Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, October 27, 1911, Image 4

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    The Tillamook sails from Portland
| for Bandon today.
The committee of the Presbyter­
ian church has rejected all bids lor
Mrs. Robert Goetz and sqn Har­ the foundation and excavation. Bids
old came down from Myrtle Point for the superstructi re will be extend­
yesterday lor a short visit with rela­ ed through subsequent issues of the
Tuesday, J. J. Breen, a liveryman
The Elizabeth will sail from San
Crescent City, was a Bandon vis
Francisco for Band m Saturday even­
ing, and will sail from here again
Chas. E. and Jas. Loarie, of Port
about November 1st.
old time miners and pros­
Walker, the photographer, has re­
ate guests at Hotel Galiier
fitted his new photo gallery and now
ar? going to San
has one of the b st equipped galleries
of a metal
in this section ol the country.
they have discovered and cannot
Highest price paid for all kinds of
second hand goods by G. FL Wood-
MuhaeU, Sacra & Co
ruff, in Denholm building.
k.’-tsi C. E. Bowman will soon commence
the construction of the basemeiil for
J. L. Kronenberg had business
a pdatial new resilience to be built
which called him to Parkersburg
on his lot on the plank road next
Very III.—Chas. S. Hilborn, the
For a furnished or unfurnished
Millicoma pioneer who has been sick
see Spencer.
for some tune, is reported to be in a
Jack Guyton, Marshfield's "Jack
rather critical condition today.—Coos
London," was drawing inspiration in
Bav Times.
G. T Treadgold returned from the city yesterday.
F. E. Nelson, of the Marshfield
the bay yesterday accompanied by
M rs. 1 leadgold and liltle son who Iron Works, was a Bandon business
returned alter a month’s visit with visitor yesterday.
Prof Rowan, of Langlois, is a
relatives and friends at Portland and
guest at lite Hotel Galiier. He is
The Dalles.
We are complete house furnishers on his way 40 Central America, and
and fix your home up from kitchen will go via San Francisco. He will
to parlor. Bandon Furniture Co. isit the Canal and w II probably re­
—67-tf main in that country for some time.
1 o E xchange —Team, harness,
Tuesday, J. W Gardner, the
hardware man of North Bend, ac­ and forty acres of land to exchange
companied by his wife and daughter, for town properly. J. L. Foster,
Pwo mile.
Ethel, were Bandon visitors.
Swell line of Axminister rugs, and
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Randleman
were in Bandon yesterday and gave they ate selling from $3 to $5 less
the R ecorder office a pleasant call. than anywhere else in Coos county.
Mr. Randleman says everything is Bandon Furniture Co.
booming in his community this fine
Fied Alsou, of Port Orford, well
known by old settlers, left on the
Mrs. O. A. Trowbridge received Elizabeth for San Francisco for a
a telegram yesterday morning an­ visit with E. and E. T. Kruse.
nouncing the serious illness oi her
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edmunds,
mother, Mrs. Catherine Brown at of Pendleton, former Bandonians,
Lookout, Calif. Mrs. Trowbridge ire in the city renewing acquaint-
left on th? one o’clock boat for mces.
Lookout, going by way of Roseburg.
Paul Johnson, the black sand min
W anted Watches to repair. II. ■r, was up from Gohl Beach yester­
Sabro, Atwater St.
76-lf day.
Yesterday Reskey & Ford, the In the Circuit Court of the
Mr. and Mrs. E Lewin have is­
W. P. McKenna, book-keeper at butchers, bought 17 head of fine beef
State of Oregon in and
sued invitations for Saturday even­ Jonlogue s camp, was down from cattle at the Hughes ranch on the
ing, October 28th, in honor of the Lampa yesterday calling on friends.
for Coos County
14th birthday of their daughter,
E. E. Johnson, Win. Yates, Dan
E. D. Moore, the Big Moose, s
Reid and B. Jeffreys, all of Coquille, rounding up a bunch at Coquille this The First National Bank ot
Any person guilty of running a were enjoying Bandon’s beauties week to augment the membership of
Bandon, a Corpoiation,
motor vehicle in Prince Eduard Is­ yesterday.
the Bandon herd.
Care No. 3145
land is fined $500 or put io jail for
Mrs. J. F. Hill and daughter < e
The Bandon Light & Water Co. C. A. Mana sa, A. S. Ma­ < SUMMONS
six months.
darted today, via. Roseburg to joint will finish laying about 8.000 feat of
in Suit in Equity
nassa, Bertha ManrsM, Joi n
J. G. Foster has leased his ranch Mr, Hill at Henley, Calif., where
Devereaux, F. J. Feeney,
4 inch main in a week or ten days,
to II. E. Brown and has moved to they will spend the winter.
