Eandon. Recorder Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Recorder Fvitjistiing Company. C. E. KOPF, Managing Editor Subscription, $1 50 per Year in Advance. Adveitising Rales Made Known on Application. Job Printing a Specialty Entered al the Itnndou Poatoflice ns Second (’lass Matter. TUESDAY BEAUTY IN UGLINESS By ELLA B. CHEE VFR Copyright by American Press Asso­ ciation. 1911. lllgusl 22, I9I I Q 4 m 4 » 4 ; f f 44 !- s Why docs everybody travel on the Wise or Innocent? i.u-t iii’i mu* 11 gal in u reception Stmr. Litield? Because it gives tlie ud i. ..ml uci .«> |.<> I» Un* I heatet best accommodatioi s ;.nd service rw TtTt’r-t'tT vit:» 1 .1.1 St.« 11 ii pti'il mul. 11» they Riqwesenlalive_____________ ______ Ed. Racklei »Ulti •in h i> iv. Un. wen. again later —45 ’» Sheriff....................................................W . . G*ge i ¿»♦•jt 1'. L«»i lo b** a weekit ouvuriviiue. Filially In gut tv Itl liliilig Hint be wua Clerk .............................. Jame, Watson mi .Id enough with tiei to go out be­ Surveyor__________ ________ _ ___ A. N. Gould tween the nets, mill »<> tie did For Trea.ur«.___________ _______ _.T. M. Dimmicli ■vierul weeks lie worked Ibis anil met I11 Coos er Curry Coir tics. Lathing, Assessor____ _ ..._____ ...___ ...T. J. Thrill I’lastertng or Chimney Work. Coroner ..... ..... ...... ...... Dr. Golden •.villi no rebuff But she was thinking .1 lot. 1 ven though she wasn't saying 35 years experience All «01 k County Judge.__ ________ ______ John F. Hall anything first class al right prices. Commissioners.G. J. Armstrong, M. T. Demen One evening she said. "Why don't A, M. FINCH, Bandon, Ore you go to the smoking room to smoke BANDON CITY DIRECTORY Iliste: <1 ot going to the lobby?” Mayor._______ ________________ ..J. W. Masi •Is is there 11 smoking room In­ side?'' he asked. i Recorder_______ ___________ ___ i . B. Kausrud -Of course. You always say that i Treasurer________________________ C. Y. Lowe We are Agents for the yon are going out to smoke, and | Municipal Judge____________ Geo. P. Topping it seems so useless to have to take Attorney.;_______________________F. J. Feeney your hut and coat every time, And ’ Councilmen____M. Breuer, R. W. Boyle, H. if you tin.light of it beforehand you Manciet, Wm. McKay, C. E. Bowman, H. coe d buy those cigarettes that you Brown. seem to llke-the ones that smell like »» cloves, you know-before you come.1 He is wondering if she Is as wise as. it seems or ns innocent as It appears.— Boston Traveler. •*i.H s-:y. but 1 iiltiful from the Inter e l they ex. ile.- 1 hen Miss Lambert left Professor Blinder’s lecture room see found a camber of her classmates waiting to c i" ,v tier account of flow she bam boozled Hie archaeologist. Th w were very trim b surprised when she said: “Glr'i. I didn't get In a single bata- oi.o’le. tin thg contrary. Ii • pro cd in 1 very Ingenious wav that lie is beau tifnl " "Beautiful!" exclaimed several girls. 'For pity's sake, how did tie do that?" Thirty Years Together. “lie to'd me of uglv things so inter­ Thirty years of association—think esting that they seem to he lienutiful. of it. J low the merit < f a good ( consider him one < f them." A year from that date Eva Lambert thing stands out in that time—or the married Professor Blinder Famous Baldwin Pianos Professor Blinder was a farmer’s boy made into an archaeologist. He worked hla way through college, RumetiineH teaching the little country boys and girls nei'.r the university where he studied, sometimes following the plow, If you are contemplating but oftener doing odd Jobs which worthies- ness of a bad one. So there would not interfere with his university buying a Piano, give us i> no guesswork in this evidence of courses. He was red headed, freckled Attack Like Tigers and otherwise tin ittrnctive in personal a call. It costs you noth­ In lighting to keep the blood p ire Thos. Ariss, Concord, Midi., who appearance, except for the intellect writes. "I have used Dr. King ’ s that looked out through Ills eyes. When the white corpuscles attack disease ing to examine them. he smiled he resembled a pumpkin germs like tiger-. But often germs New I liscovery for 30 years, and its ■ with a candle In it. such as boys use j j multiply so fist the little fighters are the best cough anil c. Id cure I ever to celebrate Allhallow eve. Professor Blinder while in college (overcome. Then see | ¡tuples, boils tn-ed.’’ Once it finds entrance in a was principally interested in buried eczema, sdt iheuin and sores mul home you can't pry it out. Many tilings, and tlie longer they had been families have used it forty years. Its under ground the better lie liked them tiply and strength and appetite fail lie rend so many books about buried This condition demands Electric Bit the most infallible throat and lung cities that after his graduation he wns ters to regulate stomach, liver find medicine on eatlh. Unequaled for chosen to go abroad with a party of , lagrippc. asthma, hay-'ever, croup, I __________________________________________ __________ _________ archaeologists to discover the site of 1 kidneys and to expel poisons from quinsy or sore lungs Price see, lost Greek cities mentioned by his j the blood. “They are the best blood torians. He told the party where I purifier,’ wiitcs C. T. Budahn, ol St.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed many of these cities were, and they | by all druggists. found them. When he returned he l'racy, Calif , “I have ever lotind.’ was made professor of nrchaeology in Tiny make rich, red blood, strong An Author's Odd Aversion a woman's college. The girls declared nerves and build up your health, The “stoic.” meal hnd attractions for that he had been appointed because Edward Fitzgerald, who. among bls none of them would be tempted to fry them. 50c at all druggists. other peculiarities, listed to see peo­ run away with him. ple enjoying their food On one oc 6ne day after recitation Eva Lam BAIT FOR THE TROUT. cnsioti. after a man had finished a bort, whose talents ran rather to mis glass of wine In his company and gone chief than books, went up to the pro it Was Taken, Hook and All, but Not out of tlie room. Fitzgerald remarked, lessor's lecture table after the lecture, by the Innocent Fish. with disgust: "Did you notice how he ostensibly to usk a question, but really Senator Frye of Maine, who is an ar took up Ills glass? I lira sure he likes to poke fun nt him dent devotee of the piscatorial art ft B.’.ii!" Fitzgerald himself, accord­ ' Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, one "Professor,” she snld. "did the early loves now and then to relate 11 llsh year__ ___ _______ _ _______ 1.50 Christians dig out the catacombs of story, and bo once told of a memorable ing to bls biographer. Mr A. C. Ben son. “lived practically on bread and | Semi - Weekly Bandon Record« r Rome to bury their dead in?" trip on which Senator Spooner joined fruit, mostly apples and pears, even a one year_______________ 1.50 “That's the story.” replied the pro him nt ids choicest trout strenm. They turnip, with sometimes cheese or but feasor, “but It seems to me more likely laid it nil arranged, after Iniving call ter and milk puddings. But lie was Tot.l............ ............................. $3.C0 that they were old quarries and tin is I into counsel a reliable tlsh dealer not a bigoted vegetarian. To avoid Christians found them ready for thel and n trustworthy expressman, tlmt a an nppearance of singularity he would purpose, though they greatly extended i them. There's too mu Ii glamour nl out box of trout should arrive every other ent meat at oilier houses and provided Both Papers One Year $2.00 But the archaeological stories. Nevertleless day nt Senator Frye's home to Indi It in plenty for Ids guests cate the success with which they were only social meal he cared to Join In the eatiieoiiftis me Intere ling, ev< 1 if was ‘ten, pure and simple, with bread easting the fly. they were originally quarries. It Is th. The plan worked beautifully—"of and butter' " The Semi-Weekly pleasure we take in deciphering in scriptions and su It matters pertaining course we caught some, and some we to tlie dead placed there centuries didn't" but