Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, August 01, 1911, Image 4

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Í Local
Notice of Assignment.
Notice for Pubiica’ion
isole, led tract.
Notice is her.-bv giv< i C. A.
Manassa and A S Mattass a, hereto­
I ulic Land Si le,
t Weber Grand Piano, first cl <ss
fore doing business under the firm
Departnirnt of the Int-r.or,
condition, $150. See Spencer,
name and style of M.rn.i'sa A S >n,
U. S. Land Office,
Born to Mr. and Mrs Archie ■it Bandon. Coos Co'inty, Oregon,
Roseburg, Oregon. June 19, 191 I.
Hughes, July 30, a 7 pound boy.
Nrtice is hereby given that, as directed by
as such partnership and as individo
Word reached us this morning als, did on the Sth day ol June, lull Commissioner of the General Land Office,
that the fine residence of Henn duly make a getietal as-a.-n
.1 < I dr: provisions of Act ot Congress approved June
Schroeder, at Arago, was, with con all their propeity, < v usive ot pr. p- 27, 1906 (34 Stats. 517.) pursuant to the ap­
plication of Mertie Brayion, serial No. 06869
tents, destroyed by fire yesterday. e,ty exempt from execution or the we will offer at public sale, Io the highest biddei,
Mr. S. has had more than his quota benefit ol all th ir creditors (in pro- at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 3rd day of August
of misfortune from this el -ment, as p >rtioil to tlx amount o1 mi li ch (lit­ 1911, at this office, the following-described land:
he has previously lost two houses, ers’ respect've cairns)' to I
I El-2 NEI-4 section 11, Township 29, S., R.
14 W.,Willamette Meridian.
two stores and contents, a creamery Feeney, of Bandon. Oregon; mil
Any persons claiming adversely the above de­
and three shingle mills.
that said .assignee has dillv qua tiled scribed land are ail vised to file their claims, or
W anted —Work as housekeeper as such. and has taken possession <4 objection, on or before the lime designated for
for single gentleman. Apply S. J sinh propet t) <4 said insolvent s dt*.
Hamby, post-office box 352, Ban Irhtois, and all persons and crerl-
itots having claims against said in
don, Or.
57-12 x
Nellie Wiltk-y, ot Portland, came s Lent debtors, or either of them,
Notice for Publication.
in on the Breakwater and is visiting ate hereby notified to present such
her sister, Mrs. E S. Gear of Ban > claim or claims, w ith proper ■ <> cit­
ers. within three months front the
Department <4 the Interior.
date <4 this entice, to said assignee
A fine 7 pa pound girl was born to
U. S. Land Office,
at liis office in the city <4 llirdon,
Roseburg, Oregon, June 13, 1911.
Mr. and Mrs. ll.irry Armstrong
< ’<i<is • ’<Hint v ()i eg. n
Notice is hereby given that Dora L. I fanlv,
July 29th.
Dated this 2f>lll day of June. h,l I. 1 whose post-office ardres.; r. Bandon, Ore,:* n, did,
L ost — Small purse containing
on the 22 day of Au ;uat, 1910, ide in I hrs office .
Bandon, Coos t’ounti , < Jregon.
$35.00. Findei return to this office
Sworn Statement and Application, No. 064! 2,
|9 th I I . J. !■ ceiiey, As.'ignie.
i Io purchase the S\\ I 4 NW 1-4, .action I \
and receive reward.
5712 x
(‘ 1 owir hip 28, S., Ixan -e 14, W’ I Willamette
Prof. E. B. K tusrud lias com­
Meridian, and the timber there n, under the pro-
Sheriff’s Sale of Real
pleted arrangements with the Ban
I visions of the ad of June i, 1878., and ad '
don Carnival Committee to furnish .<
! amendatory, known as the “ I imlx’r and More
I Law,” at such value as mi^ht he fixed by ap-
band for the four days'carnival to I m -
' pruement, and that, pursuant Io such applcation,
held August 24, 25, 26 and 27; also
. lhe land and timber thereon have been appraised,
Notice i:; hereby given that under and by vir-
to furnish all music for (lances to I m
$180.00, the timfrer e-.tinialed 190,000 board
given. Mr. Ktiusrutl assures the
feet at $1.50 per M, and the land $30.00; that
of the Circuit Court <4 the State of Oregon, tor
committee a band equal to the
said ;4>ph< ar.l will offer final proof in .upport of
the County of Coos, in a certain action wherein
his application and sworn statement < n the 8lh
former Bandon Concert Band.
Lorena Barrows is Plaintiff and Evan C. Luca.-,
day of Seplemler, 1911, befuir A. D. Mor i.
• Look for Drs. Gray's dental ad is Defendant, on the 26th day of Jun-, 191 I,
United Stale-. Commissioner, at Bandon. Oregon.
Something new.
ti I being case number 3067 of said Cot rt and Con.- > Any person u at llieity to protest this pur­
manding me to make the sum of $506.25 with
Miss Lena Langlois has accepted interest at the rate of six per cent per annum chase before entry, of initiate a contest at any
a position in the Central Warehous from the 8th day of June, 191 I, and the fur­ lime bi lore patent issues, by filing a corroborated
affidavit in this office, alleging tads which wou
John Walstrom was down iron. ther sum of $20.50 costs and accruing costs out defeat the entry.
