Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, October 03, 1911, Image 3

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    Gatcheil Brer/ Transfer Line
GAI (. H.’-XL BROS., Props.
We have uu imsurauce whatev­
er that we .hall discover a sub­
stitute tor coal There are tbose
who Uo|M* that we shall be able
to use the direct rays of the sun
for power. It Is possible that
we shall, but until somebody
succeeds in the attempt we
would be foolish to waste the
coal which we already know
how to turn Into power. The
same thing applies to ether nat­
ural resources. It may be true
that the time will come wheu
we shall no longer use wood for
building or for making paper, but
until we do conservation Is our
moral duty.—J. Paul Goode.
All kinds of heavy and i i ill ilraying. Phone orders givci}
prompt attention. I am Tiimaons’ Old Cannery.
1*1 i< >X E <141
S am S ays
O. G. Battens are not a luxury but a
necessity. They are effective and
Ours are run from
Clear Fir and hollobacked so that
when properly applied they are
waterproof. They save their cost in
doctor bills twice every winter.
Phone 171.
Orders taken for delivery
Bandon Meat Market
RESKEY & FORD, Proprietors
(Successors to E. Lewin)
Is the World Growing Butter?
Many things go to prove that it i-.
The way thousands are trying 10
help others is proof. Among them
is Mrs. W. W. Gould, of I'lltshclii,
N II. Finding good health l>
taking Electric Bitters she n< w
advises other sufferers, every .»here,
to take tlMtm, 'For years I suffered I
wit It stomach and kidney trouble, '
she writes. “Evcrv i.tnltcinc I use.i
failed till I took Electric B iters.
But this great remedy helped mi I
wonderfully.” They'il he’p any
woman Try them You'll se>.
■ <>c at alt druggists.
---- ——
Averts Awful Tragedy
Timely advice given Mrs. C. Wil­
loughby, of Marengo, Wis., (R. No.
I) prevented a dreadful tragedy and
saved two lives. Doctors had said
her frightful cough^was a “consump­
tion” c '■••h and could do little to
h-lp her. After manv rem« dies
laiicJ. iui aunt urged her to take
Dr King's New Discovery. “I have
been using it for some time ” she
wrote “and the awful cough has al­
most gone. It also saved my little
boy when taken with a severe bron­
chial trouble.”
This matchless
medicine has no equal for throat
and lung troubles. Price 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaran­
teed by all druggists.
Why Not Let Us Help You
Make your house more comfortable for the coming
Winter evenings.
Come and look at some attract­
ive fixtures and get figures on the cost of wiring.
Office Phone 681.
Office hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.
' *
Office, Oakes’ Building.
Merchants National Bank, Portland, Oregon; The Chase National Bank, of New York.
I Sell Real Estate
Call on Me if You Want to
Foley Kidney Pills
Supply just the ingredients needed
to build up, strengthen and restore
the natural action of the kidnejsand
Specially prepared for
backache, headache, nervousness,
rheumatism and all kidney, bladder
and urinary irregularities. Bandon
Drug Co.
Remember the Place
K. OA Kb
Ill Used Churches.
The British at Boston in 1770 used
one church ns a riding school, three as
barracks and one for fireffooil.
The first meerschaum pipe was
smoked at Pesth in 1723. It is still ill
the museum of thut town.
Last anil Commodious
Gives Aid to Strikers.
Sometimes liver, kidneys and bow­
els seem to go on a strike anil refuse
to work right. Then you need those
pleasant little strike breakers— Dr.
King's New Life Pdls—to give them
natural aid and gently compel pro­
per action. Excellent health soon
follows. Try them. 35c at all drug­
Take Your common colds Seriously
Common colds, severe and fre­
quent, lay the foundation of chronic
diseased conditions of the nose anti
throat, and may develop into bron­
chitis, pneumonia and consumption.
For all coughs and colds in children, in grown persons take Foley's
Honey and Par Compound prompt­
ly. Bandon Drug Co.
IVe may glean knowledge h.v reading,
Echoes in large rooms may some but the chaff must be separated from
times be prevented by hanging heavy the wheat by thinking.
tajiesti’y on the walls.
Leaves Portland (Ainsworth Dock) ya. m. Sep*. 3, 8, 1
Leaves Coos Bay Sept. 5 and 10 it service of tide.
Effective Sept. it)—Breakwater will be operated on weekly sched­
ule, sailing from Marshfield every Saturday at serv ce of tide;
from Portland every Tuesday at 8 p. 111.
Confirm Sailings Through C, M. SPENCER, Agent Bandon
■■KaanaBUKaHiNMi m> u tMtaaoHauvsiMn &a -» .. «
You arc not experimenting on
yourself when you take Chamber­
lain's Cough Remedy for a cold as
that preparation has won its great
reputation and extensive sale by its
remarkable cures of colds, and can
always be depended upon. It is
equally valuable lor adults and chil­
dren and may i>e given to young |
children with implicit confidence as
Solomon's Horses.
it contains no harmful drug. Sold H Our
In 1011 I’,. C. Solomon had 40.000
by C Y. Lowe.
stalls of horses for his chariots Aid
Biliousness is due to a disordered
condition of the stomach. Cham
berlain's Tablets are essentially a
stomach medicine, intended especi­
ally to act tn that organ; to cleanse
it, s trengthen it, tone and invigorate
it, to regulate the liver and to banish
biliousness positively and effectually.
