Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, October 03, 1911, Image 4

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Schram Jar lids at Mast’s store, ti
Mr. and Mis. A Baker and son
Kenneth arrived in Bandon, Mon­
day, from Bridge, to spend a few
Look fcr the Grange Eair, Oct. days with their daughter, Mrs. B j.
Dr. S. C. Endicott, Rasmussen
Mr». E. D. Moore departed yes­
Phone 71.
terday for Wisconsin, called by the
serious illness of her mother.
Logan. Plymile mJ W lite have
F. H. Colgrove, who now lives on commenced work on the .s i eel grad­
a ranch near Langlois, was in the ing and building ol the bulkbead
city yesterday laying in his winter’s along the north sideut the Sav­
ing Station. This will be .1 »ubst.m
F or S ale —Mare with foal; weight tial improvement wile«« it is com­
about 1000 pounds. Impure ot F. pleted.
E. Hess, Dyer's lanch on fwo mile.
They taste like more—those Na
Lore ¡
—76-13- x tional Cookies, at Mast's stoic.
Capt. Donaldson, of the steam
!f. Sabro, the Jeweler, inserts .«
s. homer Brooklyn, at one tune run new a«i. in this issue which all shoulil
the lug Bai cl..y GiJden into tins read
Bear in mind that Mr. S. is
river, and has also been 111 tut Coos
a fust class workman and all work
Bay trade io. years, gave tins ultlce left in his hands will receive careful
a pleasant call lh«» alter noon.
Some hunter or hunter» shot a
M R. Lee. of Mvrtle Point, fath­
Valuable hui sc ot R. 1'. Hempel's on
er in law of Zeno Gatchell, i» in the
bi» ranch last Wednesday, badly dis­
C’ty and will take «.barge of the cler­
abling the hol'ae. Mr. Hempel is
ical part of G itchell B.os business.
aliaiU ul bl«j«#u poisoning selling in,
Mr. Lee is an old time Bunioman,
a» llieie is indication 01 it at present
having operated a warehouse here
if people want to hum they should
■ 5 years ago.
be more caielul wheie they shoot.
The Ri < order people have been
Childrens, rain capes a id rubbers
the move ’ this week, Mr. Kopf
now on sale at Bandon Dry Goods
taking possession of his new bunga­
low, and Mr. Kntteiheld now occu­
Sam has a little fresh advice for
pies the Perkins residence vacated
you in our advertising columns this
by Mr. K.
week. Don't overlook it.
Take Witter Water for it. C. M.
A reader asks what I think of Can­
Spencer, Agent.
adian reciprocity. I have changed I
Why does everybody travel on
my mind about that three times, anil
Fifield? Because it gives the
am again on the fence.
best accommodations and service
When a wife says: "Ssh! The
-45 t»
children will hear,” occasionally the
ale House and two lots
husband replies: ‘‘1 don't care if
they do; the truth will do them in Prosper, $1000.
J ohn D e C osta .
Don’t fail to inspect the remnant
White Wayandottes. A few choice
counter at Bandon Dry.Goods Co.
young roosters for sale, Fred Ma-
son, opposite Geo. W. Moore saw
74 11
‘‘I suppose she is as happy as
other people,” a woman said,speak­
An Experiment Which Shows a Sort of
ing of a friend. How happy are
Perpetual Motion Effect.
people generally? Ever think about
A novel experiment in Hie demon­
it? Are the people generally tolera stration of perpetliiil motion is to be
performed simply.
A glass lienker
bly miser ible? Or,
ulioul six Inches high and four inches
In dhinii'ter is filled witli water to
a pretty good time?
Hu* height of about four mid 11 halt
We carry Nemo Corsets ill ill. inches, mid two mid one-hnlf to three
styles Bandon Dry Goods Co, ti ouuees ef commercial miiliue are add­
Today Reskey <Xc Ford are driv­
ing 50 head of prime Curry count v
sheep to Marshfield, hiving sold
them to Foyer Bros., local butchers
of that place.
