Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, November 14, 1911, Image 1

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Well Filled House* Greet Big Improvement* Macle in
Pullman Section; Realty
High School Play Both
Market Hustling
The High School play, entitled
"The Cloven Hoof.” composed by
C. R. Moore, and put on by the
high school students Friday and
Saturday nights at the Orpheum,
was a big success in every particu­
lar. Well filled houses greeted the
players both nights and the constant
applause shoved the high apprecia­
tion of the play by the audiences.
The music and lyrics composed by
Mr. Moore and the staging of the
play which was also done by the au­
thor, all reflect credit on his genius
as a play composer, and to say who
was the star actor would be an im­
possibility for all did exceedingly
The proceeds of the play, after
expenses are ¡raid, will go to the
public school gymnasium fund, which
is an excellent cause and well worthy
the patronage of all persons inter­
ested in the welfare of Bandon and
her schools.
The pupils are certainly doing
their part to vard the work of getting
the gymnasium, and in this Mr.
Moore is certainly to be commended
for giving so much of his time in
preparation of a play for purely pub
lie benefit.
The people of this school district
should appreciate these efforts and
come to their assistance in the go< d
Oregonian on Port Commis­
Southern Pacific and Pacific
-a!if. Door Co. of Oakland,
Coast Paralleling From the
and Enterprise Iron Works
Umpqua to Coos
of Frisco to Locate There
Moving Central Office and Shipping Business at This
Installing a New Modern
Port Still Continues Ex­
ceedingly Brisk
(S. F. Examiner, Oct. 5.)
Ti.c i‘ >rlland Journal of recent
D ior Company of
The Elizabeth arrived in I>. 1 Ion
The Coos Bay Home Telephone
<ki. s;<
The Southern Pacific and
Richmond, Nov. 4.—The strict lhe Pa ific Coast railroads seem to t * tkimd, announced yestmiav that Ci are making extensive improve­ Saiuiday with 132 tons of heigh'
work by which the broad paved be making a tight for rights of w.i\ w, uld tin ve its plant to Richmond, ments in their Bandon plant, which, and the following passengers Mi.
thoroughfares of Richmond have from the Umpqua river to Coos bay 1 Contra Costa county.
when completed will make this a Green, E. S Tuttle, Paul Ford, Mi'
been improved across the Pullin in and appear to propose building along
A site near ill ‘Standard Oil w irks modern plant in every particular. A E. I Iowan C. C Ford Carl Schri v
section of the city to San Pablo ave­ much the same line. The two sur­ ias a ready been secured.
new series multi) le switch board is tier, Ransom Kaekleff, John Bieui,
nue has been finished, completing veys are said to extend from Gardi­
The Enterprise Foundry of Sm being installed with a capacity of Martin. M. Eackeit, 1'. Manin. A.
one of the largest jobs of street work ner on the Umpqua river through 1 rancisco has finally completed s 1100 lines and eq upped for 800 Olsen.
ever done on this side of the bay.
the ¡‘¡field sailed Saturday wi ll
the Ten Mile lake country and down deal for a sit< in Richmond. It his lines. This will give it a capacity of
MacDonald, Roosevelt and Nevin the hills to a place opposite purchased 20 acres of land in the 2000 to 2500 phones, as some of the Iler usual cargo of lumber and the
avenues and Richmond boulevard, North Bend known as Sandy I’oi .t, I’ere- tract at the 11 irthwe.t comer lines are two, three and tour party following passengers: 1’.. L. Evans
the latter 100 feet wide, have ¡ill The Southern P.n.-ilic recently l> » igh: .of the city.
Fiank Barker, M. 1). Sherrard I, an I
been graded, paved with oil macad­ 1 three fourths interest in Sandy
Work on the buildings lor the
L. D. Belie11, an expert cable wife, Lillian Endicott, Pearl I1
am and lined with cement sidewalks, Point and now the other railroad ha ­ plant will be started at once. A splicer of Portland is here doing tin ler, Joyce Fi-11, Mike Sweetiev,
gutters and curbs Florida, Center st rted condemnation pruceedir. , t ■ spur track will connect it with all cable work, and there are now 250 Ralph Wheeler A. L. Rose Peter
and Ohio streets have been similarly secure the other one fourth ini' ¡est railroads and the belt line docks.
