saw Bandon Recorder i Poultry Raising a Success. f Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Fred Hollister is making quite a success of the poultry business, and as a result of lots of patience and C. E. KOPF L. J. BUTTERFIELD study is marketing a crate of eggs Subscription, ?! 50 par Yenr in Advance. Advertising Rates Made ever) third or fourth day. At pres- Known on Application. Job Printing a Specially ent he supplies the Hotel Chandler Entered at the Knndou Fostoftiee hh Second Clase Matter. with eggs and is getting the high price of 70c per dozen. TUESDAY... ...December 26. 19t 1 Fred stated Monday that he had shipped the second case since the first of the month, wh ch reminded food. Fun With the Editor. us of the old time tactics the farmers “If the editor takes two successive back home employed to swell crop days off in fishing, his patrons call H. L. Rann, of the Manchester him a loafer and take their job work yields. The farmer who raised the Press, last year before the Upper to the other office If he works until most bushels of wheat to the acie Iowa Ediorial Association, estab- he is bowed over like a fat man with was distinguished as such and <>f hshed his reputation as a humorist cramps people say he is too stingy course an attempt was made to see thus: to hire extra help. If hecontributes who could raise the most. One of “I am here t > say that the man $2.00 to the W. C. T. U. and wears the schemes resorted to was to movtf who own- s eighty acies of Iowa land a boiled shirt on Sunday, the banks I all the grain cut from a field and w ho lias i brains enough to till it, call in his notes with a noise like a place it in shocks on one acre makes the lot of country newspaper wooden-legged man falling on a tin When this was gathered and threshed men look like the last' I remnants loof, and if he refuses to dig up for the acre containing these shocks was ot a I)utch him li. The farmer I has the Woman's Relief Corps supper measured and the result announced all aiound. fie is as he is branded as a miser and avoid thiough the local papers that farmer tl t best of it independent as the American Ex- ed as if he bad the hives. The far Jones reported a yield of 50 bushels press Company. He doesn't have | mer can look every man in the face of wheat, while the next report from to write a soulful obituary over the I and tell him to go where there is no his nearby but more honest neighbor ieople in this whole country. One's I of supervisors from siippei to break i premium ham .»ml the di-position chances of death by lightning are: fast, and il the newspapei man jars of a hyena. Let us reform, breth­ less than two in a million. Thej a board off the feme in that direc­ ren, anil gel close to nature's heart chance of death from liver, kidney tion Ins appeal lor the county print with a three titled pitchfork and a or stomach trouble is vastly greater, ing will be about as effective aa a sell-feeding manure spreader. We but not if Electric Bitters be used, will live longer, or at any rat • it will as Robert Madsen, of West Burling live broil with tob.iseo sauce. seem longer, as the married man ton, la., proved. Four doctors gave h express his •'The said, and if the worst comes to hiinupafty eight mouths of suffer opinion new Methodist worst, we can live on rutabagas and ing from virulent liver trouble and preacher d loud voice, rock salt, which, we have no doubt, vellow jaundice. He was then com­ - and if the on the is an improvement over our custom­ pletely cured by Electric Bitters. printer Venturis to express the view Then ary diet. Then Back to the Soil' They're the best stomach, liver, that tlie preacher ought to be chas will be the pass-word and nerve and kidney remedy and blood ing a currycomb over a milk cow Boss' the grand hailing sign ot purifier on earth. Only 50c at All instead of filling a l.irge loom with I tress. ” Druggists. thin ozone and misinformation, he I ----- 000---- « ill lose subscribers so fast that he While 22,546 American patents won t have the circulation of a cold-, storage egg. The fanner lines not , This is the verdict of R. |. How- expired in the fiscal year that ended have to impress .1 chaste kiss on the ell, Tracey, O., who bought Foley's last June, 34,428 were granted. ---- 000 list nose ot Ins foreman in ordei 1 Honey and Tar Compound for his keep him from getting drunk on ; wife. “Her ease was the worst I A Terrible Blunder . less day, neilhct doe- he have to hive ever seen, and looked like a t<» neglect liver trouble Never do Take Dr. King's New Life Pills K“« soinelnidv to go "n Ins note ; sine case olconsumption. Her lungs it v* ¡trit the 'devil' carelessly feed.» a were sore and she coughed almost I on the first sign of constipation, ■ p ur »a jape tongs through the evl- incessantly and het voice was hoarse biliousness or inactive bowels and irri'-r s". or the rats chew the and weak Foley’s Honey and Tar prevent virulent indigestion, jaun Im ig off a new set ot