Where Rail and Water Meet If you have any doubt as to the rating of RICHMOND as a great shipping center, carefully study the figures below. Here is a tabulation of the shipping figures of Rich­ mond for 1910. in the hands ot the United States Government, and the comparative figures of Oakland and Los Angeles for the same period, also the approximate figures of the port of San Franciseco: San Francisco, Gross Tonnage, 6,886,000 Tons; Oakland, Gross Tonnage, 4,039,488 Tons; Los Angeles, Gross Tonnage, 1,700,000 Tons « Richmond for Year 1910 Shipped 4,590,173 Study these figures mid understand their meaning, and you will not belong in concluding that RICHMOND is not only one of lheyreuti st shipping centers on the Pacific Coast, but tin1 second lai./-st in the state of California. In comparing these figures do not o eilook theft,! that Sun franctscu has practicalt / a population nJ 500,000 piaple. while Richmond today has approximately 16,000 peop! •. Them figures are susceptible or verification and are only o ie oilier evidence of proof of RICHMOND’S contention of being the manufacturing center of coast. safe return on your investment, for a little mon pj down. B 'h >re som • of the largest and richest corpcnalien': >f the country have a>g.l me now spending millions of dollars in manufacturing, you need have no fear of investing a few hundred. grow. RICH IOND is the place, in the B/own-Andrade Tracts. r I V7 . RICHMOND offers you a sure and Place your realty investments in a city where youi money will Business lots from $400 up. 9 EPE ESENTATI VE > Fred Slagle and Animi Ellingson Wm Candlin, the Coquille travel­ slow way ot moving It is easy to a i of Coquille were Bandon I visitors yes- ling man ,was calling on his Bandon tell when votl get out ot Co« s < «mil- . > customers yesterday. leiday. ty by the toads. For a furnished or unfurnished amai- - - -Deputy Prosecuting Att y L. A. I The Socialists are ceiling up th.-ir house, see Spencer. Liljeqvist and wife were Bandon vis­ I new hall, also putting m tiiew win < C. McC. Johnson and wile tie Ki I ,i»» « ti.„ i-;.. i.-........... itors yesterday. Mr. Liljeqvist was The best line ot Toys, Dolls, Dry dows in tlie kitclien and tixing things Portland for a week or ten days so­ ■ «ooils. Notions and General Holiday I UP comtortably in general. 1 I: y ai r journ. They left VV *dne;dry «Her­ iltendmg to legal business. Wm. 11. Lyons of Coquille was i Goods in Coos County at the Racket preparing tor a big tune (l«n l;sgii land. Store Everything sold ata living "‘K. Bandon visitor yesterday. Dr. Leep. Will Ly«>ns, Fred Sla-' C. L. Eonfrr lin k a bunch t»f fine See here! Christmas is Coming!: Pru,i‘* Nu lea-lets but all prices gle and Dr. C W. Eadtocott, otCo " .*.. _______ ... .._ i ! nuht, gy. fl beef Sleets Io Marshfield tot the b'.lt l-'or Toys, China ware, N«>ti«ms and "RF i . quille were over on the stud hiils yesterday hunting geese but met other Holiday (roods, don t forget | Finest line of Alfalfa Hay ever chers of that place. the Racket Store lias a tall line. brought to Bandon at fSr.yo. Cen- 1 Mrs. Holiday ot Yakima, W.t-h., with rather in«lifi *rent success. ■ «8j-t2 is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mt- M. D. Sherrard and w ife w ill go Prompt set vice and courteous treat- . H al Feed Co. inent is out motto. to San Erancisc j on the Eifirld and Take W’itler Water for it. (.’. M. J. L. h osier of Band«>n. 4 The liver lug Venus which has, Spencer, Agent. Mr. and Mrs. Cox were Bandon Mr. Sherrard will buy a long lathe and a boring machine for the Ban­ been on dry dock f >r some time is j Dr. S. C. Endicott, dentist, Ras- v ifots a few tlavs last wryk. I inussen B|<)g Phone 71. don Iron Works. These machines now afloat and on duly again. M. B Pressey and ¿ife and Miss 85-lf The dredge Sierra Juan which h; sj The Grand otter « 3000 feet splen­ Ora Deyoe were «Myrtle Point visi w II be large enough to turn .mt ill Sunday at i«> -. m. Notice to Establish Grade on most any kind of work in tjieir line been oil the fiver for some time is i did pictures, Saturday and Sun-lav tots last week. Wm. Horsfall. ,\i« h«lra.-oi-, The Bandon sailed Wemlesday I« ji being dismantled at the Bandon ship 1 mghts Admission loots. Judge Topping ami wife and < Curry Street. the south with 450,000 tret of him vatds and will be -hipped to San R \V uie and wile started Io Daily- PRESBY I EIll.VN. See this masttrpiece in act-ng — Francisco. •ber. jealousy-portrayed by Miss Fh>r-jv iU,‘ la*‘ Friday by auto, but the.r Services will l>e is toil.Ill ■ Notice i* hereby given i L m I th<* Comru.m The pailies who i.orrowed an Alii j Santa Claus' Headqu rrt-rs. II I c.. I’«r •rottheVilagiaphCo.at m,,;l,ine broke down al L “u ,,,,k Q-iiel Hour, 9:4.5 Council of rhe City ot Bandon, Coo« county, ids now on «lisplry at th minum Kettle will please return same the (hand Theatre, Saturday