Parkersburg Monday and made th of the hereinafier described real property, I will, <
1 on Saturday the 12th day ot Au/ust, 191 I,at the
R ecorder officea pleasant call. IL hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, j 49-110 T
reports conditions up the river a at the front door <4 the County Court I I oiim ? in
being good for this lime of year.
the city of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, offer
lor sale, and sell at public auction to the hig'ieM WILSON
Fine sun dried fir stove wood io,
i and best bidder for cash in hand all of the right,
sale. Order your winter's stippfi ' title and interest of the def* ndant, C. Evan I u 1
Blacksmiths and
Only $1.80 pet lien
A can, in and to the following described rent
Capt. O. When, co-operative oh South-west quarter < I the South-west quarter of
!Ç î W.
the North-east quarter, all in Section I wcnty
server tepoits no rainfall lot the one (21) I ownship I wenly-seven (27) South
month <4 July. Days cleat 24. day of Range Fourteen (14)
of the Wiliamrtt-
cloudy 7. ritete was no rainfall in Meridian, in Coos < ounty, Oregon.
Dated this 28th day of June, |9| I.
July, 1910.
52 t5-T
W. W. Gage,
Cal) on Drs. Gray, lhe painless
Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon.
Shop on Columbia Avenue
dental specialists, now at the Hole
Gallier and have your teeth examin­
ed free.
SI I I HI J )S *'<
J. E. Walstrom is on the sick list
be .
-KN« i i'sr. wi
today, but his many ftiiiids hope
Wagons of Ml hinds Made Io On’cr
Horseshoeing n Specialty
that he will be out again in a day 01
Job Work attended to promptly and all vork guaranlcrd to give -aii.da< lion,
iible. Shop on Atwater Street, Bandon, Oregon.
Bandon Warehouse Co. have just
what you want lit hay, grain and
feeds. See them.
Mr. and Mrs .Spain E. Pearce ol
Port Huron, Mich., arrived in Ban­
don Saturday and are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kopf.
Die Stmr Fitield lias the best pas
senger service and accommodations
of any boats leaving ports south of
Portland, Why travel by any other
boat when it does not ccst you any
45 tf
Mrs. John Leneve of Coquille was
a Bandon visitor last Friday.
Mrs. Dave Perkins and dauglitei
Eunice ol Coquille were Bandon vis
itors Saturday.
Fine White Leghorn and Whin
Best Separator Today
Plymouth Rock cockerels lot sale
is the
Carl Nelson, IImelon
46 it
The Bouton b tro t sir ij > lit« b s' 1
moved from the M trdt c I t> 1 1 lit»g t >
You do not earn who invented the cream separator —or
which separator was first in the field.
theGalber building op >.>,1 It • p •-
You want to know which is the Inst Mparator t<»tnu
office. A very nett -It >p life l>
which is the most improved.
tilted up, arid it will >• ii nt, 1 ve
The United States Separator has demonstrated its
absolute and complete superiority over all other sepa-
p ace.
It holds the World's Record for closest
If you .eppre, 1 ite sped , nn'.et1
It w as awarded the only Grand Prize at Seattle,
and safely, travel mt the -stun 1 1
4 it
Ihrn't buy any separator until you have
asked us about the United States.
Lawrence D Pciidergrtss to I w ,
■ letter ask TODAY.
ol Homestead arrived It
I* or S.i .
for several weeks' visit wdh
attves. Bitidonians are bette
quainted with Mr. Pendergrass
Lawrence Dyer.
Sunday, August f
sion day at the Bandon carnival and
This ts the title cf a be ' tll»*ul
bool which
agricultural fair. , A big excursion is
will show an z boy or m 1 how to El’CC
coming over from Coos Bay, and
Th« alm of the Colle/o 1« to a.-cnlty
the industrRs and to serve ALL the
for that reason it has been decided
courses In Acr »culture. Ctvtl Ev .
Io hold the carnival four days in­
Engineering. Xeebanb al Er.
eertng. Fur? try, Do.u‘s’io. Science
stead of three as originally planned
more«. Fharitacy and Music. The Cvl.c^» u p V u s
September 234. Catalog free.
More campers are coming all the
time and the camp grounds are a
r COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oregon.
veritable city of tents.
will Remain One Week Longer
lee th Extracted and Filled
Without Pain
The Painless Dental Specialists, now at the HOTEL GAL LIER. Rooms,
Parlor Floor, Bancion. Oregon. Drs. Gray can extract your teeth without
pain and put new permanent ones in immediately. All kinds of modern
dental work done painlessly Gold Crown and Bridge Work and Porcelain
Inlay a specialty. Read a testimonial from one of your home people.
Bandon, July 31, 1911.
To my friends I wish to say that I have just called on Drs. Gray, the pain­
less d’lilists, now al the Hotel Gallier and took the vitalized air and had a badly
decayed and ulc.iated tooth extracted. 1 can truthfully say I felt no pain at
all and no bad ejects whatever from the operation, and I cun not recommend the
doctors too hiahly. as they do exactly as they claim and 1 would advise every-
to call on them.
, c ;
B Addition
to Bandon Free
ro the first person who will build a
nett’s Plat B Addition to Bandon, we
r ■ ' a lot free Lots are selling at
IT. S. Cream Separator
lots sh
$30 less than $300, and the
'■? S4S lois shrJ.l cost at least
I lere is your chance to get
t home with little cos’
Bandon, Oregon