rollers. There Compound brought relief at once dice or gall stones. They regulate ia n > Dw which compels him to till ' and less than three bottles effected a liver, stomach and bowels and build lour culurntis ol space with a clogged complete cure." For sale by Ban­ up your health. Only 25c at All I truggista. think tank and a stickful of brain- dau Drug Co. Recorder Fvtioisiiing Company.' W. E. Steinhoff Lodge and Professional Directory 4 ------------------- I - ; *7 J I " The Harness Man Lodges are requested to notify f mis this onice office a of T on election of officers and on < change * meeting night. Cards under this head £ are 75c per inch per month. Í I am prepared to wash and oil you harness with Neat= foot oil and make it look as good as new. Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. EETS First and Thud Tuesdays of each month al 8th run al the Bandon Wig­ wam. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are cordially invited to attend. i A. J. Hartman, J. C. Shedd., C. of R. Sachem. w. O. w. Keep the logs rolling boys I SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD,] - I Meets First and Third Neighbors welcomed. BREAD SERVED Ohl NEW YEAR Thursdays. V isiling Wm. N. McKay, C. C. H. E. Boak, Secretary Should be the best, Don't Masonic, bother with home baking, You g ANDON LODGE, No, 130 A. F. ôc A can come here and be abso­ M, Stated communications first Saturday lutely sure of good bread, after the full moon of each month. Special second Saturday thereafter. cakes and pies. Bread that communication.» All Master Masons cordially invited. cuts up fine for sandwiches, W. E. Crame. W. M cakes that melt in the mouth, Phil Pearson, Secretary pies that make a dyspeptic for­ Eastern Star get his diet rules. Better ! QCCIDENTAL CHAPTER. No. 45, O. order what you want now. I E. S., meets Saturday evening before and That will settle your New Year • after stated communication of Masonic Lodge. I Visiting members cordially invited to attend. baking worries. Anna L. Gaine, W. M. Merta Mehl, Secretary. BANDON BAKERY “The Taste Tells” I. O. O. F gANDON LODGE. No. 133, I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standing cordially invited. Chas. P. Still, N. G. A. J. Hartman, Secretary KnightR of Pythias D elphi lodge , no . m , Knight» of Pythias. Meets every Monday evening at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to »«end. J. C. Shields. C. C B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. Saturdays at Hotel Gailier M. G. POHL, Optometerist PROMPT DELIVERY TO ANY Well Recommended by Patrons PART OF THE CITY C. K. WADE Attorney at JDs.w Agent Pacific Courteous 7 reatment and Cleanliness Office Bank Surely Company. of Bandon Bldg. Phone 102, Bandon, Oregan l»K. K. W. KOSNITKK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Our Motto BANDON OREGON Office and residence in Panter residence property next door to Bijou Theatre nr" DR SMITH J. MANN S. S. B rooklyn PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE IN PANTER BUILDING Office Hours 9 to 12—1 to 5 . BANDON, Newly Remodeled, Modern Equipment Throughout Carries Passengers and Freight . OREGON Dr. H. L. Houston PHYSICIAN & SUHGk'uN First Class Passage Fare. >7.50. Freight per Ton, $3.00. Makes Regular Eight Day Trips bet ween San Fiancisco and Bandon. Office over Drue Store. Hours, 9 to 12 a.m. 1:30 to 4, p.m. ; 7 to 8 in the evening. Night calls answered from ottioe. SUDDEN X CHRISTENSEN, Owners and Operators San Francisco, Calif. I ... BANDON, Dr. L. J. E. WALSTROM. Agent, Bandon, Ore. f ». OKEUON Sorensen DENTIST BRI Office Over Vienna Cafe Telephone at Office and Home. I« bANDON _o. Bandon Iron Works Consolidated with Sherrard Machine Works OREGON T. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT - LAW. I NOTARY PUBLIC Bandon, Oregon. | Office With Bandon Investment Co and Rogers’ Foundry 3Dr. H- Brown, Resident Dentist. All Kinds of Machine Work Office in Psnter Building Office Hours: and Casting Done. Phone, 9 to 12 M.. I io 5 P. M, BANDON, OREGON C. R. BARROW Mill and Woods Work a Specialty Attorney and Counselor-at-Law COQUILLE. - ORE Office over Skeels' Store Office Phone. Mein 335; 0. A. C. Short Courses Everything in the Drug Line _ Begin Januan J. Continue Four Weeks Every ciluen of Oregon is cordially invited to attend the YOU »bort cources of the C hey on Agricultural College, beginning Jan. 3d. Eleven distinctive courses will be offered in Agri­ Do you want pure drugs and drug sundries, fire perfumes, hair brushes and toilet articles. If so call on culture. Meehans- Arts. Domestic Science and Art. Com­ ARE merce. Forestry and Musa-. HELP the audrnt in his daily work. and proMabie winter outing. INVITED Every commudaums course u designed to Make this s pleasant No tuition. Reasonable sc- For beautiful illustrated bulletin, address H. M TENNAN T. Regutrsr. Carvslks. Ore. Ferine.s end Business Courses by Correspondence residence. Msm 346 1 C. LOWE, I he Druggist BANDON, ORE.