Trustee and J. W. Mast,
along and adjacent to Sixth street.
Bandon with his family. Bandon
J. Walstrom, our genial "[.ackel ’
Remember the K. of P. ball at the To A. S. Manassa and Berlha Manassa, de­
people will gladly welcome this ex­ agent, is transacting business at
Oriental Hall, Saturday evening, fendants named above:
cellent family to our city, and are Marshfield today.
November 18th.
83-tf In the Name of the Slate of Oregon; You,
also glad to learn that Mr. Brown
and each of you. are hereby requ red to appear
J A. Faulds is reported on the
Tickling in thethroit. hoarseness,. and answer the complaint filed against you in the
will be in close proximity to Bandon.
sick list, but his friends hope that he I ojs o' voice, indicate the need of above entitled suit within six weeks from and
White Wayandottes. A few choice in ty be better soon.
Ballard's Hoarhound Syrup. It after the date of the hrst publication this sum­
young roosters for sale. Fred Ma- I
C. E. Carpenter, Arroyo Grande, eases the lungs, quits the cough mons, which said date of first publication i s Oc­
son, opposite Geo. W. Moore saw
California, father of D. W. Carpen and restores health in the bronchial tober 27, 1911, the last day of said peiiod of
six weeks is December 8, 1911; and if on or
ter. has purchased a half interest in tubes. Price 25c. 50c and $r 00 before the expiration of said period of time, you
Mrs. Will Marshall and baby Eu th • Racket Store, previously owned
per bottle. Sold by C. Y Lowe, fail to so appear and answer, then, for want
nice returned Tuesday fioin a two or and operated by his son. The name
The tow boat, Venus, is now on thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for
three week’s visit with friends up of the store will remain the same
slips of the Bandon ship yards, the relief prayed for in plaintiff's complaint, a
the river.
sunccinct statement of which is: For a decree
in. 'ergeing repairs. Manager Win. permanently vacating the Bill of Sale of June
Miss Erma Craine has accepted .1
l heClub Saloon lias again chang- McKay says it will require about two 1, 1911, by Manassa & Son to John Devrreaux;
position in the Golden Rule store,
e I hands, Joe Coach being the new weeks' lime to pul her in first class also the assignment of June 8, 1911 to F. J
The afternoon tea given by the proprietor, and E. S. Tuttle, mana­ condition.
Feeney, trustee* also tha sale July II, 1911 by
F. J. Feeney, trustee to J. W. Mi st. For an or­
Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian ger.
L. I. Wheeler, of this city, and der enjoining defendents from a'ieaati ig
Church of Bandon at the home of
Delphi Lodge, No. 64, K. of P., FL J. Michael, ot Myrtle I oint, have or anywite disposing of all or any of the estate
Mrs. Geo. P. Topping, Wednesday
will give their annual ball in Orien­ opened a fruit exchange and grocery of C. A. Manassa until plaintiff’s claim be salis-
afternoon, was well attended. There
in the recent'y remodeled Wheeler fi-d. An order subjecting Bertha Manv.n s
was an oveiflow of wit and repartee tal Hall, Saturday evening, Novem­
building on the Plank Road. A full $4.0 to plaintiff's claim against the estate of
throughout the looms all the after­ ber) Sth. Supper will be served by line of staple and fan -y groceries will S. Mi.naoa.
the Pythian Sisters in the hall be­
An order ?ubj cling all said estate to seith-
noon. Delicious refreshments were
83-lf lie carriid in addition to a big fruit rneiH of pLnintftf's claim, prior to that of any
served by Mrs. Popping. An «tided
Mrs. O. A. Kelly, of Riverton, is and vegetable stock, grown pi inci- ot’» r :r-Jitors. For a decree subjecting the at­
zest was given the occasii 11 by the
tach d properly to legal pieces* under c;> e ' o.
pally in the Coquille valley
Ladies' Aid ol the Catholic church visit ing Bandon friends this week.
3117. For an order to settle out of said estate, I
On account of being compelled to all cos*s and disbursements herein •neurred. in- I
attending in a body.
I'uesdiy, A. A. Miller was unfor
move, we are sellin» groceries at
If you want a first-class meal go tunale enough to badly crush his prices that will force you to buy. eluding statutory attorney fee, and such further
reliM ar 1» tha Court m*y seem proper an J
to the Vienna Cafe
Com|>etent light ankle while falling timber. His Investigate Bandon Grocery Co.
lady cook, and everything neat and foot was caught between the fallen
This Summons is published by order of it e
When your food does not digest H.»n. J »hn S. Coke, judge of the Circuit Court
77-t Hee and a stump, and it required
well and you feel "blue," tired and
Mrs. Smith J. M mn entertained the assistance of two men before he discouraged, you sh< uld use a little of the State of Oregon, tor the second ju ! a!