Don't lay this ism«* aside until
you note what Reuben.i« k. the tail
or, has to say. Il will pay you.
The Evening Record, Marshfield's
new daily, has reached our table. 1.
is a next, newsy 0 volume quarto
and starts with .1 lairly good «dvei
tiling patronage.
M. G. l’ohl leit yesterday <111 .<
business trip to Port Or for. 1, and wi I
be away a week or ten «lay..
l.osT—Purse with Luge sum ol
money. Finder please r«tiWu to N.
Nygren, and receive liberal reward.
—76 12-x
L ost .—Small, Lin k purse con­
taining Silin of money.
Rew lid
Finder return to this « tine 76 t?
That popiilir institution, the I ii.-t
Nat'l Bank, makes a bu»m"-s like
propo-ilion to jou in our adveinsn g
columns this week
V«m will miss
it if you mis» it.
The chicken pie »upper given In
the Huny l'o Bible ( I is» of tin I Inn« h. Sa uul.iy «-ven-
mg was a decide«! »u.« »s. and a
neat sum w 1» a lile l to the tieas'irv.
Couldn’t Hal* ft.
Humor and
COME people have the faculty of
ple.-isiug. and others have that of
being pleused. Either sort is a good
We are nil both brave ami bPttUtb
ful—in <>ur dreams aud .sometimes in
the tales we tell of ourselves
When il thing is effective It often
changes from a bluff to the real thing
Conversely, a real tiling sometime«
fades into a busted bluff—when it fails
co work
Fns.v street Is an Indefinite address
and h- rd to acquire.
The product« of Rome thought fac­
tories seldom rise to the dignity of
second class matter.
The things that some people know
that aren’t worth talking about are
startling in their Insignificance.
There lire some persons that really
seem to glory in wrong. The reason
1s they think It right.
It Is good to be off with the old love
before the new one gets wise to the
Moonlight is so exciting to weak
brains that girls are advlsef^^ot to
permit their escorts to take evening
» Making Believe.
Little Miss Makebellev®
Sits in her chair.
Playing her dollies
Were taking: the air.
Telling the coachman
Iler pick of the drives,
Giving her babies
The time of their lives.
Pointing out scenery
As they proceed,
Telling her treasures
To give closest heed.
They must remember
Some special sight.
So they can tell It
To papa at night.
The Polar Bear.
Sumi tv evening’s pr*»q; .mi .It l!u
Grand I hr itrcw is tin iMiilly
i he Vit.»graph ti in *l)«.ith <>l Ku g
Edward 111" being intensely real,
The (I.elu »tri, mi le the d-
reel ion ot Pr-if. K ri»ru«t. w is at
She 1» It really true that the blind
it, best in the rendition <>l anOvtr
ckn determine color by the sense of
ture between the »ho is.
touch? He Certainly. 1 once know
We carry Armor Plate Hose. Fiy n blind tnnu who was able to tell a
redliot stove by merely putting hl»
a piir. Bandon Or, Goods to Huger on It—Illustrated Dita.
i i. SA Bk’O
Provides That Alt Tax Payers
Must Keep Highways Clean
A plan Is on foot hi some parts ot
the country to have the whole commu­
nity see to it that the roads are kept
in good condition.
The proposed plan provides that the
road authorities shall divide the roads
Into short sections, according to the
number of poll tax payers, and assign
to each man tbe section nearest and
most convenient to him. who would
assume the responsibility of keeping
the same In good condition by work
Ing his poll tax on it, not all at once,
but nt Intervals, ns needed, it is esti­
mated that in no case w-ouid these
sections comprise more than a half
mile of road.
