Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, November 07, 1911, Image 1

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Deputy Sheriff of Jackson
Co. Arrived Monday Morn­
ing and Takes Wheeler
The Proposed Gymnasium.
The time of awakening to the fact
that it is equally as important to de­
velop the body as the I rain in our
public schools has arrived. All over
the country the movement for the
proper physical instruction of our
boys and girls, as a prevention for
the diseases which reap such a hor­
rible harvest each year, is being
taken up and pursued energetically
The reason for the spread of the dis
eases which are so common in our
public schools is that the pupils are
not physically able to resist the at­
tacks of the destructive germs. In
f ict, nine out of every ten pupils are
in such physical condition as to in­
vite the diseases that are constantly
around us.
Is this movement towards univer­
sal good health worth while, and if
so, how can we remedy our present
coml it ions?
The first is absurd. Go through
our own school right here in Bandon,
notice the sunken chests, the stoop
shoulders, the listless eyes, and lis­
ten to the quick irregular breathing
of the pupils, and you would be
ashamed of you. self forever for even
allowing such a thought to enter
your head.
As to the remedy; we must in­
struct the pupils in the methods ot
keeping themselves healthy. Before
we can do this however we must
have a place for such instruction and
this is the very object of the pro­
posed Bandcn Public School Gym
If you are in favor of the advance
ment of our school along this all im­
portant line, attend the special school
meeting in the High School Audito
rimn. Nov. 23rd, and vote for the
Have Trouble Over Calf.
Shipping Business at
Port Still Continues Ex­
ceedingly Brisk
As a lesult of the dispute over the
ownership of a calf, which was sold
to Geo. Erdman last Saturday Mrs.
C. Ledgerwood and C. H. Chandler
swore out warrants of arrest against
J. I- Conger for stealing the calf and
against Geo. Erdman as an accom­
It seems that the calf had been at
the Ledgerwood farm for some time,
but Mr. Conger claims the calf be­
longed to him and that he turned it
out when a month old, and at the
proper time he butchered it and sold
it to Mr. Erdman for his meat mar­
ket. Mr. Chandler, seeing the calf
hanging in the market, claimed it as
having belonged to Mrs. Ledger­
wood; hence the difficulty, and now
it will be necessary to prove who the
calf really b-longed to. The trial
comes rp for hearing tomorrow at
one o'clock in Justice Wade's court
unless a postponement be made. The
burden of proof as we understand
the case will be either for Mr. Con­
ger to show that the call was the
same one he turned out. or for Mrs.
Ledgerwood and Chandler to show
that the calf had always been in their
TI10.T lizibeth sailed Saturday
morning with 20 tons of miscella
neous freight, 229,000 of lumber and
the following passengers: Homer
Clark, John Dagett, D. E. McNames
and wife, P. Ryan, Chas. W. Bow­
les, Miss Ella Walstrom, Miss Ethel
Clark, W. T. Steam.
The Brooklyn arrived Sunday
morning with 12 passengers whose
names we did not get.
The Fifield arrived last nigt with
50 tons of freight and the following
passengers: A. F. Estabrook and
wife, Miss Guerin, Mr Roedel. E. D
Beeker, Mr. Bullen F. Hughes,
Paddy Ellis, M. Nelson, Theodore
Jones, F. Saundeis, W. Sau iders
and E. Glaze.
The Brooklyn sailed today with 5
tons of miscellaneons freight, 300. Twohy Bro*. May get the Job
000 feet of lumber and ths following
passengers: R. E. Bugbe, D. Farig,
Robert McKee C. Bradford, D. M.
The Eugene Guard received this
morning says:
“It is highly probable that Twohy
a big railroad construction
Hint Given of Real Motive in
firm with headquarters in Portland
Trial of Axtell.
and Spokane, will build the Eugene-
Coos Bay branch of the Southern
Stockton, Cal., Nov. 3.—Hints Pacific Co. John H. Twohy, a mem
of underlying circumstances which her of the firm, arrived in Eugene
led to the shooting of Charles Sol- Sunday and is out in the country
I irs by Editor S B. Axtell, and west of here today with a party of
which will not be made public unti] other S luthern Pacific men looking
the defense has witnesses on the over the survey.
