V I Gatchell Bros.’ Transfer Line GATCHELI. BROS., Prop.. All kinds of heavy and iig it draying. Phone orders giver, prompt attention. Barn Cor. ¡ irsi & Spruce St., Fish Property PHONIC »141 S am S ays There are Shingles and Shingles, but none better and few as reliable as the brand we handle. They are well made from our own limber and we guarantee an excellent quality. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO Phone 171. Orders taken for delivery Bandon Meat Market RESKEY & FORD, Proprietors (Successors to E. Lewin) ^vir. Patronize Home Industry by using our Home Rendered, Ab­ solutely Guaranteed Lard. 10 lb. pails $1.50, 5 lb. pails 75c. Bandon Light and Power Co Lamps, Batteries, Fixtures, Bells General Electrical Supplies Office Oakes’ Building. Hours 8 to 5 James C Dahlman, “Qowboy” Mayor of Omaha, “Throws the Lariat ” Mayor J. C. Dahlman started his career as a cowboy, and is at present Mayor of Omaha, and has the fol­ lowing record: Sheriff of Dawes Co., Neb., three terms; Mayor of Chad­ ron, two terms; Democratic Nat'l Committeeman, eight years; Mayor of Omaha, six yeais, and in J910 candidate for Governor of Nebraska. Writing to Foley & Co.. Chicago, he says: “I have taken Foley Kid­ ney Pills and they have given me a great deal ¿of relief so I cheerfully recommend them.” Yours truly, (signed) James C. Dahlman. Ban­ don Drug Co. Is the World Growing Better? Many things go to prove that it is The way thousands are trying to help others is proof, Among them is Mrs. W. W. Gould, of Pittsfield, N H. Finding good health l> tai- ing Electric Bitters she new advises other sufferers, everywhere, to take them. ‘For years I suffered widi stomach and kidney trouble,” she writes. “Every medicine I used failed till I took Electric Bitters. But this great remedy helped me wonderfully.” They’ll help any woman Try them. 50c at all druggists. Who Makes Your Clothes? will hardly be asked if I am your tailor. Nearly every well dressed man knows that the clothes 1 make have a tone and individuality of their own. Let us make you a suit and people will say: “By George, you look swell, 1 see Reubenack makes your clothes now.” F. W. RUEBENACK, The Tailor The state of Texas may be relied upon for a formidable fuel supply from the figures of the coal resources I of that state compiled by W. Dy ■ hillips, director ot economic geol-j ogy of the State University. There1 r. mains 31,000,000,000 tons and since the bdginning of operations in 1883, 20,000,000 tons have been re moved. Of the existing beds 8,000,- 000,000 tons are bituminous and -’3,000,000,000 lignite. The work­ able coal area is 10,000 square miles, Starting October 15, 1789, Presi­ dent George Washington made a tour through three states, Massachu­ setts, Connecticut and New Hamp­ shire. He traveled in a stage coach at the rate of ten miles an hour, had with hit 1 but two secretaries, and ac­ complished a trip all told of 600 miles. The population of this coun try was then 3,929,827. President Taft is to travel 13,000 miles through twenty four states, over twenty-five It’s Equal Don’t Exist. different railroads, in a special train No one has ever made » salve, of five or six coaches, crowded with secretaries, aides, valets, secret ser- ointment or balm to compare with ! vice men, reporters and the like, go­ Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It’s the ing at the rate of fifty miles an hour. one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, I He is to deliver 200 speeches to Burns, Bruises, Sores. Scalds, Boil.-, representative crowds belonging to a Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped' population of 90,000,000. Hands or Sprains, its supreme. Un­ Averts Awful Tragedy. rivaled for Piles. Try it. Only 25c ■ Timely advice given Mrs. C. Wil­ at all druggists. loughby, of Marengo, Wis,, (R. No. What is said to be the largest flag I 1) prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. Doctors had said of any nation in the world was un- her frightful cough was a “consump­ fu led September 25th at Memphis, j tion” cough and could do little to Tennessee, in honor of the first of a ' help her. After many remedies series of annual reunions of veteran failed, her aunt urged her to take soldier^ of the northern and southern Dr. King’s New Discovery. “I have armies of the war of fifty years ago. been using it for some time ” she The flag is thirteen stories high in wrote “and the awful cough has al­ length and in breadth is stretched most gone. It also saved my little far across the street when unfurled boy when taken with a severe bron­ from a local skyscraper. chial trouble.” This matchless Take Your Common Colds Seriously. medicine has no equal for throat Don’t,trifle with a cold is good and lung troubles. Price 50c and adviceTor prudent men and women. $1.00. Trial bottle free, Guaran- It may be vital in the case of a child leed by all druggists. There is nothing better than Cham­ A successful test of the practica- berlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs I bility of sending wireless messages and colds in children. It is safe and from aeroplanes and target shooting sure. For sale by C. Y. Lowe. were the principal features of the The Marshfield Times proposes to recent aviation meet at Nassua Boul­ issue a county booster edition, styled evard, Long Island. The wireless the Prosperity and Railroad Num­ test was made by a telegraph opera­ ber The Times will tieat all towns tor in the biplane of Lieutenant Ar­ alike, and in a private conversation nold who succeeded in Hashing mes with the proprietor, we learn that sages from a height of two hundred the aim is to secure enough business and fifty feet. Captain Patrick Ham to pay the actual cost of printing ilton, the crack English shot, allowed same, and send the big edition the target shooting match to go by broadcast for the general benefit of ' default to Lieutenant J. E. Fickel, the advertising it will do for Coos of the Twenty ninth Infantry. The county.