Bandon Recorder 1 Christmas Toyland Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Recorder Publshing Company. C. E. KOPF L. J. BUTTERFIELD Hubscription, JI 50 per Year in Advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Job Printing a Specialty. Eutered nt the Bandon Pontoftice na Second Ci hbh Matter. Put it Over ‘Em The promoters of the Port of Port Orford put “one" over their op­ posers much to the chagrin of the latter faction. It was done in this way. Judge Coke dissolved the in­ junction, and the dissolving order started from Marshfield Saturday morning, on its way to be filed here with the county cletk. Saturday evening the writ was taken from Bandon by special carrier to Com­ missioner Chenoweth at Denmark. Early Sunday morning Chenoweth started out with the writ and was joined at Pott Orford by Atty. Meredith and I'. 1. Carey, and came on here that night, reaching here at 1:30 Monday morning. The Court convened, canvassed the votes and made the necessary orders During the day it was learned thai Judge Coke granted another injunc­ tion but it will avail nothing as the vote is canvassed and the result de dared. In the ordinary channels of the mail, the dissolving order would not have reached here before this even­ ing, but the fleet footed Cotnmis sioner was too many for them. When he got a chance to act, he improved it for all he was worth. The northern trio left yesterday evening about four, as happy as little boys wearing their first suit of clothes Gold Beach Glebe. -- ---- Good Road» In Curry. In talking with J. A Bowman on his return from Cold Beach, where he had been on business for a lew days, informed us that the trip was one of the most pleasant he had ever made to the county seat. “1 was surprised at the excellent con­ dition of the roads," said Mr. Bow­ man, "as Ralph Pomeroy and my­ self left Langlois last Thursday noon in a single rig and reached Gold Beach Friday night and left Satur­ day morning anil reached here Sun­ day morning, about 1 1 o'clock. It seems fine to travel over good roads. Every part of the way was over good roads which Curry county need not be ashamed of The county lias been compelled to change the road through tlm shifting sand at Greggs creek. “Every part of the way," continued Mt. Bowman, “shows a move on the part ot the people of the county getting in a position to meet the changing con­ ditions which is facing Cuiry county. The people of Port Orford and Gold Beach are to be congratulated on the new school houses which they are constructing. These towns are harking fine and a> though | rosper ity had come in a lull measure. Langlois Correspondent in Gold Beach Globe. E piscopal . Services on the 2d, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month at rt a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school on «pacity of acting Governor. For Sale Cheap. L atter D av S aints Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ ot Latter Day Saints, Colum­ bia Avenue Meeting every Sunday. Sunday school at 10:00 a. tn. i Preaching at 11:00 a. in. Religio I at 7:00 p. m. and preaching at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting at 8:00 p. m. Wednesday evenings. All are cordially invited to attend. D. W. C arpenter , President. M. E. C hurch Choir practice 7:30 sharp Tuesday evening at church. Wednesday afternoon Ladies’ Aid meets at the parsonage at 2:30, Everyone be present and bring your thimbles. Friday evening, Dec. 2 2d, at 7:3:» the Christmas tiee and Cantata to be given by scholars of the Sunday- school. Next »Sunday, Dec. 24th, speci-1 Christmas music will be rendered by the choir. Everyone welcome. file pastor wishes to make public the fact that he has legistered his credentials at the county clerk's of­ fice at Coquille in accord nice with the state laws of Oregon, and is thereby authorized to solemnize marriage — Rev. Harry Lee, Pastor. A dventist C hristian . Regular services Sundays in old M. E. Church South. Sunday school held at to:oo a. ni. Preaching at 11 :oo a. in. Loyal Workers Society 6:30 p in. Preaching at 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. You are cordially invited to attend. J. S pencer T ii . ton , Pastor. Notice to Re-e»tabli»h Grade the 15th meeting the grade on Columbia avenue, commencing at the south line of Iris street where Columbia- avenue intersects with Iris street, thence running south to the north line of Second street, where Columbia avenue intersects with Second street, all in the Woolen for Christmas from the Ban­ don Bakery is sure to be the center of attraction, not only because it looks good, but be­ cause it will taste as good as it looks. And so it is with all our pies, pastry and Christ­ mas' goodies — delicious and wholesome. Send in your Fruit Cake orders early to insure fulfillment. the City engineer, now on file at the City engineer, and the inspection of all ______ Treasurer__ ...J....C. Y. Lowe the Attorney__ Eastern Star QCCIDENTAL CHAPTER, No. _________ F. J. Feeney Manciet, Wm. McKay, C. E. Bowman, H. Brown. I. O. O. F Bandon ■gANDON LODGE, No. 133, I. O. OF. *"^ meet» every Wednesday evening. Viutmg brothers in good standing cordially invited. Chas. P. Still, N. G. A. J. Hartman, Secretary Undertaking Kiilghta of Pythias rjELPHI G4, Knight, of Saturdays at Hotel Gallier Having taken charge of the Bandon Undertaking Parlors, am prepared to give all busi­ ness left in my care, careful attention. Headquarters at Johnson & Whitsett’s Fumi-- ture Store. M. G. POHL, Optometerist Well Recommended