Grange Dinner Much En­ stand, were made this morning, in
“Mr. Twody, when seen at the
Osburn this morning before
A Gigantic Enterprise.
In the examination of Talesman starting with his party in an automo­
W. B. Faulkner, Attorney Ashley bile for the country, declined to slate
The Standard Oil Co. is probably
The Grange dinner in Odd Fel asked: ‘ You take nothing against w hether or not his firm had the con­
the richest and largest corporation in
lows Hall last S ilin liy was one of the defendant because he has not tract and declared that he had abso­
existence, controlling as it does prac
the "biggest feeds” < .«r given in appeared in newspapers in his de lutely nothing to say at this time.
tically the world s output of crude
the city; there was turkey, chicken, fense? You understand that there He was accompanied by J. N. Fo­
beef, pork, mutton, vegetables of might be matters of a sacred nature garty, who has been prominently
One of the largest refineries of the
many kinds, salads, pies, cakes, and which he would not care to exploit connected with the construction of
Standard Oil Co. is located on this
Oh my! you could not begin to until the proper time?”
the Natron extension, besides N A.
Coast, where there is $15,c 00,000
name half the good 1 lungs to eat,
Ely and J. R. Marlin of Portland. It
invested capital in a plant that gives
and the nicest thing about the whole ing by the defense, and two, W. B. is not known whether the last two
employment to 1500 workmen. This
affair was the fact that there was Faulkner and N. Wilson, were named have any connection with the
plant is being duplicated to lay, and
plenty for all, and those grangi rs passed for cause.
company or the contracting firm
completed will have a capacity of re­
1 wouldn’t let you go away from the
James Slayton, an eye-witness to
“Right of way agent J. L. Buell
fining 60,000 barrels of oil per dav. ;
table until you were well filled, and the shooting of Sollars by Editor anct'one or two others are with the
This oil is ¡jumped from the Kern
| I think they had at least 12 baskets | Axtell, will probably be the first wit­ party and they have two automobiles
River fields 340 miles away, and '
! full of the fragments.
ness called by the prosecution when *rom the Moon garage.
from the crude oil is manufactured ,
The occasion was very much en­ the taking of testimony begins in the
“Twohy Brothers built the South
175 by-products, requiring 32 ships |
joyed by all present and everybody noted murder trial which now holds ern Pacific Co's Deschutes railroad,
to distribute these products through­
voted the Grangers first cl iss enu r the attention of San Joaquin county which parallels the Hill road which
out the world.
as good feeder«.
Porter Brothers built. The Twohys
In their can factory 30,000 5 gal j tainers as well
--- 000----
Slayton was standing in front of are among the country’s largest rail­
Ion coal oil cans are turned out |
daily; acid is applied and the cans | Curry May Have Health Re- the Lodi garage on Pine street when road contractors and heve had many
■ Sollars drove up in his automobile large contracts in the noithwest dur
are soldered automatically, and are;
' and turned into the garage. As he ing the past few years.’’
deposited by carrier, after having
drove by a screwdriver dropped from
• —» —
been automatically filled with oil, in­
According to reports that have
to the ship’s hold, to be distributed
At The Grand.
reached this place Curry is on the screwdriverand started into the gar­
throughout the civilized world.
The Standard Oil Co.'s plant re­ verge of having her mineral water age to hand it to Sollars, to whom
Picture Program at Grand Theatre
ferred to is loca'ed at Richmond, on ; exploited. The owners of the famous he wished to speak. As he stepped
San Francisco Bay, and it was be­ | Bartlett Springs have located what into the garage he saw Axtell stand Tonight. November 7th. “A Trag­
A hair raising melo­
cause of the rail and water facilities ' has been known in Curry for years, ing at the back of Sollars’ machine edy at S -a
for shipping that caused the Standard as “mineral springs ” These springs firing at the ice dealer as the latter drama that holds you spell bound.
Oil Co. to locate this mammoth are located between the Illinois and was bending ov< r the hood of the "Bronco Bill’s Last Spree." This is
a comedy of western life in early
plant at Richmond, as these same ; Chetco rivers, about 20 miles “the auto.