Tuesday afterno >n, complimentary could be relieved. We understand Herbine at bedtime. It opens the district, s»iJ state. Dated October 24. I >1 I.
C. R.WADE, Plaintiff's Attorney^
to Mrs. M. J. McKenna.
A very no bones were broken, but he will bowels, purifies the system, and le-
delightful afternoon was spent by necessarily be on the retiied list for stores a fine ieeling of health and
¡energy. Price 50c. S»kl by C. Y.
Common colds, severe and fre­
those present, sewing being tin s >me time.
j Lowe.
quent, lay the foundation of c’ ron.c
principal diversion. whi»h was fol­
Idle Lillies lielonging to lhe Thim­
The Bandon Iron Works will have diseased conditions of the nose and
lowed bv the serving of a dainty ble Club of this city were entertained
their new press installed in about a throat, an I may develop into bron­
lunch by the hostess In the deco .it the home of Mrs. Herbert Brown, week. This work has been delayed
rations ol the home, Afritwn Gold* 11 on Pacific Avenue, yesterday after owing to the fact that they have chitis, pneumonia and consumption.
Orange Daisies predominated. In­ noon. The occasion was a particu­ been compelled to wait for parts of For all cough« and colds in children,
vited guests were Mesdames M. J. larly pleasant «me several friends lie-1 g I it from San Francisco. The com and jn grown persons take Foley's
McKenna, J. L. Kroneiibeig, Nel. ing invited beside the club members p.inv will also install a boring ma- Honey and 1'ar Compound p o npt-
chine, a lathe and planer within the ly. Bandon Drug Co.
Rasmussen. Frank V. Citterlm. C. to meet Mrs. L. H. Most of Calerlin, ___
ncxt ___
jew ______
weefc» The foundry and
Sheriff Gage of Coquille was a
R. Wade, Thomas Robison and Miss Idaho. A four course lunch was machine shop are both running at
visitor yesterday.
very daintily served by the hostess lull capacity all the time.
Pearl Walker.
Lore 1
♦ o
o ,,_________.------------------------- - --------------? *
* ] ; By GEORGE VON L. MEYER. Secretary of th* N«vy V j o
; We Have Too Many Navy
The illustration on
the left shows the
way .you look in
one of those ser-
viceable coats in
fine weather. <J On the right, see
yourself when the mercury drops,
and the wind and
storm rises
turn of the wrist
changes this per­
fect overcoat into
a perfect protec
tor coat. Drop in
and let us show
you how it’s done
Suits and over­
coats from $10 to
$30 Remember this is where
Copyright 1911
N. Y
England, with a great navv and great naval require­
ments, has only ONE-HALF the number of navy yards
that we have. I am confirmed in the belief that it is I IMF.
TO RECONSIDER our policy and abolish a CERTAIN NUMBER
of navy yards.
Standard of Stage Is
Lowered on Account
of Too Many Theaters
By DANIEL FROHMAN. Theatric«! Manager
HE trouble with the stage in the United States is that we
have too many theaters. Americana apparently will not
stop Building them. The result is a diffusion of the dra­
matic product. It is like a bowl of soup—good soup - dif
fused in a barrel of water. This treatment spoils the soup and does
not help the water.
Novelties in Jewelry
Agates Cut and Mounted
Just Received—A Nice Line of Hamilton Watches
Made to Order Jewelry a Specialty
Eye Lenie, Duplicated
Expert Watchmaker
“Money Talks”
Best Separator Today
Bandon - Marshfield
is the
U. S. Cream Separator
You <lo not care who invented the cream separator — or
which separator was first in the field.
You want to know which is I tie best separator today
. —which is the most improved.
The United States Separator has demonstrated its
absolute and complete superiority over all other sepa-
rators. It holds the World’s Record for closest
It was awarded the only Grand Prize at Seattle,
Don’t buy any separator until you have
asked us about the United States.
Better ask TODAY.
For Sale by N. W. YOUNG, Bandon, Oregon
rf’HE RECORDER management has
made arrangemer.ts with the
San Francisco Bulletin whereby we
can give subscribers the advantage of
a gigantic combinat on offer that will
furnish them all the news of the
country in a metropolitan daily and
all the news of Bandon and vicinity in
the Recorder at m; rveluus low price
The Daily San Francisco Bulletin,
1 he Bandon Recorder,
Both papers through
this office if paid in
advance, per year
$3.00 per year
1.50 per year