by Pations C. R. WADE Attorney at Law z PART OF THE CITY Agent Pacific Surety Company. of Bandon Bldg. Brown & Gibson PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OREGON BANDON Courteous Treatment and Cleanliness and Builders Our Motto We furnish plans and speci­ fications and if you are go­ ing to build anything, no matter how large or how small, we can save you money, Let us figure on your building. Office Bank Phone 102, Bandon. Oregan I»K. K. W. HONN1TKR The Leading Contractors Office and residence in Panter residence property next door to Bijou Theatre es X DR, SMITH J. ZMJAKJTT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE IN PANTER BtHLDING Office Hours 9 to ic—1 to 5 BANDON, A ✓ Night cells answered from offioe. BANDON, RICE’S TRANSFER LINE Phone 171. Orders taken for delivery R. H. RICE, Prop. ... OKfcUON Dr L. f . Sorensen DENTIST Office Over Vienna Cafe Telephone at Office and Home. BANDON Shop on Columbia Avenue GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. OREGON . Offioo over Drag Btore. Hoars, 9 tu \ n.nj. 1to 4, p.m.; 7 to 8 in the eveniitK. Wagons of all kinds made to order. All kinds of Blacksmith Work, both heavy and light, will receive prompt attention. Horse Shoeing a specialty Best Quality and Best Manu­ facture on the Local Market - Dr. H. Z j . Houston PHYSICIAN &. SUNGNUN WILSON & WALRATH Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers o. OREGON T. ATTORNEY AND COUNHELL H AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC Bandon, Orogen Office With Bandon Investment <<• All kinds of light and heavy dray- ing. Also sells and delivers mill - wood,coal,etc Office at Schumate's ! Store. Phone orders promptly at i tended. S. S. B rooklyn Newly Remodeled, Modern Equipment Throughout Carrie» Passengers and Freight MV is open to real First Class Passage Fare. $7.50. Freight per Ton, $3.00 Makes Regular Eight Day Trips between San Fiancisco and Bandon. SUDDEN N CHRISTENSEN, Owners and Operators San Ftancisco, Calit. property CI.OTHES Reaident Dentist. Office in Panter Building Office Hour.: Phone. A. F. DERINOFR . Attorney and Counselor-at Law COQUILLE. Office Phooe, Main 335; survey and profile of the City engineer as herein Everything in the Drug Line prop. A K ENNEI > V HLAUKMNITHN ami wagonhakfrm office. By order of the Common Counc il. el All kladi Made ta Order E. B. Kausrud, Ret order. Dec. 19-29 Do you want pure drugs and drug sundries, fire perfumes, hair brushes and toilet articles. If so call on Public Land Maltara, Final Proof. Dov­ eri Landa. Conteata and Mining I C. Y. LOWE, The Druggist Lawyers Washington, D. O. Sl 11 Eid )S mend med and now on bile at the City engineer 's , tloraeakoeiag ■ Spccialty Job Wotk attended Io nroaplly aad all work guaranlrrd Io givr saudactsoo. raaaoaable. Shop oa Atwater Som. Bandon, Oaagon ORE reudence. Marn 346 CLARK & WRIGHT jvamti herein described, m accordance with the This notice a published the hr st time on dale of - Office over Steels' Store mon Council will pass an ordinance re-establish­ avenue between 9 Io 12 M„ I Io 5 P. M, BANDON. OREGON C. R. BARROW Where Yours Ought to be J E. WALSTROM, Agent. Bandon. Ore. Brown. Dr, M. ARE AT THE BANDON STEAM LAUNDRY from the first publication of thts notice, the Com* Decembm 19. 1911. No. B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. points herein described, shall be filed Columbia LODGE. Pythias. Meets every ¡Monday evening at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to attend. J. C. Shields, C. C. PROMPT DELIVERY TO ANY with the C ity recorder within twenty (20) days ing the grade on 45, o. E. S., meets Saturday evening before and after stated communication of Masonic Lodge. Visiting members cordially invited to attend. Anna L. Craine, \V. M. Merta Mehl, Secretary. Councilmen.___M. Breuer, R. W. Boyle, H. GROCERS adjacent to and abutting upon Columbia avenue between Phil Pearson, Secretary Municipal Judge Gattellin & LeGore persons interested therein. two thirds of W. E. Craine, W. M 1. W. Masi R. POMEROY, Manager Now, unless a written remonstrance, signed by the owners of A. F. & A M, Stated communications first Saturday after the full moon of each month. Special communications second Saturday thereafter. All Master Masons cordially invited. lohn F. Hall Parlors to be re established in accordance with the survey the office of _______ Mayor. BANDON BAKERY “The Taste Tells’’ Mill Addition to the City of Bandon, said grade and profile of Mnaonie. 15 ANDON LODGE, No, 130 BANDON CITY DIRECTORY November, by resolution duly passed, determine to re-establish ............. _.T. J. Thrift Common the day of Wm. N. McKay. C. C. H. E. Boak. Secretary _______ A. N. Gould Commia.-loner«_G. J. Armiliong, M. T. Demen Council of the City of Bandon, Coos county, Oregon, did, on 0 V untug Treasurer_ line of Second sheet Woolen Mill Addition. that Meets First and Third Thursdays. Neighbors welcomed. W. W. Gage Surveyor_______ Notice Io te-euabli>h the grade on Columbia hereby given r w. o. w. Clerk . FANCY CAKE avenue from south line of Iris street, to the north « Keep the logs rolling boys I SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD.) Ed. Racklei Sheriff. County Judge_ B rethren C hurch Christmas service Sunday, Dec. 24th, at 2:30 p 111. Children's pro gram to be given by the little talks. Regular Service—Preaching 11 :oo a.111. Sunday school 10:00 All are cordially invited to attend each service. J. W. Barnett, Pastor. y. f- £ EETS F irst and Third Tuesdays of each month at 8