night, a“d they *ere P^’keil up bv a team Preaching at 11 :oo , Oregon, did, on the hr*l day ot November, 1911» Racket Store. Come early ami gel t<> the Bandon Creamery. Parties November nth. and carried a shirt wav. but finally Sunday school at 10 o’clock. at « regular meeting by resolution duly pat rd I had to nnish the tiip atoot. your choice. Lowest prices in the coming in to nuy cream ire request Christian Endeavor will convene determine to establish the grade i«n Curry Ureei A splendid program at the Grand q e«l to bring their own cream bottles. city and best assortment. ¡commencing al the south line of .btxih ill «cl I Sunday night, coin- dv and drama. I K I .ong and wife of l.aCro-se, .It t:3o p. m. where Curry »tree! intersects with Sixth street, Bandon Creamery Co. 87-12 Pleaching at 7:30. To E xchange ream, harnes.. J->00 feet ot pictures. Admission Wisconsin are visiting Herman De then running south t the north line of f ighlh W an I Eo—Watches to repair II. 1 octs. II. C. II aktranet . Pastor. a-i-l forty acres ot land to exchange l.-mg al Four mile. Mis Long is sliret, vvhere Cutty street intersect* with Eighth 76-tt I I* 1.1er, Sabro. Atwater St. a sister of Mis. Del.ong Mr. Long or to vu property. | sheet, a!l in the Woodland Addition to the < ilv L atter D av S aints . ---- Oi ganized Church ot Jesus l»e edabliAhrd hi accordance with the utvey Attention W. R. C. i II n t y in bis pi a in- of t hr be mt ilnl Capt. Robt Johnson an.I Garoutte couver, Wash , ariived in Bandon Chiist nd model the same for a store building, pe iter and will follow his liade here the Corps Saturday, Nov. 1 ¡th, at I tl --Il «laughter, Mrs Rituell aiid Sunday school at to mo a. m. ! I is open to the in pection at all pri«...i inter«.* rd I fm baud, have been J. C Savage, editor of the Co ­ visiting . -I lilt A. G. Hoyt .»ill move his stock of the hall, for inspection. Every mein Preaching at 11 :oo a. in Religio ; therein. Del .«mg ranch. Mi. Waterman c ime groceries into the building when quille Sentinel, returned Monday bt-r is urged to be present, at 7:00 p. in. and preaching at 8:00 Now, unless a written iemon*traiue, ..nn-d by about |o<> miles in a covered wagon. 1 from Portland after an absence of two completed. p. m Prayer meeting at S;oo p. in. j the owner of rWO THIRDS i.l th* -<-.l Deboiah Young, Pies. weeks on a combined business and I hri are delightful wi'h the clnnatf- Wednesday evenings. I property aJ|»cent to ouJ alulti.-.g up -i. Cu.ry R. F. L Bedillicn, John Shields i. d the green fields. Mr. W item» in treet between portion, herein desctil^il, hall pleasure trip. He visited old friends All are cordially invited to attend be filed with the C.ty Recorder oi the City ot and E'red Fieger were down to New - Four Mile Notes. ..ill fimily will spend thr winter <>n in Salem while absent. * lake duck hunting recently ami inci D. W. C arpenter , President. H.ndon, within I U EN 1"Y DAYS tron. the th - ('ope ranch Mr. Rowell anti Remember the K. of P. ball at the tint date ot pubhcat.i.n ot th«« notice, the in. dentally succeeded in getting a bunch family liave moved into Ge rge l y- M. E. C hurch moa Council will paw an Ordinance eoatbU,...^ Winter I ms set in at last, but we r« n's house near Croft Lake of ducks, Imt the biggest thing abmn Oriental Hall, Saturday evening, Sabbath school to a m. meh trade on Curry aired as herein prop.». J, November ¡8th. 83-ti certainly cant complain. Flrwers! The ................ the whole affair was the fact tint B. !■. and M Tel Co iiimi held Pleaching 1 1 a m. and 7:30 p. m and between point.« a« herein deaciibej in .,«.«.< they bagged a lot ot big chinook In the case of the Hub Clothing are still in abundance, and laurels are their annual meeting 1 i*t Monday at dance wuh «urvev and the profile ot the < uy Epworth League 6:45 p. in. salmon and this is no fish story ac­ & Shoe Co vs Bandon Wine X l.i- in bloom in Novemlrei think of it' Bindon, but only a tew were in ’ ¡quorCo. over the building now occu­ Ladies’ Ai-J Tuesdays 2:00 p. tn er and Geo. P. Laird w ho also re- pied bv the latter comp my the court Petri Davis were Lanidois visitors E. B KAUSRUD. Prayer Meeting Thr rs lays 7 30. Rr« o.d l Z. xC-4. 4.< 4 4. W.Z -4- turne I from the same i-lace y-.st<-r- found for the < I.»thing company an I list Sunday. Langlo s is certainly Th s notu? pribliahed thr hr*’ tim? on date ot Rev. Harry Lee, Pastor. day and testify to the fish prc.posi- the occupants have until Nov. 141’1 putting up some nice large umldings. BANDON CHURCHES November 10, 1911. Nov. 10-21 J •X. tion. 1 to vacate the building They wi I They are also doing s taething in the TTTrTrr?\ BkV IHR( N Trv :~r?Y If you want a first-class meal go move into the building recently va- way ot road building the new road 1 am prepared to go and mat Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. E piscopal . . groups •• • •