As soon as the frost Is out in the
spring and while the road is yet some
what soft aud plastic these men
would go on the road each of hls-owu
section, dragging it thoroughly, using
a homemade spilt log drag, scraping
down the ridges, tilling the ruts and
holes and crowning and smoothing the
surface so that it would shed water
Not more than two hours would be
required to do this, and It would he
done nt n time when it would least
interfere with farm work. Later in
the season, whenever there was a tend
ency to develop ruts or holes, each
would ugaiu apply the same treat
meat just following a rain.
A very important point may here be
noted, viz—that by this plan the roads
in any district, no matter how large,
even In an entire county, could all be
dragged and smoothed and put in good
condition within a few hours.
Horses are skittish.
See how they foam.
Thank you, dear driver.
Now we are home.
Little Miss Makebelieve
Helps them alight,
Tucks them up snugly
Away for the night.
Made to Order Jewelry a Specialty
Eye Lenses Duplicated
Expert Watchmaker
Who Makes Your Clothes?
will hardly be asked if I am
your tailor. Nearly every
well dressed man knows that
the clothes 1 make have a
tone and individuality of their
Let us make you a
suit and people will say: “By
George, you look swell, I see
Reuben r. c k makes your
clothes now.”
F. W. RUEHEN ACK, The Tailor
Consolidated with Sher-
Today the need for better
wagon roads is greater than at
any previous time in history,
The belief has been proved falls-
cious that as railroad mileage
increased the need for good
country roads would diminish,
The fact has been established
that the greater the railroad
mileage the greater the move­
ment of freight on the common
roads that act as feeders to the
It has been shown
tha’ over bad roads in the
United States a team on the
worst hauling season is able to
transport on an average only
about 800 or 000 pounds, while
in France every good draft horse
is expected to he able to draw
3,306 pounds a distance o' eight­
een miles any day in the year.
rard Machine Works
and Rogers’ Foundry
All Kinds of Machine Work
and Casting Done
Mill and Woods Work a Specialty
Worked Both Ends.
The |«olar bear I» 11 pretti fnrmlilnbl
brute. A sireclliien of fili* s|«e«'les Ini-
beoti kflleil welghlllg LIMI ponisi» un«
menaurlng nearly thirteen feel from
uose to full, The strength ef the |sda>
bear ls I h \ i und belief One win seel,
feeillng oli the body of a wldte wlinlt
flfteell feci long and weighing at least
three fon«, The w hale had been drag
gt-tl hjr thè bear out of the water on to
1 he Ice.
Watches and Clocks
••Mrs. Brown ha« an awful lot of
trouble ”
•What dot*« she d»» with h?”
••(lives it to her husband.”
Z ♦
There they go galloping
Down through the parte.
Hurry up. driver!
It soon will be dark,
Thue to put babies
Snugly in bed.
Night air will give them
A cold In the head.
Agates Cut and Mounted
Novelli«« in Jewelry
As a Matter o* Course.
ed, which will sink to the bottom of
•nt is true."
the vessel.
“What Is”’
“That there is no fool like an old
The temperature of tiie beaker and
its «'«intents Is now rulxed to 170 or fool.”
175 degrees l'nlii'eiihelt by menus of 11
“Not when it comes to furnishing
burner, wlien it will lie observed that the neighbors with amusement"
the aniline will rU<* to the surface of
tin» water, from which ft will hung I11
Not an Everyday Article.
a miles of cim «•<! outline. Almost im i “She Ims n beaulful smile."
mediately the snspcn<l<*d miiliue coni-
"1 never noticed it."
niencen to nlt«*r in slinp«*, nu4 grad
“She takes good care of it.”
nally a large drop an inch or more in
“What do you menu?”
diameter detacher itself from tiie
“Only uses it ou Sundays and when
mans mid falls through the water.
she's photographed.”
Ami nhw, the detached drop having
fallen to tiie bottom of the beaker,
comes tile surprising |sirt of the ex­
“Rut why did you ask her to marry
periment. The fallen drop la seen you'!"
gradually to rise to the surface, where
“Just to see wtuit she’d say.