V. C-taine. Geo.
underground cables running into tin Schmitz, • T.
improved trom Pullman avenue, in
new central office besides the ovei- McClain, Geo O. I lagen. E. E
It is supposed that the road . rh “11
front of the works and on which are they build intend either to bridge i to be added to Richmond . larger head wires.
The 1 iiield
Brown, R. J. Curry,
the traction and the Southern Pacific the bay or to ferry across to North industries will soon be ready for
H J. Keogh of Marshfield, wire reached San Francisco yesterday at
car lines.
Bend and go on down thee >ast Tit operations The stills are in place chief for the local company is also one o’clock.
The junction of MacDonald ave­ Pacific Coast railroad has been rep mil the main buildings are being here looking after the wiring work.
nue and twenty third street, where resented here by engineer Sum ici finished. A large cut lias been made
For Sale.—Fine ranch of 19 ,
The new plant, including new
the extension ol MacDonald begins and his father and is said to be in the hills on t ie line of the Belt switch boards, cables, etc., will rep acres, 31-2 miles south of Baildoi: .
has been paved with the patent as­ backed by foreign capital
resent a value of about $3,500 foi See C. M. Spencer.
It is Railroad as a site-for the plant.
phalt paving brick manufactured believed here that it is a Hill ro id
I lie three factories above men­ office fixtures and equipment alone
..1 j
here and presents a handsome ap At any rate, much right of way li 1 tioned will add'.about 1200 in ire
The new central < thee i being Io in the Circuit Court o
pearance. This brick is coming into been purchased for cash and i 1 a working men and mechanics to cated in tlie Thrift nikiing on the State of Oregon in anu
pretty general use. It is made of a number of cases both railroads liav Richmond’s population, besides their | ground floor where it will be much
the County of Coos
mixture of asphalt and Monterey started condemnation proceeding-. families. I want to tell you, thiri. , more convenient and easy of access
sand, heated to 230 degrees.
The activities of the two crews it is no sentiment in a dollar. You than an up stairs office.
The 'operations of the Santa Fe engineers are centered now ama l waul your money to earn money l< r
Representatives of the Telephone Claire Treadgold. I’laiulitl J
here ¡ire beginning to bring a reali Gardiner, wheie preparations seem you. Then lay aside your sent.meat I Company say they are determined
r Summons.
zation that a large sum from the to be in progies to make that place and prejudice and buy some of this ' to give Bandon a first class service Abraham Jones, Defrndaii '
millions recently appropriated by it
fo Abraham Jone*, the aboie named <1 (end
headquarters for a time.
ant: In The Name of the State of Orcy. n, you
for improvements is to be expended
Therailroad moves are a puzz ■ to -e'f into money for your bank ac­ that we are entitled to it as this is a are nereby required to appear and ar... r the
here. Work has begun unexpect­ the people locally and a 1 that is tc- count. C. R. W lc..x. Bandon Agi.
g od paying station.
complain! Iilcd a^ ai.l you in the above entillid
edly on the enlargements of the train tually known is that rights of way I Office over Ban c of Bandon.
------ cjoo -----
court and cause on or before the ¿bill day cf
sheds at the Richmond mole, and have been secured an 1 option ; ta s -n
December, 191 I, same being the last day of ll
------ OOO------
they will cover an area as large is on a numb r of d ffTent tracts of
Keeping It Dark.
lime prescribed in t+ie ordei for the publicali 11
“Say. you. why don't you work?”
of this summons and if you fail so to ans.vcr for
those of lhe Southern Pacific Co. in land. I“nat the Southern Pa■tiii • h is Anvil Wreck Rumor Not S' j B-
“I have uo license.’’
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to l! . .art
Oakland. A construction co npany secured an option on 42 1 acres just
“You don't need a license to work ” for tile relief demnnued ui her complaint on ¡de
has started tin- nr v 1/00 foot pier
“Now, don’t you tell iny wife tliut.” herein to-wit: for a judgment against d< fen .nt
North Bend an 1 l.ord ring
¡ west of
for Oriental steamer^, ..1 1 the con on the bay is 110L denied I y those
for the sum of fill/ five dollars with 10
Hard to Keep Up.