—Coos Bay Harbor, American army officer, firing from a You are not experimenting on distance of one hundred and fifty yourself when you take Chamber­ feet, made some fairly good hits. lain’s Cough Remedy for a cold as Gives Aid to Strikers. that preparation has won its greatj Sometimes liver, kidneysand bow­ reputation and extensive sale by its; els seem to go on a strike and refuse remarkable cures of colds, and can to work right. Then you need those always be depended upon. It is pleasant little strike-breakers—Dr. equally valuable for adults and chil-l King’s New Life Pills—to give them dren and may be given to young natural aid and gently compel pro­ children with implicit confidence as I i per action. Excellent health soon it contains no harmful drug. Sold follows. Try them. 25c at all drug- by C. Y. Lowe. g'sts-_____________ A sword in the Dijon Museum ha- : 11 is stated that right of way agents just been identified as that,used by acting for the Pacific Coast and ¡Joan of Arc, and presented to her Southern Pacific railway companies by Charles VII of France. On one are exceptionally active in procuring side of the hilt, says the Lond >n right of ways along North inlet. Mail, is engraved a figure kneeling Wednesday the Tsiltcoos Gun Club before a cross, and the inscription sold a strip across their properly “Charles the VII,” while the other near North slough to the Pacific side bears the name “Vaucouleurs.” Coast road, and within two hours The sword also bears the arms of the Southern Pacific agei.t was after France and of the town of Orleans, I \ ¡ the same property. It is stated that and the date is 1419. the race to secure the more favorable A Portland (Mich.) oridegroem, route to Coos Bay is gro.ving in in­ after a courtship of twenty continu terest daily.—Coos Bay Harbor. ous, tumultuous years, was quaran- j fl a g Central Feed Co. at Central Warehouse. Phone 142 Hay, Grain, Mill Feed. Also Agent for Croley s Chicken Supplies*—Wholesale and Retail. All Orders promptly filled All kinds of Grass Seed Biliousness is due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Cham berlain’s Tablets are essentially a stomach medicine, intended espec - ally to act on that organ; to cleanse it, strengthen it, tone and invigorate it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually For sale by C. Y. I-owe. tined for smallpox on his wedding day. This ought to be fair wa ning to every would-be bridegioom not- to extend his courtship over a period of more than nineteen years. Common coids, severe and fre­ quent, lay the foundation of chronic diseased conditions of the nose and throat, and may develop into bron­ Called to the bar in 1835, William chitis, pneumonia and consumption. George Hake, who recently celebrat- For all coughs and colds in children, el his hundredth birthday, is the and in grown persons, take Foley's only English barrister who ever I j Honey and Tar Compound prompt | ly. Bandon Drug Co, reached bis century. Where You Get the Hardware a If you arc looking for anything in light 4ml heavy hardware, this is the place to get it. We also do plumbing and guarantee satisfaction. Our chief aim is to please. A. McNAIR, The Hardware Man BANK OB BANDON OBKGON BANDON Capital Stock $50,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. L. Kronenberg, President. T. P. I lanly, President; F. J. Fahy. Cashier; C. Y. Lowe, R. H. Rosa, Directors Vice A general hanking business transacted and customers given every accommodation con­ sistent with safe and conservative banking CORRESPONDENTS: The American National Bank, of San Francisco, Calif; Merchants National Bank, Portland, Oregon; The Chase National Bank, of New York. Equipped with Wireless S. S. BREAKWATER Always on time. Sails from Portland at 8 p. m. on October 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31. Sails from Marshfield at service of the tide on October 7, 14, 21 and 28. Phone 431 Confirm Sailings Through C, M. SPENCER, Agent Bandon THE COQUILLE RIVER LIN E Sirs. Fifield & Bandon Twin Screw, New and Fast 1st Class Passage, Up Freight, - Our interests - - $10.00 & $7.50 - 3.00 are your interests. Fair rates and good service our motto A. F. Estabrook Co., 245 Cal. St., San Francisco BAN JON WAREHOUSE CO., Agents, Bandon, Oregon TlWri l HI I I I I S. S. B rooklyn Sails from San Francisco Thursday, Novemer 2d Newly Remodeled, Modern Equipment Throughout Carries Passengers and Freight -- ----------------------------------------------.-------- - ------------------------- First Class Passage Fare, $7-50. Freight per Ion, $3.co Makes Regular Eight Day ‘Trips between San Flancisco and Bandon. SUDDEN & CHRISTENSEN, Ownersand Optra! rs San Francisco, Calif. J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon, Ore. ___________________ ________________ __ _____ B Large Two Berth Outside State Rooms with Running Water Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco - A ■ First Class Passenger Fare, - $7.50 I? Freight Rates, - $3 on Up Freight f J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon, Oregon. E. Ac E. Reservation»; Point. T. Kru*e, owner» and managers, 24 California St., San Francisco. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Coquille; Perkins' Pharmacy, Myrtle if * Our Perfect Printing Pleases-