There were two other eye-wit­ days that you will laugh over many
facilities have been the reason for 53 way the crow flies ’ from this place.
other manufacturing inbustries locat­ These locating parties have had their nesses to the shooting, Dr. James N. times.
Tomorrow night—3000 feet—all
expert chemist there all summer, and Nelson, in whose office Sollais after-
ing there.
‘The Switchman’
Laboreis will follow these indus are still holding the foit. They have
railroad drama.
tries, and the merchat and resident
will follow the laborer, until within a
---- s-rtX»----
very short space of time von will see I outward ap|>earane shows that a great
------OOO —
F. A. Sikes, a state officer of the
Carl Roy Wiren, six year-old son
built up at Richmond a great Indus health resort will be immediately es­
trial and Manufacturing center, as tablished there, although the secrets of Capt. and Mrs. O. Wir n. of the 1 armers Educational and Co oper
well as a^beautiful home city; where I of the promoters or locators are di- Bandon Light house, d ed today at alive Union, writes the local union
Funeral arrange­ from Milton, Ore., that he will be in
all the advantages of climate, educa- vulged to no one not directly inter II ¡30 o’clock.
ested in the enterprise. That the ments have not yet been completed, Marshfield the totlt or nth of Nov­
tion and transportation abound.
Make an investment today, tn springs have been known for many [ but notices will be issued later. The ember. and he expects to spend
Richmond, :n the Brown-Andrade years to contain medical properties, Wiren family will have the sympathy some time in this county in the in­
Tract, and the luture years will show is evidenced by old bathing tanks of a large circle of friends >n their terest of the local unions. Mr. Sykes
you the w'sdom of your judgment which were placed there years ago, great bereavement. Death was the will be given a banquet by the Co­
See my advertisement elsewhere in of which only remnants can now be result of diabetes which had lx.-eo ol quille union, Saturday, November
I.. J. Wheeler, who owns and oper­
ates a grocery store on the plank
road was arrested yesterday by the
deputy sheriff of Jackson county for
the murder of Nathan Rogaway.
whose home was at Albany, Ore,,
but who avas killed near Ashland,
Ore., last summer.
The only evidence that seems to
be against Mr. Wheeler is that he
and Rogaway and two other men
left Ashland in Wheeler’s automo
bile on the day Rogaway came up
missing. Some time afterward Rog-
away’s body was found buried by
the roadside, and though the body
was decayed he was identified by his
It is said that the murdered man
h <d a large sum of money on his
person and that the murder was com­
mitted fertile purpose of robbery.
Mr. Wheeler is a highly respected
citizen of Bandon and was also high­
ly respected in Ashland. No one
here who knows Mr. Wheeler be
lieves that he would ever commit a
deed of this kind.
Mr. Wheeler was taketi back to
Jackson county yesterday where he
will have his hearing, and if indicted,
will have to stand trial for the mur­
der. Nothing is known of the other
two men who left Ashland in com­
pany with Messrs Wheeler and Rog­
this issue.
C. R. Wilcox, agent.
J found.—Gold Beach Globe.
about two months’ duration.
nth.—Coquille Herald.
Would Keep Tab on all Out­
going and Incoming Freight
With Ease
One thing that Bandon needs and
needs badly is a port of entry to
which every boat on entering and
leaving the harbor must report how
much freight, how many passengers,
ttc , she is carrying By this means
it wculd be an easy matter to keep
tab on everything that comes in and
goes out of this port and thus be
able t3 furnish data for any purpose
at any time.
A Port of entry can be had just
for the asking; all that is necessary
is to get into communication with
the department at Washington and
the port can be secured. This mat­
ter should be taken up by the com­
mercial club, the naval militia, or
some other organization, or better
vet all work in conjunction, and while
we think of it let us not forget to
furnish the data asked for by Con­
gressman Hawley when he was here
last week so that he can have some­
thing to work on when he asks for a
new appropriation lor the Coquille
river. Now is the time to get busy,
Rapid Rise in CoosCo. Values
J. F and Robert Hope ol North
Inlet, who recently sold their ranch
of 560 acres to Dr. Pope Howard of
Everett, Wash., for $42,000, were
in the city today making prepara­
tions to go to Vancouver. B. C.,
where they will spend the winter be­
fore permanently locating somewhere
further north in Canada.