It Joins the mass from which it pre-
“What did she say ?”
vloiislj bn>ke away At once another
"‘Yes. if possible.' ”
drop commences to form and, having
become detiiehe«!, fulls ami rises in the
Their Amusement.
same mauuer us the previous drop.
The natives down tn Haiti
So long ns tin* temperature of the
Are people of this sort:
They have a revolution
water Is maintained nt* 170 degrees
In lieu of other spurt.
Fahreuhelt or over this procedure eon
tluiies Indellnit«Ji
Spoknne Spokes
mau-llei lew
Queens at thetr best if?e but Women.
Sahl Mary of Modena once in her «lays
of exile "It took nil th«1 Jewels that
all tli«' goldsiniths could procure to
ihs'orate my crown." Siu- was "pow
<ler«’«l" with gems, which Fountain
lin II says "made her shine like nn
Ati«l Queen Caroline. U><>. the wife
of George II.. use«! to iiThtdo to Lord
Hervey's rather personal remark that
in r clowning dress "was ns tine ns th«1
1. cumulated riches of the city nn«l
suburbs could nuike it. for, besides
Iler own jewels, she had on tier head
mot shoulders nil the |>e:irls Mie could
borrow *>f I tie holies of «luallty nt one
end of the town, nmt oil her pettli'ont
all Hie diamonds she could hire of th«
lewelers at the other'
•’You don’t know wlijcb side
bread is buttered un.”
•‘Oh. yes I du ”
•Whi h s;dH?”
Neither ”
Improvement of Country Road, Should
Be of Interest to Mothers.
That rtie movement for the improve-
mail of roads uow Ueiog pushed by
ttiu government throughout the coun
fry affects the women an vitally as it
affects the men was the assertion ul
Logan Waller Page, director of the
(Jutted States office of public roads, in
the course of his address to the Moth
ers' Congress held tn Washington re
The women. Director Page pointed
out. are tiie mothers of the nation, aud
It lx to their Interest to see that coun
try roads are Improved for the benefit
of their own health aud happiness
and the health aud happiness of their
For Seile
Motor Boat
Fully equipped — ill necessary lights,
fog horn, fire extinguisher, four lift
preservers, etc., only Sl'o
quire at B« vle’s Jewelry Store.
at Central Warehouse.
Phone 142
Hay. Grain. M...
lili r . ead. Also Agent for Croley’s
Chicken Supplies- -Wholesale and Retail. All
Orders promptly filled. All kinds of Grass Seed
Large Two Berth Outside State Rooms with Running Water
Eight Day Service Between the Coquit! • River and
San Francisco
r of acreamsepa-
?/ rater is, after all,
its skimming power
’*e«vc /f Z2 .
“Yes. Jones Is the limit.
“What has he done now?"
“He wanted to isirrow my husband
for his dog to practice on. Asked him
to play burglar and come In through
a window to see how the dog would
The Difference.
Once If he showed a latln twang
1!» had n college air.
Now If he sling, the sporting slang
We know- he has been there.
First Class Passenger Fare,
Freight Rates*.
$ ' n 0 Freight
J. E. WALSriiOM, Agent. ' «n t « . Ot.*g> t .
E. A E. T. Kru«e. ownrn and man igere, 24 ' . Iiietni.i St., :»n Fn."< rn.
Fuhrman's Pharmacy. Cog li >;
I -«uin/ i’ha*.nac>, il'vrtle
r * «
l\ S. Separators hold
the n’oWd’a Record for
closest skimming. Won
the only Grand Prize,
Seattle, 1909.
Come in and we
will show you why
For Sale bv
B.indon (.'ruinerV
week or month.
Sample Room in Connection.
Wigoax of Ml kinds Mide to Order
Job Work an«
ttnrse.hoein( a Spedali)
tantred to
to givi*
give ulula
tab.t ac lion.
nd all work niaranleed
on Atwater Street. Bandon, Oregon
Our Perfect Printing Pleases