A rumor was afloat > '■ >‘ei 1 lav .1 1
struclion crew on ihe shop- is rapid­ concerned
“Charlie Is always in a hurry.”
11st night to the effect that tlie Anv '
ly extending them. The’m- v pas­
of one hundred dollars reasonable attorney Ice
“Of course.”
with the costs and disdursinents of the suit; n’«;>
“Why of course?”
senger station and freight sin Is will
a decree foreclosing the mortgage descu > <1
bar, In
le t in con
ver a ation with fia
be built in December.
'n plaintiff's complaint and decreeing that lin­
local agent J. E. Walsttom, tlie Ri.-
Two new factories hive just been
er al property covered by said mortgage, the NE
CORDER wa.s informéeI that if tl i
established in Richmond. One is a
“Tlint man tins a perfect genius for 1-4 of the NE 1-4 Sec. 19, Twp. 29 S. of R.
Mrs. Josephine Crocker, Dept.
Anvil had Bren v. r< < ke<l he, Wal- getting into trouble.”
paint factory, which has a site m ir
13 West of Willamette Meriman lie sold accor­
Pres W R C., of Ashland, Ote..
“How doos lie get out?”
ding to law to satisfy said judgment with costs
the Western Cut St on ■ wo. k s. Bu.l I- arrived in Bindon Friday ev n ng, sltoin, thought lie would have lx r
“Oh. he never gets out.”
and disbursements and at.orney fees and rack
-pjuised ot the fact, and that, tx
ings are now’ being eree’ed.
---- OOO-----
¡and through lhe assistance of kin I
other and further relief a» to the court may s m
The other is a plant for the m um 1 friends found her way to the h > ne such news had been received. Mt.
For Rent.
factureof crucibles and all othet such of Mrs. D-Borah Y< uug, Pres < )i I Walstrom also stated that th. la-i
I his summons is served upon you by ord< 1 cf
he he.irij 01 the Anvl -hew is bai
articles used byassavers. J P. D >11- Bandon W. R. C.
the 1 Ion. John S. Coke, Judge of the afore ,id
bound in the ColinnBi.i riVer and le
I circuit court, duly n>ad< and entered of record
novan of Sin Francisco m I ethers
House ot 13 rooms, suitable for
She came here by way of Coquili •
on the 13lh day of Novemlser, 1911 which said
have a site of an acre near the por< - having inspected that corps on
Boat ding house or will divide it up order directed tliat said summons be publish--!«
lain works and are erecting kiln.
for 3 small families. See S. R. Losh- once a week for six coniecalivc weeks in the
Thursday, and though a little unex­
They ship the infusorial eirtlt nm led pected we rallied to the call arid on
Methodist Church Notices. b.iugh, block 6, Woolen Mill Addi­ Bandon Recorder, a news paper of general cir­
from deposits in S int.1 Ibiliir.i • tn
tion, Bandon.
J>7t2 x culation, pi inted or.d published in Bandon, Coo«
Saturday, Nov. nth, a large num
County, Oregon and that said summons should
ty. At present these article 1 e all
her were in at “our review’ and
require you to appear and air.wer said complaint
shipped in from Ger 11,my.
(Sprcial Dispatch to The Examiner.)
Concerning the Port < f Poit Or
ford, the Oregonian expresses its
opinion in the following dispassion­
ate manner, in which the Tribune
heartily concurs, and we believe
that our people who opposed the
Port will realize their error befote
the year is gone.
The Oregonian Kjys:
“Port Orford's decision to create
a port commission almost completes
the chain of such commissions at the
harbors on the Oregon coast. The
inipiovement in the harbors and the
increased size and number ot ships
which will enter them, which will
result from the commission's work,
will in a few yea,s convince owners
of inland property of their mistake
in opposing the new organization.”
