Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, August 04, 1911, Image 2

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Bandon l^ecorder
Published Every Tuesday anil Friday by the
Recorder FLifctislune' Company.
C. E. KOPE, Managing Editor
'vVaii tea
Subscription, *1 50 per Year in Advance. Adveitiwing Rates Made
Known on Application. Job Printing h Specialty.
Entered at the Bandon Poatofiice an Secund Clasa Matter.
August 4, rgi i
The Gypsy Moth.
"The worst devastating insects in
the world are said to be gaining a
foothold in Oregon. 'Hie damage
that they accomplish runs into many
millions of dolíais.
1 hese ate the
gypsy and brown tai mollis. 1 líese,
with white butterflies and pine bee­
tles would soon destroy the largest
forests in the state. T he destruí lion
by fire in '.’ur forests would be less,
in dollars ami cents, than the de
»truction that can be wrought in a
short lime by an attack of the gvp y
This statement by William I. Fin­
ley, President ol the Oregon Amin
don Society, is based upon two
newspapei reports, one from
ma and one from Portland.
1 lie
former states that the brown tail moth
lias infested tbe Rainier Valley neat
Seattle, and that the state coir mis
sionet of horticulture has ordered
the district affected under quarantine.
prii diet w is insects ami imiths
that are delritm i'lal to I. res grow th
It is a popular belief that birds of
certain kind.» are destructive to fruit
tret », while an analysis ol bird stom-
■ >c s shows conclusively that insect
i their 1 hi if food. As a .matte
o' I.u t. the harm that they do, whir 1>
»ii'jlit, is greatly exceeded l>y tl.e
It is 1 tun.ili d by lhe Department
ot Agri, ill lire that till- d Ullage stts-
taine.l bv in.sti t inf.- t ilion, to the
Ainei'i. an tree is S 2,50 >.<>oo annu­
ally. Does .my . tie due estimate
how much this damage would be in­
creased. wile the finest enemies l i
make Oregon tlvir battle ground?
lhe time to check their inroads is
now, when it is suspected they are
ul .king this way.
l he bird life of
h" st it.- in .til* I lie loya'ly prelected
I , .so little.* p dieeme 11 of the air
■.hon'd l> iii' >111 agecl, »de guarded
ami p. It'd, a r upon them, to a very I
large ext. 1.1, teats the bur leu oi ti e
salvation ci the lorests ol this great
The latter is in the form of a com
munication stating that what appeal» Loss of Time Means Loss of Pay
to be the gypsy moth has made its
Kidney trouble and the ills it
appearance in Southeast Portland.
breeds lost time and lost pay
When it is realized that entire for
to many a woiking man. M. Balent,
ests are stripped of their fi liage am>
1214 Little Penna St . Streator, 111.,
left as barren as telegraph poles
was so bad from kidney and bladder
within a few days, that vast areas ol
trouble that he could not work, but
timber country are actually destroy­
he says: I took holey Kidney Pills
ed by the attacks of die gvpsy ami
for only a short time and got entirely
brown tail moths, it is time th it a
well and was soon abl • to go back to
thorough investigation weie made to
work, and am feeling well and health­
ascertain whether there tie any truth
ier than before.” Eoley Kidney Pills
in these rumors.
are tonic in action, quick in results
The gvpsy moth was imported in­
a good friend to the working man 01
to this country for scientific purpose­
worn in who suBcrs from kidne/ ills
in 1868. While they were can full,
Band’in i >rug < •>.
kept in captivity lor some time, tin i
Pretty rm** Haratchcr.