tlie expressman wns fair Loss of Time Means Loss of Pay ngo that Interests us, ns well ns the ly regular in the weight of tlsh for Kidney trouble and the ills it skeletons of the dead tliemselies. Thi warded, and the prepaid charges were breeds means lost time and lost pay Publishes the latest and most complete tele­ nbout the same from day to day. All calacomlis to me lire more fascinating graphic news of the world; gives reliable went well until one day n dispatch to many a working man. M. Bali nt, than tlie Lake of Como, the bay oi market reports, as it is published at Portland Naples or the Swiss Alps. Beauty Is came from the Frye domicile: i2t | Little Penna St , Streator, III., where the market news can I ’ * nd is cor­ "llusli two more boxes smoked hei­ imsslve; there Is nothing nbout It to rected to date for each issue. It also has a learn, to conquer There Is no lienuty ring. They lire great. Are tlie sa It was so bad ft0111 kidney and bladder mackerel running also?” trouble that he could not work, bit page of special matter for the farm and in tlie cutiieombs. lint there is tlie live home, an interesting story page and a page There wiih 11 busy time with the he says: I took Foley Kidney Pills Best Interest. For Instance, when we or more of comic each week, and it goes to see the outline of a llsh scratched on wires Just then, for the fish dealer he subscriber twice each week-—104 times a the wall over a sarcophagus we tire lied got his orders mixed, and instead for only a short time and got entirely eager to know wliat It means And of shipping fresh trout to Frye’s home well and was soon able to go back to year. when we have I earn, si that we liml he had sent herring. thoroughly smok work, and am feeling well and health cd But tin' senator was equal to It. something else we wish to interpret" “What does a fish mean?" asked Crimp supplies had been mixed with icr than I efore.” Foley Kidney P Ils The Semi-Weekly the llsh caught tlmt day. of course, lie are tonic in action, quick in results Miss Lambert, becoming interested. "It was a sign of the early Christians hastened bls repli : a good friend to the wot king man or "You received the bait by mistake and indicated that the buried one was a follower of Jesus. But, to return Nothing but smoked herring will ever woman who suffers from kidney ills. — Band- ni I)i ug Co. Gives all the !::pell. bn.'.el hnd ili it bv using Foley's Hine» Q H S M which means that your and I'.ir C itqanind I gi t great re* corros pondent kisses your h-ind- "sii by an eruption of V • tins 11 v; five years lifter the llrtli II' M.iiiy mliets « ho suffi r situi seguro servidor <¡ue tiesa su mono' hi you will see 11 pin t r • 11 I 11 I u I 1 be gl id to benefit by Mr. R.mie may prefer tie «' I.ut -.experience B.indoli Drug Sjeuied to Give him a New SLimac-j Apollo Belvedere. p< sslb'y ni » hen u 11 f ti I figure In exl.s. *’I suffered intensely alter eaiicg cast. t.'isto lend-' Lie to Hie I’o;“] and lie medicine or Ireitment 1 tried I tin I It represi tils only a tomm. T ourn.imrnts. -eemeil to do any od," wilts ||. Is rough nt that, Tim tlgu T wli M Youngpeters. Editor <»l Ph, -.u, _ wus being covered with ash. s and mu.l ro|»e iu SÔO. Lake View, O,i <> " 1 be lust h w was attempting to esi-.'pe. but fell and Pittsburg Indiani. doses i,f ( lit.mlx**l dll's St 1 111 urk l'ilekel of .luti« 0 in. Id i.f lag h::rdenv.| and for . < I li,il leiurted tinti In l’ilt-buru n re Liter I .drill's give me a surpi ism ■>• the In dy Fl. turen h m’ d ver later the body had diario p iroer bottle. Sold by C. Y. Lowe. these things. ngl{_Jq. JheuiHClves. us San Francisco California Prices $250 and up Easy Terms BANDON DRUG CO. A Great Clubbing Offer Oregon Journal Bandon Recorder The White Is King > i Lodge and Profesional E Directory ’ ■■ ■ •N - -X w* -------------------- '________ ' ~ ■ -------- ' Lodges are requested to notify this office on election of officers and on change of . . . . meeting night. Card* under this head are 75c j*er inch per month. f- Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. EETS r irst and Third Tuesdays of each month at Bth run at the Bandon Wig­ wam. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are cordially invited to attend. A. J. Hartman, J. C. Sheilds, C. of R. Sachem. M w. o. w. Keep the logs rolling boy* I SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets First and I hird Neighbors welcomed. -----------------------Ï Thursdays. V isiling Wm. N. McKay, C. C. H. E. Boak, Secretary Brown & Gibson M hmoh I c . D ANDON LODGE, No. 130 A. F. fit A M, Stated communications first Saturday after the full moon of each month. Special Saturday thereafter. com uunicitijnj second All Ma’ter Masons cordially invited. Contractors and Builders W. E. Craine. W. M. Phil Pearson, Secretary Eastern Star Plans and specifications furnished. 0CCIDENTAL CHAPTER. No 45. O. E. S., meets Saturday evening before and after stated communication of Mas< nic Lod^e. Visiting members cordially invited to attend. Anna L. Gaine, W. M. Merta Mehl, Secretary. If you are going to build give us a chance and we will save I. <>. <». K you money. TJ ANDON LODGE. No. 133. I. O. O. F. J < The Thor Is like a. scared cat. If you want a good Motor Cycle, investigate the Thor It has free engine and all late improvements. This machine climbs hills like a scared cat. I am al­ ways ready to demonstrate it to you. R. W. TUCKER, Agent meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standing cordially invited. Chas. P. Still, N. G. A. J. Hartman, Secretary Knlghta of 1’ythiHs 0ELPHI LODGE, 64. Knights No. of Pythias. Meets every Monday evening at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to attend. J. C. Shields, C. C. B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. C. R. WADE Attorney at Ls.w Agent Pacific Surety Company. of Bandon Bldg. Office Bank Phone 102, Bandon, Oregan. 1»R. K. W. ROHMITKR BANDON AND PHYSICIAN Harness Shop Full line of Harness, Sad­ dles, Bridles, Halters, Blankets and everything usually kept in a first- class harness shop. Repairing a Specialty W. J. SABIN, Prop. ROGERS FOUNDRY COMPANY SURGEON BANDON OREGON Office and residence in Panier re.iJer.ee prope-iy next door to Bijou Theatre DRSMITH J. JviJYKnxr PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE IN PANTER BUILDING Office Hours 9 to 12—1 to 5 - - BANDON, OREGON DR Jk- JP- INOR-AJMI Oiiirop>ra.otor Office Hours 9 to 12 a m. and 1 to 6 p. in. Office in El Dorado Building Pnone Main 71 Bandon, Ore. Dr. H. Ta- Houston PHYSICIAN & SUHGEuN Hours, 9 tv 12 Office over Drug Store. «.in. 1:30 to 4, p m. ; 7 to 8 iu tlie evening. Brass, Bronze, Al­ uminum, Iron. Ni^ht calls answered from office. . BANDON. OlcrODN . . Dr La E3. Sorensen DENTIST Phone 91, Bandon, Ore. Office Over Vienna Cafe Telephone at Office and Home. RICE’S TRANSFER LINE - BANDON Q. T. OREGON . TKKADGOl.D ATTORNEY AND COUNSELt U AT - LAW, R. H. RICE, Prop. NOTARY PUBLIO All kinds of light and heavy drav- B ho J od , Orfgen ing. Also sells and delivers mill wood, coal, etc Office at Hines’ Offici- With Bnndou Invento>ctit ( <> Stere, ¡’hone orders promptly at Dr II. ivi. Brown. tended Resident Denti«!. Office in Panter Building If you wish a bottle cold--- Call at the Eagle, Office I lour,: If you love the goods dial's old-- Phone, 9 lo 12 M. I to 5 P. M, BANDON, OREGON Call at the Eagle. *Taint no use to sit and blink If you really need a drink. Just make a sign or ring a bell, Aad you bet they'll treat you right Down at the Eagle C. R. BARROW Attorney and Connselor-at-Law i COQUI DDE. - ORE Office over Skeel»' Store i Office Phone. Main 335; residence. Main 346 Alvin Munck, Prop. BANDON, OREGON PUBLIC LAND AND CASSS. MINING If yon are interested in any contest or any matter before the Interior De­ partment. write to Clark & Wright, registered land lawyers, qoa F Street N. W. (opposite Geni Lan I Office), Washington, D. C. Free information about contests and where to obtain scrip, loeatable upon public land» without residence or cultivation Everything in ihe Drug — Line =3^™ Do you want pure drugs and drug sundries, fii>e perfumes, hair brushes and toilet articles. If so call rn C. Y. LOWE, The Druggist bandon , ore .