cf enter­ Mr. and Mrs. E. Philpot, nut Meadows to Weiset, and which is sources of water supply for carrying 30th was accepted, said report re­ 269,000 feet of lumber, and the fol­ tainment and the company in- lowing passenger«: Geo. Schultze, said to be controlled by the Chicago •ut the proposed work and after mitting a balance of $90.00 in fines A. Klena, N. W. Young, wife and duldged in old fashion quadrilles, cracker and picks. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Messer of Co­ & Northwestern. This survey getting all possible information on for said quarter. under the direction of James Mast son Eldon, R. H. Rosa and J. E. quille, Don bon dish. A resolution was passed directing Walstrom. crosses the Snake river at Weiser, the subject, the board will make and R. E Buck, the latter of whom Mrs. John Kronenberg Sr. of Co­ and hits across Central Oregon to recommendations to Secretary Marshal Holman to deputize a spec­ had “called off” for many of those quille, pie knife. Fisher of the Interior Department. ial pound master with authority to Coos Bay. Just what points are present 25 years ago at dances. Mr. and Mrs. T P. Hanly, Lam- Railroad mileage in Oregon has seize all dogs running at large on touched by the survey across the These quadrilles were exceedingly ; pa Creek, silver fruit bowl. central p«rt of the state could not be increased at a remarkable rate during i whom the 1912 taxes have not been picturesque because of the quaint Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Buckingham, learned today. the past few years and the outlook been paid. Chas F. Pfortner was and old costumes wore by the pie knife. for J912 is most encouraging. Ac-! deputized by the marshal on Janu­ guests. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mehl, cream We are in receipt of the school coiding to the 1 eport of the State ary 18th with full power to seize such At midnight the company were ladle. Make sure jirst that you report for the month just ended, Railroad Commission, there were dogs. invited to the banquet hall which Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wade, jelly from Prof. Hopkins, and will pub­ want to save. Be certain 2582 miles of railways in Oregon at was beautifully and appropriately spoon. lish the same in Tuesday ’ s R ecord ­ the end of June 1910. By the end lege, the new $3,000,000 University you are willing to try. Con­ decorated. Mr. and Mrs. James Mars, salad er . of December, 1911, this had grown to be built at Portland. The col­ sider what others of your After an elegant repast was served, forks. lege will open next September. It toasts were in order, Mayor Mast Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Buck, sterl­ Mrs. J. K Baker, silver knives and to 2883 miles. is expected to rank with the best acquaintance have been able acting as toastmaster in his usual ing silver bon bon spoon. Forest supervisors, the heads of forks. similiar institutions in the country. to do. Ask your friends happy manner. Mrs. Geo M. Dyer, combination Portland hotels are being swamped Mrs. Robert Walker, two silver 26 national forests of the Pacific about our bank. Make up The following responded to toasts: pin cushion and hat pin holder. dollars of year 1887, the year they Northwest and Alaska, will meet in with reservations for Elks week next Portland, Jan. 22 for a week’s con­ July, when the Grand Lodge re- I your mind to open an ac­ Mrs. Fred Linegar of Coquille, C. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tuttle, silver were married. union will be hdd. Every section R Wade. R. H. Rosa, Mrs. R. W bread tray. Mrs. Lizzie Mauciet, Clarence Tut­ ference on the administration ol nf the country is represented and the count of your own. DO 11! their jurisdiction. Pacific Coast lodges will send very Boyle. G. T. Treadgold, Mrs. E Mr. and Mrs. Ek M. Gallier and tle, Mr. and Mrs. McGinniety, Reed lands under Lewin and Mrs. J. L. Kronenberg. family, sterling silver teaspoons Chief Forester Graves, of Washing­ large delegations. San Francisco Galliar, Ottilie Lewin and Claude expects to have 1,00a delegates, Mr. Mills, .»iiss Weddle, Claude Adams. ton, D. G , will give addresses. The following guests were attired while the Willamette Valley lodges Adams. Lottie and Ray Carey, Edna in their own wedding costume's: Cupid lying in a dainty trimmed After five years of preparation, will turn out 1600 Elks. Puget First National Bank Mesdaines R. H. Rosa. C. R. Wad$. Russell, James Mast, Capt. Scott, basket caused a great deal of merri­ ground was broken the past week Sound cities have asked for 600 State Depositary R. E. Buck, F. V. Catterlin, J. K. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lewin and Mr. and ment among the guests. * • for the first building of Reed Col- | rooms at local hotels. SILVER WEOOING ANNIVERSARY MIMES« IS COMING CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION ACT