finally broke away ami within 20
rn!i iiii i a pollslied siu
years New Engl mil was attacked b)
fa -e a-:
lihi.t ahsolutfly siihd .H i
them in such numbers dial entile i that Is. xtanellihu wiili no smiihe
on It wh.ii(*\<*r
To polish a iliia;
forests were stripped in a »bort liim
The legislature 1 I Massachusetts ap­ however. Ila* very reverse H done to it
It I m tilled with very line Kvrat<lb*s
propriated $50,000 for their extei mi
All e\(‘;:his.s lenses, glass lor mirrors
nation, Inn to little avail. Within iiiriiltuir etc. an* rubbed villi fin*
ten years, over $1,000.0 o was spent emery piper and laPr with an
iroliH’l.v ilix- p.fv.d.i will’ ll ulves Ih*
ill tile work, followed by an appto tinlshlng toil; In*?» in the shape of vvr.\
priatioil of $300,000 in om s o . tine surah’ll’ •> ,\«»w iiir tpiuHilon nriae*
as to just now lint- lhe sernh lies inusi
yet the g psy tri th was 11m on
be (hal is bow lar apart liny must I
q It red.
Die state liually give up tie. lor big serati lics a good dislaiici
t ie wiuk ami one proper'v owm 1 apart give anvdilng but a polished sur
spent over ¡»75.000on In» ow 11 , siati til' «* ¡’lie answer is lhai die scrah’liv:
or ridgi*s between must th* less (hail
in an efforr to stem me li.uie one <| u : ii (er lhe w ave length ot the
light that falls on (In* surface for the
slaughter ol the trees
llglil lo be retleeh’d and (Ims give tin*
It will not take long for the (tie
elYect of a polhlied surface. This la
gon turne , Itiiit g|o>u 1 01 in.1 .< less than <»mi two hundred thousandth
owner lo nppreci lie 'lie < mil Uli; ( .1 ot’ an Inch for light waves N'o break
Ing up ot tin* waves Is caused, ami
this fearful destiucli >n ailei inn».,
die« e.’nse«iu«‘ntlv me rrtiected in their
gating the failuie ot the 1 it.
original form .\’cw York I ri lume
M.sssai liuselt: . iv . in I ha,
1. ' Il IV • .1
p ii lo tin se m.ii*lull. 1 ill 1 >11,401
forests »1 oul.I the gip
mo !i o.
iiiiintry, they cannot lie <1. Hoy,
i I : I
It Is urged lile best I
iL tie is toehick them.
It ,5 p' 1
Cent ol I lie tot 11 i» Ui st o o i i I. a g,.,
wot k has been itone
I m-
1. m 1
checking of this p>'-t 1» oinlim.l Ill
several bulleti i» dial h iv b 11 I
sued by the of l.mio-i ■.I
Survey and gr- ..t iinphasi» 1 lol
upon the natmal check provnh I 6\
by all druggists.
The Offense Defined.
General Craft, an attorney of Terre
Haute. Ind . was once called into a
jewelry store in the town to settle a
dlsptt te.
"See here, general.’’ explained tbe
proprietor, “if 1 take a wutcb from
Mr Smith here mid make repaii's that
lost me to cents and then keep It
hanging up for n week and charge Itlm
$(> when he comes to get It, what per­
centage do I make? We have been
figuring for half tin hour and only get
up to 900 per cent, anil that is but a
dollar, so we deifdeil to leave it to
“Well.” said the general gra vely,
"you must know that It is a fact, and
it has been demonstrated l>y calculât*
Ing machines, that at certain points in
progressive numbers the law govern­
ing them changes, tn your case the
law would change long before It reach­
ed the .fit and would run out of per­
eentage and into what is known niiti
designated ns larceny."
Attack Like Tigers
In fighting to keep the blood pine
lhe white corpuscles attack disease
germs like tiger .
Hut often germs
multiply so f ist the little tighter» are
overcome. Then see | ¡tuples, boil»,
eczema, sdt rheum and sores mul­
tiply and strength and appetite fail
l itis condition demands Electric Bit
ters to regulate stomach, liver and
kidneys and to expel poisons from
lhe blood. “They are the best blood
purifier,’’ writes C. T. Budahri, ol
Tracy, Calif, ' I have ever lounil.’
They make rich, red blood, strong
nerves and build up your health.
1’1 y them. 50c at all druggists.
Why lt Was New.