Incidentally it might be added that
This event is somewhat important
I am selling excel'ent busin is 'lit-
we are asleep cn the Coquille river
to Bandon W. R. C.. as we have
while other ports are being organ- in Richmond as low as $joo;
never had a Dejiartment In.sp ii'.i
cash and $5 per month without in­
lint twice. This being the second
terest or taxes; street work complete
------ <XKS------
we are fortunate in being honored
free to purchaser. I will be in Bin
Card of Thanks.
by a Department Presid nl ’
don until December 15th and would
We assembled at our headquarters
advise you to make an etrlv selec­
land, as the s'.a.ayn’s first severe
We desire to express our heartfelt tion in the Brown Andrade Traci
storm had abated, cheerfulness pre-
Notice lo ihe Pub
thanks to all the fiiends who so C. R. Wilcox.
vailed ¡1 was also lhe dale of Post
kindly assisted us during our recent
i meeting, so. while the veterans ‘ kept
Burns Wins in Fifth.
bereavement, and especially to Mrs j
1 watch’’ in the dining room, the
Unless better order is observe I Hi
E. 1). Rossiter, «ho did so much
•---- -
ladies repaired to the lodge room, 1 lhe public r o n of the !’ t ’tti ■
anil opened her home for the fune­
and after inspection, the rapid ques- | during I’islri'.iutioii of tic mail, the
ral, Io Mesdames A. D. Morse and Paddy Ellis Saturday night in the
’i ning and quiit attention while | doors will be locked and the )>ul>Ii
P. C. Stephenson who lined the fifth round df what was to have been
Mis. Crccker gave instructions or will be obliged to wait out ole 1 1! i
giave, to Capt Robert Johnson and
told items relative to the work of di mail is distri uted.
the life saving crew for assistance
Idepaitinent and national encamp- <87 t2 Mrs. M. E Walker. P. M.
rendered, to the K. of
lodge and S|»onge.
Kid Gillen lost to Charles Conrad ; ments, showed the dec 0 interest our
to the Glee Club for music rendered.
the preliminary, throwing up the ■ thriving corps takes in the great tig in suite of inclement weather ye
The kindness of all will ever be re­
1 work of the W. R. C. Adicd to, setibe .iccnmpanied her to th, ! , .< h
after the rust round.
In the lour round curtail: raiser 1 the above the banquet at noori and. by the Lookout Station and 1er
O. W iren and F amily .
between Happy Holbrook and Sing the lunch in the evening mad< #11 confident in a - tirii g out members
s AX* —-
Wing, the boys were given a draw. j one of those social events wjiich helps t'rit if Mis Crocker's efforts ar•
Santa Claus' Headquarters. Hol Many who saw the bouts say this to wi Id the tie that 1 •inds.
arduous everywhere as in L io
iday Gands now on display at the : was the best contest of the three.
Bv reason ol other appointments ■ even iiv hiding ciiinki g lock
Racket Store. Come early and get
------- WO------
time was short, but Mis. Croci.r j Beaches, Oregon's year of i^t 1 ’a. d
Take Witter Water for it. C. M. was loth to leave without one sight, ¡912 will be a banner year fi r the
your choice. Lowest prices in the
i ol our beach, so, at eight next morn-, W. R. C.—Correspondent
city and best assortment.
^87-tf I Spencer, Agent.
. •
* '
For Rent.
on or before lhe 26tli day ol
I9i I
which is the last day of the ti ne prescribe I in
3aid order for the publication of said
Seven room house, with
'lied, store room and pantry,
■rood repair. Apply to Nels
muss» n.
— 000----
For Sale.
Ihe dale of the first publication is November i :.
all in 1911 and the date of the last pnbl'cation is De­
cember 26, 1911.
G. I. Trcadg'I<1 Attorney for Plair ff
8.8 -t< I
N.v. 11 t > Dec. 26 T
The Habit
Registered Berkshire I igs. They
ire At in every respe t. N. M
Davison, Bandon, Phone 17. 88-tf
a..d worry the body.
I lore',i< und Syrup checks irritation,'
1 1- ' ’ lung and 1 ••
■file br<.dniug. Price 25c, 50' and
.»(.<>0 per bottle Sold by C Y.
First National Bank
borrowing small sum:
from friends is a pernaciou
practice. It breaks many a
Observe a n a
For Sale.
you will notice that the per­
son who strikes you for a
A new box house of 2 rooms and
6 lo's in Highland Park for $225.00, small loan is not the one
part cash. bal. on time. This is a with a savings account.
<nap A. II aberly .
s 4-<4 Start on the road to pros­
———t J<r,—•—
perity by openingun account
St p co..ghing! you lack the lungs with this bank.
State Depositary