For sale by C. Y. Lowe.
km mm
I Sirs. Fifielcl & Bandon
12,000 horsemen.
A Little Mixed.
Patient—Look here, doctor; I'm not
When the chest feels on fire and going
to starve to death for the sake
the thioat burns, you have indiges­ of living a little longer.
tion, and you need Herbine to g<t
rid of the disagreeable feeling II
drives out badly digested food,
strengthen the stomach and purifies
the bowels. Price 50c. Sold by
C. Y. Lowe.
----------------- #
A general banking business transacted anil customers given every accommodation con­
sistent with safe and conservative banking
CORRESPONDENTS: The American National Bank, of San Francisco, Calif;
Casting Lota.
The Original Meerschaum.
Room Echoes.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. L. Kronrnberg. President. T. I’. 1 lan'v,
President; F. J. Fahy, Cashier; C. Y. Lowe, R. I I. Rosa, Directors
Casting lots was originally employed
In the division of the land of Canaan
in 1444 B C.
It’s Equal Don’t Exist
No one has ever made t salve,
ointment or balm to compare with
Bucklen’s Arnica Salye. It's the
one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns,
Burns, Bruises, Sores. Scalds, Boils,
Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For
Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped
Hands or Sprains, its supreme. Un­
rivaled for Piles. Try it. Only 25c
at all druggists.
Capital Stock $50,000
James C Dahlman, “Cowboy'’ Mayor
of Omaha, “Throws the Lariat ”
Mayor J. C. Dahlman staHed hi,
career as a cowboy, and is at present
Mayor of Omaha, and has the fol­
lowing record: Sheriff of Dawes Co ,
Neb., three terms; Mayor of Chad­
ron, two terms; Democratic Nat’l
Committeeman, eight years; Mayor
of Omaha, six years, and in 1910
candidate for Governor of Nebraska.
Writing to Foley & Co., Chicago,
he says: “I have »taken Foley Kid­
ney Pills and they have given me a
great deal of relief so I cheerfully
recommend them.” Yours truly,
(signed) James C. Dahlman. Ban­
don Drug Co.
London’s Croat Firo.
or bandon
The Taris Louvre was originally a
royal residence in the reigu of Dago
bert, tn G28.
London’s great tire was started by
the falling of a spark from a camlie on
a cottage floor.
Patronize Home Industry by
using our Home Rendered, Ab­
solutely Guaranteed Lard. 10 lb.
pails $1,50,5 lb. pails 75c.
Ths Pari« Louvre.
Neuralgia of the lace, shoulder,
hands, or feet requite-, a powerful
remedy that will penetrate the flesh.
Ball trd's Snow Lini nent possesses
that power. Rubbed in where the
pain is felt is all that is necssary to
^sufferin'/,n.< I re-.lid e norma)
Atm--ph.-ric Pressure.
Gfllllei <] s» (Ted In
the pres* conditions.
Price 25c.
Hure of th»» atmosphere to be fifteen $t.oo per bottle. Sold by
pound« to the loch«
----- ------- *—
Twin Screw, New and Fast
Class Passage,
Up Freight,
$10.00 & $7.50
- •
are your interests. Fair
good service our motto
A. F. Estabrook Co., 245
Cal. St., San
rates and
Francisco L
BANDON WAREHOUSE CO., Agent«, Bandon, Oregon
rawMMl 1 ■Iia—11 III a-si:
added a lot of new type of the latest
faces, especially for Fine Job Printing,
and we are now prepared to print all
kinds of Fancy Invitations, Announce­
ments, Calling Cards, Letter Heads
and in fact all kinds of modern printing
done in a Modern Office.
Aftci exposure, and when you feci
High Cheek Bones.
a c<Jd coming on, take Foley's Hon­ High cheek bones are said to lnrl[
ey and Tar Compound. It check­ ; rate great force of character in soiui
anil relieves. Use no substitute. The
genuine in a yellow package always.
Don't trifle with a co.d is good
I Bandon Drug Co.
advice for prudent men and women.
I It may be vital in the case of a child ¡i
Too Late.
There is nothing Iretter than Chain-
"Advice to a newly married couple Is
Irerlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs
wo useless!”
’’Yes-^-all the harm Is done then.”
and colds in children. It is sale and
• •
sure. For sale by C. Y. Lowe.
The best plaster. A piece of flan­
nel dampened with Chamberlain's
Lame hack ison^of the most coni
j Liniment and bound on over tin- mon forms of muscular rheum ti-nt
a'fected parts is superior to a A lew applications of Chamlx-riam's
| an<l costs only one tetith as much Liniment will give relief. For sale
1 For sale by C. Y. Lowe.
by C. Y. Lowe,
Fancy Wedding Invitations a Specialty
Bandon, Oregon
j t