"Tftls Is a good iinecdote ahout
George Washington. " remaiked thè
edltoi "bui II sevnis sfrangi* flint it
Ibis lievel' lieeli III prilli Indole"
"Xoj al all." espimni-d file oi - i aslomii
contrilmtor "I rnilj tlionglti of lt a
few rlavs ago " Kansas l’iti .leu nuli
i healing
■ x i " ( tn's
‘ ’<< s
C 111 gli ■
B ili.
. . sm
I .
• is .1
he ■
Door .’»cd .1 Lir h!
ol north conati.v collie;^
t v iou< hin*.* and patlivd**
i an accident occurs In
v«ll) it is know'll to the
buying a Piano, give us
Plans and specifications
It costs you noth­
ing to examine them.
Eastern Star
O ccidental chapter , n «. 45, o.
If you are
E. S.» meets Saturday evening before and
after stated communication of Masonic Lodge.
Visiting members cordially invited to attend.
Anna L. Craine, W. M.
Merta Mehl, Secretary.
going to build give us a
chance and we will save
Prices $250 and up
you money.
Is like a scared cat. If
you want a good Motor
Cycle, investigate the Thor
It has free engine and all
late improvements.
machine climbs hills like
a scared cat. I am al­
ways ready to demonstrate
it to you.
R. W. TUCKER, Agent
A Great
Clubbing Offer
Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, one
year _ _________ ________ ____ $1.50
Semi - Weekly Bandon Record, r
one yeal
T oliti
I. 0. <>. V
□.711 e Tiior
Easy Terms
Harness Shop
Full line of Harness, Sad­
dles, Bridles, Halters,
Blankets and everything
usually kept in a first-
class harness shop.
Repairing a Specialty
The Semi-Weekly
0 r e g 011 J 0 it r ti a I
Publishes lhe and most complete tele­
graphic news of the world; gives reliable
market reports, as it is published at Portland
where lhe mark't news can be and is cor­
rected to date foi each i -.sue. It also has a
page <4 special matter for lhe farm and
home, an .e.t. r< .img story page and a page
or more of comic each week, anil it goes lo
he ul. ills r I' a ice r .u ii w < k- - - IO I
W. J. SABIN, Prop.
JQ ANDON LODGE, No. 133, 1. O. O. F.
meets every Wednesday evening. Veiling
brothers in good standing cordially invited.
Chas. P. Still, N. G.
A. J. Hartman, Secretary
Knights of Pythias
TjELPHI LODGE, No. 64, Knights of
Pythias. Meets every Monday e’vening
at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to
J. C. Shields, C. C.
13. N. Harrington K. of R. S.
Attorney a.t Law
Agent Pacific Surety Company. Office Bank
of Bandon Bldg. Phone 102, Bandon, Oregan.
I lie Semi-Weekly
Office and residence in Panter residence prope-’v
next door to Bijou Theatre
Office Hours 9 to 12—1 to 5
Oh.irofDra.oto r
Office Hours 9 to 12 a in and
1 to 6 p. m.
Office in El Dorado Building
Pnone Main 71
Bandon, Ore.
Dr. F£. U- Houston
Offioe over Drag Store.
Hoars, 1) to 1:30 to 4, p.m.; 7 to 8 in the evening.
Bandon Recorder
Brass, Bronze, Al
uminum, Iron.
Gives i II the local new.-, and happening, and
■houlil bo in every home m this the
two papers make a splendid combination and
you can save $1 by sending your subscrip­
tions to lhe Bandon Re >r.l. r. \v e can
also give our ail . ribi-ri a good clubbing oi­
ler for lhe Daily and Stieday, >r Sunday
I urnal in conn .-lion with the Sen,i-Weekly
Bandon Recoi .'er.
Ni*»ht calls answered from otlioe.
Dr U. F* Sorensen.
PF.oie 91, Bancion, Ore.
Office Over Vienna Cafe
Telephone at Office and Home.
R. H. RICE, Prep.
M.i-t .. re.’
I quickly a d Fo-
i ley s 11 >m > .ml I .11 Gunpoint I w ili
i do .1, I. M Stew.ill to,)! Wolt-
t.lill St., ;o, write . “I have
lie. n g I’.t V ' t o i h <1 durmg the hot
sum..let im uitli i w it h Hay Fevei .mil
| liml . \ using I op'v » ||. nei'
! ami I.ii C ompound I get ie
I bet.’ otlurs ubo suiti r suoi
•I illy uill be gild to brnctil by Mr.