The sale of this ranch represents
the tapid rise in Coos county realty
values in the last few years. About
seven years ago Geo. Beale sold it
to Wesley Newlan for $3,500. New-
Ian held it. for about a year and sold
to the Hope Brcs. for the same price
he paid Beale. The Hope Bros,
held it for about five years when a
price of $25,000 was placed on it
and a prominent Marshfield business
man is understcod to have taken an
option on it at that time. Later, F.
B Waite opened negotiations and
was about to close the deal at $25,-
000, but for some reason the mailer
fell through.
A couple of months ago Dr. Pope
Howard of Fverett, Wash., an old
school mate and friend of Dr. Min
gus made a prospecting trip and visit
to Coos Bay and was so favorably
impressed with the property that he
promptly purchased it for $42,000.
Dr. Howard expects to make the
place his permanent home; his broth­
er will arrive soon from Prince Ed ­
ward Island to assume active man­
agement of the ranch.—Coos Bay
Riverton Local*.
Improvements are being made all
over our town. Henry Bumgardner
is making his house another story
higher which adds greatly to its ap­
pearance. Bruno Augustino is build­
ing a nice cottage on the land he
bought lately. Bean & Martin have
built an addition to their store build­
ing; one half is to be used as a store
room and the rest will be opened
into the sales room. Wm. Kay is
building another addition on his res­
Curtis Price and family have
moved to Coquille. They expect to
remain there a year or more as Mr.
Price works in the new saw mill.
Henry Bumgardner, who, for the
past year, was running the Mathers
dairy ranch, returned with his f.uni
ily last week.
G. H. Sell has made up his mind
to try living in town again. He and
his family have moved here.
Surprise parties seem to be the
rage here now. There has been sev­
eral during the past two ,veeks. Last
Saturday evening a large number of
our citizens of all ages and both
sexes suddenly appeared at the resi­
dence of James Lee and family. The
evening passed off pleasantly and
everybody enjoyed themselves.
—D e L e V era
The Cloven Hoof.
The High School play entitled
"The Cloven Hoof ’ composed by
C. R. Moore, and to be put on by
the Bandon High Schoo), will be
given Friday and Saturday nights of
this week at the Orpheum, and it
will be worth everybody’s while to
go and see it, as it will be well worth
the price of admission, and besides
the proceeds are to go for a good
cause in which everybody should be
interested, that of erecting a gymna­
sium for the use of the schools.
The program and cast of chirac-
ters will appear in Friday’s R ecord ­
er .
Delphi Lodge, No. 64, K. of P.,
will give their annual ball in Orien­
tal Hall, Saturday evening, Novem-
l:> r tSlh. Supper will be served by
tl e Pythian Sisters in the hall be­
Local Overflow
Miss Ethel Timmons returned on
the Breakwater from an extended
trip to Portland and Astoria.
The schooner Mary Dodge sailed
from Bandon for San Francisco, Sat­
urday, with a full cargo of lumber.
For Sale.—Fine ranch of 190
acres, 3 1-2 miles south of Bandon.
See C. M. Spencer.
The Nashville Students and Jubi­
lee Singers who appeared at the Or­
pheum Friday, Saturday and Sun­
day nights, played to packed houses
every night, and were well received
at every performance. They are
hummers as minstrels, and received
prolonged applause at every ,>erfor-
mance. The troupe played at Co­
quille last night, will be at Myrtle
Point tonight, and from there will
go to Roseburg, and then south
and will probably come back here
for a return engagement in about
three months.
The Coos Bay Times says it is re­
ported that Robert Marsden, Jr., and
W. C. Sellmer of Bandon are nego
tiating with Marshfield parties for the
erection of a building fora moving
picture and playhouse.
See Fred Mehl at the Acme Plan
ing mill for apple boxes.
All business passing through
our hands receives our per-
sonai attention and is held
in the strictest confidence.
First National Bank
State Depositary