I St. wait expcriencf<*n Drug
1*111 I v. 11 !.. imi il .1 ti!. tate In un
Amending Dickens,
1 s' • if:r ‘ws <i|»'ti III.* tio’.is.*
Have a heart that never hnrdnr.s
bird lile.
.iii.i li • u" «>r Iti'It'iii.'iit Ilio temp. r that never lires and i i
The chi kadee,> h. u-litr ,
ivetitlier le; i I e sin* ! is'|>» tlu* iluor that never liiirts. Charles Dickens
warbler, »p.ur >w ami woodpi < k 1
•>l "ii limi a .1111.1:0 tinnirne, la thè wltt
Dear, dear.' How long Diekens h.-
il. . IU k IU «mi day tilt Ilio inali Is been dead: Writing fur
the Oregon birds, an knoan to
for our day
da I'
l.meolit homo, itemi <»r ulivo In Home
lhe worst enemies to gtp i mod - elise-, tli ■ il.Hii II I» r< imiiiii'il upen nml would have mild: Have a liver that
never hardens, a tire that never pune
that we have, Many sei lions o' tin ilio canda* iillcht durimi »eversi
tun*» and a touch that never falls to
wivks. I.oiiit-ui Gr:i|dile.
country have been watched In » ie
land aonietlilng Elfe
tuts with the idea ol a»c. it lining to
A King Who Left Home
Cuts and bruises may l> • healed
what extent these birds actually lei d
upon moths.
The result has b;. 11 set the world to talking, but
111 about oik -third tile time required
These investigation, Mallmlka, ot Búllalo, NY. MV* by the usual tteatment by applying
have demonstrated that du »<■ bird he always keeps at Fonte the king Chimberl.iin’a Liniment. It is m
have an economical value in die d< of all laxatives Dr.’s Nr v antiseptic and cause» sm h injuries t
Life Pills and that they're a bless heal
struct ion of insect pests in our Im
maturation. Th s
ing to all his family. Cure con liniment als 1 relieve» »oreness ot tin
ests that no one can approximati
headache, indigestion. muscles and rheumatic (tains. For
Upon opening the stomach ol the stipatimi,
birds, it has been found that die dyspepsia. Only 25c at all druggists sale by C. Y. Lowe.
D ANDON LODGF, No, 130 A. F. fir A
M, Stated communications first Saturday
after the lull moon of each month. Special
Communications sejôn I Saturday thereafter.
All Master Masons cordially invited.
W. E. Craine. W. M.
Phil Pearson, Secretary
and Builders
Hay FovOi', AsUtn.a at.d ¡j, mm r
Brown & Gibson
If you are contemplating
Accused of Stealing
E E. Citamlterl lin, of
Me , bold y
Alim a Salve of stealing 1!
from lunn» 01 sc.ilds
»■ u< » 1 it all kinds 1 lie
l»o|ls , r piles
I’K, ( <>i us
bruise», sprains
(»I ai
" F i p-
M hhoiììc .
Bolli Papers One Year $2.00
Has woman since time’s earliest spring
E’er set her heart upon a thing
aiie never got?
1 reckon not.
And though lust now man will not let
Her have her way—well, you can bet
He’ll have to givo the suffragette
The suffrage yet.
Spokane Spokesman-Review.
Í Lodge and Professional
't-Trf-r-; .
R. presentutive________________ Ed. Rackleil
Sheriff........................................... W.. Gage
*«• Lodges are requested to notify this office <-
Clerk. _ —________________ Jnmes Watson
on election of officers and on change of F
Surveyor ............................................ N. Gould
meeting night. Cards under thu head g
Tteasurr.._____ __________ T. M. Dimmick
are 75c per inch per month.
Assesso. ____________________ T. J. Thrill
■ nitrì
Coronei ____ ___ ______ _____ £),. Golden
County Judge................................. John F. Hall
Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M.
Commu:.oner*.G. J. Aiuistioag, M. T. Dement
IVTEETS I irst and Thiid Tuesdays of each
month at 8th run at the Bandon Wig­
wam. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are
Mayor.......................................... J. W. Mwt cordially invited to attend.
A. J. Hartman,
J* C. Sheilds,
_ _--1. B. Kaustud
C. oi R.
Treasurer____________________ C. Y. Lowe
Municipal Judge__________ Geo. P. Topping
W. O. W.
Attorney................................... F. J. Feeney
Councilmen___ M. Breuer, R. W. Boyle, H. Keep the logs rolling boys 1
Manciet, Win. McKay, C. E. Bowman, H.
Bro vi n.
Meet* First and Third Thursdays, Visiting
Neighbors welcomed.
Wm. N. McKay. C. C.
H. E. Boak, Secretary
a call.
> ! ! ! ! f HT A
Coos County Directory.
A Prediction.
gam a footh'Id? Noone < an tel
tor the financial lo • wool I i gr. t
er than could ever r< -ult Ir m lili­
lí is the 1 xpi 1 ii 1 ce of lli< |’i
ical Survey of the Diputa ent i t
Agl cilltilie lll.U < n <• the..' tii jitlul
em nites ol die tree ini ide .1 timoi
Why det» everybody travel on the
Thirty years of association—think Slinr. Fitield? Because it gives the
o t. How the merit if a go< d best accommodations .mil st rvicv
ll ii g stand - < nt in that time- or the
15 I'
w. Tiltle» iks - ol a bi lone. So there
it no gue.»sw.<r . in thia e\ idence o
Pho.». Artss, Concord, Mich., who
wines. “1 have used Dr. King’s In Coos or Curry Cou Hits. Lathing,
Plastering or Chimney Uotk.
N< w Discovery for 30 years, and its
35 years experience
All work
the best cough and C. Id cure I ever
first class at right prices.
med.’’ Once it finds entrance in a
A. M. FINCH, Bandon. Ore
home you can’t pry it out. Many
funnies have used it forty years. Its
the most infallible throat and lung
We are Agents for the
medicine on eat th. Unequaled for
lagtippc. asthma, hay-lever, croup,
quinsy or sore lungs. Price 50c,
St.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed
Thirty Years Together.
All kind» of light and heavy drav-
Also sells and delivers mill
wood, coal, etc
Office at Hines' (fili
Web B. mimi li V-»ui em i
Phone orders promptly at
Dr FI- Ivi. Brown.
Resident Dentist.
it you wish a bottle cold- —
Call al the Eaylc,
It you love the goods that's old--
Call at the Eagle.
Tamt no use to sit and blink
ft you 1 rally need a dunk.
Just make a sign or ruig a bell,
Au.1 you bet they'll treat you right
Down al the Eagle
Office in Pdoter Building
Office Hour«: 9 to 12 M. I to 5 P. M,
Attorney and Counselor-at-I aw
Offke over Skeels’ Store
J Office Phone, Mam 335; residence, Maia 346
ing Machine that can be produced
'lade tti b.itlf Rotary and Vibr.itoi
Sty les
The R 'tarv make» both Lock and
Chain Stitch.
l he latest up to-the-
minute steel ittacbment with each
machine. Sold on easy pay incuts.
Send name ami addies» for our
Ix-aiitilul If. T. catalogue free.
Alvin Munck, Prop.
I ----- ---------------------------------------------------
If yon are interested tn any contest
or any matter before the Interior De­
partment. write to Clark & Wright,
registered land lawyers, qoj F Street
X W (opposite Genl Land Office),
Wilt 11 SlAVING MACH1NF.C(>. \\ ashington. D. C Free information
about contest* and where to obtain
1460 Market Street
scrip, locatable upon public land*
San Francisco
without residence or cultivation.
Everything in lhe Drug
— Line
Do you want pure drugs and
drug sundries, fine perfumes, hair
brushes and toilet articles.
If so
call on
C. Y. LOWE, The Druggist